Prepare For Battle!

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The Thousand Sunny was sailing right for the base belonging to the Flying Fish Riders where Hacchin was located. "Huh? I can see something now!" Luffy was shouting as he was standing looking ahead of them.
"Looks like that's the Flying Fish Riders' base." Franky pointed out, since there was nothing else it could be.
"And this Hacchin-guy is being kept over there?" The captain question as they were getting closer.
"Hacchin...." Nami still continued to show concern as everyone refers to Camie's friend as 'Hacchin'.
"Hey, let's hurry up and go save the takoyaki!" It seemed that the only thing of the captain's brain was food, but it wasn't like that was out of the ordinary.
"You don't need to repeat yourself." Luna had told him to have some patience.
"I'll go in there and save him in a flash, Camie~!" Sanji was still completely love struck over the mermaid that was on by the railing with her pet.
"Thanks a lot, Sanji-chin!" She was delighted with him smiling and it had him even more sick then before. "Oh! But everyone! Please be careful!" It had then been shouted down to the others, which had them lift their heads towards Camie. "The Macro Crew alone have capture me about 30 times!" This had been said with a lot of pride for some reason.
"You get capture too much!" And had Usopp slam the air before her shouting. "You get eaten too much, too." He added after since that was true. Soon the Thousand Sunny had entered into the base.
"Seems like we've entered their territory, huh?" Franky stated as they did so.
"I'm getting that old 'I-shouldn't-get-on-this-island-disease' again..." Usopp gone onto his normal catch phrase he said every time they reached a new island.
"Haven't heard that line in a while." Luna was standing beside him, leaning her elbows on the railing on the side of the Sunny. "Also, this is more like an island built over the water then an island." She moved onto pointing that out to him.
"It's the 'I-shouldn't-answer-this-island-that-someone-built-over-the-water-disease'!" He had then changed it to match her now.
"But why would they want to set up their base here?" Zoro was asking since to him it didn't make sense.
"Who knows..." and the one to answer him was Sanji standing behind him with smoke blowing out from his mouth.
"Anyway, it sure is quiet here." It didn't take the crew long to notice how quiet it was. There wasn't a single person in sight.
"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Usopp' hand was placed over his bare chest while speaking that. "Luffy! Should we really..."
"FORWARD!" But Luffy had already cut him off ordering.
"Hey, shouldn't we at least think over the plan for a second!?" Which only had the long nose shouting in a panic.
"Would there really be a point?" Luna was asking since whenever they had a plan it always went out the window when Luffy was involved.
"HEY~! HACCHIN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Camie was shouting out from in front of the kitchen.
"GET OUT HERE, MARCO! GIVE HACHI BACK!" Pappag was along side her shouting as well. The Sunny had pretty much made it all the way to the island what a single cage with someone inside of could be seen.
"It seems like someone is inside that cage." Robin pointed it out to everyone as there was nobody but the person in the cage.
"Who's that black guy?" It had been asked as the person in the cage was nothing but black from head to toe.
"Huh?! Move over..." Camie had shot up from nowhere beside him to look. "Could that be Hacchin...?" Her eyes were squinting over to the cage.
"This is great, Camie! There aren't even any enemies around! They must all be off having snack!" Pappag shouted to her like this wasn't clearly a trap of some sort.
"Seems like it!" And it seemed that Camie didn't realise it either.
"Are you guys even serious?! Anyone could tell that this is a trap!" It had Usopp screaming at them since anyone could see that.
"Everyone is obviously hiding in that, waiting to ambush us." It was being explained by Franky.
"WHAT A BRILLIANT DEDUCTION!" and it seemed to have been a shock to both Camie
"Have you ever thought that this was the reason you two are always getting caught?" Luna was looking at them both in annoyance since she only thought Luffy was this dumb.
"I'm here! Camie, I'm okay, so you don't have to worry!" As they approach the black creature was shouting to the mermaid.
"Hacchin, it really is you!" Which had her all delighted due to hearing his voice. However, it had then been when she noticed the black on him leaking off his body. "YOU'RE ALL BLACK! WHAT HAPPENED!?" Camie was screaming in shock along with Pappag
"It's clearly ink." Luna told them both since that was clearly the case,
"Well, this is kinda my own fault... Anyway, this is a trap, so hurry up and turn back!" Hatchan had moved onto telling her. "You know that I'm strong, right? So it's fine, just go!" He begs Camie to turn around, that he'll get free himself and rejoin them somehow.
"That voice really familiar, and then there's that unusual silhouette..." The longer they persist, the more doubt grows among the Straw Hats who fought Arlong. "Hey, Nami, what do you think?" Zoro was asking the one that had been a member of the Arlong Pirates for years before joining Luffy.
"There's something very suspicious about him..." And she had to agree with him.
"What?" Although, it seemed that the captain didn't notice anything strange.
"We'll know if we ask him, right?" Sanji had come to say before... "Hey! Is Arlong doing alright!?" Sanji calls out.
"Huh? Arlong? No, ham, Choo, Kuroobi and everyone else got caught by the Navy." Hatchan responded without hesitation. "I was the only one who escaped, and I'm now living out my old dream of running a takoyaki stand."
"Arlong...?" Luffy still seemed a bit confused as he hear the name somewhere before, forgetting about the battle.
"I knew it..." Zoro and Nami weren't all that surprised since they had a feeling things would end up this way.
"SO IT WAS YOU, HUH, YOU DAMN SQUID!?" It seemed that the captain had finally recognise him.
"DAMN IT!" While Hatchan cursed himself for letting it slip.
"So it was Hatchan, huh." While the others had been talking to him, Luna had walked up the stairs to the front of the ship. She didn't seem all that surprised upon seeing the octopus Fishman.
"So you're that damn squid who was with Arlong?! You're that takoyaki-seller, Hacchin?!" Luffy was continuing his shouting while asking those questions that were already clear.
"What?" But at least half the crew didn't know what he was talking about.
"Well, it was a while ago now..." Which was left up for Usopp to explain to them. "But Nami's hometown was was under the control of a nasty cruel fisherman called the Arlong Pirates... Nami was in quite a terrible situation of self... And that octopus was one of the top members."
"Ah, so he's an old enemy, huh?" Franky had gotten to gist of it.
"Of course, I took Luffy and the others along, and kicked the crap out of the whole crew!" They new that it was a lie that Usopp did that.
"Usopp, you're awesome!" But there was the one person, reindeer, that believed him.
"Y...Yeah, I guess..." He moved afraid of being asked more questions. "I "I thought all the fish men were arrested by the Navy... But it seems like that guy manage to get away..."
"I see. You have experienced quite a lot..." Brook was sipping away at his tea saying.
"That does sounds like something Arlong would do." Luna seemed to be aware of the Fishman they spoke of.
"You knew him?" Zoro was looking at her asking.
"Yeah, something like that." But it seemed that she didn't care much about it since she clearly wasn't going to explain anything more about it.
"HEY, SQUID! Now that we know it's your there's no way we'll save you!" Luffy began screaming over at Hatchan. "B...But... I... Is... Is your takoyaki really good as I heard it was?!" But he was still thinking with his stomach.
"Oh, come on! Getting caught between your appetite and your reason?" Sanji couldn't understand how the boy could.
"How stupid." And it seemed that Zoro was in the same boat as the cook.
"You mean, you know Hacchin? Is Hacchin an old friend of yours?" Camie was unable to read the room and hadn't been listening to the conversation till now.
"HE'S NOT OUR FRIEND!!!" And it seemed that Zoro was extremely filled with anger at hearing the questions and it terrified the mermaid as she looked at his face.
"Turn the ship around!" Usopp had ordered.
"Nami-chin..." Camie turned to the navigator as her only hope.
"Sorry, Camie... We never would have thought your friend was that guy..." But it was pointless to even try.
"No way... Then, you won't help me save him after all? Hacchin!" The mermaid was brought to tears asking that.
"Camie! That's okay! Just turn back! This is a trap!" Hatchan understood their response, figuring this is exactly what would happen.
"No... I'll save you... Hacchin, you're always saving us, after all! Pappag!" But Camie wasn't going to give up.
"That's right: I never thought you guys would be such a load of unsealing halfwits! Idiots! Idiots!" and Pappag refuse to believe that the crew would go back on their promise.
"Shut up!" Zoro shouted at him
"Wait for us, Hachi!"
"We definitely won't abandon you, Hacchin!" before the two of them had jump overboard to rescue him themselves.
"Camie!" Sanji called after her as this was a trap,
"That idiot!" And Zoro wasn't wrong.
"Are they gonna be alright?" Chopper had to ask as everyone was waiting and watching for the two to surface.
"I'm sure they wouldn't just sump in like that¡ they should have some sort of plan..." Usopp was thinking that it to be the case,
"We've got you now Camie!" only to be shocked that both Camie and Pappag had be caught within seconds by the Macro Pirates.
"Oh, come on, that's just pathetic!" It had caused the long nose to scream at them.
"Now, we're gonna be rich!" Macro was shouting in joy.
"With Hachi, who always saves you, in that stat and all!" Gyaro was also shouting.
"You won't get away, Camie!" Along with Tansui as well as she was screaming.
"That's why I told you to run! Camie! Pappag!" Hatchan began to cry out to them. "
"Why, you... Camie hasn't done anything!" It seemed that the cook was filled with anger and began to head off and attack.
"Wait, Sanji!" But nami had come to stop him as she wanted to see something. Her sight turned back to Hatchan that was away thrashing about in his cage, trying to get out to save Camie.
"I'll save you right now, Camie!" He didn't seem to be stoping as he was hitting his head over and over again at the cage.
"Fine, let's save Hachi as well." Seeing his effort, Nami relents and tells the crew to go save him which had confused those that had fought against Arlong. "Hachi isn't that bad. Actually, he's harmless! And we promised Camie, too." She had explained to them winking to them.
"N... Nami Swan... that firm, determined appearance is just wonderful!" And of course Sanji had hearts flying everywhere.
"Hey, Nami..."
"Is that really fine?" Usopp and Zoro were asking her all surprised,
"Luffy!" which it was to her.
"If you say so, then I guess there's no choice. Let's save the octopus as well." Luffy agrees, but it's clear he still just wants takoyaki.
"Looks like his eyes turned into takoyaki." Luna came to point out looking at his eyes that taken the form of takoyaki with steam coming off them as he drooled. But with everything being decided...
"Gum Gum..." Luffy stretch back his arm. "...Pistol!" Before sending it to wrap around Camie. "Wait a minute!" Where he jumped off towards shouting to then grab Pappag as well.
"He's a Devil Fruit user!?" The Macro crew were shocked at this.
"Strawhat." As Luffy used Hatchan's cage as a stepping stone to get on the compound.
"Damn him!"
"Alright! I got them!" He was covered in water with both the starfish and mermaid in hand.
"Straw Hat! Thank you so much! I'm indebted to you!" Which had caused the octopus to cry.
"Zoro! Luna! Cut the octopus' ropes and the cage!" That had then been ordered.
"Sure!" And the two of them had pulled out their blades.
"Straw Hat! Be careful! You've already strung the trap!" Hatchan was crying out to him as a warning. "The Flying Fish Riders have you surrounded!"
"Luffy-chin..." Luffy had placed both Camie and Pappag behind him.
"Whether it's from the sea, or the Sky, we're ready for'em!" That was being said as Luffy and the crew we're going to beat them all. "YOU GUYS!" the crew were all ready and waiting for the order. "PREPARE FOR BATTLE!"

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