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The group had ended up sitting down in a large dining room that had man odd paintings that Luna couldn't help but notice that they had numbers somewhere on them, just like Cerberus, the zombies and even the woman, Cindry. It all seemed a bit odd, especially since they all had stitches and scars on their bodies as well. And it wasn't just that but she felt as if she's seen Cindry somewhere before. "It's a pleasure to welcome to my mansion. But my, you sure are grungy!" Dr. Hogback speaking had pulled Luna had of her thoughts. "What brings you here?" He had asked them.
"A whole bunch of things, but for starters—" Nami and began to explained but looked over to Chopper
"I'll explain everything in detail later." Who said that to her which was why she continued
"Zombies attacked us in the graveyard, so we run here for cover." Which pretty much was all.
"Zombies, eh?" But Dr. Hogback wasn't all that surprised hearing that.
"There was a bunch of stuff that made us doubt our eyes. If we didn't know Luna." Usopp added as he spoke. "What's the deal with this island? Since you live here, you've gotta know something!"
"I see, so they attacked you, huh? I'm glad you made it here in one piece. That's a relief!" He didn't really answer the question but... "To answer your question: I don't know what they are, which is why I live here."
"So you're conducting research on the zombies?" Chopper seemed excited upon hearing that.
Indeed, I am! People are terrified when they hear 'zombie'. But what if I freeze it to 'resurrecting the dead'?" Luna and flinched hearing the man say that. "Hasn't that been all mankind's eternal dream? Everyone has a special someone or two they'd like to see returned from the dead. But toying with human mortality is unorthodox medicine that disrespects God! That's why I slipped away from the public eye—so I could continue my research on this island in secret!" This man was completely insane.
"S-So that's the story!" Chopper didn't even seem the little bit hazed at hearing that. "But I'm sure tons of people around the world would be thrilled if your research is a success! I'll be rotting for you, Dr. Hogback!" But while he was all happy for the doctor, Luna was far from it.
"You're rather open-minded! Thank you, Dr Chopper." That had been said back.
Sh-Shucks, Doctor! I'm not happy because you thanked me or anything, you jerk!" Which had obviously made him happy. "May I have your autograph?" He was holding up a paper board to the surgeon.
"Why, certainly!" Who had signed it without hesitation. "To Dr. Chopper..."
"Could you show me you lad later?" Energy need to be happy to show that worked others
"By all means, steer clear of my laboratory!" At least that was normally the case, but it appeared it wasn't here. Chopper was completely frightened while nodding his head. But then Cindry came into the room with a tray of puddings, but just dropped them onto the table without any plates. "Hey, Cindry! Out the flan on plates! Can you at least do that for me?" The master was asking her but...
"I wish plates would disappear from the face of the earth!" She repair the same thing with dark aura over her.
.guys, I wash the heck out of the tablecloth four times just like this, so feel free to eat away!" He backed down without a fight while sweating buckets.
"Don't mind if we do!" Usopp and Chopper didn't have a single problem with it as they were slurping it off the table.
"Spoons can still be used." Luna had looked at the three that were still slurping the pudding off the table, who also seemed to be enjoying it.
"I've drawn you a bath." Cindry spoken at the other end of the table. "You're a filthy lot, so go hop in." Her personality was almost like Luna's harsh and to the point.
"That's right." Luna had come to remembered something and turned to Dr. Hogback, while she looked her eyes began to glow. "Have you by any chance seen a walking, talking, afro skeleton around lately?" The Doctor had flinched upon hearing her question.
"A-A skeleton?" He asked, his tongue still on the table.
"Right. For someone who is nothing more than a skeleton he seems oddly cheerful." Her eyes were still glowing as she looked at him.
"The fact that he's a talking, walking skeleton make some old enough." Usopp had pointed out since Luna made it sound like the fact that he was cheerful was the only thing odd about him. "Do you know anything about him?" Dr. Hogback was sweating nervously upon those questions.
"N-No, I don't..." He seemed afraid to answer.
"Really? Then forget it." Usopp believed his words, However, Luna didn't at all. It was after the dinner with Dr. Hogback, that Nami decided to take a bath along with Luna. Nami was away rising herself as Luna was already in the bath having gone first. It was pretty relaxing despite the creep mansion or at least it was supposed to be but Luna couldn't help but feel like someone was being watching them. However, as the girls were cleaning themselves off
"I wanna take a peek..." Chopper
"What!? Do you?! For rea!?" And Usopp were both guarding the bathroom door in case. It was because Nami was scared and didn't actually want Luna to move around too much due to her injury.
"I'm not interested in a naked human or demon woman, but I wish I could pick inside Dr Hogback's lab..." that was what the little reindeer had meant when he said take a peek.
"I don't wanna see it! I'm too scared!" But the snipper felt the complete opposite. Gosh dammit, Nami! Luna! Why do we have to stand guard why you to clean up?" He spoke into the bathroom saying that if they were scared they shouldn't bathe.
"Please, I'm not like you cowards." Luna had said to the silhouette sitting outside the door.
"I'm amazed you don't care that zombies touched you! Nasty!" That had been the main reason why Nami was clearing herself, and obviously because of the dirt and mud.
"We're just gonna get dirty again. Right?"
"Right!" Chopper had agreed with Usopp statement.
"We're leaving as soon as night falls." But Nami had moved onto saying.
"What!?" Which had come as a shock to both the guys standing up outside now.
"Whoa, there! Are you crazy, moron!?" Usopp's head had poked in through the doors, but Nami had throw a wooden shower bucket at him. "He said we could spend the night!" He had quickly recovered saying that. "Can't you see what'll happen if we leave in the middle of the night!? Anyway, we should try to stay put! Luffy and the others are sure to come save us. You hear me?"
"I'm with him! I don't want to go outside again!" Chopper was in a completely agreement, saying he didn't want to go back to the forest or the graveyard.
"You don't understand do you." Luna had spoken as Nami had stepped into the bath. "If you pay close attention to the mansion, you'll notice that it won't be much different than outside." They didn't seem to understand but they were both frightened.
"Y-You don't mean..."
"That's correct. I noticed it while in the dinning room and the hall way, people are watching us. However, they aren't completely human. In fact, they feel similar to the zombies from the graveyard." Luna had explained that to them outside, and she hadn't been the only one to notice.
"Wh-Where were they!?" Usopp and Chopper were freaking outside the door.
"And if they're inside, that makes Hogback the most suspicious person here. He's lying to us... there is no way he could live in this zombie-filled mansion or on this island if he wasn't connected to those zombies in someway!" Nami had been right about that.
"Wh-What do you think, Chopper? If their speculations are right..." Usopp was looking to the small doctor who was refusing to believe in such a thing.
"If you doubt me, ask Luna, she read his mind." She turned towards the woman. "Didn't you?"
"What did it say?"
"Nothing, since I couldn't read his mind." She answered
"What? Is that even possible?" which seemed to come as a shock to not just Nami but the two outside.
"For a human? No." Ot's true that Luna had limitations, however, even if they did if asked a question a person will always think of how to respond to it. Or subject that fall around it. And yet, she was unable to read a single thought which left her to think. "However, if there was a demon that possessed metal magic on this island..."
"Then it's possible, huh." Nami had come to realise what she was getting at.
"Yeah, but that only brings up more questions then answers." Luna had stood up in the bath getting out of it. "The point is that we should act like we don't know anything. When the night had come, we will leave and that's that. She was heading to the door reaching for the door handle to open the door and walked right our of it.
"Oi! Luna!" Nami tried to call out but the woman had already stepped out.
"O-O-O-Oi!" Usopp seemed completely taken back by seeing the naked woman standing before him.
"Here!" But Chopper wasn't as he handed her a towel.
"Thanks." Which she took and wrapped around herself.
"Don't ignore me!"
"You humans are ridiculous." She stated really not understanding why they react this way. "You're acting the exact way as Zoro." Upon saying that she looked down to his crutch. "Well, not exactly like him."
"Where are you looking when comparing!?" He had placed his hands over his crutch asking.
"Nowhere really." With that being said and done, Luna had grabbed the pair of clothes that were placed on the counter outside. "Besides, you can't say that you don't like what you see." She looked over her shoulders to him saying.
"T-That might be true!" He couldn't deny that fact. "Thank you very much!" He bowed to her saying.
"You just thanked her!" Chopper was in completely shocked at the guy's response.
"Usopp? Chopper? Luna? Did you say something?" That was when they heard Nami calling out to them still inside the bath.
"Huh? Just now? We didn't say anything." Usopp had answered her since it was a while ago that he was shouting at Luna. But then he farted. "Ah, I just farted!"
"Usopp, that stinks!" Chopper was shouting at him before they bursted into laugher.
"I'm Usop-P.U.!" They were acting like children.
"You two are pathetic." Luna stood before them completely dressed

"Usopp! Cho-!" But then she could hear something from within the bathroom

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"Usopp! Cho-!" But then she could hear something from within the bathroom.
"Nami." Luna called out to the woman inside but something was wrong as she hadn't answered, which was why she pushed the door open. "Nami, what is wrong?"
"Did Usopp's fart stink up the bathroom?" Chopper had also came in with Usopp as well. However, the only thing that Usopp ended up seeing was Nami completely naked against the wall.
"Thank you very much!" He had pervertedly shouted bowing like with Luna.
"You just thanked her too!" Chopper was once again shouting in shock, not quite understanding.
"You really are an idiot." They seemed to have completely forgotten about Nami, who had then lifted up her right leg as if kicking something before falling to the ground.
"Usopp! Chopper! Luna! Help me! Someone's in here!" She bursted at the three of them.
"There's someone in here? Impossible. I didn't read anyone's mind." Luna was just as confused since upon landing on the island she has been allowing a small amount of power allow her to read Someone mind if they got within a certain range. However, it was like with Hogback making her unable to read whoever's mind this was. But then Chopper had gone into Walk Point and began to sniff the air.
"She's right! I'm picking up an odour!" He had informed the others, which was then when Luna also began to smell the air.
"Huh? Uh, sorry!" Usopp thought he was speaking about his fart from before.
"Not you, idiot. It smells like an animal in heat." Luna stated getting a strange smell from the bathroom that shouldn't be there. But then the window had opened up on its own.
"Hurry! He's escaping out the window!" Nami screamed at them.
"Don't think you can get away, you pervert!" Luna had lifted her right arm up. "Krovavyy..." Blood began to gather in her palm. "...Drobovik!" (Blood Shotgun, Russian) Before sending thick spears of blood heading out of the window but also destroying part of the wall along with it causing the mansion to shake in response.
"Wh-What should I do? Fire a shot as well?" Usopp was asking as he had his sling shot in hand.
"No, he's gone now. I can't small him anymore."Chopper had informed him.
"I wonder if we'll make it out of here..." Nami had fallen to her knees after grabbing a towel to cover her front.
"Are you alright, Nami?" Luna had walked over to her asking
"He overheard our entire conversation..." She wasn't wrong, and Luna had realised that as well.
"H-Hey, Nami, what was that all about? I'm really confused here..." Usopp was sweating upon saying that since he didn't understand what had happened.
"He must have been here the entire time. An invisible man that I was unable to read."

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