The Sky Island, Skypiea!

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As the Straw Hats entered the cloud, the pressure of the wind was pulling hard on upon them. And they held on the hardest they could, but the further they went up the harder it was becoming. But finally, light surrounded them as the ship was high in the sky and landed on something. The crew was on deck, struggling to breath properly, and coughing hard. "Damn... what the hell happened? Everyone still here?" Zoro asked breathing heavily.
"Oi, everyone take a look! Look around the ship!" It seemed that Luffy was unaffected as he was yelling, the crew looked around them and saw nothing but clouds.
"What is this place?" Sanji had asked.
"It's SOOO white!" Luffy shouted even more. The crew had walked to tech front of the ship looking.
"Clouds!" Chopped yelled in delight.
"We're on top of the clouds?" Nami couldn't believe it asking how they were floating on them.
"Sure we can float on them. They're clouds." Luffy started as if it was normal.
"No, we can't!" Zoro, Sanji and Chopper told him. Luna had notice Usopp was laying in the ground but she wasn't the only one.
"Oh no! Usopp's not breathing!" Chopper ran over to him worried.
"WHAT!? Do something!" Luffy ran over to them yelling, "try CPR!"
"Yosh! I'll give Nami CPR-!" Sanji started yelling.
"Yutz." Zoro called him, and he stood still.
"Usopp! Hang on!" Chopped shouted, pressing hard on Usopp's chest, till he finally opened his eyes.
"Usopp!" Chopper and Luffy were so glad he was alright.
"The clouds..." Usopp got up and looked around. "WHAT!? CLOUDS!" He screamed, his eyes popping straight out. "Too many clouds! What's going on!?"
"This is sea of the sky." Luna looked to the clouds around them as she stated.
"Sea of the Sky?" Usopp looked down to the clouds the ship was on.
"But, look. The Log Pose is still pointing up." Nami showed the Pose to Luna, who was sitting on the rails along with Robin and Chopper.
"It means that we're somewhere in the middle of the Cumuloregalis cloud." Luna was the one that had come to that conclusion.
"So we have to go higher? How?" Chopper was asking her
"Don't know." Was all she said.
"Who're you calling a yutz?" Sanji was over by Zoro asking him.
"I forgot." Zoro answered him as it was a bother.
"A sea..." Usopp was sighing in relief, and then was posing on the ship's rails. "For his first course, Captain Usopp is going for a swim!" Usopp laughed happily.
"Let's see it!" Chopper and Luffy we're cheering him on and whistle.
"Oi, Oi, Oi! Don't do anything stupid!" Sanji had stopped trying to pick a fight with Zoro "We still don't know the nature of this sea." and told them, but it was pointless.
"A sea is a sea~!" Usopp sang, as he leaped into the clouds. Luffy and Chopper were both impressed and amazed at him, but Luna just thought he was stupid.
"Usopp's lucky..." Luffy started mopping after a few minutes had passed, "I wish I could swim too..."
"It's probably really fun..." Chopper agreed with him, the ship was silent as they waited for Usopp to return.
"Oi. He's... not coming up." Someone, Zoro, Finally said. Everyone walked to the snide of the ship Usopp had jumped off of and looked into the sea.
"You idiots know that the sky doesn't have a bottom, right?" Luna had asked them, since it wouldn't make sense if it did. The crew turned to Luna taking in what she had just said and when they did
"YOU THINK...!?" they began to panic.
"That idiot! Did he fall out of the cloud!?" Everyone started to freak out for their crew mate.
"USOPP!" Luffy shouted stretching his arm into the clouds.
"What's that idiot doing!?" Sanji yelled about Usopp.
"Stretch your arm as far as you can!" Robin shouted to Luffy.
"But I can't see the bottom-" Luffy turned to her crying,
"Don't worry. I'll handle it." Robin told him, "Ojos Fleur!" (Eyes flower, Spanish) Robin yelled with her eyes closed, she started searching for Usopp in the clouds. The crew waited terrified of what could of happened to him. After a bit finally Robin yelled that she saw him.
"Where?!" Luffy asked her.
"Veinta Fleur!" (20 Flowers, Spanish) Robin had yelled. "Okay, pull him up!" Robin opened her eyes and told Luffy smiling in relief.
"You got him? Yosh!" With all his strength, Luffy started pulling his arms back.
"Is he heavy?" Chopper asked. They waited as Luffy was having difficulty pulling him up.
"I don't think so..." Robin told them.
"C'mon Luffy!" Chopped cheered him on.
"Don't give up!" So did Nami. Finally, Luffy pulled his arm up and there was Usopp in the air. "Yes! There he is-!" Everyone was relieved with they saw him, until giant tentacles shot up after him.
"Something else came up!" Luffy yelled, and Nami had started screaming as something else appeared.
"They want to eat Usopp!" Sanji said, Nami and Chopper started screaming even more then before. Zoro was the first to attack, pulling one of his swords out he jumped towards the tentacle.
"You don't have to be that scared of this!" Zoro had told them and sliced it. But to their surprise it exploded like a balloon. But then Sanji didn't have time for that, as another one attacked the ship, jumping above it, Sanji landed a huge kick on its head, where it just fell back into the sea. "Man... this place... sure takes the breath out of you..." the guys were once again having a hard time breathing.
"Now, this is a weird-lookin' animal. I can't even tell if it's a fish." Sanji stated looking down at the huge creature.
"That octopus was almost like a ballon." Luffy said.
"But they were still animals. They were moving." Zoro told Luffy.
"Animals in the Sky?" Nami questioned.
"So we really should think of this more as an ocean than a cloud." Robin suggested.
"What is this flare snake?" Chopper asked looking at Sanji's victim.
"It's a flatfish. 'Cause it's flat." Luffy named it stupidly.
"So this is a flatfish?" And Chopper Just believed him. The next thing, Usopp was screaming.
"For the love of... what is it now, Usopp?" Sanji jumped down annoyed.
"My overalls... there's something in them!" Usopp pulled a blue flat fish out of his overalls and then fainted.
"Usopp!" Chopper ran over to him.
"Sky Island scary... Sky Island scary... Sky Island scary...Sky Island scary... Sky Island scary." Usopp repeated over and over again
"He's had a rough day." Robin looked at him in pity.
"Don't be such a baby." While saying that, Luna picked up the fish.
"Would you say this is a Skyfish?" Robin turned around to Luna giving her a closer look.
"The one in Norland's Logbook? Most likely." Luna looked at the Skyfish. "I'm guess that they evolved to adapted to flout in the sea in the sky." She had said after coming to that conclusion.
"I'm thinking you're right." Robin had to agree with that.
"Like becoming balloons or flattening out their bodies?" Zoro asked, understanding a little of what the two of them were talking about.
"To reduce their density. This sea's buoyancy is significantly lower than that of the sea below us." Robin explained as Luffy took the Skyfish away from Luna.
"It's scales look like feathers. And it's unusual for it be a carnivore." Nami pointed out. The next minute Luffy was eating something.
"I sautéed it." Sanji said lighting a cigarette.
"This is great!" Luffy yelled delighted. Of course, this pissed both Nami off, a lot.
"WE'RE NOT DONE LOOKING AT IT YET!" Nami had shouted. "What do you guys think you're doing!?" She had asked them shouting. Walking over to them, and she then took a bite of it, "Oh, you're right. It's delicious! What is it? Investors never tasted a texture like this." Nami had losses.
"I'm glad you like it, Nami!" Sanji yelled happily.
"You two to are lucky that I remember everything a see." Luna was had informed them.
"Let's eat that big one too!" Luffy told Sanji.
"That one's too scrawny to be worth the trouble." Sanji expected to him.
"Where's Sky Island?" Chopper was asking looking through binoculars looking around.
"You do know it's up further, right?" She had told him or more like reminding him
"I know. Oh, a ship." Chopper said surprised.
"Really? Where?" Luna looked out to where he was looking, and saw the small out line of a vessel. "I think I see it." She squinted her eyes. "You lot, there's a ship." Luna had informed the rest of the crew.
"And a person?" She turned back when Chopper looked back.
"A person, what?" She asked him and saw that he was horrified.
"Oi, what's wrong, Chopper?" Sanji asked him. Falling back, Chopper dropped the binoculars and slouch over. "Chopper, you see a ship? Is there a ship over there?" Sanji asked. Chopper then jumped back up and turned to Sanji and Luna.
"NO! I mean, there was- but the ship's gone now!" Chopper told them.
"What?" Zoro had joined the Conversation.
"What do you mean it's gone?" Luna asked for him to explained.
"There's a bull charging right at us on a square cloud!" Chopper yelled to them, jumping side to side. Luna was thinking that made less sense then the ship being there one minute and gone the next.
"I don't understand ! Calm down!" Zoro was telling him.
"What are you on- Ah, there's a bull charging right for us." Luna said looking pass Chopper.
"Not you too!" Zoro said to her.
"No, seriously. There's a bull mark wearing man coming right at us." Luna was calmly pointing towards a person wearing a bull mask that was changing right at them.
"A person! Someone's coming!" Sanji looked to where Luna was pointing to and saw the man. "He's riding on top of the clouds!" The man the leaped in the air towards the Going Merry. "Oi, Hold it! What do you want?" Sanji asked him.
"I shall reject you!" He yelled back.
"He wants a fight!" Sanji was ready.
"Fine by me! Luna, stand back!" Zoro got ready to pull out his sword.
"Not that I'm complain." She began walking off as if nothing was happening.
"What? What?" Luffy looked up to them confused. The man was the first to lay a hit, kicking Sanji right in the face, sending him flying into the wall of the ship. He then went straight to Zoro, and with es he took Zoro down. Jumping up in the air doing multi-backflip in it and struck down on Luffy.
"H-Hey! What's wrong with you three!?" Nami yelled asking them. The man then was heading right for Luna who had her back to him but she dodged.
"Is that all you got?" She had asked while her body began to shift and her left leg was heading right for him, it had made contact which had pushed him back, up in the sky but he had pulled out a weapon and aimed it at the ship.
"HE'S GONNA SHOOT US!" Chopper screamed terrified out of his mind.
"That's enough!" Someone had attacked the masked man and sent him into the clouds.
"What!?" Nami yelled as the stranger landed on the ship. "Who is it now!?" The stranger turned around and stood on the deck.
"I am the Knight of the Sky." An old man of average height with long white hair, mustache, and beard, had said. He wore a metal armor with a dark red shirt, and brown pants. He had a knight's visor always pulled up. He also was wearing a dark blue cloak that is yellow on the inside and at the back. There was a strange looking large pink bird that had red polka dot pattern on its body, standing right behind him. It had a solid red on the sides and the back of its head, it also had red of its horn-like ears. For some reason it had a bandages wrapped around it torso. And finally it had a tab face, with a yellow beak. "He's retreated." The man said looking at the clouds.
"Exactly, what just happened?" Luna asked the old man.
"Just who was that?" Nami also asked him, confused and stressed. "And what more..." Nami turned to the guys. "What's wrong with you guys? That was pathetic!" She told them, as they were still breathing heavily. "Luna handled him, unlike all three of you together couldn't!" She was now yelling to them.
"Thank you for helping us!" Chopper had bowed to the Knight of the Sky, grateful.
"No need for thanks. This is a service." The knight turned to Chopper.
"Dammit... I'm disappointed." Sanji said.
"Somehow, my body... won't move that well." Luffy struggled to explain.
"It must be because the air's so thin." Robin had told them.
"Yeah, now that I think about it..." Zoro was also struggling.
"Really? I don't feel any different." Luna had stated, moving her body around with ease. In fact, she felt even better then before for some reason.
"I wonder why that is?" Robin had looked puzzled.
"Are you Blue Sea dwellers?" The old knight asked as he climbed the stairs of the Merry.
"Blue Sea dwellers? What do you mean? Oh yeah, who are you?" Nami asked the questions.
"I am the Knight of the Sky. 'Blue Sea dwellers' is the general term for those who live beneath the clouds." He explained looking down to them from the higher deck.
"Knight of the Sky?" Chopper  repeated confused of the meaning.
"So, I presume that you traveled up from the Blue Sea." He said to the crew.
"Yeah, that's right." Luffy answered him.
"Then this is no surprise. This is the White Sea, 7,000 meters above your Blue Sea. Furthermore, above this is the White-White Sea, 10,000 meters above your own. Ordinary Blue Sea dwellers' bodies cannot handle it." The knight explains, and Luffy started getting up.
"Yosh, I think I'm getting used to it!" Luffy said punching his chest a few times sitting up.
"Yeah, I feel a lot better than before." Zoro was trying to act tough,
"No, no, no, no, no, that's not possible." The knight told them with a huge sweat drop.
"I have to know! How was that guy running on top of the clouds?" Chopper asked him.
"Yield, yield, yield." The knight sat on the rails hanging his legs over the side. "I am certain you have many questions for me, but first we must talk business."
"I am a free mercenary. And this is a sea of many dangers. Since you know not the battle of the sky, you will be easy targets of the guerillas or Skyfish." The old man told them, "One whistle and I will rescue you for a price of 5,000,000 extols." Everyone looked up to silently, and then tilted their heads confused.
"What're you talking about, old Knight guy?" Luffy asked him right away.
"You fool! It is a small price to pay! I will not take one extol less! I have to make a living, you know!" He said flustered, but the crew didn't even know what extol was.
"Shut up, they don't even know what extols are." Luna said up to him, "And what the hell is this whistle thing?" She had asked him, annoyed.
"You mean you did not come by way of the High West? But you must have at least stopped by one or two islands!"
"C'mon, what're you talking about, old knight guy?" Luffy once again asked him.
"Hold on! You mean there are other ways to get to this sky sea? And one or two islands? You mean there's more than one Sky Island?" Nami had asked him in a panicked.
"You mean that you-"
"We rode the Knock-Up Stream here." Robin cut the old man off.
"Riding that monstrous current? To think there are still souls brave enough to dare to do that..." The knight said impressive and amazed.
"I knew it wasn't a normal route!" Nami had turned around crying, "I THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA DIE!" Nami had started shacking Luffy frantically in frustration and anger. "OF WE'D GATHERED MORE INFORMATION WE WOULD'VE HAD AN EASIER TRIP!!"
"We're here Now! It's all good!" Luffy told her.
"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Then they continued saying and yelling the same thing back and forwards.
"Have you lost any of your crew?" The old man as looking to Luffy.
"Nope, we all made it!" Luffy turned to him.
"It's was better to take the Knock-Up Stream because if we had gone the other way all of you would be dead." Luna had spoken causing Nami to flinch.
"That's right, by using the Knock-Up Stream, either you all die or you all survive. There are a few left willing to risk losing everything. Especially in recent years. I have great respect for your brave and trustworthy Navigator." The man had explained and said.
"You know about this?" That's when Luna felt a dark aura behind her. "You knew but didn't say anything?!" Nami grabbed her collar and started shaking her wildly. "WE COULD HAVE DIED!!"
"You would have died if we went the other way too. I thought you would have appreciated not dying since the chances were higher if we went through the Knock-Up Stream." Luna turned her face away from Nami as if she wasn't there. "Also, there was no current nearby for us to use."
"Well, it was the course I picked, after all!" Usopp had finally snapped out of his terrified start and the first thing he does was lie. "At the time, these guys were crying and had given up on their lives, but I told them:" Usopp face was pulled and pinched by Nami, who was annoyed at him, "'I'm the Navigator!'"
"Hey." That's when the Knight f the Sky pulled out a white whistle.
"One whistle means blowing sharply into this." He then threw it on the deck and turned his back to them. "I will descend from Heaven itself to lend you aid. I normally ask 5,000,000 extol for future visits, but I shall give you one whistle as a present."
"Wait! We don't even know your name!" Nami shouted to him.
"I am the Knight of the Sky, Gan Fall! And this is my partner, Pierre!" He introduced him self and the bird that answered. "I should have mentioned that my partner, Pierre..." that's when the bird started changing forms, " a bird who eaten and gained the ability of the Horse Horse Fruit." The crew watched totally stunned.
"The bird?" Sanji asked.
"Mean, he can become a winged horse! Namely..." Gan Fall was explaining.
"Oh my! How wonderful! A Pegasus?" Nami asked all excited.
"Yes, a Pegasus!" Gan Fall has hopped on Pierre. The crew first waited excitedly as the bird changed, but seeing it... it was a different story. It was hideous, maintain the pink body with red polka dot design, but with white feathers. His face also elongates to that of a horse's.
"That's... questionable." The crew all said looking at them.
"Brave souls, may luck be with you!" Gan Fall yelled as he flew away.
"Well That was certainly strange..." Sanji was the first to say it.
"Strange? More like hideous." Luna told him.
"And by the way... was there any point to it transforming?" Nami asked the crew.
"Dunno..." they all answered watching them fly off, completely confused at what they had just seen.
"In the end... he didn't really tell us much." Robin said, and Usopp agreed with her.
"We can blow this and he'll come back." Sanji pointed to the whistle.
"How are we gonna get higher?" Zoro turned to the crew asking, an important question.
"Yosh! I'll call that old Knight guy and ask him!" Luffy said picking up the whistle, took a deep breath and was about to blow it. However, Nami and Usopp both grabbed him in the nick of time to stop him.
"W-w-w-w-w-Whoa, Hold it Luffy! That's only to ask for help in an emergency!" Nami yelled at him, as she was choking him,
"What if that weirdo in the mask shows up again!?" Usopp was pulling on his face.
"Anyway, let's move the ship somewhere." Zoro had suggested.
"Hey, look over there!" Chopper yelled looking over the ship of the ship. Both Robin and Luna looked off to where he was looking at.
"I wonder what that is." Robin said seeing it.
"Whatever it is, the look like weird clouds." Luna had stated.
"It looks like a waterfall." Robin had said, stating. And it really did look like one, Luna thought.
"Yosh, that's that then. We'll go over there." Zoro decided. Luna looked over to him. Like Zoro had ordered the crew started heading towards the strange clouds that looked like a waterfall. They were all standing at the front of Merry, going forwards until...
"Hold on! Stop, stop!" Nami had yelled to them.
"Some large clouds are blocking our path." Robin had stated.
"What do we do?" That was a good question.
"Aren't they flouting, wouldn't that mean they are not part of the white sea?" Luna looked to the clouds, they might be like small like cloud islands, she had been thinking.
"What kind of clouds are they then?" Usopp then asked, sitting from the rails.
"Of they're ordinary clouds, we can just sail through them." Nami had stated to the crew.
"I'll touch one and find out!" Luffy was getting excited, "Gum Gum..." He had pulled his arm back and began spinning it around by the shoulder. "...Pistol!" He stretched his arm to the cloud, but it bounced right off, which caused him to be surprised and pulled his arm back. But then he was laughing in amusement, jumping toward the clouds. "Look! I'm bouncing! I'm not sinking! It's so soft! Just like cotton!" Luffy yelled bouncing up and down on his back all over the place on the cloud. He looked like he was having so much fun.
"Wooow~!" Chopper was watching completely captivated by it.
"What a strange phenomenon." Nami said to Robin and Luna, as they watched Luffy.
"Quite mysterious." Robin said.
"This is new." Luna then said.
"I'm going too!" Usopp yelled, forgetting his near death experience and leaping to join Luffy.
"Me too!" Chopper yelled wildly.
"Ahh~! This feels nice! It's so warm, I think I might fall asleep. It's more comfortable than a thousand futons." Luffy was all relaxed, be fore His was sentient bouncing in the air by. Usopp and Chopper. They started bouncing all over the place laughing.
"But, That means we can't take the ship through any place where these cloud are." She started turning around, "Hey, look for a route the ship can use while you're up there!" Nami had yelled to the four of them.
"Okay, Yosh!" Luffy shouted back to her.
"Oi, Luffy! There's something else over here!" Usopp was yelling. Chopper on the other hand continued to bouncing around, as Luffy started running towards Usopp, and Nami yelling at him say not to play around. It was long before The four of them started heading back to the ship, Usopp was they first one on the ship, and explained what they had seen.
"A gate?" Nami repeated. Luffy then jumped down to the deck.
"Yeah, there's a huge gate underneath that fall-looking thing." As Luffy had finished, Chopper came laughing down to the deck, But had stopped once he fell into the back of Usopp's head, and the two of them were in pain.
"That was stupid." Luna stood above them saying. The ship had once again started sailing.
"So there's something man-made here?" Sanji had asked disbelief, the clouds were like icebergs that they had to dodge.
"Nothing is out of the question on this sea." Robin responded.
"That's true." Luna had spoken in agreement .
"Well, we'll know once we get through here!" Luffy said.
"Go left next!" Chopper yelled. Which he was right, we needed to go left.
0No, right!" Usopp protested.
"IT WAS LEFT!" Chopper shouted back at him,
"No, right!" Usopp yelled.
"I'll call the Armer Guy!" That's when Luffy, the idiot, grabbed the whistle and once about to blow it.
"DON'T!" Lucky Usopp and Chopper grabbed on to him before he blow on it.
"Yosh, we made it through!" Nami said, as we passed clouds, a man-made building was standing in front of the clouds that were fall. It was amazing and we all looked to the gate thinking the same thing.
"It really is a gate..." Sanji said.
"And look! Those clouds looked like a waterfall really are a fall! It's flowing over that new type of cloud we just saw." Nami had pointed out explaining in amazement.
"Let's see, let's see... 'Heaven's Gate'- a gate to Heaven? Oi! Is this a joke!?" Usopp had read the sign. "It's like we're going to die!"
"Or, what if we're all dead already?" Zoro said joking, which really wasn't helping.
"Oh. That would certainly account for all the weird stuff here." Sanji went along with it, once again, wasn't helping.
"Wouldn't surprise me." Luna was surprisingly going alone with it.
"Huh!. We're dead!?" And poor little innocent Chopper was shocked. And then there was Luffy laughing.
"Heaven, Eh? Sounds like fun! Finally goin' there!" He grinned fantasising.
"We're not going to die!" Nami yells at the guys and punched them, which was to be expected. Expect that she didn't punch Luna.
"What was that for!?" Usopp asked her,
"Because you made that bad joke!" Nami yelled back to him.
"Why did you hit me too...?" Chopper asked her.
"Oi, look over there!" Usopp pointed off to the building, "Someone's coming out!" As Usopp was saying this a short very elderly woman with an extensively wrinkled face came walking out flashing a camera. She had purple hair, put into two buns. With thin arms she wore a pink tunic.... and she had small white wings on her back!
"Look! One her back! W-wings!" Chopper shocked and amazed at the same time, looking at the woman.
"An angle!" Luffy yelled, "So that's a really angel?" He asked his face turning blue, "She looks like a prune!" After Luffy had said that, it was silent, as they looked at her looking at us.
"E-Excuse us..." Nami hesitantly spoke to the old lady.
"I am the appointed lookout of Heaven's Gate, Amazon. Sightseeing? Or fighting?" She asked us, but what type of questions were they!?
"S-Sightseeing would be closer, I guess..." Nami responded.
"We wanna go to Sky Island! Sky Island's on the other side of this gate, right?" Luffy yelled across to the old lady, Amazon.
"What do you mean, fighting?" Zoro asked her.
"I would have to agree, why did you ask us that?" Luna stood next to Zoro, with her arms cross.
"It doesn't matter which. Just pay the immigration fee, 1,000,000,000 extol per person, and be on your way. That's the law." She had stated.
"1-1,000,000,000!?" Usopp stepped back,
"There's that extol thing again." Sanji said.
"How much is 1,000,000,000 extol in beli?" Usopp asked looking down at his hand.
"No matter what it is, 1,000,000,000's gotta be a lot!" Chopped was right.
"1,000,000,000 for one person... 8,000,000,000 for eight people." Robin calmly stated.
"Yeah, that is a lot." Luna informed him just as calmly as Robin.
"We're only going in." Usopp said, asking why they had to pay that much to get in? "This old granny must have her wires crossed-" before Usopp could finish Nami blocked his mouth.
"Excuse me, but about the money... if... if by some chance... we didn't have enough..." Nami states.
"You can pass." Amazon replied before Nami finished.
"We can!?" Usopp was shocked.
"Or, you can also not pass." This only confused them, as she said that. "I am neither a guardian nor a warrior. I only listen to your will." Amazon told us.
"Okay, let's go! Let's go to Sky Island!" Luffy once again got excited.
"We don't have any money, but we're going through, Granny!" Usopp yelled over to Amazon.
"I see! Eight of you, Yes?" She asked us in return.
"Yeah, But... how do we get up to Sky Island-?" Before Luffy could finish, something emerged from the clouds, they looked like claws of a crab, and it grabbed the ship. "Something's coming up!" The ship was shaking wildly because of them.
"Inhabitant of the White Sea, the Speedy Shrimp." Amazon had said, and then our ship was taking off, fast up the cloudfall.
"W-we started moving!" Usopp shouted.
"Whoa! A huge shrimp!" Chopper was shouting in terror.
"It's going up the fall!" Zoro had yelled.
"Hold on tight!" Nami yelled to the others , as she was grabbing ahold of the rails at the front of Merry.
"This things fast!" Sanji yelled the obvious.
"Hey, up a head."  Luna was pointing to something that looked like a river of clouds going into the shy.
"It goes all the way to the top!" Nami shouted, this only made Luffy grinning more then he already was as he held onto the Merry's head.
"What's gonna happen?" Sanji had asked holding himself up onto the rails, next to us.
"This belt of clouds is almost like a river." Zoro pointed out.
"It isn't just like one,  it is one." Luna told him to the duh voice. Then ship then titled and Nami, Usopp and Chopper had let go, flying. However, lucky for them, the others ended up stopping them from flying off the ship. Robin had used Dos Flores (two flowers) to grab onto Chopper. Sanji had jumped and caught Nami in his arms, bridal style. And as for Usopp, he was under Zoro foot, crying.
"I can't imagine that this formed naturally..." Nami said, as Sanji held her being love struck over her.
"There's nothing natural about this!" Usopp whined.
"Stop whining." Luna looked to him. Luffy was cheering happily, nothing could phase him. After a few ups and downs, lefts and rights, A light appeared ahead.
"The exit! There's something written there!" Chopper yelled pointing to something on the cloud.
"'Godland. The Land of God, Skypiea'!" Robin had read out loud . The land of god? What to hell was that?
"It's not an exit! IT'S AN ENTRANCE!" Luffy shouted up to the light. This was both exciting and nerve wracking as they came to the light. One minute they were flying, the next they falling, but it wasn't hard.
"An island!" Luffy shouted, everyone was looking ahead, and there really was... an island. "IT'S SKY ISLAND!" It was unbelievable, Luna knew that anything was possible in the Grand Line, and she read about the logs of people claiming to have been to a Sky Island, but seeing it... with her own eyes, really did make her believe and everything she read in the log books of pirates and the Marines were true.
"Hey... that sign said... Skypiea." Robin said, but it kind of sounded like a question.
"Yeah." Nami sounded happy.
"It's the same name as the map Luffy brought back." Luna said, remembering the name.
"Yes! The galleon that fell on us... really did come here! They saw this same sight 200 years ago!" It truly was amazing, and beautiful be on belief.. the Going Merry was slowly approached the island, and pulled up anchor.
"What is this place? It just reeks of adventure!" Luffy had leaped off the ship excited with out think.
"Idiot! Hold on!" Usopp jumped off after him. The rest of them had walked to the edge of the ship and saw Usopp face planet into the water.
"It's shallow enough to stand. Oi, you Okay?" Usopp's nose was the only thing stinking out, and then he finally sat back up.
"Is this island made of that fluffy cloud?" Usopp asked, shocked.
"Feels like it!" Luffy was even more excited, if that was even possible.
"It's the fluffy cloud!" And now Usopp was starting to get excited, this wasn't going to end well.
"Let's go ashore!" Luffy ran off shouting and Usopp ran after him. "Sky Island!"
"Me too, me too!" Chopper jumped off the ship.
"I'm gonna go change!" Nami said running off.
"That doesn't sound to bad, I think I'll got too." Luna followed after her.
"Oi, Luffy! What about the anchor? There's no bottom here, right?" Zoro yelled to him, as the girls entered the door to below deck and entered the girl's cabin.
"What are you going to change into?" Nami asked Luna, as she opened the door.
"It doesn't matters." She pulled out some clothes and started changing.

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