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The Thousands Sunny was sailing on the open sea having left Water 7 far behind them, getting closer to the Red Line that would be before the New World. Although at the moment it was night, so everyone was asleep, even the person on watch, Zoro. The girls were all sleeping in the new room for them but it appeared that wasn't having sweet dreams. Luna was groaning while she was tossing and turning in her sleep as if she were having a nightmare. That was until her eyes had shut up along with her sitting up gasping with sweat rolling down her face. "Why am I remembering that after all these years?" Her hands covered over her face in what appeared to be frustration.

The morning had come and The sea was calm without a single cloud in the shy as she sailed which was why the crew were separated doing their own thing, which was why Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were playing around looking up at the sky. "Oi, there's someone in the water!" Franky had called out from the loud speaker above in the Crows nest. Which caught everyone's attention as they were pulled to the sea.
"Leave it to me!" Luffy was all excited pulling back his arm, that he had sent heading for the person that was floating on drift wood. It wasn't long for tall, young man with a slender build to be laying on the grass of the deck. He had long, silver-colored hair and a pair of red crimson eyes that had shot open, which scared the heck out of everyone.
"Where am I?" The young man with a Dutch braid hairstyle with his fringe and the hair at the top section of his head loose and messy hairstyle. "Who are you?" He turned and saw Luffy and that all surrounding him.
"I'm Luffy, and this is my crew." He had introduced himself without hesitation, along with the others from Zoro all the way to Franky. He had even introduced the Thousand Sunny. However, the man's red crimson eyes fell on the door that lead to the women's room where Luna came out of. She had ended up sleeping in and no one dare woke her up. As she walked down the stairs she didn't pay an attention to the man, as if there was nothing or no one there.
"I'm Evgeni, thank you for saving me." He turned back to Luffy, also introducing himself.
"No problems!"
"Were you ship wreaked?" Franky asked as the man had taken a seat at the head of the table.
"Yes, and sadly I was the only survivor." Even though he seemed sad, there was a strange uncomfortable feeling that some of the members of the group were getting from him. But the oddest thing was that the man barely had any injuries. His clothes also seemed intact which wasn't common for someone involved shipwreck.
"I see! You poor man!" But some were bursting into tears at hearing that.
"Where was your ship heading?"
"Oh, back to my Island."
"Your Island?"
"Yeah. Oh, I have an Entire Pose." His hand began rummaging through his coat while looking for it. "Here we go." It had been pulled out and handed to Luffy.
"Here!" Who had thrown it to Nami, that checked it neck to the Log Pose.
"It seems that the island isn't far off from our current route." She stated to the captain, asking what he wanted to do. Which was to help him. It had taken four days for the Thousand Sunny to...
"This is..."
"We're here." Evgeni had turned around to Luna, who he had walked over, which seemed a tad strange as she looked to them man. Before them stood a large group of separate small islands that seem to be connected by a long strip of land that connects to a enormously large, rocky and steep island covered by lush vegetation, both bright yellow and green in color. On the side of the island that they were on was shown to be particular rocky, possessing large formations jutting outwards from the ground, one near the shore, protruding above the sea, and the other near the center of the island, overlooking it; the latter has a pair of waterfalls falling down from it in a small lake below. Topping such second rocky formation stands the most distinctive element of the island: a gigantic tree with a gnarled, mildly curved trunk, ending in a number of large branches which had a large, flat section composed of earth on it and crowded by a multitude of normal-sized trees.
"Its an island on top of an island!" Luffy thought of it to be amazing but he wasn't the only one, all but Luna had ran to the bow hoping to get a closer look.
"This is Croware Island! It's the perfect island for adventurers like you all!" The other's had all turned around to him as he had spoke. "That is to die!" It was upon saying that that had grabbed ahold of Luna.
"Hey!" This had caused Luffy, Zoro and Sanji to dash for him, while Robin was about to use her Devil Fruit and Franky his weapons.
"How useless." With his free hand, Evgeni had lifted above his head which then snapped and out of nowhere a large gust of wind that had surrendered him and Luna like a tornado. It had forced all off their feet and into rails at full bast, causing them to lose breath because of it.
"Wha...?" Sanji seemed confused as he tried pushing himself up.
"...A ... a Devil Fruit...?" Zoro had managed to say catching his breathing while coughing.
"Please, that's you humans excuse for everything." But it soon became clear that it was not a Devil Fruit as large black wings had appeared from his back.
"A Tengu?" Luna spoken seeing the large black wings.
"That's right, little Vam'." (Blood, Russian) He smirked looking down at her. But then the entire ship began to rock wildly as the wind was forcing the sails to move the ship.
"What's going on!?" Nami was gripping into the side of the rails looking out to the sky, and something seemed familiar somehow, as the clouds had darken greatly along with the Climate. "No way... this is..."
"It's time we take our leave." That was then the crew watched as Evgeni had taken to the sky, with Luna still in his arm. She seemed to be unable to break free of him not matter what she tried. "It's too bad that you happened to be traveling with this woman!" He shouted to the lot of them in amusement. "If you hadn't, then you would still be able to live." But despite him saying that...
"Luna!" Luffy had sent his arm back behind him before it was flying towards but the moment he did a large stream of water, a Knock-up Stream, had appeared, shouting into the sky with the Thousand Sunny on it. The ship was forced up the stream in seconds they weren't in sight any longer.

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