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As none of the crew knew of this request, Usopp had come to fall back in confusion looking at an empty spot where Luna had just been standing one seconds ago. "Huh? Luna!" He was looking around for her all panicked.
"Lu...na?" Brook had regard consciousness to see what had happened and Sanji did as well.
"Luna? Luna! LUNA!!!" Usopp was crying out to her, hoping for her to answer, however there was nothing.
"What?" While the other seemed to be frozen in shock as they watched her disappear.
"What just happened?" Franky was asking as he couldn't progress what had happened.
"Luna...vanished!" It seemed that it finally hit Usopp as he was looking on frighten.
"Oi..." but there was some who's mind had been completely lost as he was pushing himself of the ground and stumping towards Kuma.
"Zoro?" Usopp was looking at the swordsman, that expression had gone incredibly dark.
"What did you do to Luna?!" But instead of answering Zoro's question, Kuma only remained silence. "Give Luna back!" He wasn't think at all as he was filled with anger and was about to pull out his swords.
"Zoro! Stop!" Usopp tried to stop him but, just like what happened with Luna, the War Lord had swung down his palm and slapped him, seemingly vaporizing the swordsman. The crew had became just shock and horrified upon seeing Zoro also disappear along with Luna. "DAMN YOU!" Seeing this had Usopp screaming. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO LUNA AND ZORO!? THEY WERE... THEY WERE JUST... RIGTH HERE!" He was crying as he demanded answering from Kuma.
"Luna...?" Luffy was completely beaten up as he was looking over to Usopp's party seeing the woman was completely gone. "Z-Zoro?" And also the swordsman. "Luna? Zoro!" It was as if something inside he was behind to snap as he was unable to hear anything. "LUNA!!! ZORO!!!" He cried out in horror. But then Robin, kneeing beside him, had come to hear monster Chopper's roar coming from right behind them and when she turned around she saw his hand coming down towards them. Which she grabbed ahold of Luffy so both them were able to dodge. Both of them still suffered injuries as they skidded across the ground.
"Stop it, Chopper! Don't be reckless!" Robin tries to put the reindeer under control.
"Luna... Zoro... Where did you go!?" While Luffy was crying over Luna's and Zoro's disappearances. Chopper was still going berserk and attacked Sentomaru, who had dodged it.
"He doesn't have any self-control..." The monster was ferocious smashing nothing as he had completely lost all human sense. "Regardless, that Kuma... What is that bastard doing here?" But it seemed Sentomaru was more concerned about Kuma that appeared out of nowhere and caused two members of the Straw Hat crew to disappear.
"Bartholomew Kuma..." The battle between Kizaru and Rayleigh was still under way. "This is why you can't trust Pirates!"
"They're surrounded over there, too?" Rayleigh was just barely holding the admiral back glancing over to the pair of Kuma's.
"Luna and Zoro just vanished!" Franky was shouting after now witnessing Zoro being erased as well. "Does that mean that the real one showed up at last?"
"There's no mistake..." Nami was trembling as she was looking on in utter shock. "I've seen that ability before... Back at Thriller Bark, he used that... to get rid of a girl... and she never came back!" Which was explaining her panicked expression that was, combined with watching two of her friends vanish as well.
"This is really bad!" The Straw Hat cyborg hoped that both Luna and Zoro were still alive.
"Hey! What'd he do Luna and Zoro!? Where's they disappear off to!?" Luffy demands to know what happened to his friends.
"I have no obligation to answer." However, Sentomaru doesn't answer as he is the World's Most Guarded man. " They say that anyone who gets blastoff by his palms. Dog isn't flying through the sky for three days and three nights... Though I'm not sure whether it's true or not." But he does admit that, even though it is just a rumor even to him.No one except the person who was sent flying knows where to, though... but it definitely won't be on this island... Or anywhere else where you might meet them any time soon. They might end up on the edge of some distance sea." It was explained to him as neither Luna nor Zoro were on the Sabaody Archipelago.
"What!?" But it was obvious that Luffy would be shocked upon hearing this as he looked back to Usopp and that.
"Say something, you damned freak?!" Usopp was shouting at the real Kuma that had spoken but just stood there. "Where'd you send Luna and Zoro!?"
"So, he finally showed up..." Sanji had come realised that Kuma has appeared before the Straw Hats was the real one.
"Th... The real Warlord...!" As did Brook that was petrified upon seeing him, even more so then the Pacifista. Kuma had then began moving toward the three of them.
"Don't come any closer!" Which sent Usopp into panic mode, pulling back kabuto. "Damn it... Stop!" But the Warlord didn't. "Don't come any closer! Stop it! I've got 8000 subordinates, you know!" Little did Usopp realised that right behind them, PX-1 was taking aim at him, as he knew he was Sniper King. "Hey! Can't you hear me!? Don't come any closer!"
"Look out, Usopp! Behind you!" Sanji noticed it first as he was trying to warn the long nose about PX-1.
"Usopp!" But just as it was getting ready to fire, out of nowhere...
"Stay out of this." Kuma appeared right before it, and much like with Luna and Zoro, he had swat it away with his paw pad.
"He even got rid of his own comrade!?" Sanji couldn't understand why that was.
"Even PX-1?!" Sentomaru was shocked to see Kuma's actions. "What're you doing with your allies, Bear!?" He begins to admonish the warlord for attacking a fellow ally.
"Run, the three of you!!" Luffy had come to shout at Usopp, Sanji and Brook pulling them to him. "Just run away, everyone! We'll think things over once we're safe! GO!!!" He had ordered a full retreat for his crew, hoping to figure out a way to turn the tide.
"Hey, let's go!" Franky was shouting at Nami, who was in shock.
"But... Luna... Zoro..."
"Like he said, we'll think about that later! Let's go!" And that being shouted at her, Nami begins to run with Franky even though they were hesitant.
"Let's go! The beam only grazed me! I'll carry you on my shoulder, so let's hurry!" Usopp was telling Sanji as he was hoping to carry the cook to safety. But then Kuma began moving towards them once again.
"Be careful, you two!" Which had been why Brook had quickly moved in front of them.
"Brook! BROOK!" It was clear that he was using himself as a shield.
"I shall protect you! Even if it costs me my life!!" The skeleton shouted as Kuma was swinging his paw palm down towards him. "...Though I am already d..." However, he was swatted away in milliseconds.
"BROOK!!!" Another one of the crew had disappeared without a single trace.
"He did it again!" Sentomaru seemed annoyed by the actions of Kuma.
"Damn it... what am I doing!? Three of my friends just vanished before my eyes!" Sanji was beginning to fume with rage as he was unable to do anything. "Damn it!" He had suddenly pushed Usopp behind him.
"Sanji!" Which had confused the long nose.
"Get going, Usopp!" That had been ordered.
"Don't be ridiculous! We're leaving together, Sanji!" But he was refusing to do such a thing, despite being a cowards. It was only times like this that Usopp was like this.
"Why, you...!" However, Sanji had taken of towards the Warlord attempting to make a stand,
"Stop it, Sanji!!" Luffy was screaming at him in fear.
"Damn pad-bastard!!" Sanji spun in midair to add momentum and power to his kick, however it was nothing to Kuma as he merely stopped it and repelled it back at him, sending Sanji flying away from him to the ground.
"SANJI!" He had been Scared across the ground for the way into a wall. However, it now left Usopp before the Warlord, completely shaking in fear.
"D-Don't come any closer! Don't come any closer!" He had fired at Kuma before attempting to run away, only to trip due to hysterical. "Don't come any closer! Don't come any closer!" Usopp was screaming as he was being approached. "Flame Star! Flame Star!" He continued to fire again and again to defend himself, "Damn!" but nothing was affecting the Warlord that was getting closer. "Flame Star! Flame Star! Flame Star! Flame Star!" No matter how many he fired until finally Kuma was standing right before Usopp.
"Run! RUN!!" And just like with Luna, Zoro and Brook, Kuma swatted him and he completely disappeared as well. "Usopp!!" Luffy was crying out to him but then come to notice he cook. "Sanji?"
"Damn it to hell!" Who was sent over the edge as he attempted to make a last stand dashing for Kuma once again.
"STOP IT, SANJI!!" The captain just wanted him to stop due to fear which had been founded as soon, Sanji was nowhere to be seen. "Even Sanji... What's going on...? What are we gonna do?" Luffy was in a state of shock as he was on his knees.
"No way... Everyone's..." Nami was in just as much shock as she and Franky had stopped running. With was all happening as Rayleigh and Kizaru continued to fight.
The situation with us seems pretty hopeless... I would like to help them out, but I'm getting too old..." The former began to know his limitations.
You're holding off a navy Admiral on your own, and you're still trying to do more?" Kizura was asking him since holding him back should be enough help. "You're making me look bad here, so just cut it out already!" He felt a bit insulted as he went in to attack, but was blocked by Rayleigh that taken a chance to back away from him. But the man was starting to run out of breath.
"You are the 'Dark King', Rayleigh, are you not?" The voice belonging to Kuma had spoke and before the Dark King knew it, the Warlord appeared right in front of him.
"Kuma?" Which had confused Kizura, who was unable to hear Kuma speaking to Rayleigh. At the same time...
"Luffy?" Robin spoken her captain's name in slight confusion as he began slowly walking towards where Kuma was.
"You really expect me to believe what you just said?" Rayleigh was asking the Warlord as whatever he had just said to him wasn't something easily believed.
"Decided that for yourself. I am already endangering my own position." That had been said back.
"Just what're you planning to do, Kuma?" Kizaru seemed confused upon the actions of the Warlord.
"As long as it doesn't directly affect the World Government... We have no obligation to get along with the Navy. I will not answer that question." Kuma had come to tell the admiral as he turned around to him.
"You bastard!" But his attention was drawn to the shouting belong to Luffy. "Second Gear!" Who was steaming as he activated his ability. It was clear that he was going to try and fight Kuma
"Luffy!" Which had Nami panicked as that was what the others had done before they all disappeared.
"Let's go!" But Franky grabbed onto her, as he took off running. However, it seemed that the warlord had no interest as he disappeared and soon was before both Franky and Nami.
"Get out of our way!" Franky ripped off his skin glove while shouting. "Strong Right!" Before heading his fist flying at Kuma's face. "What!?" But it had been withstand but seeing this, Luffy had taken off
"Wait! You can't, Luffy!" And had Robin cried out to him.
"Gum Gum..." but he wasn't thinking at all as... "...Jet Pistol!" He sent his fist stretching right at Kuma at incredible speed. However, it meant nothing as it had been deflected with ease. But it didn't matter as Luffy stretched himself back, causing his body to come at Kuma where he throw another punch, although, in the end, much like with Sanji it was repelled Right back at him, sending the rubber man flying backwards.
"Luffy!" Franky was in shock over his captain's situation, however, it wasn't the time for that as Kuma was right before him and had swatted the cyborg with his paw pad.
"NOOO!!!" Nami screamed upon seeing this, especially when Kuma was coming right at her. "Luffy! Help!" She cried in despair for Luffy to help and save her.
"NAMI!!!" But in the end, she had also been swatted by Kuma's paw pad. There were only three members of the crew left as all the others had disappeared right before they eyes. Luffy had gotten enraged after Nami's disappearance and tries once again to hit Kuma, but misses.
"Luffy!" Robin had called out to him again, that's when she had looked behind her at the large stomping from from that direction. "Chopper..." The reindeer had yet to turn back to normal as he was still going berserk. However, when he saw Kuma standing right in front of him, he was to attempt to attack him and Kuma had pulled back his paw palm, ready to swat him as well.
"CHOPPER!!!" Which had been why Luffy screamed out to him. "Chopper..." but like the rest of the crew, he was swatted by Kuma's paw. "Stop it... Stop it... Stop it... Stop it! Stop it!" The Straw Hat captain began to fall into despair at all this. Even when Kuma began heading for Robin, who at first was too startled before she took off running as fast as she could. "PLEASE, STOP THIS!!!" He pleaded in desperation as he took off running for Robin.
"Luffy!" She called out to him as Kuma wrapped right before her.
"ROBIN!!!" His arm stretched out towards her.
"Luffy!!" And she stretched out hers in hope to grab ahold, only to lose her to Kuma's paw pad slap. Luffy was now the only one left and he collapsed to his knees as he was beginning to have a meltdown slamming his head into the ground over and over again. Kuma just stood there watching him, with a look of almost surprise on it.
"What... What's... wrong with me!?" He screamed for his friends who he loved more then anything. Those he had risked everything for as they would do the same so they could all stay together. Despite their past they were together after fighting against all odds. Which had been he was unable to stop himself from thinking about each of them and the times they joined him and opened themselves to him, asking for help and declaring themselves to him. "Zoro... Usopp... Sanji...Nami... Chopper... Robin... Luna... Franky... Brook... Everyone... I couldn't even... save a single one of my friends!" His melt down was due to his sadness over his uselessness and his failure to save his crew.
"So, you're gonna send him off and be done with it? I hope you have a good explanation for this. This is a huge problem, you know?" Kizaru had demanded an explanation from Kuma about his actions. That was when the Warlord had stepped closer to Luffy who was in tears.
"You will never... see them again." He had come to say, having the straw hat Captain glare up at him in anger. "Farewell."

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