Flying Fishs!?

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The Thousand Sunny was heading for where the Flying Fish Riders base was to be located with the help of the fish that were still moving together to create an arrow pointing where they were heading. It had then been the missing green hair swordsman came falling from the crow nest without a shirt in and towel over his neck and shoulders. "Zoro!" Luffy came to notice him walking towards them.
"Are we already setting off? Does it look like we can make it to Fishman Island?" As he hadn't been with them until now.
Forget that, and look here. It's Camie the mermaid! She's real! Amazing, right?" Luffy pushed his question aside to introduce Zoro to Camie.
"Hello!" She stood up to greet him.
A mermaid, huh?" The swordsman looked at her for a second. "First time I've seen one." Before saying that.
"He completely erased it from his memories." Luna seemed slightly disappointed at him, since it made him no different then the others.
"We're taking a short detour to see if her friend's takoyaki." As per usual the captain had made no complete sense in priorities.
"But I'm worried. Hatchin sounded like he had trouble talking. Im sure they've done something awful to him." Camie was saying with her head down.
"Well, he's tough, so it should be alright." Pappag consoled her saying. "Anyway, you guys were pretty quick to offer your help, but are you sure you can handle this?" The starfish was asking looking to Luffy while doing so.
"Yeah! We're strong, after all." And he didn't even hesitate to answer.
"I should warn you, there's not just one kidnappers around here." It was brought u
"His not wrong. Sabaody is known as a hot spot for kidnapping and slave trading." They seemed quite surprised at what was being said by Luna.
"Selling human lives? That's horrible!" Sanji wasn't completely wrong about that fact, lighting up a cigarette.
"Yes, but it's especially bad for rare races like mermaids that go for a lot due to them rarely leaving their island." She had explained how it worked.
"Yeah, the Macro crew, a gang of three fishmen, have been after Camie for a while now." Pappag went onto saying that Hachi got caught because he thought the Macro crew kidnap Camie and came to save her since they went missing after being eaten by the Sea Rabbit.
"That's probably it. Hacchin is a kind, straightforward person, after all. It's my fault. But it only seemed to make Camie feel even worse then before.
"Hearing about this octopus named Hachi, I can't help but think of that stupid fishman." Zoro had spoken after getting a jag of water.
"If it's really him, then we're not gonna help." Sanji appeared to know who it was that the swordsman was talking about. "Well, there's no way..."
"Usually, Hachi could beat those guys easily, but who would have thought the Flying Fish Riders would help them?" Pappag seemed surprised at this fact moving onto to explaining how they were a very active kidnapping gang in the area and their boss is a guy in an iron mask called Duval. "It seems like they're looking for someone. They check every single shift that passes this area."
"What an annoying guy." Franky didn't seem all that impressed.
"Well, anyway, there's no need for you to worry, Camie. We'll definitely save the takoyaki!" Luffy's words seemed to have worried Pappag since that wasn't right.
"It's the takoyaki seller!" Which was why he corrected him.
"Thank you, Luffychin!"
"Sure! Well then, Brook! Play a song to get us in the mood!" That had been ordered to the musician.
"With pleasure!" And with the violin being played for Binks' Brew which had Luffy and Franky kicking their heels as their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. Chopper and Pappag hands together as they spun around laughing. Nami and Camie clapping in rhythm to the music as the rest of the crew just stood listening.
"Hey! We're in trouble!" That was until they could head Usopp shouting at them.
"What's wrong, Camie?" Nami asked upon noting the mermaid acting strange.
"The fish said, 'we're sorry, but we can't take you any further.'" She had informed her
"What!? What's wrong?"
"It seems we have some unwanted guests." but Luna seemed to have noticed what it was that Usopp was shouting about.
"Where? I can't see anything!" Luffy had stretched to the head of Sunny where he was looking out to the sea, only to see nothing.
"Camie! Where are you going? You have to hide!" Nami was shouting at her as she was hopping to the stairs to where Luffy was.
"Wrong! They're no in the sea, but in the air!" Camie had warned the boy that he wasn't looking in the right direction and all looked up above the ship where not long after something was flying down towards them and they were large fish flying in the sky.
"The fish are flying!"
"So cool~!" And of course Luffy was impressed.
"Is this a time to be impressed!?" Zoro snapped at him asking since they were the enemy.
"Damn, they're gonna attack us!" Franky was shouting looking above. 
"So the 'Flying Fish' really CAN fly?" Chopper couldn't believe it.
"No, it's more like they can stay above water for up to 5 minutes." The living breathing encyclopaedia had informed him of this.
"Here they come again!" Sanji was standing on the back mast informing the other below as was the Flying Fish were coming back around.
"Don't come any closer!" Usopp was panicking while turning the hell with abnormal speed, which had the Sunny shifting.
"In coming." Luna spoke calmly as bombs had been dropped from above them.
"Bombs, huh?" Zoro pulled out two of his swords
"Damn those guys!" Luffy began annoyed. "Gum Gum..." He stretches his arm back
"72 Pound..." Holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder.
"Krovavyy..." Luna simple raised her right hand above her head.
"...Pistol!" Then a standard straight punch, augmented with stretching had headed for the bombs.
"...Phoenix!" While at the same time Zoro performs a circular swing that launched two air compressed projectiles spiralling at the same target.
"...Vystrel!" (Blood Shot, Russian) As Luna  had released a concentrated beam of blood from her hand to attack the bombs. All them had blown up before they could touch the deck which created a dark cloud of smoke, that the attackers had fly over while Brook and Chopper were cower in fear.
"That was close." Usopp seemed relieved as the Flying Fish Riders were flying away.
"Be careful! What's the flying fish jump out of the water, they can stay in the air for five minutes!" Camie explained what Luna had done before. The red eyed woman looked off to the distance where the riders were leaving in all of a sudden. With their brief initial run-in with the Flying Fish Riders, the Straw Hat Pirates continued on their way.
"The Flying Fish just... left?" Chopper was confused to why this was the case.
"Even though they were really on the attack back there..." Franky pointed out as they were completely i'm prepared for the Flying Fish.
"It seems like they received some kind of message." Robin spoken up to inform them of this. "Maybe they were order to retreat? Also I wouldn't know why... Any ideas?" The woman was looking over to Luna asking.
"You guess is as good as mine." But she didn't have an idea herself.
"I want to ride those! Those Flying Fish can stay in the air for five minutes, huh? Amazing!" Luffy was jumping side to side in excitement behind Sunny's mane.
Anyway, the place where heading now is that base, right?" Sanji was asking as to remind everyone of this. "In that case, we'd better be prepared to fight them again."
"I would have never guess that they had actual Flying Fish." This was stated by Luna looking to the others.
"How about getting the cannons out on the deck? I'll shoot them all down!" Usopp was standing up on the aft deck where the flower beds were shouting to the others.
"Nice going!" Or maybe more to Franky.
"I wonder if Hacchin is alright..." Camie was leaning across the railing on the grass, all worried about her friend. 
"You know, Macro is really after you! You're gotta be careful too!" However, Pappag was a different story since the mermaid always got caught.
"I guess you're right..."

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