The Notebook!

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Everyone but Luna and Zoro had gathered above after encountering Foxy and his crew, who were pursuing two small girls: Lina, a small child with light brown hair and eyes wearing a yellow dress with a green clover leaf, in the middle of the dress, and her older sister, Sayo, also a small child with brown hair and dark brown eyes with a purple dress that had a necklace with red beads and golden bracelet on her left wrist. They managed to defeat them without much problems when Franky and Brook showed up but why was it that they were after the small note book that the two girls. "I have something I would like to ask the both of you." Nami was looking to the girls saying.
"That notebook. That was Foxy's target, right?" She was pointing to the notebook Sayo was clutching onto in her hand.
"Foxy?" But the girls had no idea who that was, not to mention Franky and Brook that were having it explained to them by Usopp the history they had.
"That pirate we just beat." While Nami didn't go into details for the girls. "They know us as well, but if I get had to guess, I would say they were intentionally after that notebook." This had both the sisters looking to each other. "Bull's eyes, huh?"
"This notebook has directions on how to make a jewel written inside." Lina had completed made without hesitation.
"Directions on how to make a gem?!" Which came as a shock to Nami.
"Lina!" The older sister seemed upset at the fact the young one had told them.
"It's fine. Leave it to me." But the younger one seemed to have already been determined to explain everything. "These guys are definitely Pirates as well, but don't they seem a bit more trustworthy?" It was something got a lot, despite being Pirates. "Plus they are strong. Also, it's just the two of us continue, we may not be able to reach our goal." It seemed that it couldn't be denied and with a second of silence, Sayo nodded in agreement.
"This is our father's notebook." It had been pulled it out to Nami and Robin who would most like understand.
"Wah, amazing! It's filled with formulas." Came out from the navigator's lips looking at the notebook she had in hand.
"Our father was an inventor, and those formulas are the directions for making it." That had been explained by Lina.
"Do you guys understand this?" Nami asked as they seemed a bit young too.
"Big Sis Sayo can read it. I have no idea though." There was a lot of pride in the voice had the youngest.
"Eh! That is pretty amazing Sayo." The navigator was saying before
"What exactly have you guys done this time?" A familiar female voice had come to ask, pulling the attention of all towards it.
"It's Luna!" Sanji was filled with delight upon seeing the woman

 "It's Luna!" Sanji was filled with delight upon seeing the woman

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standing there... "Zoro as well." with Zoro by her side. "Where have you two been?" At that question being asked by Usopp, the swordsman's ears seemed to have heated up while avoiding all eyes looking at him. Especially the ones that could tell exactly what the two adults were up to till now.
"No where really." Luna didn't seem all that flustered though. "So what is happening exactly?"
"Look at this." Nami handed over the notebook belonging to the sisters instead of answering the question.
"What is it?" It had been taken from her so Luna was able to read it.
"Directions on how to make a gem." It had been explained.
"A gem, huh?" She was reading through the notebook. "This is pretty interesting." Had come out from her mouth.
"You can understand that?" Zoro could only ask, looking over her shoulder.
"It's not all that hard." But she didn't seem to find it all that impressive about being able to read it. Zoro joined the others that were on guard around the group sitting down together. With that having been said, Luna flicked the page again to find herself looking at a map.  "It appears this is a sea map." With that being said, she handed it back to Nami.
"Next ti the steam mark there is an X?" Usopp stated looking over the navigator's shoulder at the map.
"That is the secret memo. I think it is a hint at the gem creation method." It had been explained to them.
"Heh? This is?" But Nami couldn't understand why that was.
"The notebook has the method down to 99% written down." Sayo had been the one to explain.
"The last 1% is supposed to be derived from this memo, right?" Usopp seemed to understand that.
"Hmm, this steam is representative of a spa?" Nami was thinking about the X. "Then, this X is somewhere on Spa Island?" Had been what she came up with.
"That is what we thought too, so we sneaked on to this island." Lina admitted this fact to the Pirates.
"Nice job." Which Nami was complimenting them for doing so while handing the Notebook back.
"But, we searched quite a few places, and couldn't find a place like this, or even a clue." Sayo said to them.
"It's really hard to believe that this memo alone contains directions on how to create gem." Robin seemed to be having doubts about it.
"That's true." Luna had spoken up. "If I had to say in theory it seems impossible..." She had come to a pause thinking of the formulas.
"Still, Foxy and his crew followed them this far in order to get the memo." Nami had put that out there, stating that it must be legit.
"T might be a fake." But then Lina had said that, which had them looking at her.
"I am sure this is a fake." The little girl had completely changed. "He couldn't possibly make a gem."
"Eh? What?" Both Nami and Usopp were shocked.
"Father was a liar and an idiot. He really was an idiot! I hate father!" That was being shouted loudly as she remembered something from long ago. "Father really loved our village. Because it's where a mother was born." A man that wanted to protect and save their villages by creating a gem.
"Your dad is really funny." Luffy seemed to have found the story amusing.
"He's not funny at all, that horrible father!" However, Lina didn't agree at all. "Three years ago, he left to go research and never came back. We were abandoned. So we lived with each other. We were made fun off, but we lived on bearing it. Father isn't here any more. He died, that's what I thought. And then one month ago... Munki suddenly came back with his notebook in his mouth." A sea raccoon dog that Luffy had been playing with until now. "There was a letter in it, and do you know what it said? It said, 'Dear daughters, please complete the research that I began.' Isn't it stupid? He left us for three years to go researching. Why do we have to risk our lives and come all the way out here? He's an idiot! An idiots! I will never believe what he says! I bet he's falling us with this picture because the gem is fake! Why is the last clue a stupid quiz!?"
"You're dad really is funny!" But Luffy didn't change his mind at all saying that. And when Lina looked up she was shocked to see the crew all gathering around smiling at her. Excluding Luna in this. "I want to see it too, that gem." Both the sisters seemed shocked at his words, because he didn't have a hint of doubt in them.
"Where are you guys really listening to me!?" But it seemed to have caused Lina to become even angrier then before.
"But you're looking for the treasure, aren't you?" Usopp stated that, since it would only explain why they were here.
"Not me, my sister is!" That had been shouted to the long nose. "I'm her bodyguard."
"Bodyguard?" But no one could see that looking at the small child.
"Big sis says she'll find the secret no matter what so I came here to protect her." Lina had told them that this was her reason.
"There is definitely a way to create the gem!" Sayo stood up shouting, which had everyone turn to her. "I believe him." Unlike her younger sister, She didn't seem to doubt her father.
"Big sis Sayo..." which was something that Lina couldn't understand. Sayo then turned to her sister smiling then began to speak
"Everyone, please save..." before she could finish her sentence, a hidden door had opened below her which the little girl had fallen through screaming. Seeing this, Franky had quickly grabbed Lina just to be safe after the trapped door closed.
"Big sis Sayo!" Everyone was surprised as they were looking at the spot the girl was no longer standing.
"Gero, gero, gero, gero." But there was soon a familiar laugher which reached everyone's ears coming from above. Luna looked up to the Palm tree where a Baby Transponder Snail was located. "I have the girl. If you want to back, listen."
"That's the owner's voice." Luna stated not caring to remember his name.
"Doran!" But Nami had recalled it.
"Who's that?" Chopper didn't understand
"Like Luna said, the owner of this ship." While Robin had explained it once again.
"What was that?"
"Gero, gero, gero, gero. I'll have you look for that notebook secret. Then I'll give you back the girl. Gero, gero, gero, gero." The man was saying like the stereotype villains.
"Crap! I wasn't only Foxy!" Usopp was completed freaking out before turning to the Captain. "What should we do, Luffy?

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