Each Sides Powers!

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The sight of the large waves had caused the foot soilders to freaking out, which made sense as they were taller then the entire island. It had why none of Whitebeard's men and Luna moved because where they stood, they wouldn't be caught up in it. There was nothing that could be done and Whitebeard was laughing as he watched the wave about to cover over all. Until out of nowhere, Aokiji had leaped into the sky, sending ice from his hands that headed right for the waves. "As expected." Luna hadn't been all that surprised by the admirals actions, which had completely frozen the ocean around the island, in including the waves.
"Aokiji... Young fool!" And Whitebeard was grinning while looking at the man.
"Phalanx!" Aokiji created several spears of ice by solidifying the cold air around him and then launches them the old man.
"Wrong move." However, Luna had come to stand before him with her scythe

out, which she had pulled back with two hands by the hilt, that she soon whips the blade forward in a horizontal fashion

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out, which she had pulled back with two hands by the hilt, that she soon whips the blade forward in a horizontal fashion. This had created hardened blood wave to suddenly whip outwards, heading right for the spears that were formed and sliced tight pass them with little no no effort. However, it hadn't stop there as it continued moving right for Aokiji and as the blood was sharp enough to slice through ice spears, a man of ice hadn't been a single problem.
"Oh my..." Aokiji was sliced into two pieces and began fall toward the water below. However, it had quickly been frozen so that he didn't fall in.
"He froze the entire bay!"
"It's impossible for the ships to move!" It traps all the ships in the bay.
"W-We have Navy HQ's strongest force, the Admirals, on our side!" A solider had shouted in fear, thinking that this was enough power to take on Whitebeard.
"T-That's right! We have no reason to fear the Whitebeard Pirates!" And it seemed that many of the others agreed with him.
"Fire! Destroy the Moby Dick!" Cannons began to fire, aiming for the main ship that Whitebeard stood on.
"They are way to cocky." Luna stated not even the slightest bit impressed by any of this.
"Now, let's go!"
"We've got some solid ground to stand on!" And none of Whitebeard sons did either as they were getting ready to jump off the ships.
"Show them what we can do!" The commanders had been the first to jump off, followed by the others on the crew.
"The Admirals have joined the fight! Don't stop attacking!" The cannons where now being aimed at the Pirates running across the ice and the marines also start their attack and everything quite quickly dissolves into all out battle. Pirate gets taken out, but that was followed by a marines, then another Pirate. It was pretty much how it was going. Bullets were being fired none stop as blades were clashing with one another. But the ones that stood out where the commanders as they weren't having a single problem fighting against the large number of soldiers coming at them and especially them, as they are the strongest of the Whitebeard Pirates.
"I really didn't won't end up like this." Luna began rubbing the back of her head in annoyance as she noticed the high ranking vice Admirals from Navy HQ standing ready to fight, along with the Warlords that were ready to get involved. But what surprised everyone the most was that the man, less likely to join in, was the first one to get ready for the fight. It was unusual to say the least and it had been the reason... "I hate working more then I want to." Luna had leaped down off Moby Dick heading down to the ice ocean below while at the same time Mihawk had pulled his black sword, Yoru, behind and when Luna had made it to the ground he swung down in front of him, thereby launching a massive, far-travelling slash wave foward, that was cutting rapidly through the massive ice sheet and heading for the Moody Dick that Luna was standing in front of. However, in response, just like with Aokiji, Luna swung horizontally forwards that had formed the hardened blood wave which was smaller the Mihawk's but it didn't matter as it sliced right through it.
"Sorry, Mihawk, but can't let you destroy the ship." The scythe fell onto her shoulder as she spoken this to the man.
"H-How did she...?" Those that didn't know who Luna was besides from her reputation as a straw hat where shocked as they thought she was just lucky with Aokiji.
"She's even more of a monster then Whitebeard! Hahaha!" However, all those that knew her well enough already knew that she was a far off monster then that of Whitebeard. Which had been why Mihawk pulled his blade away and right around then the Whitebeard Pirates decided to charge forward.
"Artillery Units! Shoot the enemy ships and the advancing Pirates!" That order had been given by Sengoku and the marines standing by the front cannons began to fire at the Pirate ships still heading towards the island. "Forward units, do everything you can to prevent the Pirates from reaching the plaza!" Then the cannons began firing at the Whitebeard Pirates making their way to the plaza. However, there were some that were break through with little to no effort, Whitebeard Commanders.
"Honestly..." Kizura had a large smirk across his face as he came to stand up from his chair. "It's what I expected, Whitebeard's Commanders all possess monstrous power." He was amazed by their power upon watching. "In order to keep our losses as low as we can... I suppose we've got no choice but to remove the 'head' first." And with being said Kizaru had decided to leave his seat. A bright light had appeared in the sky, blinding everyone and before anyone knew he had transported himself before Whitebeard. "Yasakani no..." the admiral had crosses his arms in front of him. "...Magatama!" He fired a torrent of deadly light particles...
"Hey, now. That's really bright, you know." Sending them flying right at Whitebeard.
"Take a hint, will you." Luna was about to reduce this attack into nothingness,
"I got this, Miss Luna." When someone had said that, causing her to look up to a blue flaming wing creature take off from the Moby Dick. All particles had been blocked by a single creator, or man... Marco.
"Blue flames?" Kizura seemed confused as he was looking Marco who's was covered by blue flames.
"You can't just... go straight for...the King, you know!" Macro had holes through out his body, and yet didn't seem fazed by it.
"That's what you'll expect from a Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit." Luna almost seemed impressed watching.
"You Whitebeard Pirates sure are scary!" Kizaru came to tell him since her and the marines watched amazed as he took no damage. "A power even more rare than the Logia Fruits... The Mythical Zoan type."

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