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It was early morning on the straw hat's ship, the Going Merry. The women's room of the Going Merry that is located below deck under the storage and cannon deck. This was where Nami, Nico Robin and now Luna slept. It was originally designed by Merry for Kaya's use and thus its design reflects for whom it was originally meant. The room is accessed through a hatch that leads to the room above. This hatch had a lock on it to stop others from entering. There was an emergency exit that connects to the men's room located here in case something happens. The hatch, however, is not normally used and is usually locked. There was a bar added in the room beside it by a carpenter from Cocoyasi. It was currently where the two new female members were in the girl cabin. Robin was fast asleep while Luna was doing something in a blank book on the deck in the room.  She was sitting there peacefully not paying attention to the world until the shoutings of Nami, "Everyone, wake up!" Pulled her away from the book. "Wake up!" Robin had basically woke up instantly to her yelling and had pulled on her shoes. While Luna was placing the book into the bag leaning beside the deck. Both woman had began to accent the stairs which would lead to the storage and cannon deck.
"BASTARD!" however, Luna had stopped upon hearing the shouting coming from the fire exit that lead to where the boys' were sleeping. "DON'T STICK THAT UGLY MUG OF YOURS IN MY FACE!" She hear Sanji losing his mind at someone.
"THAT'S WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY!" It become clear that it was Zoro that he was fight with. She hadn't long joined them but she noticed that the two of them were always fighting about something.
"An Island!" Nami's yelling had pulled her back to the stairs which she saw Robin already out. "We're approaching an island!" So she continued up into the storage and one of the cannon decks. This was where the crew keeps all their cargo such as beer barrels, water barrels, rations, and treasure boxes in storage. Any treasure that Nami cannot keep in the women's quarters was kept here as well. The room also houses two cannons facing each side of the ship. The bathroom and the women's quarters were be accessed from here. Some towels were be found next to the bathroom's entrance for when one finishes taking a bath. The hatch going down to the women's quarters had a latch to keep out prying eyes. The two woman were now standing in the door way of the open storage door to see Luffy climbing up the mast like a monkey.
"Where's the island?" He had asked Nami that was standing on the fore deck.
"Look there!" The silhouette of the island could be seen as the sun was rising behind it. Luna had slightly titled her head at noticing that it looked like half of a pineapple on its side. By the time that they arrived and anchored on the island, the sun had already raise. Everyone but the two new members of the crew had gotten off the Going Merry and onto the island. "I wonder if there'll be monsters!" Luffy looked around excitedly, "I wanna see some big strong ones!"
"Please don't stomp on me... Please don't stomp on me... Please don't stomp out my poor little life." Usopp had said trying to fix his nose because Luffy had pushed him off the rope hammick that the guys would normally sleep on. He had been pushed out and fell face first onto the decked floor, causing his nose to bend.
"There's no signs of anything strange. It's just a small island." Nami started to the crew or to herself.
"Look at this, Nami!" The small group had all looked up to Sanji who was in a tree with a piece of pineapple in hand. "This fruit would be perfect for storing up!" He had stated to her. "And it looks like the whole island's loaded with 'em!"  He then throw the fruit down to Nami.
"Then we should gather some and stockpile them on the ship." Nami told Sanji.
"I'll bet there's a lot more plants around here I can use." Sanji slide down the tree and the jumped to the ground. "This Island is like a cook's paradise!"
"Alright. Then, Sanji, you go look for food supplies." Nami ordered, She then turned to the others. "You four do this." She held out her hand to them, and there were four sticks in her hand.
"Huh?" The four guys looked at the sticks confused.
"The three who draw short straws will spend the day gathering fruits. The one who draws the long straw will stay here and guard the ship." She explained with a smile.
"And just why are you giving out the orders?" Zoro for all in her face.
"That's a good point. Normally the captain gives the orders, but..." Nami glared up at him.
"Oh, they're all short!" Luffy had taken all the sticks from Nami's hand.
"Why the hell did you draw three!?" Usopp realised turning to him.
"The one who takes more is smarter, right?" Luffy asked. Nami was pissed off looked at Luffy.
"Do you honestly think there's a captain on this ship capable of giving orders?" Nami's eye was twitching as she had ask that question looking at the captain himself being born a idiot.
"Not at all." They had all agreed with her her being in charge by saying that and waving on hand in front waving it.
"Am I really that smart?" Luffy laughed like the idiot he was.
"No, you're not!" The guys punched and kicked him away.
"I drew the long straw." Chopper said holding onto it, "Do I stay with the ship?" He asked.
"Yep! So Chopper, you get to stay here." Nami smiled happily.
"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up, let's go!" Luffy got ready to run off with a basket, "let's hurry and get the fruit! You're coming too, aren't you, Nami?" He asked her.
"Nope! I'm going to take some time out and survey the island. I want to draw a map of it! I can hardly wait!" Nami said excitedly to him. It wasn't long after that when Chopper was waving back on the ship to the others.
"Later! Be careful! Come back safely!" He was cheerfully tell them as they stood in the entrance of the forest.
"Take care of the ship!" Nami was tell him as she waved back.
"The one who gathers the most fruit wins!" Luffy had run into the forest while yelling that to both Zoro and Usopp.
"Eh... don't feel like it." Usopp sounded bored while saying That.
"Why do I have to take orders from that woman!?" Zoro on the other hand didn't pay attention to what Luffy had said as he was still stack on having to following Nami's ordered. So he was still upset.
"Alright, let's get going! Survey! Survey!" This was probably the only time Nami was ever excited about going into the forest without complaint.
"Ah! Nami is so energetic carrying that surveying equipment on her back!" Sanji was wiggling after her while saying she was magnificent and saying Mellorine over and over again.
"Stop talking like a nut and get your ass over here!" That was until Zoro had shouted at him. Once they were out of view, Chopper had jumped down from guard railing grinning.
"So I'm alone today." He walked to towards the back railing on the fore to see the deck below and saw no one. "The ship looks a lot bigger when no one's here." He stated before silence looking around. There was no sound coming from the ship, only the wind blowing. That was when he climbed onto the rails and stood on them. "Listen up, guys! From this day on, the mighty Chopper is your new captain!" He had shouted at the top of his lungs. It wasn't long after that he climbed up the rope ladder to the crows nest. "Hey, guys! Eyes up here!" He was acting like a little kid playing pretend. "Luffy! Don't eat other people's food! Usopp! Get off your ass and work harder! Sanji! Make me something good!" He was throwing around orders which were most likely things he wanted to say. "Cheers Captain Chopper! Cheers!" That was when he began to flip out, noticing someone one deck below. Seeing that he ended up falling into the crows nest instead of standing on the sides of it. He poked his head over the side to see Robin sitting in front of the Cannon Deck and Anchor Room with a book in hand and a barrel beside the chair she was on. It had another pile of books on it along with a single cup of coffee. He had then spotted Luna sitting on top of the white side of the ship while leaning against the closest to the bow deck, which was the reason Chopper didn't notice her till Robin came out. She was dropping something down in the book she had in the women's room before. She didn't even seem to acknowledge his or Robin's presents. Chopper had gone blue in the face at seeing both woman and was even shaking. He had climbed down from the nest and then down the stairs to the deck where both women were. "How long have you both been there?" He had asked both of them, trying to act tough, but of course failing. "That was dirty, not telling me you were here..." Robin was flicking through the book, most likely not hearing him. Luna was basically the same in that area though, but she just didn't care. "Look... I still don't trust either of you. You were an Office Agent it Baroque Works." He was saying that part to Robin while shaking and had then turned to Luna. "And you beating people just for touching you." Luffy had told them the reason behind the fight when they meet Luna. Of course hearing that it was just because one man touched her that caused the whole fight, there was a bit of a problem. She did have a short temper since she also sent Sanji flying. "You're crooks, jerks.... and BIG OCTOPUSES!" The last insulted didn't really make sense though. "I won't accept either of you. Even thought Luffy's accepted you guys as our friends... I... I'M NOT SAYING A SINGLE WORD TO YOU!!" He had shouted running off into the Storage and Cannon deck.
"For someone that won't say a single word, he sure said a lot." Robin was chuckle as she spoken while Luna seemed completely uninterested. The fact was, they both were paying attention to everything around them at all times. Robin had gotten up, causing Luna to glance up from the book and was watching her closely as she ended the same door Chopper had just entered. Once the woman had entered the room Luna had looked back down and began to write down but it wasn't long before she started hearing crashing and banging from inside that room both members had entered. The sound caused Luna to look up from the book with the pen still on it and have her head points towards the door leading to the storage and cannon deck where Chopper and Robin had entered. She didn't care about it but she still had gotten up to see what had happened. However, it didn't take long for Luna to realised what had happened once she reached the door to see water coming out from underneath it. So she wasn't surprised when she opened up the door to see a broken water barrier scattered across the deck along with the water. Chopper was on the ground laughing as Robin had used her Flower Flower Fruit to sprout arms out from under Chopper's arms and had began to tickle him.
"Stop it! Don't freakin' tickle me! Stop it...!" He was shouting.
"You're so cute!" Robin was standing over him saying. "I like you." She had crouched beside him saying. After she had said that, there was a long pause.
"C-Cute?" Chopper's face had gone red. "Stop joking around! You liking me doesn't make me the least bit happy! Why would that make me happy!?" Spite saying that he was dancing quite happily with a smirk on his face.
"You certainly look joyful." Luna had spoken, causing both Chopper and Robin to notice he standing in the door way. "Not that I care, but that crazy red head might kill you." She was speaking of Nami and hearing that had caused Chopper's face to turn blue.
"Well, shall we?" Robin had pulled both their attention to her as she handed him an empty barrel. "We've no water left now." She was then heading towards Luna or more like the door. "I'd like to have a cup of coffee before I continue reading." She had informed him, but he didn't say or move anymore for some reason.
"It was you who had broken the barrel, is it not right for you to fill it up too." Luna had stated him before walking off.
"A-Ah, right." He had agreed following both woman out on deck.

Battling the Demon (One piece)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن