The Vivre Cards!

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Soon two full days had passed by on the island and Zoro had also woken up in the mean time. It was then after a while when the swordsman, whk had gone off on his own, came back with Brook from the grave yard where Usopp and Franky had made a grave for the dead Rumbar Pirates for the new crew mate. "Ok! Now that Zoro's awake, let's head out to sea!" And with everyone now gathered together once again, the crew were ready to depart. "Let's head off to our next adventure!"
"YEAH!!" And they were pretty Gung ho about it.
"Zoro, you took off your bandages again!?" Until the ship's doctor noticed the man walking around opened chested.
"Yeah, 'cause they're hard to move around in." Which would be the point in them to begin with.
"I put them there so you wouldn't move around so much!" And it really was what Chopper was aiming for, and soon found himself attack the man with bandages.
"He sure recovered quickly. Are you already setting sail?" Lola was asking the others before her.
"You can take Brook's ship." Franky told her that the Thrillers Bark Victim's Association can use Brook's ship that was located beside the Sunny. "I fixed the helm and the sail."
"Thanks. After all you've done, we are really indebted to you." That was being said the the cyborg. "We can't thank you enough no matter how hard we tried. Will you marry me?" Lola asked Franky to marry her once again because it seemed to be like a habit or something.
You seem like a nice lady, but I'm afraid I'm far too super for you." But he politely declined while combing through his hair.
"It's a real shame to see you guys go!" The large Ricky was saying of the crew, asking them if they could stay longer to party more.
"No way! We're going to Fishman Island!" And surprisingly enough Luffy declined, because he was overly excited to go to the island. "I'm so excited! I bet we'll meet some funny guys there!"
"And some beautiful mermaids! Ah, what I wouldn't love to do with one of them~!" Sanji had drifted off into his own little world.
"I wonder if the mermaids will let me see their panties..." Brook was saying, as he was just as bad as Sanji.
"Hey, hey! Don't be ridiculous!" And it seemed that the skinny Ricky had some respect. "Mermaids don't wear panties!" At least at first, and his comment seemed to cause both the other perverts' noses to bleed. "While we're talking about how beautiful mermaids are, I heard even the Pirate Empress Hancock was totally overwhelmed..."
"Mermaids~! Mermaids~! Mermaids~!" The three perverts were away dancing.
"Of course they don't wear pants and that, they don't have legs but tails." Luna had to remind the perverts of this fact while looking at them with disgust.
"That's correct." And she seemed to not be the only one, as Robin stood beside her.
"How do you guys know that, anyway?" Usopp was asking this the larger brother, since he could understand Luna.
"Oh, well about three years ago, before we came here, we went to Fishman Island? That place is the best!" It had been explained to him.
"Lola, you guys went to the New World?!" Nami was looking at the captain surprised by this.
"We didn't go there! We were born in the New World!" But it had been clarified about this. "My mama was a pirate, too. Ah, that's right...." Which seemed to have caused her to remember something, pulling out a piece of paper which was torn in half. "This is my mama's Vivre Cards. I'll let you have it." One of the torn pieces had been handed over to Nami.
"Paper?" But the navigator was confused upon taking it.
"Wow! That's incredible! Captain Lola's mama is a great pirate!" Hearing that had caused Luan's ears to peak up. "Take good care of it! It'll definitely be useful later!"
"What's a Vivre Cards?" It had been asked since Nami didn't know it.
"Huh? You don't know?" Which had come as a shock to Lola.
"Captain, they only make Vivre Cards in the New World." Skinny Ricky reminded her of this fact.
"Ah, that's true..." and she had come to remember that fact.
"A Vivre Cards, also known as the 'Paper of Life', are a special form of paper made in the New World." But of course, Luna knew about it and was informing them. Nami and that had turned to look over to her as she continued to speak. "It's a piece of paper made from a clipping of a person's fingernail. At first glance, it might be indistinguishable from ordinary paper but I can guarantee it is not the same. For example, these papers are completely waterproof and fireproof, but they can be torn. The pieces can then be given to a person that one would be separated from but might want to meet one day." It seemed that most of that was going over Luffy's head.
"And then...?" Nami wanted to know what happens, so Luna had taken the piece from her hand to place it on the ground. "It moved...!?" Had been shouted up the card moving on its own.
"The torn pieces will act as a compass and move towards each other no matter where they are in the world, allowing one to always be able to tell which direction the other person is in. It doesn't tell you the distance though, it also doesn't tell you about any obstacles that might be in the way." It explained the reason behind it moving.
"Wow, so mysterious!" Chopper's eyes were sparkling in excitement. And they have lots of them in the New World, right?"
"It's quite convenient!" Lola stated picking up the paper before writing on it. "Here, I'll just sign this piece of my Mama's Vivre Cards for you... if you are running to trouble, just follow this and go see mama. And be sure to tell her that I'm doing fine, too." The paper was handed back to Nami.
"Thanks, Lola." Although, for some reason Luna didn't like the idea of this 'mama'.
"I think I've got one of those, too." Luffy seemed to have stated thinking about it.
"I just thought of that too." And it seemed that Nami knew what he was speaking of. "Isn't this just like what that white piece of paper Ace gave you back then?"
"So that's what he meant..." Luffy took off his hat and took out the piece of paper he received. "Here..." To their surprise, the card was burning and shrinking. "But it's burning, and seems like it's gotten smaller."
"Wait, you! Let me see that!" Upon seeing this, Lola and that screamed and the female captain taken the piece of burning paper. Her entire face had gone blue looking down at it. "Yes, this is certainly a Vivre Card... But..."
"What I neglect to tell you is the truth to the name 'paper of life'." Luna cut in, causing Luffy and that to look at her confused. "The other function of the paper is that the life force of the owner, the person whose fingernail it was made from, is reflected on the paper." It had been fully explained then.
"This belonged to someone important to you, right?" Lola had asked the obvious question, looking at Luffy.
"Yeah! It's my brother's!" He had answered with pride and it was that moment Luna's eyes avoided looking at him and Lola had gone quite and pale.
"I hate to tell you, but this person's life... Is vanishing!" That had been said and it came as a shock. However, it didn't stop the crew from taking sail out of Thriller Bark's large Jew gate. They were finally leaving the place far behind them and the Rolling Pirates were bidding them farewell upon the large fence around the island.
"See you guys later!" while Luffy and that were also doing the same from their ship.
"We'll never forget what you did for us, Straw Hat!"
"The sun...! Thanks for giving us the sun back!" Some seemed to be in tears. That included someone on the Sunny as well.
"Everyone! Be careful to not get yourselves wiped out! Yohohohoho!" Brook was shouting over to them all chipper.
"Don't say crazy stuff like that!" Which caused Usopp to stop waving and had him shouting up to the skeleton.
"Lola! Thanks for the Vivre Card! Stay well!" Nami was shouting over to the woman.
"If you meet Mama, give her my regards! Let's meet again someday, Namizo!" Which had Lola shouting back to her.
"SET SAIL!!!" They were watching as the island was getting smaller and Luffy stood onto of the crows nest. And it didn't take long for the Sunny to have sailed far away that the island was no longer in sight, along with the mist that covered over it. Everyone was on deck listening to Brook play away on his violin, however,
"Luffy!" Nami seemed to have a concerned toned as she walked over the boy sitting on the railing. "Is this really okay with you?" She had asked.
"Huh! Ah, about Ace's paper, huh?" Luffy seemed to have realised what she was referring to. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." He was telling her smiling away.
"Luffy, I would have no objection if you wished to take a detour!" Brook spoken up to him and the others. " Time is of no great importance to Laboon and myself! To 'live' and 'meet once more'... that is all that matters!"
"Luffy, we're all totally fine if you want to take a detour!" Usopp was also saying the same thing.
"It's fine, it's fine!" And Chopper was in complete agreements.
Yeah! Let's go see the older brother whale!" Franky shouted, throwing up his arms.
"You got it mixed up." Luna stated looking over to the cyborg.
"No, it's fine, really!" But Luffy wasn't changing his mind. Even if he was in some kind of trouble, he wouldn't want me to worry..." That was being said as Sanji came out of the kitchen, tray of drinks in hand. Ace hates being made to look weak!" They were being handed out ti the crew at the Captain spoke. If we went to help him, he's just get pissed off! If we do meet up, it'll be as enemy Pirates! Ace has his own adventure."
"That Vivre Card apparently doesn't just shrink when the owners in bad condition... it goes back to how it was once they recover." Sanji had remained this of the others.
"Yeah! If we meet, it'll be at that time." Luffy's mug had been held out. "That's why Ace gave me this paper, right?" The others were smiling at him. All but Luna who was looking into the mug, eyes clouded as if something was wrong. "Oh, and Zoro! You were asleep all along, so we haven't done this yet!" The man was about to drink his booze.
"Well, let's do it properly then!" Usopp was grin with Franky and Chopper behind him. "To celebrate the recruitment of our new comrade, the musician Brook..." Mugs began to left up and pulled all to it.
"CHEERS!" Had been shouted
"Most obliged!" Brook was over joyed.
Alright! Pull in the sales! We'll launch our way out of here with the Coup de Burst!" The guys had climbed up to the sails, as Franky head to the helm
"Coup de Burst!" And they had fired off a Coup de Burst for a jump-start to their next adventure. Although, it appeared that one person was freaking out screaming .
"What is this!?"

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