The Hidden Treasure!

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Lina had completely refused to hand over the notebook to the villain threatening them with his hostage Sayo after learning the truth. However, it seemed to have set Doran off. "Don't screw with me!" As he was getting ready to fire the cannon once again, this time at Sayo.
"Seis Fleur." (Six Flowers, Spanish) If Robin hadn't sprouted six arms to hold the greedy entrepreneur down, turning his head towards them.
"Successive!" Which then Usopp fired a number of Special Tobasco Star while the arms forcefully open up Doran mouth, it flew in and caused his mouth to set on fire that was forced to close.
"Nami, get on!" Chopper was in his reindeer form.
"Yeah." And the navigator had gotten on his back before they race to rescue Sayo.
"Hurry and untie her." Which was what Nami was about to do.
"What is this?"
"A lock!?" Until they find the lock which needed a key.
"From where did you fall down here?" Doran asked, fighting against Robin's arms as he saw above the cannon Zoro came fall from due to Luna using her ability to move him.  "Idiot! What are yiu going to do?" And terrifying thoughts were exploding in the owner's mind as he watched the swordsman walking up the cannon towards him. "Wait."
"Three-Sword Style..." And with all his strength, Zoro pushes back. "...Great Buddha Cutter!" And created a series of horizontal sword slashes that were powerful enough to slice right through the cannon four times before freeing Sayo.
"They sure are going a good job." Brook was laying back with a tropical drink in hand.
"They are very good a destroying things." With Luna sitting across from him, also tropical drink in hand. Although, one had to wonder where they both pulled the drinks from.
"No, you two do some work too damn it!" While Usopp had admonished them both.
"I have already help." This had been stated by the demon, as she had used her telekinesis ability to have Zoro fly above the cannon before landing on it.
"You bastard!" However, something began to happen as parts of the ground opened up and steam was storing out of them.
"What?" No one was completely sure what had happened.
"It appears that he released the ship's ballast all together." Luna was speaking completely calmly, which the situation wasn't saying to become about as the ship was falling apart now.
"Alright." Robin was unable to get her hold on Doran as she need to dodge things that were flying at her. "You bastards!" And had turned the now shorten cannon over towards Luffy and fired. However, there was no needing to say that the captain dodged it, to the sky which Doran followed after him.
"Let's go, Lina!" But Luffy wasn't even the slightest bit panicked.
"Third Gear!" The rubber man had bit down into his right thumb to blow air into it. "Bone Ballon!" Which in response had inflated but the air was moving through his body to the right leg. "Gigant Axe!" His leg had come swinging down over the cannon before crashing it down through the centre of the ship, splitting the entire thing in two.
"That idiot! Leave us a damn escape route!" Which had to force the crew still on the island to find their way off it.
"Luffy, you are amazing!" Lina couldn't believe it
"Ah, I forgot that I become tiny when I use this." Now hanging onto a child like version of Luffy and they began falling towards the ocean below.
"Geez. Think about what will happen after, will you?" Sanji had stated as he was floating in the air thanks to Luna, along with Brook, Usopp and Robin. "Release me please, Luna." And without saying anything, the man no longer glowed and began to falling after those that fell into the sea below.
"Hey guys!" Franky's voice had pulled Luna off a bit from where Luffy had fallen into the sea, where she spotted the Thousand Sunny below.
"It seems Sunny is fine." The woman had flew down toward, with the others to land onto the ship's grass.
"Thank you, Luna." Robin had told her, as she landed on her feet.
"I really appreciate you saving me but could you at least let us land on feet?" Usopp was asking as his and Brook were face down on the grass, unlike Robin.
"Why should you waste my energy on you twits. You're lucky I even saved you." Luna responded to him coldly.
"You words caused my heart to freeze over!" Brook began to say. "You know, if I had a heart! But since I'm a—" Before he could even finish, Brook was sent flying into the wall.
"Enough of your ridiculous jokes." And of course it had been Luna who's eyes were glowing.
"S-So cold..." the skeleton came crashing down.
"Hey! A little help!" Luna had walked over to the side of the Sunny upon hearing Nami's voice, and when looking over she saw her, pulling weak Chopper, Zoro with Sayo in the water and the four began to glow as Luna was lifting them onto the ship and not long had to do the same for Sanji who had Luffy and Lina. Not to mention Nuki. Everyone was onboard the Thousand Sunny watching the Spa Island collapsing into the sea.
"Yay!" Lina seemed to be celebrating this.
"Serves you right!" Usopp was shouting, as if the defeated enemy could hear them. After the island seemed to have completely disappeared into the water, the Sunny was beginning to paddle away until something appeared in the ocean when the island once stood.
"The X Mark, and it is so large!" Sayo was amazing at the X they had been looking for was reflecting on the ocean surface and was the length of the island had been.
"Yeah, that underwater volcano is what father had drawn on the map." Lina had come to see it while under the water.
"Doran built that ship on top of the treasure he was searching for." It was pretty ironic. "For him to not have realised that the key to the secret was under his feet makes him the biggest idiot." Steam was emerging from the water covering the sky above it which and transformed right before their eyes.
"That is a round... rainbow!" In the sky, a round rainbow forms, leaving the crew astonished.
"This is the first time I've seen a round rainbow." Chopper stated as they were all looking up at it.
"Me too." And there were many in the same boat as Chopper.
"A mystery rainbow!" Luffy was saying as he didn't completely understand.
"W-Wait a second. Could that be the treasure?" Usopp turned around to the others asking which seemed to be shocking upon the other realising this.
"Now that I think about it, the Round Rainbow is called, 'The Gem of the Seas'." The navigator had recalled this fact, which shocked them even more.
"No way." The girls had become disappointed.
"You guys haven't noticed it, have you?" Luna spoken, causing all the looked towards her confused. "This is an extremely rare rainbow, and not be its round but because it's reversed."
"Reversed?" Sayo repeated while pulling out the Notebook of her father's.
"What is wrong?" Lina noticed her sister's reaction.
"It might be that..."

After the Spa Island incident days had passed and the Thousand Sunny was sailing through the calm water. They were all back the their normal routine until... "Could that be..." Usopp was looking up to the sky as a seagull had flew over head and the puffed into pink smoke that Nuki came falling from into Luffy's arms.
"It's the monster raccoon from that one time." The captain seemed happy at seeing the little guy.
"No, it's a sea raccoon." Usopp corrected him with a look of disbelief.
"Hmm?" But something was around Nuki's neck which had been handed to Nami.
"A letter?" She began to read it to her thoughts. "Ah! It looks like Sayo's instincts from that time were right on the mark." She was overly excited Shouting as the guys had gathered around her. "'Big brother Luffy and everyoneelse, are you doing well? After we left you, we immediately returned home and tried what big sis thought of. According to my father's formulas, we made 7 varieties of chemicals, by mixing them using the same order as the Round Rainbow...' They said that they made the gem!" It had then been when Nuki pulled Luffy's attention before opening his mouth that had something fall from it into the boy's hand.
"Oh! Is this it?" Which had been the round gem that was quite beautiful and big.
"That all say, 'Thank you!'" Which had been the reason they had been given a gem.
"Let me get a bette look, Luffy." Usopp was saying as they were sitting on the grass.
"Me too! Me too!"
"Huh? Let's see here." While the others were moving to be standing around him to see the gem as well.
"Hey, hey! It isn't a toy you know!" Which had Nami snapping at them like they were children. "Huh?" But her attention was pulled above where a cloud came in hail was falling and Nuki took off.
"Huh? What is this?" Everyone had become confused as it wasn't hail.
"Ah! It is Candy rain! Ouch." But it was just as painful at it.
"It's good." Luffy was enjoying himself, mouth wide open as the Candy was falling right into it. That was until the gem had been nocked out of his hand. "Ah, I dropped the gem."
"I don't know."
"Search for it! Hurry and search for it!" Nami had come lost it. "You all, SEARCH FOR IT!"
"YES!" However, the gem had round across the grass until it was stopped by a pair of boots and forced the owner to bend down to pick it up.

Despite all yelling and panic about losing the gem, Luna placed it into her pocket without telling anyone

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Despite all yelling and panic about losing the gem, Luna placed it into her pocket without telling anyone.

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