A Ship!?

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Two days have passed since Aqua Laguna, the battle of Enies Lobby, and the tearful passing of the Going Merry. It is a time to gather thoughts, pick up pieces, and resume lives. Water 7's backstreets begin their annual process of rebuilding, though the ferocity of this year's storm has left a lot more damage than usual, leaving some to wonder if they'll be able to fully repair the damage. While lots of people are outside the massive gates of Dock 1 demanding admittance in spite of vehement refusals from the shipwrights. Many want to thank or apologize to the Straw Hat Pirates while several ladies are hoping to fill in the secretary void left by Kalifa when she was revealed as part of CP9. The Straw Hat Pirates at the time were recuperating in a special suite set aside for them in Iceburg's headquarters. Luffy, as expected, is eating ravenously, but Sanji is able to keep up with his captain's appetite. It was then when someone knocked on the door before entering.
"I'm comin' in guys." It was Kokoro, who had came into the room.
"Oh, Granny Kokoro." Sanji kind of greeted her while serving Luffy.
"Yo, comin' in!" Chimney and Gonbe had entered the room as well.
"And you guys too." But then Yokozuna, but because of his enormous size, he was unable to enter. And as he tried, everyone looked at hike with cold sweat, since it was clear he wasn't going to be able fit.
"You, just wait outside." It was He latter had to give his sentiments from the window due to his size. Luffy, meanwhile, was still stuffing his face.
"It's seems you all finally woke up. To sleep for two days, you must have been really worn out." Kokoro had stated, since the most of the crew had been sleeping ever since they arrived back on Water 7. "Oh, the Pirate King sure seems to be feeling good." She noticed him stuffing his face.
"Oh? You're mistake." Sanji had spoken up, turning to Luffy, which she did seem to understand what she was mistaken about. "After The fire collapsed, but he was still dying to eat." Kokoro turned to the boy only finding that a snot bubble had came out..." He seems to have invented a technique to eat while sleeping." Because he was sleeping.
"He's sleeping!?" She was quite shock at seeing that. "He's a pretty skilled guy." She stated laughing at the whole thing, but shortly moved on. "Oh you, the Log Pose should be set again after 2 or 3 days!" She was informing the navigator, who was sitting with an aura of depression. "What happened here?"
"Even if the Log is set, we can't move forwards any more... The 100 million Beri we worked so hard for to get us a new ship... out close... our furniture.... Bellemere's tangerine trees... all of it... Aqua Laguna carried it all away... we can't go anywhere anymore..." She was so depressed that the others began to feel that way.
"We left all of it at the inn in the back streets." Sanji had properly explained to Kokoro, since Nami was too overwhelmed with it all.
"Ah, so that's what the visitors out front are for." The old woman had said after chugging down some wine.
"Visitors?" It was then when the door to the room began knocking once again.
"Um... the truth is we..." Hearing someone had entered the room, Nami's head lifted up
"My trees!" And she screamed with joy as her arms wrapped around one of them. "I thought they'd never come back! Thank goodness!"
"Actually, while we thought you were responsible for iceburg's assassination, your stuff crossed our minds, so we ceased it all." One of the two man had said completely ashamed to admit it and apologised about it.
"It's alright! Thank you!" Nami had completely forgiven them without hesitation.
"Well, that's good."
"Oi, we're coming in." The door opened and Chopper came walking in.
"We're back." With Robin carrying a bag, along with Luna

" With Robin carrying a bag, along with Luna

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"Oh, Chopper. Robin and Luna~!" The cook had spun over to them, taking the bags off their hands. "Those were heavy weren't they. Now please, right this way..."
"Thank you."
"I went and check on the Franky Family's wounds and I didn't lief either Robin or Luna out of my sight!" Chopper had saluted to Sanji while reporting that.
"Yosh! Good work!" Who saluted back to him. Robin laughed at them both.
"I already told you we're not going anywhere." She told Chopper, smiling down at him.
"Promise." Luna didn't really for or against it anything.
"Look you three, my tangerine trees were okay." They had looked over hearing Nami shouting. "All our money and stuff is back!" They could see the large stack of stuff they thought had been lost. "Now we can continue our voyage!
"Yay! That's great!" Chopper was all excited. But once again, the doors to the room had bursted open.
"Feeling supper you guys?!" Franky had been there want to do so with his sisters all posing with them but sticking out towards the group. "Everyone... not everyone is around... Well, whatever..." He lost his excitement upon seeing that some people were missing.
"Franky, what are you up to all of a sudden?" Sanji asked him, not understanding why the cyborg was here.
"Listen! I have something important to tell you." The man had a serious expression on his face pulling up his sunglasses. He had then taken a seat on the floor. "There's an island, constantly at war..."
"What's this out for nowhere?" Sanji cut him off asking. Saying he just came in and started talking, and if it wasn't about an apology they won't listening.
"Shut up! Be quiet and listen." But it was Franky that cut him off. "Since the war started, if a person were to try living on that island under that rain of shells. The people would die, the town would die. They'd be cremated with their ruins. There was something still standing, sturdy sturdy tree. No matter what happened, it wouldn't before. People gathered near The tree and build a city... And a country. There are only a few in the world. The name of that strongest tree is... The Treasure Wood 'Adam'."
"A tree?" Sanji didn't quite understand.
"A tree? So what?" But Chopper was the same.
"If I remember correctly, you won't find a piece of wood from that tree on this route are the Grand Line." Luna had spoken knowing about the tree. "Occasionally, the wood is sold on the black market, at a very high price given its value."
"That's right. I wanted it but... it's an item that costs 200 million." Franky brought up the price to the group, an amount he couldn't touch, but then I don't know where a group of Paris kind of money, which was them, appeared on no way.
"Why you! Used used our money to buy something like that, didn't you?!" Sanji had become pissed at listening.
"Just let me finish!" But Franky had shouted at him before his head had lowered to them all. Along time ago, I decided I would never build a ship again. But before all along, to catch up to a man I admired, it's reached my own goal, I draw the blueprints for a ship... My dream is to use that treasure word and just one last time... Make a ship, able to sail any sea. I'm going to make a Dream Ship." They could feel the passion when he spoke of it. "I already had the wood, and the blueprints. With this I can make it. So, when it's done. Would you all sail on the ship I created?!" At first, they were a little taken back by his question, however...
"So, you mean you'll give us that ship!?" Sanji had to make sure he heard right.
"Yeah. F people who I like a sailing it. That's what will make me happiest." Franky grinned answering. "It's something I was only able to make because of your investment after all." That was just a nice way of saying stealing their money. "The only ship on the sea that ever sailed around the world, Gold Roger's Ora Jackson, was made from this wood. I'll definitely.... Show you an amazing ship."
"Can't be held, You and Tom are the same after all. Just like a carpenter..." Kokoro stated to him, not surprised by the man's choice.
"That's true, now... now I can understand how Tom felt when he died with his pride." Franky looked up to her smiling and then Nami, Sanji and Chopper bursted out with joy.
"You're really a good guy! Will take it! Thank you Franky!" The little reindeer was shouting loudly.
"Onto the next island!"
"Luffy! We've got a ship!" Nami was trying to wake the captain up from his sweet dreams.
"Don't you guys think you're being too load."

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