Screwed Now!?

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The actuation had still continued as the next slave had been brought onto the stage which had started up the crowd once again. "We'll then, it seems we're ready... Entry number 16 is... can you believe it?! A pirate captain! Take a good look at him!" The slave had been introduced as a tall man, a pirate with a brown coat and hat stood beside Disco, the owner of the house. He had long black hair and a beard, and possibly his crew's jolly roger tattooed on his chest. "A wanted man with a bounty of 17 million beli! His name is Lacuba! He is a pirate famous for his delicate, intricate planning! His well built body is also worthy of note. He'd make an excellent transport, hard worker, or sandbag! A practical choice if I ever saw one!" It seemed that everyone began to laugh at this. Those that didn't have a single ounce of humanity anyway. "Now then...!" However, that's when out of nowhere the slave, Lacuba came to collapse with blood leaking from his mouth, dripping from him to the floor.
"He collapsed! What's going on!?" Eliciting screams from the audience.
"I saw blood!" That had been when the curtains began to be pulled down over the stage to hide it.
"What just happened?" Nami was wondering as she asked.
"The man ended up biting his tongue." Luna had been the one to explain it to her, which came as a shock. "He must've thought it was better to die then become a slave for the rest of his life."
"I suppose that's actually a logical choice." Sanji seemed to understand the choice that the former pirate made.
"Camie..." Pappug was on the verge of crying once again.
"Aren't they going to bring out the mermaid soon?" Franky was becoming impatient.
"I'm sure Camie is really scared..." Chopper could only say since that was most likely the case.
"Just hang in there a little longer... we're going to save you!" Nami was saying to herself but it was Camie.
"It's a good thing that all the treasure from Thriller Bark is with us." Luna said, however, her sights was located on the Celestial Dragons below.
"Thanks a lot, you guys..." Pappug was once again saying while now standing on the back of an audience seat bench.
"We'll then, about number 16!" Disco had came back onto the stage. "It it would appear the Pirates Lacuba got a little nervous... had a nosebleed, and collapsed. We'll put him up for sale again later." He was trying to come with an excuse and it seemed that they believed it.
"'Got a little nervous'?" Chopper couldn't help but get annoyed by that.
"They're disgusting..." And Sanji was right along with him.
"However, everyone...! The next item we are going to bring out now... It's a super deluxe item that's sure to make you forget all about this trouble!" It had been announced with spinning and soon drums began to be played for tension and mood. The lights had been turned off on stage as they became replaced with colours. Smoke had began to cover the stage as something began to be moved onto the stage and it was covered with white cloth into the middle of the stage where all lights were completely off. "Countless people have tried to catch one... please look at this silhouette!" A single light was shining behind the cloth and one was about to see a single silhouette of a woman with tail.
"Could it be...?!" It had causing a massive uproar.
"They got one! The main draw...!"
"An introduction should not be necessary... Just have a look with your own eyes! Thank you for your patience! We'll then, here it comes!" The cloth had been ripped off and all was able to see Camie inside a glass water bowl with chains on her neck and wrists. "Straight from Fishman Island... Camie, the Mermaid!!"
"It's real! A young mermaid!"
"What a prize!" Camie was looking around all panicked and in fear, however, when her eyes fell onto the back of the auction houses he smiled as she spotted Nami and the others.
"Camie! They've brought out Camie!" Hatchan was shouting as Pappug was again in tears.
"Alright, we're gonna take her back! We've got 200 million after all!" Nami was getting ready to get Camie back.
"It's been a while since we last had a mermaid here... I'm sure everyone here wants to buy it!" Disco speaking had settled down the crowd. "Well then, how much are you willing to pay?" It wasn't just Nami who was getting ready.
"Bring it on... we're definitely gonna get her back!" But she was the only one with pure intentions.
"Now, let us begin! First, let's start with..."
"FIVE HUNDRED MILLION!" Before Disco could announce the starting bid, the Celestial Dragon from before had  interrupts with a bid of 500 million belly, shocking everyone into silence. "I'll booy it for 500 milloon beli!" This was even more of a shock to the crew there, who didn't even have half that and no one else seemed to be willing to put up a bid.
"What's that? We don't have that much!" Nami had snapped out of her shock and was panicking. Camie bangs on the tank, clearly screaming but nothing could be heard.
"Camie..." Pappug feel to his knees (?). "Is there really nothing we can do to prevent the Celestial Dragon from taking her?" He was asking through his sobbing.
"Camie...!" As Hatchan was smiling holding back in frustration as they couldn't do anything by watch the mermaid cry inside the tank.
"It would appear that the audience has been rendered speechless... Well, does anyone want to make a higher bed than 500 million?" Disco had come to asks for a higher bid but there wasn't anyone.
"There's gotta be something we can do... is there no way...?" Chopper was saying to the others. "Hey, Sanji!" He was shaking the cook. "Nami?" Then turned to the navigator. "Luna?" And then the demon, wanting them to say something but they couldn't. "This can't be happening! They can't take her friend away just because we don't have enough money!"
"This is bad... We never considered this possibility... If we couldn't get her back with money, then the situation has gotten even worse!" Sanji wasn't wrong about that.
"If not, then this auction will be quite a short one!"
"Now that it's come to this, I might as well just take her back by force, and run off to the sea!" Hatchan was getting desperate.
Don't be ridiculous! What about the neck-ring?! You'd just blow her up!" But Pappag shot down the idea, reminding Hatchan of the exploding collar.
"Then I just have to get the key to that ring somehow..." But it seemed that he wasn't seeing reason.
"Even if you wanted to, you forgot about the Celestial Dragon, we can't use force." Luna reminded him of that fact, since she also thought if something like this happen they could have just attack the buyers to take Camie back after getting the key or something.
"That's enough time!" However, all they could do was stare angrily at the unfolding situation. "We'll then, thank you for your attention up until now. The main prize this time, the mermaid Camie... goes to the World Nobles Saint Charlos... for the price of 500 million beli... It's..." Luna suddenly heard the sound of familiar screaming from behind and outside the auction house. "...a deal!" And the moment that had been announced something came crashing into back of the house, sending people flying and getting all attention to it, where smoke was flowing out. "What!?"
"Luffy!" Sanji had come to shout upon first seeing his captain coming out from the smok.
"What the heck!?" But it seemed he had completely notice the group yet. "Couldn't you lan any better than that!?"
"No way! It's a Flying Fish, you know!" He had been shouting at the Flying Fish Rider that brought him here and crashed right into the building. "And it was you who told me to crash into the building!"
"Anyway, you told me to get on... But why were you in such a hurry to get back to the Sunny anyway?" Zoro was also with them but seemed clueless about the whole situation, believing Luffy to be headed for the Sunny. "Where are we?"
"Zoro, too?"
"You guys!" The swordsman noticed the crew off to his left side.
"Camie!" Luffy seemed to have remembered why he came here in the first place and began looking around.
"What's with those guys? Who are they?"
"Oh! Camie!" His sight fell on the stage where Camie was located and he took off runs towards her. "Camie! I looked for you! Thank God!"
"Wait a second, Straw Hat!What are you doing?" However, Hatchan grabs onto him.
"What do you mean!? Camie's right there!" Luffy had no idea of the situation they were in.
She's there, but she's got an exploding neck ring attached! So you can just take her!" Hatchan was trying to stop him by explaining about the collar and the Celestial Dragons.
"Like I care!" But of course he didn't care in the slightest. It was then when the audience began to raise who Luffy was. "Camie!"
"Just stop already!"
"Hatchan, your arms!" Luna ended up shouting at him as he had used his other hands and reveals the fact that he is a fish-man to the crowd.
"His arms...! A Fishman!" Which had caused them all to panic.
"That's disgusting!"
"What's a fish man doing here?"
"Get out of here, you monster!" The audience was panicking and screaming.
"I'm gonna save you right now, Camie!" But Luffy hadn't noticed this and continued running.
"Get him!" Disco had shouted at the man running
"Damn you! Camie isn't for sale!" Which only had that shouted.
"Don't let him get any closer to the stage!" With that order a bunch of the slave trading employees came running to the front of the stage towards the flight of stairs Luffy was running down.
"What's a Fishman doing on land?" While Hatchan was freaking out at the fact that he revealed in self.
"No, don't get any closer!"
"It's creepy!"
"Hey, staff! Hurry up and restrain him!" The audience were shouting and began to throw things at Hatchan, telling him to leave and calling him a monster. Luna had moved down the fishman.
"Hatchan, move it. Get out before something worst happens." She was urging him to escape as things were being thrown.
"I'm fine! What about Camie?!" But it seemed that the octopus refused to listen to her.
What's going on here?" Sanji was confused by the crowd's reaction.
"It's just like Robin said..." But Nami knew of the reason. "Merfolk and Fishman are discriminated against on this island!"
"Discriminated against...? Even Camie and Hachi?!" Chopper couldn't believe it. The other of nowhere
"No!" Hatchan had pushed her back but it wasn't because she was getting in his way but due to the sudden sound of a gun being fired. Blood had flew everywhere and Luffy halts and turns while Camie looks on in horror as Hatchan collapses. He had been shot by one of the Celestial Dragon, Saint Charlos.
"Hatchan." Luna completely ignored him and moved quickly to the collapse fishman that slide down the stairs after collapsing. His blood was flowing down the stairs and it was a lot.
"I hit it! I shit a Fishman!" Then there was Charlos who was jumping around, proud of the fact that he shot a fish-man.
"Hachi!" Nami screamed out.
"I, glad he shot it! I was afraid that if it came any closer, we might get infected by it!" While the crowd was relieved.
"He was definitely trying to cause some trouble... After all, they've only got the brains of a fish!" This was the reason Luna had dislike and never trusted humans. They look down upon other races, acting like they were the superior beings. They killed, harmed, and sold other races like they were nothing more the livestock.
"Father, please look! I caught a Fishman!" It was no wonder her eyes began to glow as she listened to the bastard being proud of himself. "I caught it myself, soo it's foor free! Free! Free! An octopoos foor free!" But then Luna came to notice Luffy stalking towards him angrily. "I goot it, I goot it! An octopoos-slave foor free! Free!"
"W...Wait... Please..." But that had then been when Hatchan had come to grab him, since Luna didn't. "Straw Hat... You can't... get upset... I was just careless, that's all..." Luffy had glanced down at Hatchan that was struggling to speak because of the shot he had taken. "You promised that... even if someone was shot right before your eyes... you wouldn't lay a hand on the Celestial Dragons, right?!" He had reminds him of the promise he made, as Luna was holding up the octopus' head. "After all, I used to be a pirate... I did so many awful things, so..... I had this coming..." Hatchan was saying, hoping this would stop the straw hat. "Sorry... I never wanted this to happen... I just wanted... To make up for all the things I did to Nami...! I was trying to help you, but... As always... I just screw up no matter what I do...! I really am... clumsy after all..."
"Hachi..." Nami was surprised at this revelation.
"In the end... I just caused you trouble...! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Hatchan continues apologizing profusely.
"Damn fish! Even after I shot yoo, yoo keep on blabbering! Yoo're annoying!" However, Charlos seemed to have been irked by Hatchan and prepared to fire another shot.
"Luffy..." Although, Luffy had blocked him.
"Yoo, what's with that look yoors!?" And it had become extremely irritating to the Celestial Dragon, especially when he saw the look on Luffy's face, which was pure anger. It was then when he had gotten up from Hatchan, he had been kneeling beside, heading towards Charlos.
"Stop it, Straw Hat! If you do that, you'll be in huge trouble! Please stop!" Pappag shouts for Luffy to stop but his words are unheeded.
"Are yoo looking at me!?" There was no answer given to Charlos as all words escaped Luffy as he was preparing his fist.
"What is that guy doing!?" The crowd were watching and were shocked at what was happening. But all already knew what Luffy was pulling on doing as he was getting closer to Charlos.
"Yoo are annoying, too!" Who had then fired off two more shots, which were dodged by Luffy with ease. Within reach, Luffy pulled back his right fist...
... and sent it flying right for Charlos nose and in response had sent him flying as Luffy screamed in anger.
"We are screwed now..."

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