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Kuma who had offered to spare everyone's lives if they hand Luffy and Luna over to him, had both the Straw Hats and the Rolling Pirates reject the proposal and which had been why he released his attack, Ursus Shock (Bear, Latin), upon everyone resulting in a massive explosion which results in the destruction of Thriller Bark. And when the attack had stopped and the dust had cleared, everyone of the Straw Hat Pirates and the Rolling Pirates were knocked out. The only one left standing was the Warlord, as he was completely unaffected by this attack. He had slowly, without any interruptions, walked over toward where he spotted both Luffy who is still worn out from his fight with Moria earlier, and Luna who used her body as a shield to protect the young captain from the full force of the explosion. They were both laying unconscious before him and after repelling some rubble that was over Luna's legs, Kuma had began to pick them both up.
"Lion's Song!" That was until he had been attacked by Zoro who slashed at him. This attack manages to damage Kuma, as steam began pouring out of him. "What... are you?!" And upon seeing cybernetic parts under Kuma, Zoro was shocked asking this. "So you're a cyborg, just like Franky, huh!? No... you're stronger than just steel!" But he didn't get an answer as Kuma fires a laser from his mouth that misses Zoro directly but the shockwave sent him flying. This had caused the swordsman to become even more injured then he already was and had difficulties pushing himself up. "The steel... melted...!" Zoro is shocked to see that Kuma is able to fire a laser from his mouth. He gets up to turn around back to the Warlord, but didn't have the strength to stand and fell to his knees.
"A cyborg... That is indeed what I am, but... I am quite different from 'Cyborg Franky'. I am what is called a 'Pacifista'... part of a yet-to-be-complete project of the World Government... A human weapon." This had been explained by Kuma, that didn't seem all that bothered by this fact.
"A Pacifista...?" Although, Zoro still didn't quite understand.
"I was created by the Government's genius scientist... Dr. Vegapunk... The man with one of the two greatest intellects in the plant. It is said that his Scientific knowledge has already... reached level humanity is likely to reach in 500 years time." With that being said, Kuma had looked towards Luna, since she was the other one.
"A body like that... What's more, he's an ability-used! It's like there's just no chance of beating him...!" Zoro was saying as it was clear that Kuma had a major advantage being a Pacifista with Devil Fruit powers. "Just as I though... my body won't even obey me anymore..." The swordsman was sitting crossed legged while breathing heavily. "But no matter what... You're still going to take Luffy's head and Luna, aren't you?"
"That is as far as I am willing to compromise." Kuma answered the man, saying it like it was some sort of mercy.
"I understand..." It was hearing that, which had caused Zoro to decide what he was about to do. "I'll let you have one head!" His head had lowered to the Warlord. "But... In exchange... Please take my life instead of Luffy's! And let Luna remain where she is! I'm begging you!" But, not wanting to give up his captain's head, offers up his own life to Kuma who seemed honestly surprised by this. "I might not be that famous yet... but this is the head of the one who will eventually become the world's greatest swordsman! Surely that should be enough!" Zoro says despite his bounty not be as high as Luffy's or Luna's, was is willing to give up his dream to become the world's greatest swordsmen in exchange.
"Despite remarkable ambition... You wish to take this man's place... to allow this woman to be free... and go to your death?" Kuma was asking him, as it seemed unbelievable for such a thing.
"I don't see any other way... To save my crew...! If you can't even protect your captain and..." Zoro had taken a glance toward Luna. "...a woman who floods your mind..." Before looking back to the ground in front of him. "Your ambition is pointless!" With that being said, he was glaring right at Kuma. "Luffy is the man who's gonna become the King of the Pirates! And as long as Luna is free it's fine!" Kuma looked down at this man in silence to see that everything he was saying had been the truth. Zoro was willingly to give up his life and dream to make his captain's dream come true and to have Luna spared of anything the World Government was planning on doing to her.
"Wait, wait, you damn bastard!" However, suddenly, limping over towards them. "What good is dying gonna do you? What about your ambition, you idiot?"
"You...!" Zoro had become shocked to see that Sanji was still conscious or regain consciousness.
"Hey, big guy!" The cook had come to stand in between the Warlord and swordsman.
"Rather than this moss-head swordsman... take my life instead!" This time it was Sanji who offers up his life instead. "The navy might not consider me a threat yet... But in the end, the one in this crew who will cause the most trouble... is me, 'Black Leg' Sanji!" It appeared that he was doing everything to keep himself from collapsing.
"Why you...!" However, it seemed to have angered Zoro.
"Now... do it...! Rather than this guy... I'll let you have... My life!" Sanji was shivering, like he was cold which might because he lost a lot of blood and he was injured all over. "Both of us are perfectly ready to lay down our lives here if we have to! Let's make this a glorious death!" Two men stood before Kuma, both offering their lives to him to protect their captain and a woman that the World Government would do anything to have once again. "Hey, tell everyone... To have a good journey...!" This was what he wanted his finally farewell to be. "Sorry, but... I guess you'll have to... Find another cook...!" However, in that moment, something hard jabbed itself into below his ribs. "W... Why you...!" and that had been the hilt of the bade belonging to Zoro which had knocked Sanji out.
"This is my last request..." Zoro turned his attention back to Kuma who throws his swords in front of him and asking Kuma to show some honor.
"If I were to lay a hand on Morrow Luna or Straw Hat's head after this, I would be the one to bear the shame." Kuma, after thinking for a while, seemed to have agreed to Zoro's plea,
"I'm in your dept." which had seemed to please Zoro, not that it showed on his face.
"You may trust me... I will keep my promise." That being said, Kuma picked up Luffy. "But I'm exchange... I will show you want Hell is like." That was when he placed his palm over the unconscious man and a red bubble resembling a paw had began to emerge from Luffy's body. "What I just deflected from his body... Was his pain... and his fatigue. This is all the damage that was inflicted on during his battle with Moria and Oars. If you wish to take their place, then... Naturally, you would have to take in all of this." It had been explained about what the air bubble was. However, if someone who is as close to death as you were to take all of this, it would be impossible for you to survive. You'll die. Have a try." Kuma sends over a small sample of it to Zoro and the moment it entered his body Zoro suffers intense pain from that small sample. "How was it?" This had been asked, clearly seeing that the pain was extremely intense as the man was laying flat on his back after struggling to roll over.
"Just let me... Go to another spot..." Time had passed after the massive explosion and it seemed that both the Straw Hats and the Rolling Pirates were slowly regain consciousness. However, at that time, Luna was walking in the direction of blood which she knew well. It was a large amount of it which had her walking a little faster then normal.
"Now this... This is a little overboard, don't you think?" She had said as she was standing before a man that was barely conscious, who was covered head to toe in blood. Luna moved in towards Zoro that was shaking even more then before. "This was Bartholomew Kuma's doing, wasn't it?" She didn't need him to reply since this was something she knew already. "You're luck that it was him and not one of the other Warlords." But she didn't explain what she meant by this. Luna's left arm had raised and her right index finger nail had been placed over her wrist. It had there where she had sliced her skin so that blood began to leak out.
"W-What... are you... doing...?" Zoro was struggling to ask this while Luna brought the arm to his lips.
"Stop resisting and drink it."

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