Iron Mask!

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The Flying Fish Riders that attacked the Thousand Sunny returned to their base that was have five kilometers east of Grove 44 of the Sabaody Archipelago. It was fortress built over the sea with support beams driving under water. "Master Duval! The three of them have returned!" Another member of the gang shouted as the three riders pulled up at the base.
"Master Duval, why'd you order us to pull back?" The largest of the men had asked as the three were heading for the hut built in the centre.
"I'd like to know that too. You could have just left the capture of the mermaid and the pirates to us!" The centre of the group had told the boss.
"You idiots!" That sat down in a large throne like chair with a harpoon in hand that he fired at the three. "Do you guys..." The three gotten up after falling from shock of the harpoon being fired right before them. "...have any idea how long I've been anticipating... the arrival of... those pirates?!" Their boss, Duval was a very large man who wore a large mask, with long red tufts attached to it. The man had a muscular torso, but was with skinny arms and legs. Besides his head and shoulders which were covered in armor, he wore an open leather jacket, black pants, cowboy boots, and a long fur cape. "Whenever I think of dat man... This huge, great scar on my back starts throbbin' like hell!" He was shaking in anger.
"Oh, Crap! The Head's mad!" Which seemed to have sparked fear in his men.
"Every single day... I've cursed dat man's name ev'ry single day!" Now the man was breathing heavily while speaking.
"Head, please calm down!" His men were trying to calm the boss.
"I'm gonna kill dat guy right here, today! Got it!?" The harpoon was pulled at the men. "Dat's my life-long, immortal wish! DO YA UNDERSTAND!?"
"Yes! That guy can't be allowed to live!" They were completely freaking out.
"And dat's why ya gotta make sure to do this properly! Dat's how we'll get'im!" Duval was still shouting at the trio. "You punks just follow my orders exac'ly!"
"Yes, Head!" That had been the answer given out of fear.
"Hey, Macro-crew!" That had then been when Duval turned to the group in front of him.
"Huh? You called?" The one to answer had been an arowana fish-man, that had a very wide build. He was very pale pink with a large lower jaw. He possessed scales on the back of his head and wore necklaces, a green fur cloak, a pair of swim briefs, and belt, which had written the word 'Alowana' on it.
"What is it, Duva?" This had been asked by a pop-eyed goldfish fish-man, that had beige skin and black hair in ponytail. He possessed incredibly large eye sockets but incredibly small eyes. He had a long jaw with large lips and a small mouth, and had on a normal t-shirt and pants. The two didn't seem to have much respect.
"Duva? Whaddaya mean, Gyaro!? And whats with the 'Huh', Tansui?!" Unlike the fish-man whose fish half was that of a fish called a macropharynx, or gulper eels, that seemed panicked. The guy had two large Popeye-like forearms complete with anchor tattoos, wore a necklace of jewels and an open jacket. On his chest is the sun tattoo and was quite large. His most distinguishing physical characteristic were his large lower lip and jaw. When he closes his mouth, his lower lip sticks out so prominently that looks like he's sticking his face up. When his mouth was open, his lower jaw opens up so wide that the opening his mouth makes is extremely large in comparison to his head. Within his mouth, his upper jaw consists of molars while his lower jaw consists of fangs. "Ya guys should learn some better manners!"
"Heh, 'Duva', that's funny!" But despite being told that, it seemed that Tansui didnt understand laughing.
"Geez! Oh, you called, Master Duval?!" But it had been moved on before they could say anything more to upset the boss.
"Boss... This guy's totally freaked out..." However, it seemed that Gyaro also didn't understand while laughing
"Oh, shut up!" Their boss, Macro snapped at him this time. "Ahh, I apologise profusely, Master... These guys are complete idiots, they don't even know what they're sayin'!" The panicked Fishman was trying to explain things so not to anger Duval.
"Oh, it's fine, you guys." And it seemed that the iron mask wasn't upset at all. "To me, you're like my angels of good fortune. I can't even see how thankful I am to you." There had been silence as that had been said.
"Go on." Until that was said by Tansui.
"I told you to shut up, Tansui!" Which only had his boss snap at him.
"Thanks to you guys... At last... at last... I can meet them! The Straw Hat... Pirates!" Duval seemed to be filled with both anger and delight at such a thing as he held harpoons in hand.
"Straw Hats? Who're they?" Macro had no idea who they were. However, it seemed that there was someone else besides the group of thugs that knew who they were.
"Listen up... Dat guy... dat guy I bin waitin' all my life ter kill is on dat boat, a'ight!? I ain't never gonna forgive dat punk!!!" But it seems just thinking about was causing Duval's blood to boil as he snapped the iron harpoons with his bare hands.
"Head! Calm down, please!" Which only had his men panic.
"He really does hate that guys, huh?" Macro could clearly see it as it was obvious as day.
"Hey, you, the big guy!" A new voice had joined into the conversation speaking to Duval.
"It's Master Duval! Show some manners, you damn octopus!" But it had caused him to be shouted at by Macro, who turned around to look at an octopus fish-man with eight appendages (six arms and two legs) and an octopus-like face. He had pink skin and grey hair styled with a few spikes. He had a muscular build and has suction cups on his six arms. And finally he had has a single tattoo in the shape of a sun placed on his forehead.
"Are you saying Camie has been captured by the Straw Hat Pirates!?" He had completely ignored the yelling to ask this. "Are they coming here as well?" The octopus Fish-Man seemed completely freaked out after hearing about the Straw Hats heading their way.
"Yeah, they heading here right now. But ain't your mermaid friend who's turn to the Pirates for help?" One of Duval's men had answered the question and then to ask his own.
"I don't know the details, but it doesn't seem like she's been captured." Another one had explained, since it didn't look like that to them. "Well, no matter who she brings with her, as long as we're here, we'll just catch'em all and sell them to the Human Shop." They didn't seem all that worried about selling people at all as they burst into laugher. However, the captured Fishman didn't seem to take them all that seriously as he already knew the power of the Straw Hats. At least from the time he fought them. Hatchan, the octopus Fish-Man that, long before, was a member of the Arlong Pirates. He was distressed that the very pirates that defeated him before are coming to save him now. He knows Nami will be among them, and figures there's no way they'll save him once they find out who he is. He had to find a way to escape from her before the Straw Hats show up.
"That's..." A member of the gang was standing on look out and came to notice in the distance a ship, the Thousand Sunny, sailing right for them. "Master Duval! The Straw Hats are here!" It had been shouted down to their boss after time had passed.
"So, they're finally here?" And he was ready for them.
"Say, Macro..." Unlike someone else that still had been able to escape.
"Huh? What is it?" The one being spoken to turned around to Hatchan
"I'll give you lots of takoyaki, so could you please let me go?" He tried to bribe his way out of being a hostage.
"Yeah, right! Dumbass! What kinda glutton do you take me for?!" But that had only been shouted back at him. While...
"Is that man on the ship?" Duval didn't seem to hear anything but his heavy breathing.
"Yes! He's definitely there!" One of the men had answered him.
"It's about time for yiu ti pay the piper, an' all! Prepare yourself!" Macro and the other two had stood before Hatchan.
"Hey, Gyaro! I'll give you lots of takoyaki, so please let me go!" But the octopus tried bribing the small eye Fishman.
"Like I said, who's fall for that stupid...Hey!" Macro turned to Gyaro beginning to ask until he noticed the drool running for the guy's mouth. "You'd seriously do it!?"
"Get to work, you maggots!" Duval snapped at his men and they took off running.
"Hey, Tansui! I'll give you...?" Hatchan didn't even get to finish the question as the one he was asking grabbed him by his hair and they put him in a cage.
"Shaddup you! Just get over here!"

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