The Key!

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As the war had continued, Luffy had finally made it to Ace after sending Garp off with a punish. "Finally... Finally... I made it!" The young boy was smiling with overwhelmed joy as he was looking down at his older brother.
"Luffy!" While that same brother was in complete shock as his actions. "You're so...!" But it soon turned into happiness.
"Ace!" And the young brother grinned down at him with the same goofy grin he always had. "Hold on!" Luffy began searching for something in his pocket. "I have the key!" He pulled it out as he informed him and moved around to the cuffs.
"Luffy, how did you...!?" Ace was unable to understand how the boy got ahead of the key as it should be under guard. And Sengoku who had been standing there that entire time began turning gold and his size began to increase as Luffy was trying his hardest not to touch the cuffs as they were made of Sea Prism stones. The platform started breaking down at the amount of weight on it was increasing passed it limit. All looked towards the golden light in shock as on the platform, Sengoku had turned into a large golden statue-like being.
"Look! Fleer Admiral Sengoku is using his power!"
"Ive never seen it before!" Even the marines that knew the powers of their leader where in shock as none of them have had the chance to witness it for themselves before. It felt like looking at Buddha as an aura of like was pulsating throughout the island.
"You can't get away from me!"
"Sengoku!" The young men on the platform were looking up to the man who finally began taking action himself, both were stunned at the sight of the Fleet Admiral. However, Luffy continued to try and free his brother.
"I can't believe that you even have such a thing, Straw Hat Luffy!" When he was about to put the key in, a light had fired from below, slicing the key.
"Oh no, the key!" He was in shock at the sight of the key in half because he could no longer free Ace.
"Get ready!" Marines had began pointing their projectile weapons up to the platform towards Luffy and Ace. "Aim at them and be ready to fire at a moment's notice!"
"No way, the key...!" Luffy was beginning to go hysterical as now he couldn't free his brother.
"Straw Hat Luffy! you're a serious criminal who should be punished by death, too! I'm gonna execute both of you brothers with my own bare hands!" Sengoku was shouting as he pulled back his fist. But in that moment, one of the executioners began waking up.
"What was that? I passed out all of a sudden..." However, when Luffy saw him he was surprised as he knew that face. "Straw Hat... oh!"
"San! Why are you here!?" Straw Hat had asked him in shock. But it his head glanced up instead of answering as something was glowing above them. It was there where they saw Sengoku coming in to strike them.
"What is that!?" Galdino, also called Mr. 3 was screaming at the sight of this as he only just woke up and confused by everything that has happened since Luffy used Haki.
"Hey, San! Protect Ace with a wall!" He had been ordered. "Gum-Gum..." Luffy bit down on his thumb and began blowing air into the small hole he created. "...Giant Balloon!" His stomach had inflated like a ballon and hit by Sengoku's fist.
"Candle Wall!" Galdino had followed with using his Wax-Wax Fruit to creat a dome over him and Ace as Luffy was coming down.
"Is he expanding!?" Sengoku was surprised as Luffy was struggling to keep that inflated form for much longer and when he came coughing up blood her couldn't. However, luck would have it the platform snapped and as Luffy was falling along with Sengoku, the presser became less as he then deflated and become like a child. Ace, Luffy and Galdino were falling as Sengoku was right behind him, however, he had resulted back to his original appearance.
"We're falling!" Galdino came shouting in a slight panic. "I'll make the key! Uncut him right away!" He was shouting to Luffy while he began using his Wax.
"Alright!" Everyone below was watching in shock as the sight while Galdino was trying to concentrate on making a key. He was having flashes of how he ended up here because originally he wanted to run away.
"If I they'll you that I'm here out of respect for my late comrade..." But in the end he had taken the place of the executioner because of Bon Clay, his old comrade. "...are you going to laugh at me!?" He had shouted this to Luffy asking him.
"No, I won't!" But Luffy would never do such a thing.
"Fire! Blow them away!" The marines had began firing at the trio falling.
"Save your brother, Straw Hat!" Galdino throw the key he made at him.
"Okay!" He caught it
"Oh no!" And Sengoku saw the key in shock but he wasn't able to attack as cannonballs were firing at them and he had leaped away to avoid them. A large explosion erupted when all the cannons had hit something and it shock the entire island.
"Straw Boy!"
"No way!"
"Brother 3    !"
"They all got hit!" The pirates were in shock as they believed that they were hit.
"'Fire Fist' can't use his power because of the Sea Prism Stone handcuff!"
"He's dead!"
"And we got Straw Hat, too!" While the marines were in celebration upon this. However, that was when a pair of cuffs attached to some of the platform had come falling to the ground, but there wasn't anyone chained to them. The marines looked in shock as fire began appearing from the smoke and took the form of Whitebeard's Jolly Roger before it planted through the smoke like a tunnel.
"There's a tunnel of fir in the smoke!" There was only one person that could do this.
"You've always been like this! Luffy!" Fire Fist was on fire as he was smirking to his little brother, free. "You've never even listened to me..." He had grabbed onto Luffy, who was holding Galdino as they were surrounded by flames. "... and always done such crazy things!"

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