Nothing happened!

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With both woman taking off to the room where the head of the family had been, they had to climb up the stairs as the others dealt with the family and Luffy. However, as they were nearing their location both were forced to stop and look up slightly.
"Big Sister Robin, Big Sister Luna, what were you two up to?" Lil stood above them asking. She was no longer wearing her coat but a dress with three pink sections with a white trim. She also had a small white coat over it with a red bow tie. "Presenting to be adventurous all by yourself?"
"No. We wanted to see your papa's room." Robin had explained to her, which had been the complete truth.
"Really? You wanted to see Papa?" This had been asked to both before walking off and having Robin and Luna follow her. However, as they walked Luna noticed entering what appeared to be a green house. "You can get to Papa's room through this greenhouse. It's a shortcut, plus it's fun!" Lil stopped to literally smell some flowers. "Big Sister Robin, Big Sister Luna, don't you like flowers?" She asked them then. 
"Yes." Robin answered.
"I can't say I don't." Was Luna responding.
"Big Sister Arbell loved this room, too! We'd always go on walks here together... but then she got married to that gross creep..." It was quite clear that Lil was lonely and it become clear that her sister was more like mother then anything. "Hey, let's play that game!" She turned around smiling again. "You know? The one where I guess which hand the coin is in. Let's Play! Let's Play!"
"Lil... why did you lie to us?" Robin had then asked since both women knew from the beginning.
"Yes, I know for a fact that this greenhouse doesn't lead anywhere near your father's room." Luna didn't even question herself, because she knew that she was right, having memorise the path.
"Big Sister Robin, Big Sister Luna, both you lied to me, too." Despite being a child she noticed that they had lied. "You promised to play with me, but you're both planning on leaving with your friends, aren't you? But there is no way you ever escape from this place."
"We're sorry." But before they noticed vines had wrapped themselves around their entire bodies. "What is this?" Robin was asking as they had been lifted into the air.
"Promise to become my big sisters. Do and I'll save you both." Lil was smiling as if everything was going to go her way. "Please, Big Sister Robin! Big Sister Luna! Stay with me forever! Promise that you won't go anywhere.
"We're sorry, but that's not going to happen." Luna stated to the child below, but it wasn't in a harsh voice like one would think.
"Why not?" At that moment
"Robin! Luna!" Sanji and Usopp came running into the room where they saw both women hanging.
"Why won't you do as I say?" Lil couldn't understand why neither Robin or Luna agreed to stay and because of that the vines began to tighten causing pain. But even so, Luna didn't try to break free.
"Is that kid controlling the plant?" Usopp was asking himself noticing how the plant acted upon the girl's mood. "In that case, I'll give her a good spanking!" He was stomping over to her, if Sanji had put his foot down on his head.
"You are strictly from reading your hands against a lady." The man had stated since he wouldn't accept any type of lady to be harmed. Whether they were full grown or not.
"You have a broad definition of the term..." With that, Sanji began charging for the large flower that's vines wrapped themselves around Robin and Luna.
"Unhand Robin and Luna, you stinking flower!" And began to kick through the vines that tried to attack him.
"Here I come!" Usopp came running to join, which seemed to be a relief to Robin and Luna both
"Are your friends All That important to you?" Lil looked back up after watching Usopp and Sanji.
"Yes. I want to get our flag back." Robin answered her.
"The Straw Hat Crew's flag? Pa pilot enjoys collecting a bunch of flags, but I don't care about those scraps of cloth..." she had to admit that she didn't understand why he collected them.
"Indeed, they maybe nothing more than scraps of cloth. But us parents, our flag is more important than life itself. It's something we can't lose, no matter what!" That had been explained
"Are they really all that important..." Lil still didn't quite understand them the ground began to shake once again. "Oh, no! Papa...! He's really angry!" It was then when Usopp began to scream, due to the fact that vines wrapped around his body that had pulled him to the flower head before it shut around him.
"I'm saying this for your own good! You'll get indigestion if you eat him!" Sanji was talking to the plant instead of worrying about his crew mate that was being eaten. However, the ceiling above had caved in and was falling right down on Lil.
"Lil!" Both Robin and Luna shouted loudly in actual panic.
"Special Attack! Exploding Star!" However, they and been realised when Usopp fired attack inside the floor. Robin had used her arms that sported from the ground while Luna's eyes began to glow, they had both stopped the rubble that was about to fall on the child.
"Lil!" They had come running over towards her, as she was bent over scared but then warped her arms around their necks.
"You're okay now." Robin had told her.
"Big Sister Robin...! Big Sister Luna...!"
"You know that your father, sister and brothers would all be upset if something happened to you. Since you are their adorable, irreplaceable little sister." Luna had actually sounded quite carrying upon saying that. Children, regardless of race, are precious and irreplaceable to even Demons. Because all this protectiveness was from the natural instincts of not only a woman but a demon. "No matter what you might think, you're not alone. You must hold your family closely and never let go." And this was coming from women who had lost theirs. But after everything had calm down Sanji, dragging Usopp, Robin and Luna all ran off heading for the room where the flag should be located.
"Chopper!" It was where they had come to find Chopper in Zoro arms along with Jiro and a red haired man that the others didn't know. He had a birthmark in the middle of his forehead which seemed to be be a bird. He wore red pants with his weapon, a chain made from a slightly gold colored substance, a blue shirt with buttons.
"Guys! I... I made sure to get it! Look!" The little reindeer the black cloth he had in his arms up,
So we made it in time." Zoro was in relief.
"We did it, Nami,, now Luffy won't make fun of..." sanji began to say, but...
"That... is not our flag." Luna pointed it out to them.
"Whoa! What's with that flag!?" Usopp had bursted out asking since it was similar to that like, however, it was not. All the guys had become completely shocked at the sight of it.
"What the heck?! Why'd it turn out like this?" But the most shocked one had been Chopper as his had grabbed the wrong one.
"It looks like we get to start over from scratch..." Robin said but all the flags were flying high above the large hole that seemed to have appeared due to Luffy's battle. However, they were still above in the air and at this rate they'll fly away.
"Hey, Luna. Think you could work something out with your powers?" Zoro asked after clicking his tongue in annoyance.
"I could, if I could tell which one was our flag." It wasn't that she was unable pull all of them down, it was just that the more target she used her powers on the less control she would have.
"Damn it! We're screwed!" Usopp was panicking once again.
"We've hit the end of the line." Even Sanji seemed to have given up but something shun above.
"Huh? Up there... what's that?" Chopper was asking, pulling everyone's attention to what he was talking about. They all began to see what it was.
"Wh-What is it? What's up?" Usopp had been the last to look up and when he did, he could see something flying for them.
"A bird..." Jiro could see the wings, but it was one of the fish birds and it had something in its mouth which dropped down over Chopper.
"Wh-What is this?!" Who had panicked as everything become black. However, when taking it off... "I-Isn't this...?!" The guys had grabbed the sides and spread it open to show a skull with a straw hat.
"This is it!"
"It's our Jolly Roger!" Usopp broke down into tears.
"Thanks goodness!" Chopper throw himself at the long nose also in tears.
"Isn't this great, Doctor?" Jiro seemed to be wiping away the tears from his eyes.
"Jiro!" Before Chopper throw himself at the boy. However, none of them seemed to know that the only person that seemed to be able to use them, Lil, was finding behind the wall outside the room. All but Luna, who tapped on Robin's shoulder to pull her attention to it. And as the guys were celebrating, Robin used her ability to wipe the tears from the little girl's eyes.
"Thank you."
"Robin, Luna, let's go! We don't need to stick around now that we've got our Jolly Roger!" Sanji was shouting to the pair before they all began running. And as soon as they come out from the large castle something had smashed into, but they didn't look back heading for the Thousand Sunny, however, a large Crater filled with lava stood before them.
"What's this?" Sanji could only ask since he didn't quite understand.
"Whoa! What the heck!?" Usopp had noticed after catching his breath.
"Ah! Over there!" Chopper was pointing to the middle of all the lava.
"Luffy!?" Where their captain was on a single piece of coal.
"Why is he in the middle of all the lava?" Luna could only ask before she began to feel faint and fall.
"Oi, are you okay?" Zoro grabbed onto her arm all panicked at the suddenness.
"This is bad. There's too much heat." Robin stated which didn't explain much. "It appears that vampires aren't susceptible to heat, so when the temperature reaches a certain point it weakens them."
"I don't get it but..." Luna had been thrown over Zoro's back. "...she's not looking good. We should get back to the Sunny." He wasn't wrong about that. But...
"Hey! Luffy! We hit the flag—" Chopper began to yell until Usopp and Sanji grabbed onto him so he was able to say anything.
"Hey, guys! What're you doing over there?" but it seemed that they were spotted.
"Crap! He found us! Wh-What now?" Usopp had turned to the others asking
"Guys!" But then Nami's voice had caused them to pull and see her running for them. "The ship! Hurry back to the ship!"
"Got it!" They all had agreed, all but Chopper that seemed confused. "Hurry!" They once again took off running, but bother Chopper and Luna who were being carried.
"Hey, wait! What about the flag?" They could hear Luffy shouting while asking. "Hey!"
"Everyone, remember! Pretend this never happened." Nami had joined up the the group running.
"Hey, wait up!" Luffy was soon back on the ice running after them.
"Gah, he's coming!"
"Hey! I said to wait up! What about the flag?! The flag!"
"Can't hear him! Can't hear him! Can't hear him! Can't hear him!" Everyone was saying while running even harder.
"Hey, guys! Hurry!" Franky was calling out to them on the Sunny which was pretty far away from the edge that the group came to a stop on.
"Wait!" And Luffy was closing in.
"Crap! He's coming! What should we do?"
"I'll do something." Luna jumped off off Zoro's back, still a little faint but was about to stand.
"Are you sure?" She had been asked.
"Yeah." It was then when she gripped onto Usopp's coat.
"Huh?" Which seemed to have confused him.
"If you survive I will stop calling you a coward." And that was when she had pitched him off towards the Sunny at high speed.
"You sent me flying!" He could only cry.
"Franky!" Luna called out to him.
"You can count of me!" The man stuck his butt in the air. "Coup de Boo!" And farted an air blast from it, that sent Usopp up towards the top of the mast.
"It smells like cola!" Usopp slammed into the mast above just as
"What are you guys doing!?" Their captain had made it to the others on the ice. "Didn't they steal the Jolly Roger? We've got a hurry and get it back!" He was shouting at them in anger.
"Huh? The Jolly Roger? What are you talking about?" Nami turned around asking him confused.
"You musta been having a nightmare? Right?" Sanji turned to Zoro asking.
"Huh? Y-Yeah!" Who had agreed with him before they both laughed. And Chopper was trying to speak but still and his mouth covered.
"Luffy, love over there." Robin pulled his attention to the mast.
"What?" Where both the flags were flying as if they both been there the entire time. "Huh? We've still got both of them. Did that clone technique guy lie to me?" It seemed to be working. "Guys, sorry I ever doubted you."
"Don't sweat it, don't sweat it." They were all really relieved that their captain was a complete and utter idiot. Now both crews had their flags back with no more issues.  At least that was what one thought before the ice began to break after all had left on the ship.
"Hey! What the heck's going on?" Usopp was asking after recovering.
"It's that Heat-Heat man's fault. He stirred up the magma in the underwater volcano." Nami understood why this was happening. "Let's hurry! It's only a matter of time before the volcano erupts."
"Got it! Pull out to sea ASAP!" And with the captain's order, the Sunny began turning for the open sea which was lucky as the volcano had erupted just as the made it out.
"The island vanished... Phew, that was a close call!" they were all looking back to where the island was stood. Which could be said for all that had been on the island. But they Sunny was sailing away until...
"Strawhat!" A buff man stood before a large iceberg that was heading towards the ship. He had a blue shirt with a white collared shirt under it, and a yellow tie that bears the Accino Family's Jolly Roger on it. He also had white pants, a black belt with a pink heart on it, red tattoos, and white cuffs around his wrist. His hair was brown with a small mustache and a small beard that goes across his chin. "By the Accino Family name, I swear I won't let you escape." And he wasn't alone.
"You're being a pest, Clone Technique Guy!" Luffy shouted as the crew had all gathered at the bow.
"I will avenge papa! Prepare yourself!" However...
"Campacino!" Someone screamed.
"What!? Puzzle!?" The man, Campacino turned to see the ship belonging to the Phoenix pirates that had rammed it self up the ice.
"Your opponent is supposed to be me!" Puzzle shouted to him. "Strawhat, he's my prey! Keep your hands off!" He had turned to Luffy saying while yelling.
"Eh? What?" But he was a little confused.
"You can go on ahead! We'll deal with you in the New World. Wait for us to finish you off there!" It was a threat or more like a challenge.
"Sure! Bring it on!" Luffy had completely agreed to it.
"You... GREENHORN!" Campacino and his man had jumped down from the ice.
"Let's go!" While the Phoenix had leaped off their ship following after their captain while the Sunny continued to sail.
"Jiro!" But Chopper had called back panicked only to then ask Luffy why they weren't helping them while shouting that they were going to get killed.
"Chopper, take a closer look." His captain had asking if anyone there looked like they need rescuing.
"Huh?" He turned back to the fight and saw that the pirates were smiling with no fear. "Guys..."
"Hey, you guys! Don't just sit and watch us! Hurry and get going!" Stansen noticed that they hadn't left yet.
"Doctor, let's meet up in the New World!" Jiro shouted to Chopper waving.
"Yeah! That's a promise!" Who was waving back with excitement,
"Okay! Sunny, full speed ahead! Let's go! To the New World!" Luffy had shouted loudly to the whole crew as they set sail towards the sunset.

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