The Zombies Creation!

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The three pirates that had escaped from the giant spider-monkey-like zombies and generals were looking down at the courtyard where the zombies were all located. However, they were already recovering, even as something from the sky had come chasing into the courtyard around them. "Hey, what just came hurling down!?" Franky was asking not quite sure.
"It couldn't be..." But Robin seemed to have a rough idea about what it was.
"If he wasn't dead before, he should be now." Luna seemed completely confident in what she saw. Franky looked to the strangely shaped hole that looked like a man.
"Well, actually, I have a pretty good idea who it is..." He knew the shape.
"If he wasn't dead before, he should be now." Luna seemed completely confident in what she saw.
"You're cold, sister." That had been stated to her. "But anyway, where the heck did that doof fall from?" Hearing that question, Luna had looked up a tall building that was back in the mansion, it seemed to be the most likely place but she also felt that someone had been there. "Tch! This bites! Guess we'd better go save him." Just then something had come flying at Luna, which she stood to the right so that she's able to avoid it.
"A web?" She noticed as it was sticking to the wall of the building. However, it didn't stop there, more webs had began to appear attaching themselves to the outside walls of each building. It was until the large spider-monkey-like zombie had strung across a bridge made of webs.
"Hey, hey!" If was standing right before them laughing. "Despite that bizarre interrogation, you can't escape from me! I can always make more fighting if I had to! Monkey, monkey!"
"We'll have to deal with this headache first, huh?" Franky had pulled of the tube he was carrying in front of him opening it up. "But me a bit of time." He was telling the women beside him with nunchucks in his hands.
"And what are you planing on doing?" Luna asked out of curiosity.
"Ooh! Those pillars are just what I needed. I'm gonna whip up a weapon right quick." He answers heading into the building and neither one of the two stopped him as they turned back to the zombie.
"How dare you act like I'm not a big deal?! Don't treat me like a small fry!" It lifted up both it's arms which appeared to have something on both palms. "Spider's... Sticky Net!" Sticky webs were heading right for them, but it was because he had spinnerets on them.

"Krovavyy..." A large of blood began to gather above Luna's arm that was pointed in the sky. "...Kupol!" (Blood Dome, Russian) Which had created a dome made of blood which protected two.
"Seis Fleurs!" (Six Flowers, Spanish) While Robin had used her Devil Fruit which had six arms sprouting around the spider-monkey's eyes. "Slap!" All the hands had slapped down upon his single eye which had caused to scream in pain bringing it's web hands to it's face.
"Something touched my eyes!" But when it tried to take the hands away, it had webs stuck on its eyes. "Oh, shoot! I got stick net in my eyes."
"Thanks, Nico Robin! Morozov Luna! I'm ready and raring to go!" Franky had come out, with a large weapon in hand. "Get back!"
"What is that?" Robin had asked as Luna's blood dome was disintegrating while he came out.
"Nothing much! I just thrust the steel numb chucks I had on hand into some pillars." That had been explained as the zombie was still trying to break free of it's webs. "Ya need a big weapon when dealin' with a monster like this!" With that being said, Franky pulled his arm back with one of the numb chucks in hand as the other fell back. "Heavy Nunchucks!" Before he slapped it across his face and did quite a lot of damage. And while the zombies was laying down after the last attack Franky had leaped into the air above,twirling the numb chucks above his head, before slamming it down causing another blow that was followed up but another slap and another, and another and another, Franky wasn't giving the zombie to strick back.
"Give it a rest, jerk!" The spider-monkey-like Zombie snapped at him after being hit over and over again nonstop. "Spider's Sticky Net!" The Web had been fired and token the nunchucks. "You're lost without your trusty weapon! You were asking for that!" But that's when Franky's left arm had opened up pointing to it.
"Weapon Left!" It had been fired and exploded up in the zombie's face. However, just when Franky thought this had finally ended, the groans of women had pulled around where he found not just Robin but also Luna strung up by spider web.
"Hey, hey!" And strange creates cheering as they stood on the web.
"Nice Robin! Morozov Luna!" He was shocked at the two of them struggling. "What are those things?" He could only them ask about the spider-mouse-like things.
"Mouse, mouse! Mouse, mouse!"
"I'm sorry. I let my guard down." Robin was saying over to Franky.
"I did as well, but I didn't think something was capable of sneaking up on me like that." Luna explained since she allowed the zombies before to capture her. It was then when Franky began charging over to the women in hopes of freeing them, only to have be caught up in a web created by the spider-Monkey that stuck him to the web below.
"Moron! Monkey, monkey!" Although it appeared that franky's attacks did still have its affect. "It's impossible for you to notice those guys. They are my subordinates, the spider mice. There are a whopping 500 of them in Thriller Bark! They've never fail to catch I pray, not even once! The strike from the darkness or from the enemies blindspot to catch him unawares! Dr. Hogback has modified a silk so that no human could ever break it!" And it appeared demons as well, since Luna couldn't budge no matter how hard she pulled. Then again she had been weaken quite a bit due to the silver and firer.
"We hung outQuietly in the ceiling and snatch your friends up. It doesn't matter how strong the person is — we don't give him a chance to resist! By the time he realises what has happened, it's already too late!" One of the mice were explaining.
"Now will take you to the same place we took your friends! Brace yourself!" This wasn't a good thing.
"Yohohoh, Yohohoh... Yohohoh, Yohohoh~" Someone was singing that reached everyone's ears. "Yohohoh, Yohohoh... Yohohoh~"
"Huh! What's that?" The spider-monkey was looking around confused.
"We're on our way to deliver Bink's booze~ Sail leisurely with the sea breeze sail with the waves~ The setting sun romps about on the other side of the tide~ A ring of birds in the sky sing~ Yohohoh, Yohohoh... Yohohoh, Yohohoh~"
"Who is it!? Who singing that song?!" There seemed to be a lot of panic spreading across the spider zombies. However
"Yohohoh, Yohohoh... Yohohoh, Yohohoh~ Yohohoh, Yohohoh... Yohohoh, Yohohoh~" Thats when the singing turned into laugher as someone appeared out of nowhere walking with a sword in hand on his shoulder. "Goodness, I see everyone really did disembark onto this island." The one standing before them was the skeleton Brook and everyone was shocked to see him.
"How were you able to get up here?" Luna had asked since that would be impossible for a human. At least one that didn't have Devil Fruit abilities to help. But Brook's only allowed him to come back to life and nothing more.
"I jumped. I'm light!" He answered her lifting you his top hat to her. "Seeing as you're here, I suggest you've left me with no other choice. I shall tell you everything about this island."
"Hey! Who the hell are you?! You enter zombie, are you?" The spider-monkey was asking in anger saying that he bet the skeleton was with the three pirates.
"Hey, Skeleton!" Franky called out to him.
"Yes, yes. Not to worry. The fight is already over." No one understand what he meant but he began placing his sword back in its shift. "Three-Verse Humming..." and when it had been closed.... "...Arrow-Notch Slash!" The zombie was screaming in pain as suddenly blood came spraying out from a large cut that appeared from nowhere. Robin and Franky were in shock upon seeing anything, along with the spider-mice that were sweating.
"Impressive." Luna had spoke not even the slightest bit shock since she saw it all. Brook had slashed his opponent at such a fast pace that it appears that he did not attack at all.
"The fight's not over! Thought they work on zombies! He's gonna pop back up!" Franky was trying to tell him
"Curse you...!" The spider-monkey was doing exactly what was said. "Wait a sec... I've seen you somewhere before!" It said looking right at Brook who then laughed in amusement.
"Not worry! I've already dealt with that." He was looking to Franky telling him but the question was how. "Even zombies have witnesses!" It was then when the zombie that Brook had slice began to act strangely, it's mouth open wide lifting up to the shy with something black coming out of it.
"What's that!?" Franky had no idea what it was.
"That would a zombie's 'soul.'" Luna spoken not the slightest bit surprised at seeing it, unlike Robin beside her.
"His soul! But I can see it leaving his body!" The cyborg was shouting still not understanding.
"It's high time you returned... to your rightful master!" Brook shouted as the large black thing shout into the sky disappearing and the spider-monkey zombie came crashing down completely dead.
"Captain Tararan!"
"Captain! He took out the captain!"
"Captain!" The little zombies were all freaking out.
"He isn't budging an inch... what did you do!?" Franky was looking to Brook asking him
"I purified him." That had simply been it.
"You what?"
"Look! He's definitely the Humming Swordsmen! Five years ago, he wrecked havoc on Thriller Bark." One of the little mouse were pointing at Brook saying.
"We've gotta tell the master!" And then they scurried off in fear. That was then when Brook seemed to have recalled something.
"That's spiderweb are strong against physical attacks, but weak against fire." Which and been how to get out of the webs that the three pirates were trapped in.
"What?" Franky had become surprised
"Great." While Luna have become annoyed since fire was also her one weakness. However, it did work, Franky used his fire breath that began to melt away the web around his left arm.
"You're Right! It melts right off!" He First had freed himself then moved into Robin and Luna, but was hesitant due knowing Luna's weakness. She just told him to get over and done with which was what had happened. "They got Straw Hat and the others. Y'know, you seem mighty knowledgeable about this island..." the three of them were standing before Brook wanted answers.
"I am, but I don't know where to begin. If they've been caught, we're probably too late." Brook had stated which wasn't a good thing.
"What!" It's too late!?" Franky had become angry at hearing that.
"P-Please don't yell at me! It makes me jump under my skin!" The skeleton was trying to covered his face. "But I'm a skeleton, so I don't have any skin! It's my skull Humor!" He made a ridiculous check in a time like this, which had pissed off the cyborg even more having put a Weapon Left on him.
"There is no point, remember he is already dead." Luna stopped him since there wouldn't be a point in attacking like that.
"Anyway, please put the jokes aside and hear me out." Brook was a making it sound like it was them that made the joke and not him. Which was why Franky once again pointed Weapon Left at him in anger,
"Don't bother! He's already dead." This time it had been Robin that stoped him
"As I already told you, without a working rudder, I spent decades wandering the seas alone. Even if I wanted to escape from the Devil's Sea, I was at the mercy of the tide because of my broken rudder." He had explained that when they had first met. "Now let's go back to about five years ago. Much like you and your crew, I was invited to Thrilla Bark. Desperate to leave the Florian Triangle, I walked around this island in hopes of finding the parts I need to fix my rudder." It was then when he found the zombies and ended up being captured. He was brought to the building they currently stood in front of. There he saw a combat dancer and a patched corpse, called a marionette. Then a huge man, Moria, tore the dancer's shadow from the floor.
"He cut the man's shadow off?" Franky asked completely in doubt upon hearing the skeleton's words.
"I questioned my eyes! Not... that I have any eyes." He made another skull joke.
"You're asking for a knuckle sandwich!" Franky shouted with his fists clenched.
"Go ahead." Luna wasn't even trying to stop him.
"Feel free to let him have it." Robin didn't stop him either. Which was why Brook was on the ground after a few seconds with a bump.
"Shortly thereafter, I suffered the same fate." Brook had continued his story about how Moria inserted the shadow of the combat dance into the corpse who then suddenly came to life, replicating the moves of the dancer, while the dancer himself lost consciousness.
"How's that work?" Franky asked him since it didn't quite make sense. No, not quite. It didn't make sense at all.
"Shadows are our second souls that are always with us, moving as we dictate. That is true for your shadow as well. Normally, the souls always stay with you, following your every moment from the moment you're born until you die. There is a giant of a man who captures them and makes them do his bidding!" Brook had explain.
"And that would be one of the Seven Warlord of the Sea, Gecko Moria, correct? Since he did eat a Devil Fruit called the Shadow Shadow Fruit, which allows him to manipulate the shadows of the living creatures." Luna had known this from the time she used the Marines.
"A Devil's Fruit, huh?" Things we're starting to make sense to the other two.
"Is he the one who stole your shadow?" Robin was asking quite an obvious question. But she remembered what was said by Brook on the Sunny.
"As long as he has a corpse, he can use a shadow to turn it into a zombie. The real problem is that his cohort is the genius surgeons, Dr. Hogback." Brook explained this, and Luna really didn't like hearing the creeps name. He can re-construct the body, making it stronger than before! Sometimes he uses his medical experience to revive the flash a legendary warrior from the world.And he has a tremendous the collection of Marionettes currently preserved in his lab freezer."
"Dr. Hogback...I didn't realise there are now in doctor has been here assisting a pirate ever since you went missing." Robin knew of the name.
"Yeah, he is a total egotistic creep." Luna had stated to her to then explain the basic information from the mansion that happened.
"So those zombies are reanimated corpses, but it's not like he actually reviver a dead, huh?" Franky come to realise that fact.
Exactly! The shadow provides their personality and fighting abilities. The power of the body depends on the physical ability of the marionette. So if you combined a strong body with a strong shadow, it will create an even stronger zombie! That is why Moria is eager to get his hands on wanted men's shadows!" Brook explained that to them.
"I gatcha! No wonder he came after us." Franky seemed to have understood.
"So that's the deal with Thriller Bark." Robin understand everything that had been said. "Moria's favourite aspect about zombies could be there obedience."
"Yeah, since strong warriors often don't work for those weaker than them. At least at least someone they don't just respect." Luna had stated since she knew all to well being alive for almost 300 years.
"Rights, but our shadows possess the same abilities as us. Once he has a shadows, he can toss troublemakers outs. The powerful I quickly return to the sea while they're still unconscious." Franky and Robin had become shocked at hearing that.
"In that case, they're in trouble!"
"I wouldn't worry yet. We still have time. I will tell you the best way to handle this. Please leave me and do as I instructed." Brook had told them, however,
"What?! Do you want us to believe you?!" Franky was asking that since they had no reason to do so.
"Good sir, I'm shocked to the skull! Actually, I haven't bickered like this in decades, so I'm eating it out!" He was shocked one minute and happy the next.
"Enough." Luna had spoken her eyes glowing. "If you don't want your bones grinding dust, continue talking." Brook had completely froze in fear.

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