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As the Jabra and Kumadori were crying of each other, it seemed that Spardam was off in his own world. Just sitting at his desk that he was leaning his arm on.Until... "Chief." Kalifa had spoke, placing the mic of the Transponder Snail back onto its back.
"H-Huh? Wh-What is it?" He had asked all confused.
"It's over-" She leaned over the desk, getting closer to him. "Their little drama." She was right about it being a drama.
"O-Oh, right." All were standing before Spardam as his hands slammed onto the desk. "All things aside, I'd like to congratulate you on completing your five-year-long mission. Not only have you captured Nico Robin, but you've even brought me that detestable Cutty Flam! Superb job. The world will rejoice when it hears about the wonderful work you've done. I want you all to know that I've never been so proud to be your chief." Luna rolled her eyes at his little speech, since it really didnt have anything ti do with her. "Oh right! It's not a reward or anything, but I got something for you. Well, it can wait. I want to meet them first. They are this world's biggest hope!" Despite his words his face was filled with nothing but greed and power hunger. Which had been followed with the doors to the room being opened, allowing both Robin and Franky to enter, where they were all now sitting down, in two rows. Magnis, Kaku, Blueno and Fukurou placed on the left while Lucci, Jabra, Kumadori, and Kalifa on the right. With Spandam sitting at the ends on his desk, while Luna seemed be sitting beside it, on right side. Although, she seemed a bit unpleased as her body twisted away from the chief.
"Get in there!" Robin had been shoved into the room. "You, too!" Along with Franky and the tension began to raise. although, it seemed that Fukurou was about to say some as his zip was undoing, causing Blueno to stop him but sending his fist at the chatter box. It was upon seeing the two standing before him that caused Spandam to burst into laughter.
"I feel amazing! I'm surprised you're still alive and kicking after that incident eight years ago... Cutty Flam." He was smirking with pleasure looking at the blue hair cyborg who wasn't even looking at him. "And let's nit forget... the global threat we're been pursuing to this very day- Nico Robin!" His head slight turned so that he was looking at Robin now. "I just feel great! Unfortunately... the people of the world have no idea how significant all our work for this day has been." He gotten off his chair, standing up. "In fact... they probably won't ever come close to figuring it out for several years. If you ask me, the old farts in power or too soft when it comes to justice! In order to achieve our goals, sacrifices must be made. All our work is for the sake of world peace!" No one would honestly believe that, seeing the expression plastered across his face. "Any idiots who dare to interfere... will be killed an become sacrificed for the greater good." Spandam was preaching while walking over to the pair that stood in chains and cuffs. "That is why that Fishman who wouldn't behave and just give us what we wanted... had to be killed - he rebelled against justice." He bursted into laughter after saying that, snot rolling out of his nose walking back to his deck. "He got what was coming to him!"
"You're insane!" Franky told him, filled with anger at the man's ridiculous behaviour. " Tom put his life on the line to protect those blueprints... precisely because there morons like you around!" He had dashed right for the man where he had chomped down on his head in anger. Robin was pretty baffled by his actions and all eyes were on them, completely unaware of Luna putting the Transponder Snail off the hook.
"Wh-What're you guys doing!? Help me!" But no one moved as they just sat there. "Kumadori!"
"Roger... that!" Until Spandam called out to the most dramatic one.
"Hurry up and help me! Oi! Oi!"
"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Kumadori had sprung into action leaping above to pair, separating them and stabbing his staff into the ground with Franky's chains. While Spandam was sent flying into the ceiling above his desk, before crashing down. "Huh? Where are you, Chief Spandam?" Kumadori was confused as the fact he wasn't behind him.
"I-I'm here... O-Over here..." where he had struggled to get out from the desk. However, it wasn't long before he was kicking Franky in the ground none stop out of anger. "It seems you haven't changed one but, Cutty Flam. If I'd found out earlier that you were still alive... and safeguarding the blueprints... it would've saved us a lot of trouble." That had been said, as Franky was underneath his foot. "After all, arresting you and bringing you here... was a walk in the park!" Once again, the foot was slammed right down on his head, as he just laid down unable to really fight back. "Conversely... your fellow pupil, Iceberg... was a real pain. After Tom's death... he managed to unite all the shipwrights rights in Water 7...thereby founding a huge company. He grew close to the very government he must have despised. Before long, the company became known as 'The Purveyor to the World Government.' Not only did he oversee the ship building company, Galley-La... but he even became out of Water 7, the City of Water. He gained the support of the people and became in dispensable to even the Government. Even we couldn't lay a hand on him." This had been the reason for Iceberg working with the World Government, despite holding a great deal of anger and grudge towards them. "He was definitely a smart man. However, the wind finally began to blow in my favour. Just as I was losing my patience and preparing to use force... I received good news from Admiral Aokiji- Miss Athena and Nico Robin were on a Pirate ship headed for Water 7. I drank a lot of coffee to calm myself down a bit... then obtained permission to invoke a Buster Call... and formulate a plan to take advantage of the situation." Even though he said it was his plan, in actual reality, the one that came up with it had been Luna. But she wasn't going to correct him since she really could care less, not to mention everyone else knew the truth. "I suppose there were a few small setbacks... but look! Both people capable of reviving the ancient weapons are right here!" If seemed that Spardam had grew insane as he bursted into a fit of laughter with the eyes of a mad man. "Do you understand? The entire world currently resolves around me." He continued to laugh like a complete and utter lunatic. "The power to conquer even the greatest countries at will... is now in my very hands!"
"Why did Aokiji authorise you to invoke a Buster Call?" Robin couldn't understand, since it was clear the man was completely unstable in many ways. However, the next thing she knew, she found herself on the ground after being struck in the face by him.
"How dare you ask a question of me! Insolent whore!" Spardam shouted at her in a fit of anger. "If you didn't have something I wanted... your life would be completely worthless! You should be thanking me! Your demonic Ohara blood makes me sick...Nico Robin." He says that because he doesn't understand anything. "Now, listen carefully. From now on, your life will be so full of suffering that your wish we had just killed you. I hope you're prepared. You'll be beaten, use, and then jumps into the ocean! That's how much of a lowlife you are!" He bursted into laugher as he spoke of such inhuman actions. "Oh, one more thing. I received a report earlier. It said A bunch of idiots barged in here trying to rescue your sorry ass." Robin's head had slightly lifted upon hearing that.
"Impossible!" Because she could only think of one group of people that would do that.
"Too bad! They have all probably been arrested by now - Straw Hat Luffy and his crew." She sat up listening shaking in frustration they had come. "Enies Lobby's 10000 soldiers will dispose of them like trash. By the way, we have a ship setting our for Impel Down shortly. What a splendid gift to send over! I'll be able to transfer your friends straight to prison, along with Cutty Flam." When that had been said, her eyes widen.
"Wait! We had a deal!" Robin had bursted out to them, lunging forwards. "In exchange for my corporation, they were to be left unharmed!" Pure fear stretched across her face looking at the man before her.
"What are you getting all flustered about?" He asked her then turning to the one in charge of the mission. "Lucci! Remind her of the exact wording of our agreement."
"'We will allow all of the Straw Hats, excluding Nico Robin, to leave Water 7 unharmed.'" That had been the agreement, it Robin didn't see how they could break that.
"That's exactly right. You don't contest this, do you?" But when she looked up at Spardam once again, she finally understood. "They safely departed Water 7, and subsequently came here." It was then when her eyes quickly fell upon Luna.
"This is my final piece of advice, don't believe the words of the World Government. Or is his presence not enough proof for you?" Those had been the words that she had told her on the sea train. It was because she knew that something like this would happen.
"Are you serious? You're really going to break your promise based on a technicality?!" She turned back to Spardam asking him.
"What a bunch of worthless shits. There isn't a single drop of humanity in them." Franky stated angered by their actions.
"What was that?" But Spardam had stomped on him in anger. "Cram it, you pile of junk! We have no obligation to honour deals with criminals to begin with!" He repeated stomping on him over and over again. "Idiot! Idiot! What an idiot! You, too!" His foot moved over to Robin, where he was now doing the same thing to her. "Don't forget your place! Double-crossing pirates and capturing them... is something even the Marines do openly!" He continued on and one, however, before he could do anymore damage, his leg had been grabbed from behind, which had caused him to actually fall on his face. "What the hell!? How dare you!?" His head shot around to find Luna standing behind
"That is enough." She said, looking down at him.
"What's this? Have you perhaps gotten attached?" He was saying in a mocking tone towards her.
"Don't be ridiculous. If that were the case, I would not be here." She responded to him, sighing as his question was completely annoying to her. "I'm only stopping you because it will be you explain to the elders why she ended up dying." Hearing her say that, he had clicked his tongue.
"You coward." Robin said biting down on her lips, which hadn't been the smartest move as it anger Spardam. He had gripped onto her fringe to lift her up.
"You're one to talk. Don't act so high and mighty... after a life filled with betrayal." He throw her back onto the ground, to then laugh to himself. "You should just make your peace and die. There's nothing you can do against the immense power of Justice." This was the true face of the World Government and no matter what anyone said, when it is scum that create the rules it only caused more scum to surface as a response.

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