The Golden Bell!

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Priest Edwin had made it to Luna and lifted up her chin and brought his own face towards her. However, next thing anyone knew, he had been sent crashing into a far off tree. "Don't touch me, filth." Luna said as her right fist was slight raised due to the fact that she had sent him flying with it.
"She just punched Priest Edwin!"
"You aren't getting away with that." It was upon this action that had caused the henchmen that belonged to the priest to surround her as a respond, that was before they charged at her. "This is going to be annoying." Luna jumped up into the air only to come down an slam a fiery punch into the ground, sending a ripple through the earth, knocking the incoming henchmen off their feet. But it didn't seem to last long as they began to get up again, which sent Luna charging at on of them, jumped into the air and came down with a somersault kick on her first opponent. She then turns around and uppercut a second one, following it up with a spinning kick that sends another two tumbling away. It was clear from the beginning that Luna was quite skilled at hand to hand combat but to take on a large amount without using a single weapon or fighting style was amazing. The rest charged at her, Luna sent a fist at the first one in front of her and kicked behind her at another. Another henchman swung at her from behind, but she sweeps his legs out from under him and punches him up into the air, only to slam him into the ground. She then takes a couple steps toward an oncoming henchman to jump up and launch herself off of him, allowing her to deliver a flying punch to another henchman. This is quickly followed by her rushing forward as she defeats yet another nearby opponent. As the fallen henchman collapses, he lands on the henchman behind him, sending him stumbling back. He attempts to block the oncoming punch from Luna, but to no avail, as she simply breaks straight through her opponent's guard before delivering an uppercut. But then she noticed several more assailants approaching from behind and fires a shot, using the recoil to send her flying towards yet another group of enemies. She elbows the first henchman and kicks him away while another attempts to swing at her, but is promptly blocked and punched in the face. Luna then swung around under his arm and punches him once more. This was followed by another spin as she kicks, punches, and kicks him again, with the final hit sending him flying backwards through a glass pillar. Luna turns around to see the final henchman charging and swing at her. She promptly blocks the blow and punches his chin, stunning him and allowing her to follow up with a flurry of blows that conclude with an uppercut that launches him into the air. Luna then delivers a final punch that sends him flying back. The sound of bullets being fired like rain caused her to spot a man holding a a pair of guns from above. Luna pushed off, charging towards the man, dashing from side to side in order to avoid the incoming fire. Once close enough, she jumped up with nothing to help. When she landed, she placed a hand on the tree root before swinging her legs around, kicking the man in the face. This sends him stumbling back. Luna then spins and lands with her back facing him, only to fire her elbow into his face. She then slams his face into the table, picks him up, and launches him off like he was a doll. He landed at the feet of two young girls that appeared out of nowhere, unconscious. They looked like to be twins that both possessed green eyes and silver hair.
"Arianna, who is she?" But the first one had waist length hair, which two bunches of hair are held in two sleeves near her face. She wore green culotte shorts that had a green bow on the small of her back. Under her shorts, she wore a long-sleeved purple shirt with a white center. Under her shirt, the girl wore white gloves with small ribbons. Her knee-length boots follow the same regime, being purple and having white-rimmed purple socks, and just like her gloves being white, the foot areas of the boots were also white. She also wore a turquoise necktie which features a metal clip near her neck.
"I think one of the Blue Sea Dwellers, Brianna." Then the other one's hair was neck-length, which she wore a green and white bow. She wore a purple skirt that has a purple bow on the small of her back. Under her skirt, she wears a long-sleeved green shirt with a white center and green/white tights. For contrast with her tights, her knee-length boots were white and have green foot areas. She wore a purple necktie which features a metal clip near her neck.
"Think were should do something?" The sister, Arianna asked.
"Properly, She did take out brother and his henchmen." This time it was the Brianna sister that spoke. It was seeing these girls that picked up the guns that had been used to fire at her before. It was then when she jumps from the root, unleashing a barrage of shell-shots in mid-air at the Sisters, which they evade by backflipping away. After recomposing, the sisters charge at Luna as she lands on the ground, continuing her barrage. As the sisters split to opposing sides, with Luna focusing her barrage on Arianna, they begin their counterattack, with Arianna dodging and deflecting Luna's bullets while Brianna takes a swipe at her from behind. Ducking to avoid Brianna's strike at the last second, Luna turns and fires at her, only to have Brianna jump to avoid it as Arianna landed behind Luna and retaliates with a heel-kick. Luna blocked the kick with her arms, forcing herself back a distance away from the sisters. Luna quickly grounds herself and fires a round at them, which Arianna deflects with a frontflip heel-kick off into a pillar. Brianna quickly closes in on Luna and delivers a couple of swipes that Luna defends against, only to have Arianna follow up with a series of jump-kicks while Luna is off-balanced. Blocking each attack, Luna quickly fires a round in response, which Arianna ducks to avoid. Brianna swoops in with a downwards swipe while Arianna sweeps Luna's right leg and finishes with a series of kicks that make contact, launching Luna across the stage. She rolls and quickly regains her footing, then lifted up the pistols to fire, only to find them both empty. With no other chose, she dropped them and leaps towards the sisters and landed a hard right punch onto Arianna's face, knocking her down. While Arianna lies stunned on the floor, Luna confronts Brianna in close-range melee combat, with Luna firing punches all over the place and Brianna defended herself with metal claws. However, Luna overwhelms her with a low kick, a series of boosted body shots, and a final round of punches, blasting Brianna off. Arianna finally recovers from Luna's punch just in time to see her sister get flung into a tree overhead. Luna confronts her by a round of punches, which Arianna again avoids by backflipping. After avoiding another round into the ground, Arianna retaliates with an upward leg swipe before kicking a third round in order to deflect it. Both Luna and Arianna resort to close-range melee combat, with Luna throwing boosted punches and blocking while Arianna kicks and swipes as she defends with the blades of her boots. A hard side-kick pushes Luna away as each take a second of reprieve before Arianna closes in on Luna. Feinting with her boots to keep Luna off-balanced, Arianna shifts herself along the ground, forcing Luna to back-step continuously. This leaves Luna unable to ground herself while defending against Arianna's feints and kicks. A longer series of kicks from Arianna allowed Luna to finally ground herself, spin to dodge Arianna's last kick while retracting her left arm, and land a body blow with her left elbow. Luna quickly grabs Arianna's right arm and uses it to twist and spin the rest of Arianna's body, using the built-up momentum to land a final devastating jump-kick to Arianna's face.
"Don't think I'll let you get away with hurting my little sisters." It seemed that Priest Edwin had recovered with a bazooka in hand. It was then Priest Edwin fired off a stream of rockets from his weapon's bazooka, and Luna backflips and siderolls to dodge several. Upon righting herself, after dodging a few more by moving forwards which in response has Priest Edwin advance and for some reason his bazooka had changed forms into that of bat and swung at Luna multiple times, with the latter managing to defend and block all but one, causing her to recoil and stumble. This gives Priest Edwin an opening to hit her in the face, sending her flying backwards into a tree before hitting the ground. Luna pushed herself to her feet, before dashing forward. Priest Edwin arms his rocket launcher and starts firing wildly, each shot missing as Luna sidestepped and evaded them. She quickly closed the gap between them, dodging a strike from Priest Edwin before laying into him, landing seven punches, each amplified by her enhanced strength. The final punch sends Priest Edwin flying back, his weapon broken in two, one piece of it in one hand, while the other had flew pass Luna. It was all fine, until she felt something slightly falling down her check, like some sort of liquid. Luna brought her hand up to have some of it on her hand, so that she would be able to see what it was. It was blood, the weapon seemed to have been sharp enough to slice Luna's check.
"You cut me..." It was upon seeing what it was, Luna's eyes began to glow red for some reason. "How dare you!" It was as if she had become a completely different person as anger spread across her face and the ground she stood on began to shatter at her feet. Her eyes set on Priest Edwin, which she had  charged at with rapid speed, landing one final blow square in the jaw, which sends him flying breaking through several tress before falling to the ground, incapacitated. "That was so annoying." Luna was rubbing the back of her head, completely annoyed by the fight she had just finished. It was then when the echoes of explosions reached her ears along with vibration caused by it. Luna looked up above and leaped up to a tall branch where she looked, which she sat down on. "This better be over soon." She yawned leaning up against the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes as she ended up falling asleep even though the sounds of battle echoed loudly.

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