The Party!

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Everything seemed to have now calmed down once the sun had disappeared. The fire was the only thing that caused the forest to light up. The three that were just beside the shore had made it back to the group as Sanji was serving up the stew in blows. "Yosh! It's done!" Nami had yelled jumping up.
"Ladies first, understood?" Sanji said handing Chopper two blows in his hooves and placing one on his hat.
"Yeah." Chopper said walking off.
"Yosh, Everyone take your seats!" Sanji shouted to the crew. "I'll pass out the plates, so eat up before it gets cold." He had then inform them.
"Okay, guys! I'm gonna explain how we should plan to move tomorrow!" Nami then started shouting, as she sat down.
"Hey, this looks good!" Usopp yelled. Chopper handed one of the blows to Robin. Chopper then walked after Luna and Zoro who had just walked passed.
"Luna! Here!" He yelled out to her. Luna took the one off of his hat and then he walked off towards Nami.
"Everyone- Oh, thanks." But Usopp had beaten him to her, handing Nami a blow of stew. "You can keep eating, but listen up!" So Chopper handed it to Usopp instead.
"Okay!" Sanji and Usopp had yelled back.
"Alright! A heart-shaped carrot!" Usopp held up a spoon and then ate it, "I appreciate it, Sanji!" He had said happily turning around, seeing Sanji There behind him.
"Well? Was my Stew of Love delicious?" Sanji was trembling in anger, but Usopp was confused.
"So this is what he meant." Luna also had one in her blow. "Here." She had picked it up with her spoon and pushed it towards Zoro.
"What?" He turned to her.
"Eat it. If that pervert placed it in there, then I don't want it." She had stated to Zoro.
"FineOkay." He then had placed his mouth on the spoon and ate it. Most people would be embarrassed by something like that, but Luna wasn't, she just dipped her spoon in her stew and placed it in her mouth without batting an eye.
"Everyone ready?" Nami asked trying to get everyone's attention. "First off, let's review Norland's picture book. Luna, if you please?"
"Fine. About 400 years ago Norland had came across the City of Gold. However, when he came back to the island, which was Jaya, a few years later, the ruins of gold were no more." Luna had explained for Nami,
"This stew is really good-!" Luffy had he head slammed with the lid of the pot, of course that was to be expected since as soon as Sanji had served him some he just gave to blow back right after empty.
"Hey, are you listening?" Nami had asked the two of them.
"But, Nami, he started it~!" Sanji whinnied like a baby pointing to Luffy.
"That Sky Island packed lunch was really good too!" Luffy really was a child.
"Let's move on. That means, at some point during those few years, Jaya broken apart, and this island was shot into the sky." Nami had finished.
"It was brought here by the Knock-Up Stream?" Chopper had turned and asked Nami.
"Yes, that's the only plausible explanation." Nami told him, "Cricket said that the explosions occur at different places on the ocean floor every time." She explained.
"That thin was pretty big. Even an island would get blasted up." Usopp had pointed out.
"But from the looks of it, this forest is completely different from the one we went through on Jaya." Zoro had said looking up at the giant trees.
"That's probably due to the composition of the Sea Clouds And Island Clouds here." Robin had stated.
"She's right, this environment has an affect that's abnormal to the rate and growth to the plants, not to mention animals here." Luna stated since it had caused them the need to adapt to the new environment.
"Yes and if that's the case, it would explain how the forest had overtaken that civilisation." Robin then had finished
"That reminds me. The Southbird who help us out of the lake was THIS big!" Chopper informed the crew, trying to show them its size.
"Well, they must have grown larger over the last 400 years." Zoro pointed out but it was ridiculous.
"But, what I want to know is..." Sanji started walking over to sit next to Luna and throw a bowl of stew to Zoro, who barely caught it. "Why would that huge Southbird save you?" He asked. Luna had been curious about that as well.
"Well, I don't know. But all the Southbirds were calling the Knight of the Sky, 'God'." Hearing Chopper say that, everyone quickly turned to the injured old man, shocked, surprised, confused and for Luna just emotionless.
"God!? Then I should kick this Old Knight guy's ass!?" Luffy pointed his food towards the Knight, and Perrier covered the Knight.
"OF COURSE NOT, YOU SCATTERBRAINED IDIOT!" Usopp had snapped to Luffy.
"Okay, That's enough! Settle down, scatterbrains!" Nami had yelled at the two of them.
"There, see?" Usopp said,
"What's a scatterbrain!?" Luffy had shouted angry.
"You are!" Usopp yelled back to him.
"Anyway! Does anyone recall what was written about the City of Gold in Norland's logbook?" Nami asked anyone.
"I do! 'I saw gold!'" Luffy shouted like an idiot.
"No shit, dumbass! If you're just gonna state the obvious, then keep your mouth shut!" Usopp had snapped.
"If I remember correctly, there was something about a huge bell made of gold. And then the stuff about the Southbird..." Sanji said.
"Don't you remember Luna?" Zoro had turned to Luna, remembering she had once told them that she remembers everything she reads once.
"Yeah." She simply answered, "But the thing you want to know was on the last page. They were the last words wrote in Norland's Logbook, you know, before he was executed." Luna informed them, "It had said, 'the skull's right eye is where I saw the gold.'" Luna had said it word from word.
"Exactly. Look at these." Nami turned to next of her, "I put the map Robin and Luna picked up on Jaya over part of the old Skypiea map." That's when everyone got up and walked towards Nami who pulled out the two maps. "It's a little rough, but if you bring the coast of these two maps together... look at this." Nami folded the map of Jaya over Skypiea's, and that's when everyone saw it. "This is the topography of Jaya, 400 years ago."
"Wow, a skull!" Luffy was happily.
"It looks like a skull!" Chopper looked down over Nami's head.
"Well?" Nami turned her head to the crew smirking.
"Cool!" Luffy was excited.
"That's brilliant, Nami!" Sanji told her.
"Yay! Yay!" Chopper was cheering.
"So then, the skull's right eye..." Usopp was still looking at the map.
"Here." Nami pointed her finger on a building like thing on the map. "Norland was referring to the island as a whole. But now, only half of the island is left. That's why we couldn't solve the mystery." Nami was pointing right at Usopp.
"I see! So that's why!" Usopp was stunned.
"I get it." Zoro had said.
"It makes sense." Luna had agreed with everything.
"TREASURE!!" Luffy had shouted like a child,
"Treasure!!" Chopper had joined him.
"All we have to do is head straight for that point. We can't leave the ship unguarded, so tomorrow we'll split up into two team." Nami told the crew, "No doubt about it. There's a fortune in gold just waiting for us!" The other were basically getting all excited at that. It was after finding that out everyone continued to eat until they were full and for Luffy that was a while.
"Man, I'm stuffed!" He had shouted after eating a two pots on his own.
"There'll Be gold tomorrow!" Chopper say while collecting the dishes from Nami.
"That's right!" Nami was also excited about the whole thing, but it was because she would be on in the group that stays behind.
"You think tomorrow's be sunny again?" Luffy asked looking up at the sky.
"Sure! We're on top of clouds." Usopp told him poking the fire with a stick.
"It's getting late. There's no need for the fire, so we should put it out." Robin stated to the guys. She was right to say that since soon they would all head to bed.
"I agree, with our enemies on the island the fire will give our location away to them." Luna told them, standing next to Robin with arms crossed under her chest. Luffy and Usopp had looked at the two of them, then at each other and chuckling.
"What a stupid idea." Luffy said turning around back to the woman. "You hear that, Usopp? Can you believe what they just said? 'Put out the fire.'" This confused theme both causing them to turned looked to each other and then back to Luffy.
"It can't be helped. Don't be so hard on them. They're both woman who have lived their entire lives in darkness. They just don't know." Usopp stood up agreeing with Luffy.
"What do you mean?" Robin asked hem.
"Yeah, neither of you are making sense." Luna started glaring at them annoyed and offended by their remarks.
"We're SUPPOSED to have a campfire!" The two of them were on their knees in front of the two woman, practically crying. Where they children?
"It's human nature to have a campfire when camping, even if it costs us our lives!!" Usopp slammed his fist into the ground yelling. Yep, they are children. That was what Luna had decided on.
"You're the stupid ones!" Nami grunted towards them, "Hey, that's enough fooling around! You know how dangerous this forest is, right!?" She had ran over to Luffy reminding him.
"Don't care!" Luffy was being stubborn.
"There are Priests out there! And guerillas too! And even without them, forests like this are still dangerous at night! There's probably fierce beats or monsters lurking out there!" Nami shouted at him, but she was just making him more excited.
"Monsters!?" Chopper on the other hand was getting scared.
"Sky Island scary... Sky Island scary..." Usopp said backing away.
"Oi, Luffy!" Zoro had shouted causing them to see him walking out of the forest with Sanji. "Is this enough wood?" They were just as back as he was as they carrying stacks of wood.
"YOU GUYS ARE IN ON THIS TOO!?" Nami snapped asking them. But there was no point in saying more, since the guys on this crew really were all children.
"Don't worry, Nami! Wild animals are naturally afraid of fire." Sanji had grabbed a stick and sent it on fire, and right behind him. There were shadows right there in the bushes and they had glowing eyes. This wasn't good.
"Behind you! Behind you!" Nami had started crying. "There's something there!" One of the shadows walked towards us, and... it was a white wood with a scar across its left eye, who was trying to say something to them.
"Reindeer, translate." Luna was pointing to the wolf telling Chopper.
"'You puny pests have been keeping us awake! Go to sleep, you dumbass humans!'" Both him and Chopper were making a face that was supposed to intimidate the group.
"WHAT WAS THAT!?" For some reason Sanji and Luffy were yelling at Chopper.
"I didn't say it!" Chopper tried telling them and then the Wolf started speaking again.
"'Hey, you'd better not be trying to move in on our territory.'" Chopper finished and then turned to the Wolf.
"No, we were forced to come here." Chopper told him.
"'This is our land! You think you can just barge in and start a fire?'" The Wolf said.
"Ah, sorry..." Chopper apologised, but it was almost like he was talking to himself..
"'Everything in this forest, from the trees to the weeds, is ours!'" Once the Wolf said that, he was knocked out cold by Nami.
"I'm not giving up my treasure!" Nami really was an idiot when it came to treasure.
"Great, now look at what you've done." Luna pointed to the now not so happy pack.
"You pissed them off... What do we do now!?" Usopp asked.
"Think of something!" Nami turned to Usopp.
"Me!?" Of course he was shocked, since it was her who started this.
"'Shut up.'" The pack backed down.. "'The whole lot of you couldn't take her on. Babe, didn't know you had such a nice punch.'" Now the leader was hitting on Nami!? "'I like you.'"
"So things are under control?" Usopp had asked turning to Zoro and Luna.
"Looks like it." Zoro replied.
"They came to an understanding, I think." She said looking at the leader and Nami looking at one another smiling.
"Then, let's have campfire!" Luffy hadn't given up, but it didn't matter anyway.
"AYE!" Everyone, expected Robin and Luna shouted. They guys had made the fire even larger then before, which now had Usopp, Sanji, Luffy and Chopper were dancing around the camp fire along with the pack of wolves.
"Come aboard! Come aboard! It's the eve of Gold Festival!" Usopp shouted banging the drum. Luffy was howling crazy with one of the wolves.
"WHAT is this? It's good!" Nami held a bowl in her hand. "Did you guys make this juice?" She asked the wolf next to her. "It's delicious! I'll have some more!" Zoro at this time was chugging down the beer, with a wolf drinking next to him. They both turned to each other, glaring, but then they just cheers each other's drink. Then there was Luna that basically was terrifying the wolves so they kept as far away as they could from her
"OI!" Chopper was riding one of the wolves with Sanji behind him, both waving to Robin, who laughed watching them.
"What is this wonderful drink?" Nami had become totally wasted with the wolf next to her.
"We're getting that treasure!!" Luffy shouted pointing up,
"GOLD!" Chopper cheered loudly.
"GOLD!" Sanji had cheered after him. And once again, they started dancing around the campfire.
"Have they tamed the clouds as well? I know of no others who could cause such an uproar on Enel's land." A man started walking towards the fire. Robin had stood up, and Luna turned to see it was Gan Fall.
"Oh, you're awake. Are you sure you should be moving already?" Robin smiled over to him.
"Yeah, shouldn't you be resting?" Luna said to him.
"I have been such a bother. I had intended to help you." He told them.
"What are you talking about? You did plenty." Zoro said back to him tanking him for saving Chopper and the Merry.
"What?" Gan Fall said, sitting on the ground.
"I think there's some stew left. Would you like some?" Robin offered him,
"No, no. I appreciate it, but I think that I had best not." Gan Fall declined respectfully, so she sat back down.
"Oh, the weird knight guy's awake!" Luffy had turned noticing Gan Fall. "Thanks a lot! Let's dance!" Luffy grinned widely at Gan Fall.
"Let's dance, Knight of the Sky!" Chopper joined in, in inviting Gan Fall, completely forgetting he just treated his injuries.
"Aren't you the doctor!?" Zoro asked him. A wolf then landed on Luffy, and Sanji fell on that wolf.
"Hey, how's Conis? Is she safe?" Sanji had asked, also noticing Gan Fall.
"Yes, she and her father are at my house. You need not worry." Gan Fall explains.
"Really? That's great! I was worried!" He smiled happily.
"I'm glad they're both safe!" Usopp had pushed Sanji out the way and hugged the Wolf. "Yosh, let's throw Chopper!" He said out on a limb.
"Why?" Chopper asked, but he was thrown up and down the air anyway. Then they had started dancing again.
"I heard a little what you were talking about before. Did you say that this island used to be called Jaya?" Gan Fall had turned to ask the three cool heads of the crew.
"Yes." Robin had answered him.
"I desire to ask you something." Zoro, Robin and Gan Fall's heads had all turned toward Luna that had spoken. "How is it that this island became to be known as holy ground."
"For you Blue Sea dwellers, the earth here must seem natural." Gan Fall had stated to them
"Huh? Yeah, it does." Zoro said.
"I see. But this is something that does not naturally exist in the sky. Island Cloud is able to support plant life, but unable to bear it. Green plants and earth are not naturally found in the sky." Luna thought that made sense, as Gan Fall explained to them. Grabbing the dirt in his hand Gan Fall smiled down to it. "We call this Vearth." He then let it fall from his hand. "The eternal yearning of all things living in the sky."
"Hey, I have a question." Having being asked that had caused him to turn and ended up looking directly at Luna only to have his eyes widen in shock As there was not a hint of emotion in her eyes. "Who is the man with a snake like presence?"
"Snake like presence...?" Gan Fall was about to say something else but he had frozen before finishing.
"Why would you ask that?" Robin had ended up asking him, since no one on the crew knew anything about Luna. Beside the fact that she was strong, fast, healed instantly, was incredibly smart, and had the ability to breath underwater. Many would think that she was a hybrid between a human and a fishman but she completely denies that. And then there were the colour of her hair and eyes, they were never seen before and they were almost like blue flames.
"His been watching us from a far a while ago." But that made all three of them look around in alert. "His gone."
"How do you know?" Zoro was asking,
"It's a thing." She only answered with that ending the topic. After time had passed, like a lot of it, It had quiet down completely, the party had finished and everyone had fallen asleep. Luna was quietly sleeping in the tent with them other two females members of the crew until her eyes shot open a the sound of someone screaming. "What was that?" She had gotten out of the bed only to poke her head outside of the tent only to see Zoro heading off to the shore. However, when he spotted the woman that had sprouted at question.
"It most have been Usopp." Zoro only signed rubbing the back of his head. "Go back to sleep, I'll be back." He had told her.
"I'm completely awake so I might as well come." She responded slipping her shoes on before the two of them walked off to were the screaming had come from. When they had found Usopp, he was laying on the ground.
"Gh-gh-gho..." of course this confused Both Zoro and Luna, as they looked at him.
"What happened to him?" Luna asked, looking at him, her eyes flat.
"He said he was gonna take a piss, and now he's sleeping out here?" Zoro said.
"I don't think that's what happened." She had told him since he was going on about something. "But whatever's the case, he really is hopeless." She then looked back down to Usopp, sighing.
"Gh-gho... Gh-ghos..." He was only repeating over and over again.
"Quit dreaming!" Zoro had snapped at him.
"Gh-gho-ghost!!" But still he didn't wake up.

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