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The young marine appeared right in front of the fist that smashed right into his face. It had sent Cody down onto the ground where he fell unconscious. Luffy didn't even look back as he made his way towards the Platform. "Damn!" But he was only able to see the executioners still making their way into position. But that sight didn't last long as a large beam appeared and blow up in the trio's face. "What is it this time!?" Luffy was asking in annoyance as he was laying on the ground thanks to the explosion.
"You guys are..." Ivankoc was a few feet away from him, also laying down. "... The Kuma imposters!"
"They're called Pacifistas." Luna had managed to dodge the attack out of reflex as she was looking at the two Pacifistas before them.
"Monkey D. Luffy." Both of their mouths began to light up as they were ready to fire more beams at the three of them.
"Oh no! What a pain in the ass!" Luffy seemed to be happing difficult pulled himself up and just as the beams were getting bigger and brighter, a shadow appeared from nowhere, standing between them and Luffy. "Hey you, watch out!" Luffy called out to the one standing in the way, who was none other then the Sea Empress Boa Hancock.
"Boa Hancock. The Seven Warlords. Abort attack. Friendly operative." The Pacifistas identity her and they had suddenly stopped.
"That's right! You guys are on the same side! Thank you, Hancock!" Luffy began to run off after realising everything was alright.
"So that's how you ended up here." Luna finally understood how the young man ended getting into Impel Down.
"She's the empress, right? How do vyou know here?" While Ivonkov was running after them, looking behind to Hancock.
"Pops!" However, soon Luna came to a stop upon hearing the voice of Marco.
"Miss Luna, why are you stoping?!" Which caused the large headed man to stop, looking back to her. She was about to see that Whitebeard had been severely weakened after Akainu's attack.
"P-Pops... I-I'm on my way!" Marco tries to help.
"You are off guard!" But is attacked by Kizaru. "Take a couple more of these and get yourself a good rest!"
"Pops!" The pirate covered himself with his blue flames taking off running before Kizaru could fire again.
"Things don't always go the way you want!" But the admiral didn't seem fazed in the slightest. "Go course, Marco the Phoenix regenerates! Hey! It's your turn now!" He had called out to someone that landed in front of Marco.  It was none other then Onigumo, who had spider legs appearing out of his furry coat on his back.  The legs had grabbed ahold of Marco, as he was quite injured it wasn't that hard. But soon he was realise.
"Sea Prism Stone!?" Marco was looking down at a cuff made up of sea prism stone which allowed Kizaru to brutally damage him.
"Commander Marco!" The men came falling to the ground unconscious.
"It looks painful!"
"Commander Jozu has been beaten, too!" At the same time Jozu is completely frozen by Aokiji.
"They even beat our commanders one by one..."
"They're falling apart! The Whitebeard Pirates!" Aokiji had been the one to claim this.
"Now move it! Everyone, beat Whitebeard!" Sengoku ordered this of his men, like it was even possible. However, seeing this, it was clear what was happening.
"Ivankov." Luna had spoken to the man standing behind her. "Take care of Luffy." With that being said, she took off heading towards where Whitebeard was located.
"Wait!" Not that Ivankov shouted after her was going to stop the woman. A large amount of Marines to attack Whitebeard, who is shot and slashed mercilessly.
"Pops!" When looked like the man had began to fall, no one could believe it. "Pops!" His worried crew rushes to help him,
"Stay away!" But he orders them to stay away, all had frozen in shock as the man hadn't fallen. "Thanks, Luna..." Whitebeard was softly muttering as right behind him, pushing him up was none other then Luna, who was breathing heavily as she used all her speed to reach him. "They think that they can beat me...this easily!" he began to pick himself up once again. "I don't need any help because I'm... I'm... I'm Whitebeard!" He unleashes his massive strength and quickly sends flying all the Marines around him.
"H-He's a monster!" The marines that were out of range of the attacked looking on in shock. Before they began having the comrades falling from the sky falling onto them.
"You need to be more careful." Luna spoken up, sitting on the man's shoulder to avoid the attack. "You're not at young as you once were." She was stating to the man as he was hunched over catching himself.
"I guess you are correct." He wasn't able to deny her words since her was heavily wounded.
"Don't hesitate! He's wounded!" And it wasn't like Sungoku was going to let that opportunity slip away. The marines around seemed a but hesitant if they were still conscious.
"Everyone, follow me!"
"Yes, sir!" But some of them managed to get up charging at Whitebeard again.
"Did he call me wounded?" Whitebeard began to ask, causing Luna to roll her eyes since he clearly was. "That's ridiculous! I won't die from such a small wound!" Whitebeard to laugh claiming. "I won't die from... such a small...!" The woman on his shoulder had to grip ahold of his shoulder because his body had shifted. "I know... what will happen... if I die!" Luna knew as well. If Whitebeard died here then his men would lose all hope and be cut down by the Marines far more easily then they already have. "Then, you know, I can't allow myself to die until... I see a bright future ahead for my sons!" As he had spoken, marines had gathered up from behind him, which Luna had glance over at. "Right, Ace?" It caused her to leap down from the man's shoulders.
"You dotard!" The Marines try to attack him once again, however, the soldiers that were holding onto chains wrapping around Jinbe were dragged off their feet. "What is it!?" The shouting caused the man landing the unit to glance over his shoulders. This was a huge mistake at something exploded at his feet, which was followed by others. "W-What are they doing!? Guarding the back of Whitebeard!?" This could only be asked in shock as Jinbe and the commanders all behind Whitebeard, protecting him from attack coming from behind. "Are they willing to die with Whitebeard!?"
"You guys don't have to understand!" The former warlord and fishman shouted at them, still having chains wrapped around him but he soon through them off.
"We'll defend Pop's glory!" The commanders were ready to die if they had to.
"That's too thoughtful, you fools!"

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