A Raincheck!?

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The crew spit up into two groups, one to explore and find the Coating mechanic and the other to watch the ship. It was obvious that Luffy would be a member of the island group along with Nami, Chopper, Robin, Luna and Brook. Franky stayed behind with Zoro, Sanji and Usopp. While Camie and Pappug tagged along with the island group heading for the town. "The World Nobles are also known as the Celestial Dragons. They're really arrogant, and wear masks so they don't have to breathe the same air as everyone else." This was being said by Hatchan as they were walking, with Camie on his back. "Like Miss Luna said, no matter what, don't try to oppose those guys." The warning had been repeated.  "I need you to promise that!"
"Yeah!" Although, knowing Luffy he probably didn't understand it one bit.
"The Celestial Dragons are one of several things to look out for." Luna had began to say. "This places is where everyone heading to the New World ends up gathering. Much like us, they are infamous who bounty's are quite high... they are followed by the marines and bounty-hunters." But that wasn't even the worst of it all. "Then there are Pirates that had captured by slave-traders and sold. Here, the law won't do anything for them."
"Yeah! If you do anything to get yourself noticed, they'll go after you instantly, so be careful!" Hatchan was trying to cause the others to understand that Luna's words were very serious and true. "The marines around here are nit ti be taken lightly. These waters are close to the Navy HQ, after all. All the bounty hunters around here are on a totally different level as well! And there's one more things..."
"What's that? You're too concerned about stuff!" The chances of Luffy paying attention and understand what was being say was at a low percent. "By the way, when did you get that wound?" Luffy had come to spot an injury on Hatchan's forehead.
"Huh? Oh, don't worry about it." Hatchan didn't say anything about it. "Camie and I are nit a mermaid and a Fishman, okay? While we're here, please pretend that we're ordinary people."He then moved onto saying as both of them were disguised as humans.
"Huh? Why?" The captain was asking.
"It's just easier like that." And since none of the crew, other then Luna, actually understood what this place was really was about.
"We should follow the customs of the culture around here, Luffy." But it seemed that Robin did and read the mood. "Let's just do as the octopus told us to." The captain didn't mention it after, or any of the others and soon the group had made their way to a shop called 'Bon Chari', where they had gone into.
"There we go... slowly, slowly..." The shopkeeper was saying as Luffy was pushing his head and arms into a bubble.
"I'm in!" The others watching him.
"How amusing!" Chopper and Brook both came to say.
"It really is mysterious."
"I'm getting into it!" Until he was all the way inside with. "None of the air is coming out, either!"
"Well, then..." the shopkeeper then pulled out a bike without any wheels. "How about putting this in?"
"Like this?" Luffy pulled it into the bubble along with him, his feet on the petals.
"Is that about the right height? Now you can drive around with it." The shopkeeper was informing Luffy
"I'm moving!" who began operating the bike in the bubble without it breaking.
"Awesome!" Chopper was even more excited then before as he watch Luffy taking to the Sky enjoying him self.
"It is not breaking!" Brook pointed that out impressed.
"Aren't they convenience, the Sabaody Archipelago's exclusive Bubble Bikes?" They were being asked, which would most likely be followed by some sort of deal. "How about it? If you want to rent it, it's 500 beli per person. If you want to buy it, it's 1000 Beli! Cheap, isn't it?"
"Rent us one." Luna came to tell the keeper.
"I want one! I'm gonna buy it with my spending money!" But Luffy came to a stop behind her shouting.
"Me too, me too!" Chopper was all for it as well.
"Shut up, both of you." Which had Luna turn to them saying in annoyance. "If I say rent then it's going to be rent.or do you have a problem?" They pair was unable to say anything as she was giving off her blood thirsty aura, saying if they talked against her she'll kill them. "Hey, make it two more rentals, will you."
"Oh, you're a local, huh?" The keeper had come to say as he realised that his tick didn't work on Luna. After paying the man, the group left with the bubble bikes. One which Luffy had taken a liking to, that only sits one person.
"This feels great!"Another that Nami was paddling and seems more bike like as the bubble was located at the bottom of the seat, where Pappug was inside, and Chopper sitting inside a smile basket at the front of it.
"Doesn't it?" The other was being paddled by Hatchan, as was a lot large as the other four were sitting on it.
"There are many different kinds, huh?" Robin was saying looking over her shoulder towards Nami.
"I suddenly feel like singing." Brook had his violin out.
"I'm definitely buying one of these Bubble bikes!" Luffy still hadn't given up on it in the slightest.
"Straw Hat, you were the soap bubbles into the sky when we first got here, right?" Hatchan was looking back over his shoulder to the rubber boy asking him why he fell.
"Oh, well, when I reach the top of the trees, I thought I'd go even higher..." Luffy was thinking back to it all. "... but then all the soap bubbles around me suddenly started popping... and then the one I was riding did, too... so, I ended up falling."
"That's because you left the Sabaody Archipelago's unique atmosphere." Hutchan began to explain that the island had A special, unique climate due to the Hustle Muscle Mangroves and once you leave it the soap bubbles will pop because they weren't strong enough.
"Is that so? Then, that means that you can only ride the soap bubbles... for as long as you stay on the island, doesn't it?" Robin understood instantly why Luna was acting that way before.
"That's about right and because they're only found on this island tourist are usually scammed it's a buying the bikes. That's why renting is good enough." The vampire gone onto saying.
"NO, I think I'll buy one!" But it seemed that someone was still wanting it and refuse to accept the explanation.
"You don't get it, do you?" Nami was asking him, since that was most likely it.
"Listen Luffy, the bubbles with mysteriously break upon leaving the island." For some reason Luna had said it in that way, which didn't make sense.
"Whazzat?! They just mysteriously break? Why didn't you say see it right away!?" At least to most people, as it seemed to work on the idiot.
"That's what he was just telling you!" But it only had the navigator snapping at him.
"Ah, but Luffy-chin, you can use them at Fishman island." Camie had gone into telling him they they had so bubbles on the ocean floor as well.
"I wanna go to Fishman Island soon~ I'm really looking forward to it~" And Luffy was even more excited then before.
"In that case, you should meet the mermaid princess!" Pappug was pocking his upper half out of the bubble. "She's so beautiful, I can't even describe it! I can't look away from her myself!"
"I will be looking forward to that." Being one of the three perverts on board, Brook had come to say that.
"You say that but she's just a shut in." Luna had stated looking in the opposite direction of the others, who weren't able to hear her.
"I have a good eye for beauties... Though being a skeleton, I do not have eyes." The musician bursted into laugher at his attempt at a joke. "Why are you listening?" But Luffy and Chopper had gone to visit a grand bun shop run by Antonio.
"Wow, this looks good!" Luffy was drooling over them.
"What's Grand Bun?" With Chopper on the top of his bubble.
"They're Grand Line Bun! Or Grand Bun for short." The stall keeper was holding up a box of them. "Would you like to taste some?" But the pair was already stuffing their faces. "You can see that it's got 'Grand Line First Half' written on it, right?" They both probably didn't notice as they stuffed their face. "The idea is to take them to the New World as a souvenir of sort. They will last for about two months, so don't worry about it!" Neither of the two were listening.
"This taste great!" Even Brook had joined in on the eating. "May I open another package?"
"Are you gonna buy any?!" The stall keeper snapped.
"Grove 35... there are lots of hotels here, aren't there?" Robin pointed out as they were sitting around looking in Grove #35 as they waited.
"This is usually where people waiting for permission to pass through Mariejoe stay." Luna points out.
"It's really easy to make these hotels..See that over there?" Pappug pulled their attention up to where they found some people painting a large bubble. "They just coat those huge bubbles in a special alloy, and the foundation is done."
"This is the way they make all the round buildings around here." Luna came to finish off as they were watching.
"Really?" Robin was completely intrigued by it.
"Robin! Luna!" But then Nami called out to them. "Isn't that a shopping mall?" She was asking while pointing towards a building on a different grove.
"It is." Luna didn't seem to understand why she was so excited.
"Let's go shopping! Just us girls!" But it seemed that this was the reason being it.
"Sounds fun." Robin appeared to be on board for it as she jumped down off of the bubble.
"If Robin is going, I don't see why not." Which Luna and soon joined her.
"Would you like to come Camie?" The navigator turned around so she was about to the mermaid
"I...!" She seemed completely delighted at the thought. "I can't... sorry." But in the end of turned it down all depressed, which didn't make sense to Nami.
"Alright, then we'll see you all later." However, she rode off with both Robin and Luna siting on the bike behind her. The three woman had left Luffy and that behind heading for the shopping mall. "Even though we invited her, Camie when it come with us..." Robin had stated since she thought the mermaid would enjoy spending time with just girls.
"She seems more reserved ever since we arrived on the island..." Nami was unable to shake if the feeling about something being wrong with Camie. "What could be bothering Camie?"
"It's all due to the dark history of the island..." However, it seemed that Luna knew the reason behind the actions and behaviour of the three from below the sea.
"Dark history...?" Nami didn't seem to understand what was said, as this is the dark history that the World Government hides from all. Luna then taken a deep breath in, only to come to a halt. There was something in the air that could be smelt, at least something that Luna was about to smell. It was something she knew and it had been a while since she smelt it.
"Hey, I'll have to give you a rain-check." Which had her leaping off the bike to the ground.
"Wait! What happened?" Nami was asking as it was sudden and out of nowhere.
"There's someone I have to pay a visit." That was that had been given.
"Someone...? Who?" Robin had become curious as it was enough for Luna to suddenly change her mind.
"A kid that still owns me a favour."

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