I Like Fools!

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The battlefield was once again filled with the clashing of metal and face to face combat after the pirates made it to the plaza, as all the cannons were on the outside of the wall, making them useless to the marines. "Stay out of my line of fire." Whitebeard began walking through the plaza, speaking those words towards his allies that taken off ahead of him.
"Here he comes again!" The marines were sweating as Whitebeard was ready to attack once again.
"Guess I've got no choice." Aokiji leaped into the sky above, steam flowing off him. "Ica Ball!" Ice had been fired towards Whitebeard and when the smoke had cleared...
"He froze Whitebeard!" The man was covered in a giant ice sphere and was trapped.
"You did it!" That was what they had thought, until the ice began to crack and the old man had completely broken free.
"Oh, my... Looks like I can't freeze a quake man..." However, Aokiji wasn't even the slightest bit surprised as suspected this would happen. He then once again leaped towards Whitebeard this time. "Ice..." But he ended up getting impaled but the spear.
"Admiral Kuzan!" This caused his allies to look on stunned.
"He stabbed him with Haki!"
"Is Aokiji dead?" The pirates appeared to be pleased by this.
"No! Don't be ridiculous." If he hadn't been a logia type it would have killed Aokiji, even though Haki infused the blade the Admiral created a hole in himself before the spear strucked him. The spear began to freeze after Aokiji gripped onto it with both hands, before Whitebeard had realised it had frozen to his hand. "Ice..." Ice began to take shape around him. "...Block Partisan!" They had taken the form of spears by solidifying the cold air around him. Just as he was about to send them down at Whitebeard, someone had appeared, smashing him to pieces, Jozu.
"Pops, get going!" This had been said as Aokiji was quickly regenerates from the ice.
"I'm counting on you." And the old man continued moving forwards as Jozu got ready for a battle with one of the three powerhouses.
"'Diamond' Jozu..." who appeared to be irritated.
"Are you alright?" The old man looked down as someone asked this question of him. Standing right beside him out of nowhere was Luna. Not that he was surprised at her sudden appearance since he was used to it by now.
"What's this? Getting soft at your age?" The old man had joked since the demon he first meet was not one to ask such questions.
"Who's old?" She glared up at him in annoyance before she began looking all around for Luffy, who she looked away for just a few minutes. That's when she shouted him dashing and breaking through the marines getting in his way. However, that all changed when a man with a dark red mohawk and a mustache had began calmly approaching him. A second later, before even notice he had appeared right before him and swung his sword. It sliced Luffy, but it wasn't a serious injury due to him able to dodge the last second. But the young man had ended up face planting into the ground behind.
"Straw Hat Luffy... I, Momonga, stake my pride as a Navy Vice Admiral on stopping you right here!" His had been announced by the man as he turned around to where Luffy had stopped sliding on his face. It was clear that he was beginning to reach his limit as he wasn't pushing himself right up.
"Vice Admiral... So you're the same as Gramps, huh?" Luffy had assume since Garp also had the rank of Vice Admiral.
"Shave!" Momonga had increased his speed in order to attack Luffy, who had swiftly moved in response and tried to kick his attack. "Moonwalk!" The man wasn't hazed as he retreated to the sky before pulling his sword behind him as he was falling towards Luffy. He was unable to avoid this attack as it sliced at him, sending him back off his feet.
"Gear..." Though, Luffy didn't stop as he gotten to his feet and steam began pouring out from the straw hat boy. "Secon..." However, he was unable to change as he was barely able to stand as he was.
"Looks like you're out of energy!" Seeing the state that he was in. "Finger Pistol!" A man with half a Dalmatian for a head had attacked him, seeing Luffy to the ground again. This time, he didn't try getting up straight away. "I'm not surprised. He is just a rookie, after all." Neither of the Vice Admiral who had just attacked him, looked on not surprise as he wasn't getting up.
"But... He's as persistent as ever." But hearing this coming from Momonga, seemed to be odd to him. It was then when he turned back to Luffy, who had began grunting. This had been due to the fact that he was once again pushing himself up, despite the pain and lack of energy he had. However, it didn't last long as Luffy's sight had been pulled towards a glowing light that was growing. When he looked over towards it, he found Kizaru that fired a beam without hesitation. The young man had smashed right into Whitebeard's chest and about to fall.
"Ace's little brother!" The pirates belonging to Whitebeard looked on stunned.
"Luffy!" While Luna stretched out her arms to catch him, however, the old pirate grabbed onto the younger one's leg, causing him to hang upside down.
"Ace..." Luffy was basically about to go unconscious from everything, but still called for his brother.
"Oh, Whitebeard's command has been dulled... To think that a man like you... would let such reckless trash... lead your attack." Kizaru began berates both Luffy and Whitebeard. It had then been when the Admiral began to use his Devil Fruit again, pointing it towards the old pirate.
"We won't let you touch Pops!" In response, his had stepped in front of him, in order to shield their pops.
"Oh, how admirable..." He sarcastically commending the Whitebeard pirates who try to protect their captain.
"There he is! It's Straw-Hat-boy!" But out of nowhere, a voice began to shout and it caused the light from Kizaru to disappear. "There he is, Jinbe!"
"Who's that!?"
"Where's that voice coming from?" The admiral and pirates began looking around in slight confusion as they didn't know where the voice was coming from. However, all soon had a shadow lingering over them, causing heads to turn and become shock. It wasn't all that surprising as on the large wall was a large inflated head just sitting there. "Don't vyou see me!? Vi'm Ivankov, dammit!" It seemed to be very pissed off.
"Up there!"
"What's with the size of his face!?"
"It's Ivankov, from the Revolutionary Army!"
"Luffy!" But he wasn't alone as Jimbe had come leaping off the wall.
"Are vyou still alive, Straw-Hat-boy!?" And not shortly behind him, was Ivankov falling head's first due to the weight of his head. "Vi'm... Vi'm... not falling!" However, he failed and ended up landing on a few pirates as he did.
"Oi, Ivankov, stop messing around." Luna ended up calling out to him.
"Vi'm sorry..."
"What a noisy guy." Whitebeard turned around, still holding Luffy upside down.
"Luna... Iva... Jinbe..." Luffy seemed to have regain a bit more of his consciousness as he noticed the three of them. "Let me go, Oldtimer!" But there he began shouting at Whitebeard, trying to break free. "I'm...I'm... Let me go!"
"He's done more than enough. Treat his wounds." Luna seemed to be a bit stunned at the words that came from the old man's lips. But it stopped when Luffy had been dropped down to her.
"I don't need that! There's no time!" Needless to say that Luffy was fighting back as Luna was holding him. "I've gotta go save him! Don't get in my way!" Although it didn't really mean much, even if Luna herself was weak, because she was far stronger then him. "Ace is... Ace is... Ace is my only brother in the world! I'll... I'll definitely... definitely... save him!" The strength in his legs had given out as he fell into Luna's chest.
"Luffy! Hey!" This had caused Jimbe to ran over towards the pair, only side someone carrying a large red case.
"This is awful..." clearly the man had been a doctor as he began to look at Luffy's state.
"Please, Doctor! Do whatever you can to keep him alive!" Jimbe shouted at the doctor before turning back to Luffy, calling out to him saying to hang in there.
"A bundle of spirit, who only knows how to talk big... Young and clumsy... I like fools like that..." Whitebeard was speaking, looking right over to Ace who was scared upon seeing Luffy and the others injuries from afar. "Those with no regard for their lives, advance!" The old man had stepped forwards laughing before pulling his spear back. The marines began to panic at this sight, since they all knew what was to happen.
"Here he comes! It's Whitebeard!"

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