Shocking Arrivals!?

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Needless to say all on the battle field were shocked upon the sudden appearance of this group. "Vmy heart feels like it's gonna burst!" A large man with an afro of indigo hair was shouting at he was falling. He possessed long eyelashes, with a noticeably-odd shaped chin resembling an arrowhead. He had a personal Jolly Roger tattooed just below his chest.
"Hey, Partner! Can't you do anything!?" This was being asked in tears by slim blue-haired man with an appearance resembling that of a clown. His face was covered with make up, just like a clown.
"How is my wax power gonna help us here!?" An average-sized man with a rather frail-looking build cried back at him. He had a big 3 achieved through his top knot. He wore glasses were one of its lens were creaked. His hair was untidy and he possessed a beard due. The large ship, along with all those riding it was heading right for the ice and due to the height they were falling they would die upon impact. At least if they weren't as lucky as they were.
"It's water... We're saved." Much to their luck, they fall into the only part of the bay that was frozen over. "We fell into the sea."
" I thought we were gonna crash into the ice and die." Many of the escapees through the same thing and were relieved that wasn't the case.
"Why is there no ice in this one spot?" But due to not being on the battlefield till now they didn't understand why it was that single spot that was free of ice.
"Look! A warship just fell into the hole left by the ice block Joan threw!" The members of Whitebeard's crew were all looking on in shock.
"Was it a Navy sneak attack?" They had come to ask.
"No...those guys aren't marines!" But no matter how one looked at the bunch of new arrivals, it was clear they were closer to being pirates in soldiers.
"Climb up! Get higher!" The very same arrivals were trying to get out from the water.
"This ain't nothing compared to the water torture in Hell!" They were climbing g back onto the the shuddered ship that arrived on. However, there were some that weren't so luck as they were like hummers in water.
"Where am I..." Luffy had awoken and unable to understand that he was on the destroyed ship. "I see... I fell from all the way up there..." It was all slowly coming back to him as he looked up at the sky above. "Ace!" The young man shot up, remembering what was going on. He came to stand up, but his legs were a bit weak so he came to stumble at first. However, it wasn't long before he took off running to the top of the ship where he watched the still raging battlefield. "Where are you, Ace!? Ace!" Then tried to find his brother, Ace, but he cannot find him anywhere.
"Climb aboard the ship!" The Marines had began to head for the ship.
"So he's not over here?" But Luffy didn't seem at all concerned about them as he took off running again, heading the opposite way. "Where are you, Ace!?" He called out again in hopes that Ace would be able to hear and answer him. "Wait for me, A e! I'll be right there!" He looks everywhere he could... "Get outta my way!" breaking through all the Marines who attack him with ease. "Ace!" The young man was climbing and climbing until he reached the front of the battleship, which was pointing in the direction of the platform where Ace was kneeing. "Ace..."Finally, Luffy was able to find Ace. "ACE!!!" He came to shout his name.
"LUFFY!!!" To which Ace shouts his back
"ACE!!!" Which makes Luffy happy. "I finally found you!"
"Luffy!" The older brother had shouted out his name again in shock.
"Ace. Wait for me, I'm..."
"Hey! Is that..." the Marines seemed completely panicked.
"Crocodile!" There was a tall man with a wide chest, broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and a thick neck standing behind Luffy. He had pale skin and nape-length black hair which is kept neatly slicked back. He appeared to have various battle wounds, most notably a long stitched scar at the bridge of his nose that stretches across his face and a large hook made from a tough gold alloy in place of his left hand. His eyes were deep-set and heavy-lidded, and his thin eyebrows are characteristically drawn upward in the middle.
"That's now who I meant! Who's that huge-faced guy?" The large headed man with Afro was the one that was being spoken about.
"Vi'd I expect no less from the Navy's full force. They're not to be underestimated." The man had come to state looking on impressed,
"Get ready for me, world!" The clown had come to shout in amusement.
"Ace! I'm here to save you! We're all here to save you!" Luffy was shouting as all were shocked up seeing him and his new companions behind him.
"Garp! It's your damn family again!" Sengoku ended up snapped at the man in anger, since it was either his son or grandsons that was causing some sort of problem.
"Luffy!" But it appeared that Garp was as shock as anyone.
"Look! It's not only Straw Hat!" The marines had began noticing a lot of the men standing behind Luffy.
"Jinei!" One of them was a large blue whale shark fish-man. He had this stocky build similar to that of a sumo wrestler and a face that is commonly associated with a oni. His yellow eyebrows and sideburns are distinctly shape, in addition to a bulb-like nose and an angular lower lip pointing upwards. He had a lightning-shaped scar that can be seen from his left sideburn and reaching over his left eye. He also possessed two tusk-like conical lower fangs; the rest of his teeth from the upper and lower rows are pretty much the same, albeit much smaller. He also had a severe underbite, which makes room for his huge fangs. "An even Ivankov from the Revolutionary Army! And behind them is a horde of history's most notorious pirates!"
"The man who everybody talks about. Straw Hat." Mihawk came to say looking a little bit interested.
"Straw... Hat..." While Moria was outraged by Luffy's arrival.
"What's he doing here!?" There were many reactions upon all this.
"That's not his usual crew, is it?" Some came to notice this.
"Luffy! I am so glad you are safe!" For some reason Boa Hancock looked like a love struck teenager as she spoken looking at Luffy.
"You have to see this, Helmeppo!" At the same time, Coby was watching from above and called out to his friend.
"What is it? Nothing is gonna surprise me anymore— Straw Hat!" But it seemed that it wasn't true as he was shocked at the sight of Luffy.
"And I heard he'd been imprisoned in Impel Down! He really is amazing!" While Cody was admiring his criminal friend.
"That's one hell of a team he brought with him." Aokiji could only say, since they pirates were all big shots.
"I didn't think I'd be seeing him again so soon, also." Kizaru came to say without losing his grin.
"Hey, that's the little brother Ace is always talking about." Marco remembered the wanted poster of the young man.
"Now we've got all the Warlords here, new and old!" For some reason Doflamingo was rejoiced that former and current Shichibukai are present. "And that's the troublemaker Rookie, Straw Hat?" And at the same time amused that Luffy is there as well.
"Smoker, Look!"
"I know!" Smoker wonders why Luffy and Crocodile are together.
"So that's him... Not only is he the grandson of Garp the Hero... He's also son of the Revolutionary Dragon... We'll have to eliminate him as well."

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