Sudden Arrival!?

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Oars Jr. arm was still moving towards Ace, despite the impaled shadow through his chest
"I won't allow you." The one that had caused this attack had been Moria, with his shadow.
However, the Giant demon had soon came to lose it as he collapsed completely. In the progress, his body destroyed everything at the bay that it landed on, which had greatly shocked everybody with his defeat.
"OARS!!" But the most shock had been Ace as he was in tears at the sight of the giant demon.
"I'll create the most powerful zombie soldier out of his corpse!" However, there was one person who was over joyed by this.
"Yeah, good luck with that." Moria had head a voice from behind him, where he had turned only to find Luna standing where the voice came from. "You have annoyed me enough with creating zombies out of the corpses of my race." She was speaking with her eyes glowing.
"You're one of the Straw Hats!" The devil looking man had shrieked at the sight of the woman. "Doppelman!" That had been shouted by him and the dark silhouette that Moria makes using his own shadow appeared, heading right for Luna.
"Two can play it that way." She had come to say as blood had come out from her hand that was held up towards the shadow. The blood began to take the shape of the owner, Luna, that took off towards Moria's where both of them soon collided and were going at it.
"Damn it!" But Moria was an impatient person. "Knuckle Shadow!" And soon came to shape the shadows into multiple fists that came flying at Luna to attack her. She had taken a leap back , jumping to the left, then to the right to dodge them. "Why don't you stand still!?" Moria was the weakest of the Warlords and it was clear that Luna didn't see him as much of a threat since he was mostly shouting and completely half the time. "Come!  Shadow Snakes!" The Warlord shaped the shadow into multiple snakes to attack and bite Luna. "No one has escaped this! They will chase you to the end of the world!" That had been shouted
"I doubt that." The Warlord truely wasn't a match for Luna as she had created spears of crystallised blood flying at the shadow snakes.
"No way! How is this possible!?" Moria couldn't believe that she defeated each snake of his Devil Fruit with only a single move.
"You're just annoying me now." Luna came to lift up her arm, that was pointing at Moria. "Krovavyy..." It was then swung downwards before... "...Smerch!" Swinging her extended right arm backwards and stretching it upwards, that created ferocious whirlpool of blood.
"Not again!" The shadows around his feet began to move and create dome that protected him from incoming attacks. However, he failed and was sent flying off his feet.
"Nothing but hot air." Luna seemed completely disappointed at the show that Warlord was this weak.
"Climb Oars' body and advance!" It had been shouted at all his men. Hearing Whitebeard's shouting, Luna turned around to find a that the man was filled with anger.
"That's rare." She had to say, since she's rarely seen the emperor this angry before. It was clearly because of the defeat of Oars. It was then when his men had quickly climb breaking through any Marine in their way. Enraged Whitebeard's 13th division commander Atmos confronts and attacks Donquixote Doflamingo for severing Oars' leg, to which he laughs claiming he is 'at the center of history', and quickly puts Atmos under his control with his unknown ability to attack his subordinates.
"He is as tasteless as ever." Luna was saying as she was looking above the body of Atmos as something thin shinning in the reflection of the sun. However, she had been the only one to notice this before she continued walking, heading for the platform. TheWhitebeard Pirates and allies enter the bay, and the ships proceed to destroy everything so as to make the entry easier, but are unable to do so with mere cannonballs until Whitey Bay enters with her Ice Cutting Ship. Luna then turned back to the platform before she began moving towards it. However, it wasn't without its problem. "You are all starting to annoy me." She came to say as she was sick of being attacked pointlessly by the Marines who could see they didn't stand a chance. Her hands placed upon her scythe she slammed the end into the ground. "Krovavyy Kristal'nyy..." From where the end had been stabbed a large amount of blood had expelled itself across the ground around Luna.
"W-What is this...?!" Many of the marines were looking down at their feet because the blood had extended 5 Miles in all directions of Luna.
"...Stado Zverey!" (Bloody Crystal Herd Beasts, Russian) But soon they were all freaking out for a different reason, as the blood had began to harden and take shape.
"N-No way!" Before they had even realise it, a large amount of red crystallised beasts were standing around Luna. They beast were mostly of bears, lions, tigers, wolves, pretty much all predators with fangs and claws that could kill.
"Get them out of my sight." An order had been given by Luna and within seconds the beasts had taken off, running for the marines that had turned pale at the sight. While they were distracted with protecting themselves from the beast that were created, Luna moved on ahead with little problems as the when someone tried to attack her a bit would interfere and attack them. She was making far more distance then that of the Whitebeard Pirates, however she soon came to a stop. The reason was because something seemed to have been caught up her ears. It wasn't that of the war but of something from above. It had caused her to look up towards the sky where she was able to find a silhouette above the island. It seemed that after a while, all began to notice what she had and thinking this was another surprise attack from Whitebeard, the Marines were panicking.
"That voice..." Luna could hear screaming but there was one scream with sounded familiar to her. It was in that moment her eyes widen as she caught the sight of a straw hat. "..."
"I said that you were doing it too much!" Someone was shrieking from those that were falling.
"It's because of his wink!" Another had shouted in anger.
"Is it my fault, Croco?!" While the one that was spoken off took offence to that comment.
"Doesn't matter, we're goanna die! It's frozen all over down there!" The voice with Luna knew shouted at them, followed by screaming. "Oh! I'm a rubber man so I'll be fine!"
"You just care about yourself!? Do something!"
"I don't wanna die like this! Somebody, stop me!"
"I shouldn't have listened to you, Straw Hat!" All had fallen silent below as they were watching those from above falling.
"ACE!" The leader of the group was what had shocked most people, all but one...
"Took you long enough... Luffy."

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