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As the war continues, Luffy was laying unconscious on Luna's lap as she was sitting on the ground. "How is he?" With Ivankov watches over and asking the surgeon about the young man.
"How, you ask... in his condition, my emergency treatment won't be enough!" Had been his response as Luffy was is in serious damage. "He needs proper medical care!" There was no one that Luffy could fight anymore... Luna's head had shifted upwards, towards the platform where Ace was.
"Hurry and bring Straw-Hat-boy to the ship!" Ivankov had began ordering his people. That was when the sound of Luffy grunting caused Luna to look down.
"Iva..." Luffy had moved and grabbed ahold of Ivankov's ankle.
"Vyou're still conscious!?" Which had caused the person, since he had thought the young man had been unconscious.
"I have one last favour to ask of you..." he was breathing heavily as tries to ask Ivankov for a favor.
"Vyou want another shot of the Tension Hormones?!" After listening to Luffy asking him for more hormones using his Devil Fruit, Ivankov was shocked. "That's too reckless!" They assures him that it is too dangerous. It's hopeless! Vyou and Vi fought our way out of Impel Down together, didn't vwe!? Your body has been fatally poisoned and then brought back from the brink of death... It's way beyond its limits!" This had been explained to him.
"Ivankov is right. No matter how powerful an ability is, there is always side effects to it as well." Luna added on this as she tried to reason with Luffy. "At this rate you will die if you keep pushing it." However, he didn't listen as he stretched his arm out to be able to grab Ivankov's collar.
"As long as I've done all I can..." Luffy had to stood for a moment to catch his breath. "... then I don't mind dying!" Hearing this caused both to look at him wide eyed. "Please let me fight, Iva! Luna!" He was begging them this. "If... I don't fight here... If... I can't save Ace... I'll... end up wanting to die! Please... Give me the power to fight!" His determination seemed to be pushing Ivankov, as he was seeming to have a hard time refusing. As they were in the middle of this, more explosions were going off all around them. Honestly, this wasn't really the time for this.
"And Vi'm telling Vyou... If Vi allow you to die, Vi won't be able to show my face to Dragon afterwards! Vyou ignorant fool!" Ivankov ended up snapping at him, since he did want to see Dragon again.
"Ace..." However, Luffy wasn't giving up.
"Fine!" And seeing no other way Icankov agreed to helping him.
"Ivankov!" But it didn't seem to make Luna the slightest be happy hearing. Although, she never looked happy before so it didn't really matter.
"Do whatever the hell..." the tips of his fingers began turning into needles which he had then stabbed Luffy with... "...Vyou want!"
"Hey, you! What are you doing to Straw Hat?" One of the pirates around them had asked this, since he couldn't hear what they were talking about moments ago. However, soon Ivankov removed their fingers and Luffy began to stand up once again. He had then lifted up his head throwing out a large battle cry, as he strength began to return to him.

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