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Oars had attack sending his arms and hands straight for Usopp that had been struct and sent flying, taking out another Straw Hat, much like Franky and Brook...
... At least that was what should have happened, however, Oars' arms had stretched a single bit. "Wha~ It doesn't stretch! Why!?" Which confused the giant demon.
"Ocheta Fleurs." This was all due... "Cuatro Manos." (Eighty Flowers; Four Trees, Spanish)
"What's with these hands!?" Robin had used her ability to sprout eighty regular sized arms that combined into four large arms from Moria's body. Two had held down his arms, while the other pair wrapped around from behind his neck forming a chock hold. "What did you do?" The Warlord was confused at all of this.
"It seems that training paid off." Luna spoken up over to Robin.
"All thanks to you." who had turned her smiling. "I would have never thought of such a thing before." And it seemed that the demon woman had been the one to come up with the technique.
"Well, either way..." Luna turned to Moria, that was glaring at them. "I'm tired off that Shadow Revolution, so stop it."
"Hold!" But Robin then had the arms in a chock hold tighten.
"You're choking me..." Moria was struggling to say, while his breathing and blood circulation was being cut off.
"Great job, Robin! Luna!" Usopp cheered, still slightly having tears in his eyes. However,
"Do you think you've sealed me down with this?" Moria seemed to be laughing at the attack. "How irritating you are..." It was true, as Robin's ability was probably the most problematic one since they can appear out of no where. "Brick Bat." Out from behind Oars myriad swarms of bats had come flying towards Robin and one bit down on her right bicep, which caused her to scream in pain.
"Robin!" Causing a pervert to become angry.
"Veinte Fleur!" Robin had ten arms sprouting out from each of her elbows. "Calendula!" (Twenty Flower; Marigold, Spanish) They had created a shield of sorts that span around, hitting Brick Bats away when it comes too close. However, there were too many of them for her to get, not to mention that the shied only protected parts of her. It allowed the bats to bit hold of her thigh and arms, while one had smashed right into the face.
"Robin!" Nami cried out as the woman was falling after the bat hitting her face.
"Whaddya think you doing to Robin!?" And Sanji had completely lost it, dashing for her in anger before sending the bats away with furious kicking power. The bats had been sent flying towards some of the others, Luna included but they dodged them as they slashed into the rubble and turned into smudges like paint.
"Robin, look out!" Luna had called out as she spotted the smudges forming together behind her,
"Moria's shadow..." Which had created the Doppelman behind Robin.
"So we're going with a long range battle, huh? This technique is a handy one..." Moria was laughing in enjoyment, however, Robin hadn't forgotten what it was that she must do. She had once again stood up, arms spread across her, not even acknowledging the Doppelman behind her.
"Cuatro Manos." She had continued with her attack.
"Hey! You... what... Stop!" And her arms began to tight once again.
"Clutch!" She had snapped his neck back over the chair in the cockpit and his screams echoed loudly.
"Yes!" It seemed to have worked.
"Awesome, Robin!!" Nami had began jumping up and down. However
"Hey, Robin! Watch out for the shadow behind you!" Zoro tried to warn her, as it seemed that Moria's Doppelman hadn't disappeared. Which shouldn't be possible if the user was dead or unconscious. Slowly, Robin turned around in shock only to hear the laugher of Moria coming from that direction and there they all saw the Doppelman forms Moria's face.
"Why is Moria here!?" The others had become confused by this.
"That was close." More of Moria's body began to replace the Doppelman's. "But unfortunately, I and Doppelman can switch locations at anytime." That had been explained while looking down at Robin.
"He switched... places...?" This fact seemed to still be processing in Sanji's brain.
"Then, the one in there..." Everyone, excluding Robin, looked to the cockpit where the Doppelman was where it's owner had originally been.
"Is someone who can't be affected by that attack, my shadow fighter! Yes, the one that was down here just now, my shadow!" All were back to Moria that was laughing, but then his finger had grabbed onto the top of Robin's shadow, which had began to be pulled of the ground like tape. She had been forced to the ground, as if a mat been pulled out from under her.
"Robin!" Sanji screamed out to her as a pair of scissors had been pulled to her shadow that was trying to fight back. Until the scissors had been closed cutting the shadow which had caused the others to watch in horror. Especially as Robin hit the ground and fallen into a coma-like state.
"That's three of you eliminated!" However, her shadow was still moving in Moria's hand.
"Robin's shadow was taken too!!" Usopp completely lost it screaming in terror.
"I've got nothing to put you in, so I'll hold onto you for now..." that had been decided but Moria noticed the large amount of spinning that had come from Sanji that soon came to a stop
"Diable Jambe!" His foot was heating up, causing it to glow like fire. "You damn Bastard!!" He was changing right for the Warlord, filled with rage. "Give Robin's shadow back!!" Which he had leaped high in the sky above. "Extra Hachis!" (Devil's Leg; Highest-Rate Mincemeat, French) A barrage of hard kicks had been launched in multiple directions at Moria.
"Brick Bats!" However, his body broke apart, turning into the same ball bats
"He changed places with his shadow again!?" As he had changed places with his shadow again and the bats attack Sanji before flying towards Oars,
"If he switched placed... then Moria's back in Oars' stomach!" What Nami had said been true
"And everything goes back to how it was." As the Warlord was back in the cockpit.
"Dammit, Master!!" But Oars seemed to be throwing a fit once again. "I told you it's my fight!!"
"I'm sorry, Oars. I stole a bit of the action." And it seemed that Moria had gotten completely use to it.
"I'll finish this woman off right now." That was being said by the giant zombie demon while looking down at Robin. It was seeing this that Luna had taken off running. "Gum Gum..." Oars had jumped up into the air and his arms both stretched back like before.
"Now he'll stretch again!" And this was bad news for all.
"You're joking!! And Robin's unconscious!!" Nami was completely freaking out not knowing what to do.
"Robin!!" Usopp cried out to the archaeologist as Oars' arms for coming back.
"...Bazooka!" However, out of nowhere Luna had moved to be in front of the unconscious Robin, where her eyes began glowing as both her arms was lifted up pointing at the giant's hands heading right for her. That very same the entire body began to glow red slightly which had frozen Oars in place.
"Huh? Why aren't it moving." Of course the giant was confused as he was trying to push forwards, and only slightly did Luna slide back, as if she was pushing against a moving wall.
"Usopp, hurry and move Robin." She looked over to the long nose, knowing that she wouldn't be able to hold out for a long time as blood was leaking out from her eyes.
"Gotcha!" Usopp ran over to Robin to throw her over his shoulder before taking off. Then Luna swung her hands off to the side, which had caused Oars' body to be slightly pulled into the same direction. However, he hadn't fallen off balance at all.
"Luna!" Her name had been shouted by Nami that came running over to her after falling to her knees. She hadn't lost her sight but everything was quite blurry.
"Heeey! Sanji! Zoro! Luna!" Chopper's voice had caused her to look in the direction of Oars, but she was barely able to see the outline of his Heavy Point, standing on Oars' left shoulder somehow.
"Chopper! What are you doing up there!?" The cook was asking him, since it was a terrible place to be.
"I was searching for the cause of Oars' death 500 years ago!" That had been explained by the doctor.
"The cause?" Although, Zoro didn't seem to understand its relevance.
"Aim for his right arm! This isn't Oars' original arm! He's been fixed up well by Hogback but the joints show signs of severe frostbite! I can't be sure of it, but... the cause of his death 500 years ago was most likely freezing! Even a monster like this is no match against nature!" Which makes sense as Luna can't handle large amount of heat at all. "He died wandering a county of ice! And the reason why is... 500 years ago, Oars probably... wasn't wearing anything either!"
"I'm not gonna lose to an idiot like that!!" Zoro and Sanji both snapped after hearing this.
"I know Demonic Giants are stupid, but the fact that we're the same race is just embarrassing." Luna admitted this while hanging her head.
"Zombies don't feel pain, but they still take damage!" Chopper continued his exclamation. "He's affected by all of our attacks so far, too! If we manage to immobilise this arm, he's attack power will half!" He hadn't been wrong about that at all. "So just aim here..."
"What are you babbling bout, standing on my shoulder!?" Oars overhears and smashes the reindeer in.
"Chopper!!" Zoro panicky shouted out to him. Although, what the arm had been removed, there had been no since of a smashed reindeer at all.
"What!? Not there?" Oars became confused at this.
"That punch is also inflicting damage to your body, even though you, as a zombie, don't feel a thing!" Chopper's voice could be heard.
"Oh, he's in my hand!" That had been said by Oars, that bought his hand towards his face.
"Since I'm small, your fist is full of places to crawl into!" This had been stated before... "Rumble!" Chopper had taken the Rumble Ball. "Jumping Point!" And came out like lightning. "Arm Point!" Changing his appearance once after another. While at the same time...
"Chopper!" His attention had been pulled downward at someone shouting loudly to him. "Nice dodging! We'll lend you a hand!" And he saw Sanji and Luna both running up Oars arm. The blood gone from Luna's face and sight still a little blurry.
"Sanji! Luna! Go for it!!" They had both taken to the air where they were opposite of one another
"Armée de L'Air!" Chopper had landed on both legs that were being held out. "Kokutei Roseo Shoot!" (Air Force Carving Hoof Cherry Blossom Shoot) Chopper is then propelled towards Oars by Sanji's and Luna's kick. With force of both kicks and the force of his own arms, Chopper creates a giant sized hoof imprint larger than he does normally with Kokutei Roseo. Oars seemed to have been pushed back quite a bit, and hit the building.
"You bastard!" But it didn't show at all. "How many times are you gonna attack the same place!?" And Oars was being even more annoyed. "It doesn't change the fact it won't work!!"
"You'll see! Pain is a signal to protect the body, so not feeling it doesn't make you stronger at all!" Chopper had explained this tie the idiot before him.
"Chopper!" Luna called down to him as they were going to go again.
"Just shut up!" But Oars didn't seem to care, leaping into the air above the three of them.
"Hey, watch out you three, get out of the way somehow!!" This had been shouted below by Zoro, who was watching. But
"Gum Gum..." it was pretty much too late.
"This is it." Sanji could only say this looking up above them.
"This is going to be extremely painful." Luna seemed completely nonchalant about it all
"Oh no!" As Chopper had become panicked.
"...Gatling!" Oars had fired a large garage of stretching punches.
"Sanji!! Chopper!! Luna!!" Luna was beginning to lose the remaining strength as she, Sanji and Chopper were being bombarded by Oars. Everything was going dark around her.

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