Crimsom Eyes!?

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After that day, three days had passed and Luna had been confined to mansions that stood at the top of the island over the tree. The entire time watching closely the outside. Until the door to the room she was in had opened up, chasing her to turn to find Evgeni on the right side of a man who had A young woman with a slender build and red eyes to his left. She possessed long, pink-colored hair, which was tied in a ponytail, with her center bangs over her forehead. Additionally, she wore a pair of purple stud earrings with a cross flory fitchy shape, and a silver bracelet on her left wrist. And in the center was a man that Luna knew quite well. At least his face. He was a tall man with the same crimson red eyes and long, dark brown hair that had strands of green in it. His hair was neatly combed to the back while leaving his long fringe combed to the left in a wavy hairstyle. He was the same man from Luna's scratch that she had asked about before. Seeing the three of them had caused Luna to turn back outside, acting like they didn't exist. "Have you made up your mind, Little vamp'?" The man in the centre had asked her. The man standing before her, was the lead of the group that had taken her, called Vladimir as for the woman she was called Tatiana. The reason for the abduction was sue to have Luna join the, but...
"I refuse to join you. Release me at once." She told him, not bothering to look to him.
"I like strong types of woman." He only laughed in response to saying that.
"What is it that your up to on this island?" Luna had finally turned him, asking as she had noticed a lot of strange movements outside of the large castle.
"I thought you might be interested." She couldn't help but noticed the woman, Tatiana had giant grin on her face as she watched Luna. "But you'll soon learn what my goal is..." Looking at the craziness in his eyes. "...if you join me." however...
"And I told you I..." Luna was about to refuse him again
"But you'll accept." But she had been cut off, and that fact that he was so confident seemed off somehow. "You'll beg me to join us once you know. I'll tell you everything when you calm down a little." He noticed looking at Luna's pendent that began to glow, which she had grabbed onto. "There are favours I'm willing to do for my people." He had laughed with such confidence and left along with the other two with a single word. If you can clear and clear what his plan was for Luna to do. It was the same no matter where she went. Should always be used for her intelligence, for her abilities...
... at least.... Luna's eyes had fallen on the desk that was the room she had been placed in. She had quickly walked over to it, pulling out a krill and ink along with a notebook that was there and began writing with extreme speed. Hours had passed since then, and night had fallen which had lead Luna to the door, her ear pressed up against it to listen for the guards on the other side. "Sleep." Her eyes glowed and a few seconds later the sound of something hitting the ground caused Luna to open up the doors and saw two men laying asleep on the ground. "That should last for an hour, before the next shift change." It took Luna a day to figure out the patterns of those moving in the castle. However, the reason she didn't escape was just finding out the plan they were up too. Luna was moving down the passage way, keeping to the shadows, especially when the guards were able to be heard. However, as she got further out of the inner castle, the more guards seemed to over lap with one another from opposite directions. This had forced Luna to either head back the way she had come or into a room that she knew wasn't occupied.She pushed the door open, closing it behind her after entering. Only to hear the sounds of growling behind her. Today just didn't seem to be her day because when she turned around she found beasts with crimson eyes looking right at her. "Are we going to do this the easy or the hard way?" She didn't even need to ask them... "The hard was it is." Because all at once they had towards Luna...
..."I hope you learnt your lesson." She was clapping her hands as if she was wiping something off of them, while surrounded but the twitching bodies of the beasts that were forced into turning into demons. They weren't dead but Luna had proven her point to them that she was boss. But it wasn't long before Luna had left the room, with the cat following her. However, an alarm began going off echoing loudly through the entire castle.
"The Blood Witch, Morozov Luna has escape! I repeat! The Blood Witch, Morozov Luna has escape!" Someone was shouting over a loud speaker. And if they found out that she had escaped, it meant that an hour had passed. Which meant that she had to escape somehow or... a small door had came into sight. She had quickly and quietly ran over to it and opened it so that she could hide. However, she came face to face with a girl that looked to be 15-year-old, with a voluptuous build. She has crimson eyes and long wavy silver hair with bangs on her forehead. Upon seeing Luna, her eyes had wide and just as the woman was about to grab and knock the girl out, she had pulled Luna into the room and just when she closed the door the sound of people ran passed.
"Stay quite." The girl had said, her hand placed over the woman's mouth and then when the sound of foot prints couldn't be heard anymore it was removed.
"Why did you help..."
"Kara!" Luna had been cut up by the girl shouting that. "I am Kara, and your Morozov Luna, right?" It wouldn't take a genius to figure that out.
"That's right." She told the girl's who's eyes were sparkling for some reason. "Why did you help me, Kara?"
"Because of my brother!" The girl, Kara had answered all excited.
"Your brother?" But that didn't really clear things up.
"That's right! He said that one day you would come and save us!" She didn't understand why the girl was saying that.
"Who is your brother?" But that didn't really clear things up.
"Radomir?" Luna had gone quite as she thought o
"I hope that one day we'll meet again." A young man of average height with a lean build, crimson eyes, and messy silver hair came to mind.
"Is that so? Where is that idiot bird now? Wouldn't he have dealt with this?" But when the girl's expression changed to that of saddest, Luna had realise that he had died by doing such a thing. "I see. But I need to get out of here."
"Then I'll help!" Kara said with excitement as the window of the room had pushed open and a pair of black wings sprouted from her back. "Grab on." Luna grabbed ahold of the hand that had been extended out to her and Kara had taken off flying out of the building with her. However, as they took high in the sky and were about to leave the tress top, something fire at the wings of the woman causing her to lose the ability to stay in the sky. Causing both woman to fall down the side of the tree before falling down the water fall.

Battling the Demon (One piece)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang