Round 2!

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the race had come to an end and for some odd reason. "Our idol, Porche, had won the first round of the Davy Back fight!" Nami, Usopp, Robin and Luna had lost and were breath heavily, it was as it the energy was sucked out of them. The others had to help group onto land and had them sit on the ground.
"All right! Time for you to hand over a crew member!" Foxy was laughing.
"Are you guys hurt!? Are you Okay!?" Chopper was freaking out asking us.
"Yes, we're all right." Robin had told him
"What happened?" Luffy asked.
"Beats us..." Nami responded.
"That's what we'd like to know! Did we end up losing?"
"You were about to win, but then you suddenly got slow and they passed you!" They could kind of remember that.
"I didn't understand what had happened. My body... it..." Luna was looking down at her hand, trying to understand what he had done.
"There's no need to be mystified! It was caused by Slowmo Photoms!" Foxy was saying all proudly
"Hey! What did you do to Nami's team!?" Sanji was furious.
"Slowmo Photons....?"
"It's a particle that is still a mystery." Luna had stood back up, now completely fine.
"Yep! Whatever this light touches-whether it's alive, a liquid, or even a gas- physically loses a fixed amount of speed while retaining all other energy." Foxy was explained, it had become clear what had happened.
"I don't get it! Are you stupid or something?!" Like he had any room to talk.
"He snapped at me..." for some reason Foxy was very sensitive and was now on his hands and knees depressed.
"Oh, no! Boss!"
"But that sounds too ridiculous..."
"... to be real?" Foxy had guess what Nami was about to say. "You surely know that such childish claims have no merit in these waters!"
"I'll explain it in simple words so you idiots understand. Whenever he uses his Devil's Fruit abilities, the things that are touched will slow down. That is a Slowmo Photons." Luna had finished explaining.
"Oh, now that makes sense!" Luffy looked at me.
"After eating the Slow-Slow Fruit, I became a 'slow person' capable of producing these particles from my body! Observe it's power!" The gorilla guy came back, holding a hand cannon, which was shot at Foxy. However, using his ability it had slowed down.
"Yikes! He slowed a flying cannonball!" Usopp was in complete disbelief.
"Slow-Slow Beam." He had stated, "The effect lasts approximately 30 seconds. It'll regain its original speed afterwards, as if nothing had happened."
"But if it still has the same impacted, then shouldn't you move before it..." The cannonball had only slightly touched Foxy's face and it exploded like normal, "...hits you...?"
"Crap! So that's what happened to us?!" Usopp completely ignored the explosion.
"So this is the reason they're strangely confident about the game." Sanji was right, it would explain it. It mean that if they challenged them to a normal fight, then they would lose. All they had was numbers, not any real fighting abilities. "What a joke of a power..." it wasn't really, it was a joke the way Foxy was using it. An ability like that could be used to save a life or destroy one. An ability like that isn't something that could by names as a joke.
"Do you get it now?! You lost!" Porche had stood up yelling pointing at us.
"Victory in Round #1's Donut Race... goes to us!" Foxy's face was creepy.
"Oh, my! You were so close, too!" Her cute act was getting real old real quick. Everyone had moved to the front of the stage where two men were doing a drum roll.
"That concludes Round #1! Now for the long-awaited spoils of war! The time to call one member of the opposing crew!" Who was he going to pick? Not that it matter, because now that they know about his abilities there shouldn't be much problem winning the next game.
"The first person I want is... you! The ship doctor! Tony Tony Chopper!" He was pointing down the middle of the group at Chopper. Of course, he was then grabbed and brought to the stage in tears.
"Oh, no! Chopper!" Nami called out, once he was on stage Foxy had started hugging him.
"What a rare creature! You're way soften than I imagined!" Chopper was struggling to get out of the hug, but was failing.
"Oh, Boss! Let me touch him too!" He was tossed to Porche.
"Nauseatingly cute! He's our now!"
"So that creep was after Chopper? Well, I guess he is the rarest of rare animals..." but that was because he ate the Human-Human fruit, Sanji.
"He's into cute things?" Nami had seemed surprised.
"Or furs, perhaps?" Robin suggested.
"Well, I guess you don't have to worry about being taken Nami. Because the only cute thing about you is your face." Luna had stated to her.
"What..." She was now glaring dagger's at her but she didn't seem to care.
This is no time to chat! This is serious! They just took our friend!" Usopp did have a point,
"Guys..." Chopper had tears and snort beginning to fall.
"All right, Dr. Chopper. You're a member of my crew now. You need to pledge loyalty to me! Now put on this mask..." Foxy had place the mask on Chopper.
"Guys...!" He was crying out to Luffy and the others.
"I'm sorry we lost, Chopper...! Damn!" Usopp was crying along with him.
"This is a true rarity!"
"A talking reindeer! Amazing!"
"Let's be buddies!" Out of everyone in our crew, there was one person remaining silent. Which didn't make sense as both him and Chopper were actually really close. So why wasn't Zoro saying anything?
"Guys!" Chopper cried out loudly, "I only set sail so I could be with you guys! No ! I-I don't want this! Luffy! I only set sail because you invited me to! I don't wanna go with these guys....! No! I'm the Straw Hat Pirates' ship doctor, Tony Tony Chopper! I don't want this!" That was then when Zoro had slammed the glass bottom he had been drink from into the ground.
"Quit your griping, Chopper! You're being a poor sport!" The others were shocked by his words. "You're the one who decided to set sail! No one else is to blame if you end up dying somewhere! Only you are! We agreed to this game. Usopp, you, and everyone else did their best!" Zoro had now stood up, "No one in the pirate world would sympathise with your tears! A real man..." now looking Chopper in the face he had said, "...would roll up his sleeves and watch the rest of the contest quietly!"
"How can you say that!? Don't you know how he feels!?" Nami was now shouting at Zoro for the things he had said, but this was Zoro's way of showing his feeling. Then and...
.... who knows. It was then when the others turned back to Chopper, he wiped away his tears and now trying to look tuff. "All right! Do anything you like with me!" The crowd was cheering.
"Chopper..." Nami was stunned by his actions.
"All right!" Zoro was satisfied with the results.
"That swordsman is awesome!" It seemed that he got a bunch of fans.
"All right! Teach 'em a lesson, Zoro!" Usopp was join in on the crowd yelling and cheering.
"Get Chopper Back!" Luffy as well.
"Let's take him next, Boss!"
"Let's get the second round started." Zoro began walking off
"Yeah. There's still two rounds left." Sanji had lighted another cigarette, "We're gonna take back our precious emergence food... and then some." They all knew Sanji didn't actually see Chopper as emergence food.
"Sanji! We're counting on you!" Chopper was yelling.
"The exchange is finished as the Davy Back fight suddenly explodes with excitement!"
"Huh? Wait, Chopper's in the second round." Now that Usopp mentioned it to Robin, Chopper was supposed to be. "But they took him."
"You're right."
"That's the real thrill of this game! We told you!" The official shouted into the mic.
"You can't change your roster! No replacements allowed!" One of the men of stage stated.
"In other words, only the other three Straw Hat contestants can participate in Round #2's Groggy Ring! Team Foxy already has the advantage!"
"What!?" As Usopp was shrinking the three of us, Zoro, Sanji and Luna were heading to the field where the game was going to be placed.
"You can drop out too, if you want." Zoro had told Sanji.
"No, but you can, loser. I'll protect you, Luna!" She rolled her eyes at that statement.
"Don't bother, I don't need it." She had told him right out. The crew left behind, watched the three of them walking away.
"I find it hard to believe they'll work as a team..." Nami said mostly about the two guys more then Luna.
"Say what?!" The two of them had already began fight each other.
"Shut up!" Luna punched the both in the face.
"I'll now explain the rules of Groggy Ring! There's a field, and two goals! Knock the balls into them and you win! However, the balls are no ordinary balls! They're people!" When the three of them heard that, it was a bit confusing. "Both teams, select someone to be a ball!"
"Which of you'd gonna be the ball!?" When they were asked that, both Luna and Zoro pointed their thumbs behind them at Sanji.
"Here's you ball mark!" And a hat with a ball was place in Sanji's head.
"Who made you boss?! You be the ball, Moss Head!" Sanji snapped at Zoro only.
"Oh, there it is! Their entrance song! It's the undefeated elites of Groggy Ring! Yes! Defeat is impossible for them!" The mouth of the fox figure head on the ship, belong to the Foxy Pirates started opening. There were three people inside of it. Then again, they looked more like animals than humans.
"Crush them!" The crew was cheering, while those on the Straw Hat crew were mortified.
"The famous Groggy Monsters have taken the field!" So, Hamburg is four times the size of both Zoro and Sanji, and the next guy was twice the size of Hamburg, not to mention the last one was two times the size of that guy and he was the one with the ball. "At the lead is 'Full Dash' Hamburg! He's followed by 'Tackle Machine' Pickles! Last but not least is Big Pan the wotan: a half-fishman half-giant! This is literally a monstrous march! Now, then!" Looking at them, Luna only counted three of them.
"What is that?!" Luffy had thought it was amazing, on the other hand, the crew that was watching from the side lines didn't even know what to do.
"What is that giant fishman?!" Nami had asked,
"They're putting the ball mark on him!" Usopp's eyes were about to shoot out of his head.
"Let's see you win this!" Foxy was laughing amused.
"Seems like a good match?"  Sanji stated, it was more of a question then a statement though.
"Yep." Zoro had said before cracking his neck, but Luna she had raised her hand.
"I have a question." She had said to the official.
"Um, yes!?" He was completely stunned but her.
"Isn't there meant to be four?" Luna looked over to the official as she pointed at the team opposing her team.
"No there is not!" He had answered here.
"Why isn't there?" She asked him.
"Because there was no one willing to be on their team!" He had answered completely honestly.
"Our might Groggy Ring combatants have taken the field! Opposing them... is a violent cook who kicked the interference squads' but in Round #1: Sanji!" There were some injured man booing Sanji from the side lines.
"That's 'first-rate cook.'" Sanji stated,
"Then we have... the pirate hunter with a bounty of 60 million: Roronoa Zoro!" Zoro didn't say anything but glared at the opposites, "and lastly, she might look like a cute but cold as ice: Luna!"
"Who are you calling a cute?" Luna glared over at the official.
"This is what they called us out here for? What a laugh! Right, Big Pan?" The second biggest one, Pickles had said laughing at the three of them.
"Huh?" Big Pan had lifted up his hand to his ear.
"He can't hear ya." Hamburger was laughing amused.
"What's with these guys?" Sanji looked up to them, annoyed, however, he wasn't the only ones.
"We'll start with a coin toss." A man with a coin stood in the middle of the field and had flicked up the coin in the air.
"Tails." He answered.
"What do you choose?" The coin tosser turned to Luna and the other two.
"Heads, obviously!" That was the only side left.
"Tails." The Guy had smirked and turned to Foxy's team. "Field or ball?"
"Ball." Hamburg said.
"Our Groggy Monsters have chosen the ball! The Straw Hat ball man will enter the other team's mid-circle!"
"Which side do you want?" They were asked, but it not like it mattered.
"Doesn't matter."
"During the game, there are two 'ball men' with a ball on their heads! Knock your opponent's ball man into your opponent's ring and you win!" It sounded simple enough.
"Just get on with it!" Someone had yelled.
"Get in position, ball man!" Zoro was ordering Sanji.
"Hey, now. I don't care how pushy you are, I still ain't gonna be the damn ball." Sanji was glaring back at Zoro. "I refuse to wear this stupid thing!" Sanji was right, it was stupid looking.
"Quit your whining!" Zoro had then turned to face Sanji with a fake surprised look on his face. "Oh! Looks good on you!"
"I won't fall for that, moron!"
"Zoro! Sanji! Luna! It's up to you guys!" Luffy screamed with all his heart,
"Win Chopper Back! We can't lose now!" Usopp was in tears. "I'm really sorry! We're counting on you!"
"Whoa, a Wotan... I've never seen one before!" Nami was surprised. The Wotans are what crossbreed species between a giant and a fishman are called.
"I guess they're not as large as pure blooded giants." Robin stated.
"Cheer them on all you want; it's still no use!" Foxy had came up beside them laughing, "Everyone on our team is a Groggy Ring expert!"
"What do you want, Split-head?" When Luffy called Foxy that, he had fallen to his hands and knees once again depressed.
"He said it again..."
"Oh, Boss!" Porche had kneeled down beside him. "Now quit doing that, Straw Hat!" She had picked him walking pass the group that were glaring at them both.
"I doubt I'll need to interfere with this game, so I thought I'd watch too. Got a problem with that?" Foxy was back to normal as he could be with that face.
"Interference is allowed with this game too?!" Nami had asked.
"Imbecile! It's allowed for every game! It's just, some people will stoop to anything to help their team win, while others might insist on a fair-and-square contest, you know?" Foxy didn't seem to care that he had told them that, stating it depends on the situation he had laughed once again. "But if you can't even handle a little interference, how can you hope to survive as a seafaring Pirate? It's a question of character."
"That's how you justify it?" Nami questioned him.
"What's with that team of yours, anyway?! If you can even call it a team!" Foxy mocked the three on the field.
"Talk all you want! Once the match starts, you'll see what they can-!" Nami turned back to the three of them, seeing Sanji and Zoro arguing, while Luna was looking off in the opposite direction acting like she didn't want to be there, which she didn't.
"You went too early just now!" Sanji blow a fuss.
"Did not! I win! At everything." Zoro looked off in the distance stating, which pissed Sanji off.
"Don't be a smartass! We're talking about rock-paper-scissors here!" This was the reason Luna didn't want to be there, because the two of them were acting like children.
"No, you lost!" The other team seemed amused and impatient.
"Just decide in a ball man already!"
"They haven't even agreed on that yet..." Nami really was tied with them both, not to mention Luna who wasn't doing anything. "Sanji! That ball looks nice on you!" Nami cutely yelled.
"I'll do it! I'm the ball man! I'm the worthiest!" That was simple.
"It does suit you. You look like a prince." Zoro sarcastically told him. "Of Moronica." At that, Sanji and Zoro's verbal fight had turned into a physical one.
"Just start the game!" Usopp snapped.
"Are you done?" Luna with her arms crossed under her chest stood behind them
"Yes ma'am." They had answered her out of fear.
"Hold on! Weapons are against the rules! Lose the swords!" The refereed told Zoro and both of them had stood back up fine.
"Huh? Really?" Zoro asked, surprised.
"Yes, this is a ball game! It wouldn't be much of a game if weapons were allowed!" Zoro had handed his swords over to the ref and seemed excited about fight with his bare hands,
"I'm fine either way, to be honest!" This was going to be the first time Luna had seen Zoro fight without his swords.
"Hey, you gonna be okay? A master swordsman without swords is..." Sanji seemed concerned,
"Is what?" Zoro didn't seem to like where this was going.
"...nothing but a worthless wimp." The fighting was back after Sanji's remark.
"Knock it off, you guys!" Usopp was shouting again,
"I though you two were done." once again, Luna was standing behind them with bloodlust leaking out of her.
"We're sorry." They both had told her.
"All right! It's now or never! The Straw Hats' ball man, Sanji, has entered the opponent's circle!"
"Hey, cook. Hope you get trampled." Zoro had told him.
"Shut up!"
"Stomp 'im, Big Pan!"
"He'll be fine, right?" Luna had asked Zoro, wondering if Sanji could stand up against such abnormally enormous guys.
"Yeah, it's the cook your talking about." Zoro did respect Sanji a lot more then he shows, that's the main reason they get into fights, she guessed.
"The crowd is all fired up!"
"Big Pan! Let's run-and-gun 'em!" Pickles was getting ready.
"Huh?" It toke Big Pan to answer, not that he heard, and Hamburg laughed
"U-uhh..." That's when the two of them began to laugh, "c'mon, man... pay attention!" The big one had began to laugh and then stopped for a second to begin up again.
"It's not that funny, is it?"
"The Groggy Monsters are as jolly as always! Let's get this delightful show on the road! There's no time limit, and the first team to score wins!" Zoro and Luna had began to stretch looking at the opponents that were laughing.
"So we win if we knock Jumbo's head into the other ring..." Zoro looked at the giant fishman and then down to Sanji that was just plainly standing there. "And we lose if the cook's Head gets knocked into our ring..."
"Meaning, we need to strike first." Luna stated, pulling her arms back down form the air.
"Can Team Straw Hat ain back the reindeer they lost in Round 1? Or will Team Foxy swipe another crew member?! They're about to clash in Groggy Ring! The whistle is about to sound!" Once the ref placed the whistle in his lips, the tension began to rise. "Let the game begin! What will ball man Sanji do in enemy territory?! Will he retreat or attack?!"
"Let's do it!" Pickles with a shoulder tackle was heading right for Sanji.
"There goes 'Tackle Machine' Pickles!"
"All right. I'll take care of this myself." Sanji stated,
"Sling Tackle!" Just as Pickles was about what he thought would hit Sanji, Sanji had jumped over the guy.
"I don't care about you!" Sanji had used Pickles as a trampoline, "I'm only after you!" He had leaped up to Big Pan. "all we gotta do to win is beat you down!"
"It's a ball man battle!"
"Collier...!" As Sanji went to stick and punch was aimed at him was dodged. However, as he was about to use Big Pan's arm this time as a trampoline, something seemed to be wrong. "Wh-what the...?! His skin's all slimy!" Sanji was running in the same spot because of all the slime.
"Sanji the Cook slips and slides on Big Pan's outstretched arm! It's only natural, though... for Big Pan is a slippery-skinned wotan of loach origin!"
"What the heck are you doing!?" Zoro was screaming loudly at Sanji.
"Run-and-gun!" Hamburg was charging at both Zoro, who was still shouting at Sanji, and Luna. But he had ran right pass them.
"Who are you calling an idiot!?" Sanji was moving down the arm of Big Pan Who was pulling his other hand to punch out Sanji.
"Punk Pass!" It wasn't a punch, more of a slap, that had struck Sanji this time,
"There it is! Big Pan's supper-Long pass!" Both Hamburg And Pickles had started running for the goal. "Their leader, Hamburg, makes for the landing point! With Roronoa Zoro racing by his side!"
"Wait... since when were you there?" Luna had turned to him, seeing the green hair man running.
"I'll chop you up if they score a goal!" Zoro was threatening Sanji and the blonde started to lose to gravity.
"Shut up! Quit your whining!" Sanji was shouting.
"Sweeping Tackle!" Pickles had came from behind and took Zoro out,
"Pickles enter enemy territory! Meanwhile, can Hamburg catch Sanji in the air?!" At the end of that question, Hamburg had a hold of Sanji. "Yes! And then...!"
"Gorilla Throw!" Sanji was throw again.
"I got it! I got it!" Pickles had shouted with Zoro right behind him.
"Waiting for him now is Pickles!"
"Get back here! I'll teach you to..."
"Roronoa moves to intercept, but..."
"Spinning Tackle!" Pickles had began to spin around and around, which had then sent Zoro off to the ground again.
"What!?" Sanji was sent back into the sky.
"Ball man Sanji is sent flying skywards, too!" The crew only watched in pain.
"Bringing up the rear is Big Pan!" The Giant wotan was heading to the other side of the field. "He rushes for the falling Hamburg!"
"Punk Receive!" As if Hamburg was a volleyball, he bounded off Big Pan's hands that were cliched together.
"Hamburg catches Sanji above enemy territory! Incredible!" Sanji was spitting out blood. "They're sighing range of the ring!"
"Stupid Eyebrows!" Zoro snapped.
"Here it comes! The Hamburger Dunk!" Chopper had began to freak when he saw what was happening. They team was about to lose.
"Zoro! Sanji! Do something!" Luffy and Usopp were crying as the screamed.
"Is it about to end already!?" Hamburg was about to land the goal.
"Do I have to do everything?" A voice that sounded annoyed as they sighed from behind Pickles. Turning around Pickles saw someone standing beside his leg.
"Who...?" Before anyone had know what hit them, Pickles was sent flying into the air. He was heading right for Hamburg, which shocked the guy. Sanji saw this as his chance to get away, and kicked Hamburg freeing himself. The two of them had calliope.
"What just happened?" Sanji had asked Zoro as he landed beside him.
"I'm not sure." He had told Sanji.
"What a pain. Why do I always have to save you idiots?" The two turned around to see Luna standing there unharmed. The whole audience was silence by the woman standing before them.
"No goal! Wait...! What just happened!"
"You own me one." Luna had told Sanji both as she looked at him.
"Anything for you, Luna!" Sanji spun around in joy.
"You get thrown around too easy, idiot!" However, it had stopped when Zoro yelled at him.
"A trio as powerful as the Groggy Monsters has appeared! We have an apic game on our hands!"
"This is why you shouldn't underestimate them." Nami looked over to Foxy, who's mouth was wide open. "Those two might fight, but they're both idiots that are monsters themselves and hate to lose." She had began to explain to the Fox. "Then there's Luna! She is the monster among monsters and isn't an idiot!" Nami stated all proudly.
"This has never happened before! This is unprecedented! These behemoths were sent flying through the air! The crowd is stunned! Team Straw Hat is formidable!" The two that were sent flying seemed to still be knocked out because of Luna.
"I don't need you to give me backup!" Sanji and Zoro were about to have another fight.
"It's only 'cause I can't count on you!" Zoro shouted.
"They're amazing!"
"She actually threw Pickles!"
"They sent Hamburg flying!"
"Who asked for your help!?" Sanji was still fighting.
"You get tossed around too much!" As was Zoro.
"Oh, no! What are you doing, Hamburg?!" Porche was squeezing Chopper tightly. "Lose and you'll regret it!"
"Are you an idiot, Pervert Cook!? I do things my way, Twirly Eyebrows! You're nothing-"
"Just shut up and do what I say! You're a real idiot for someone so green!" All these two seem to do was fight, and Luna was just not paying attention to them.
"Oh, but Team Straw Hat is acting strangely! Although the game is still going with both ball men in bounds, two of the teammates are arguing while the other spacing out instead of playing!"
"They're funny!" Luffy was getting a real kick out of it though.
"Zoro! Sanji! You idiots! What are you doing!? Now's your chance! The other ball man's all alone!" Usopp shouted.
"Luna! Do something about them!" Nami had told her. Luna looked over to Big Pan that had began to move towards them. With a sigh, there was only one thing to do about them both.
"You're annoying." Both Zoro and Sanji were under Luna's foot.
"Sorry ma'am." They responded to her.
"Get up! Gang up on him and knock him into the ring!" Usopp was shouting at the guys,
"Huh?" The two of them had gotten up and turned to see the wotan foot about to stomp on them. The three of them had separated before that had happened.
"Big Pan goes in for a surprise attack!" This Guy wasn't like the other two, and the three of them knew that.
"Too Bad Dance!" They had started running for their lives as the wotan was stomping right behind them. Although, Zoro had Luna who had gone back to normal was over his shoulder as he ran.
"What are you running for!? He's the ball man!" Usopp was shocked at the scene behind him of the guys running away from Big Pan.
"Yeah, we know that!" Zoro was shouting.
"There's blades on his shoes sole." Luna seemed to be the only one calm about this, as she was watching the wotan stomp his feet down over and over again.
"Hey, Ref! What happened to 'no weapons allowed'!?" Sanji was running on long the side lines. Which where the Ref literally looked the other way, pretending to not see a thing.
"Whoa! Can you be any more blatant!?" Usopp snapped asking.
"If he misses a play, it's out of his hand!" Foxy stated laughing.
"Quit screwing around, Ref!" Sanji sent his shoe flying into the ass Ref, knocking him out cold.
"Hold on, Sanji!" Nami freaked out.
"You saw the whole thing! Why are you sweatin' like a waterfall?!" Usopp had to hold Sanji back.
"I-I didn't s-see a th-thing..." he repeated.
"Hey, hold on! He's the ref, you know!" Usopp tried to tell him.
"Yellow care to Sanji of Team Straw Hat!" But it was already too late as the ref had blow the whistle, holding up a yellow card.
"Say what!?" This only pissed Sanji off even more, and the ref backed away scared.
"W-Wait! Wait! Wait!" Usopp was trying to stop him.
"And there's the yellow warning card! One more and Sanji the cook will get a red ejection card!" No mater how one looks at it, it really was playing dirty,
"I'll eject you!" The tick mark that had been on Sanji before, had gotten bigger.
"I can't believe he's scummy enough to attack the referee!"
"Shut up! I oughta knock you off!" Sanji shouted up to him.
"He's a gangster!" That was Sanji's new label.
"We gotta do something about his weapons..." Sanji had calm down, and looked behind him. "Hold on! You're allowing that now!?" He saw Big Pan swinging around a giant axe at Zoro and Luna, as Zoro was running back up the field. The ref looked away, stating that he happen to be looking away. "Look out there, Ref! That idiot!s using an axe now! An axe!"
"No! Stop! You can't afford to get ejected!" Usopp was still trying to hold him back.
"Are you kidding me!? I can't let 'em get away with this insanity!" Sanji had turned around to Usopp.
"Don't you see!? They want you to get mad! Just let it go!"
"I won't!" This Conversation wasn't going anywhere.
"Pull yourself together! This is for Chopper's sake!" Usopp decided to try using that to calm Sanji down
"All right! Then I'll beat him up!" Only to now have Luffy all pissed off.
"Don't go complicating things!" Usopp had this time grabbed onto Luffy
"Sanji! Just beat 'em!" Nami told him.
You got it!" That changed his mind right away and he gave her a pose of Love,
"You don't make any sense..." Usopp was losing all hope in the guy,
"All right! Back to the game!" Sanji was off but there really wasn't a point since nothing really changed.
"You didn't have to start with that again!" Usopp was really beginning to lose it.
"You know, we're getting nowhere this way." Luna stated to the two men.
"But we can change our game plan now that we know they've got weapons!" The two of them had came to a stop, Zoro had placed Luna down beside him.
"It's time to take him out!" Sanji has started moving towards Big Pan.
"Stay out of my way! I can handle him myself!" Zoro wasn't far behind him.
"Both of you, Just shut up." Luna was right beside Zoro as he started running the other way.
"Work together! You're a team, you know!" Nami was trying to tell them.
"And There they go! All four are about to collide!" They couldn't attack were skin was showing because of his slim. Which meant they had to aim for his hands, feet, mask, or trunks. However, with Big Pan now sliding across the ground,
"Loach Scooping Slide!" While Zoro and Sanji had slightly gone off to the side, jumping over his arms, Luna had gone straight over Big Pan's Head.
"Crap!" Zoro was slipping on Big Pan's back the moment he touched it, as Luna and Sanji were still in mid flight, but had soon landed. Now Luna understood why Sanji and Zoro were having difficulties with standing on the guy.
"Loach Racing Circus!"  The three had began to slipped around in a circle.
"There it is! The Racing Circus acrobatics! All three opponents slide across his wide back!"
"Ha! Won't work this time! I can handle a little skating!" Sanji stated.
"Now they can't escape!"They were going around and around, they couldn't even tell the difference between left and right, up and down.
"Come on, you guys!" Usopp was shouting as he watched.
"Meanwhile, the other two players have gotten back into the game!"
"Oh! They're back in it!" The Foxy Pirates were yelling.
"Slaughter 'em!"
"Oh? Their attire is a little different now! Hamburg, their leader, is wearing iron knuckles and iron elbow guards! Meanwhile, Pickles had donned spiked shoulder protectors! These clearly violate the 'no weapons' rule! Oh, but the referee just happens to have his back turned right now! As he does some stretches!" Usopp had to hold onto Luffy's arm to stop him from knocking out the ref.
"Now I'm mad, Leader!"
"Here goes!" Big Pan had released his legs placing his arms back around. "Loach Coaster!" Which Zoro held onto Luna as they both had shot off one arm, and Sanji were sent flying off the other - they minds still spinning - towards Pickles and Hamburg, who started charging.
"Let's go, Leader!" Pickles had began to spin again, "Spinning Tackle!" However, this time he was used to boost up Hamburg jump.
"The recovered players counterattack! But their target isn't the ball man - it's the swordsman Roronoa!" Hamburg was now above Zoro.
"Hamburger Hammer!" Zoro was struck causing him to go down so hard that there was a cloud of dust from them impact to the ground.
"The attack isn't over yet! Big Pan instantly takes an attack stance!" Big Pan had leaped up above Hamburg. "Hamburg prepares to use his iron elbow guards!"
"No way!"
"It can't be..." Nami and Robin were now getting considerately concerned at what they realised what the team were about to do to Zoro
"This is truly dangerous! A horrifying combo!" Zoro wasn't unconscious which was probably a good thing. "It's almost like... an arrow!"
"Punk Attach!" Big Pan has slammed his hand down, sending Hamburg right down. Zoro was benign pumped and pumped over and over again until he finally lost consciousness
"Zoro!" Usopp was horrified.
"It connects! Direct hit! Note that deaths in Groggy Ring are to be expected and are of no concern."
"So... dizzy..." Sanji that had been laying on the ground had finally regain enough balance to push himself up.
"Team Foxy isn't ready to stop its attack yet!" Big Pan's fist was on the ground as Pickles came running towards him.
"Human... Cannon!" Pickles was shot by Big Pan blowing him towards Sanji, who still hadn't the strength to do much, not to mention they both felt sick,
"The spiked shoulder protector draws near!"
"Sanji! Get out of the way!" Luffy was screaming as he watched in fear. However, the best thing Sanji could do was stand.
"Sling Tackle!" Sanji was sent into the air again.
"They're setting up Sanji the ball man now!"
"Size Attack: S!" Hamburg elbowed struck Sanji, he had been sent off not towards the goal, but the opposite direction.
"Hamburg sends him flying back! They're not preparing to score at all!"
"M!" Sanji, He  was coughing more blood as he was in the air.
"L!" However, it wasn't over as Big Pan's hand hovered above Sanji, which had then struck down.
"The Groggy Monsters unleash a spectacular team attack!" This wasn't a game anymore, just one side massacre. However, despite the beatings they had taken on, the two of them had raised once again. Then again, when the clouds covered the sun, the three of two, they didn't have the strength to stand and began to fall. Zoro and Sanji landed on their backs. It doesn't need to be said, but the only people not cheering were those belonging to the Straw Hats.
"Just terrible..." Robin didn't need to say it, since they already knew it was.
"Zoro! Sanji!" Luffy called out to them.
"Looks like Team Straw Hat isn't getting up from this!"
"Piece o' cake!" Foxy was laughing loudly.
"The opponents literally are 'groggy'! All that remains now is to stuff the ball man into his ring coffin and this will be two wins in a row!" The crowd couldn't careless about the three that could be dying because of their stupid game. All they cared about was winning. "The undefeated Groggy Monsters are supremely powerful!"
"We win again!" That when the clouds had began to clear,
"How Long do you two plan to lay around." It appeared that they had all forgotten about a single member of the crew that was standing over the two man this had caused Zoro to open his eyes again.
"Hey, cook... lend me a hand for ten seconds..." Zoro had asked for help.
"Sounds like... a reasonable length of time..." Sanji had agreed.
"Don't forget I'm here." Luna told them as they took her hand.
"This is Round #2 of the Davy Back Fight, Groggy Ring! The outcome of the match is now clear as day. no one is a match for our monsters! Although Team Straw Hat was defeated, I can't help but applaud them for putting up such a gallant-!"
"Hey! Look!" The entire place was stunned to see that Zoro and Sanji had once again stood.
"They're up! Team Straw Hat is standing again! Roronoa the swordsman, and Sanji the cook are terrifyingly tough! They really know how to make a game exciting!"
"They're back up! Now get those jerks!" Usopp was now crying for joy and relief as Luffy was shouting with joy.
"But do these two have enough strength left to fight!?"
"Don't worry, Miss Luna is with them." Robin had reminded them and it seemed that they remembered that she was in there as well. It was strange that sometimes she could disappear without them even realising it.
"Hey, you guys... one Monster Burger, please!" When Foxy had shouted that, everyone seemed to get quite.
"What could that mean?" Of course, being not part of the crew, Nami and the rest didn't understand what that had meant.
"Huh? Do they sell burgers here?" And Luffy was stupid.
"Obviously not!" Usopp slapped Luffy's chest telling him,
"My word! Our boss has just ordered a Monster Burger!" The crew was silent for a few more seconds but then had busted out with cheers. That's when the three monsters had started placing their hands in they pants. Hamburg had then pulled out two iron clubs, as Pickles had two swords with single blades.
"Hold on! They're clearly using weapons now!" Nami was protesting.
"Grind 'em up like a Burger patty..." Hamburg was slamming the iron clubs over and over again on the ground.
"And slice 'em good like fresh pickles..." Pickles was Spinning one of the awards around.
"Who are the guests!?" The Foxy Pirates shouted asking.
"Green lettuce... yellow cheese... and blue eggplant!"
"Crush it all between big pans and you get..." and Big Pan had...
Big pans. Which he was banging together. "... a Monster Burger!" That had all said.
"There it is! Their utterly horrific triple weapon attack! There's no escape! Foul play like this clearly calls for red cards! Team Straw Hat is in a tough bind! Oh, but wouldn't you know! The ref just happens to have his back turned as he stretches!" Usopp was once again holding Luffy back from beating the ref like he was a punching bag, but this time Nami had to help.
"What are you doing!?"
"Stop, Luffy!"
"They want us to butt in!" Usopp told him.
"We need to grin and bear it, Luffy!"
"Everything's set! The Groggy Monsters commence their attack! Whatever happens now, don't blame me! Naturally, they go after Sanji, the ball man! Will he be ground up, sliced, and crushed into a hamburger patty!?" Hamburg was charging as he slammed his iron clubs, with Pickles Spinning with his swords sticking out, and Big Pan banging together the pans.
"I can't make much with third-rate ingredients like you guys, but I'll cook each and everyone of you!" Sanji was serious.
"You're mincemeat now!" As Hamburg was heading for Sanji, the blond man was getting more power to his attack but doing back somersaults heading towards Hamburg.
"Troiseme... Hache!" (Third Ax, French) Sanji, using his quick foot work into Hamburg's face, the gorilla was down in seconds. However, Sanji was through with him. He had did a drop kick on Hamburg's chest. gorilla was kicked in the back a few times to stand him up again. Sanji had jumped just above Hamburg's head and smashed both feet into his face once again. Now landing on his hands in front of Hamburg, Sanji spring last attack into gorilla's chin. This was a O.K. And sent flying right at Pickles, that barely dodged in time.
"This is bad! Stop the crushing!" Pickles shouted to Big Pan, Where Hamburg was heading right for, And was crushed. "Leader!" Big Pan, realising what he had done, opened the pans and Hamburg - as flat as a pancake- came falling out. Turning around to Sanji, Pickles was pissed, how dare you!" And once again started spinning.
"Don't forget that we're a team." Zoro had stood in his way and had stopped him from going any further.
"You bastard... I'll slice you to pieces!" Pickles had started swinging down one of the swords at Zoro.
"Swordless Style... Dragon... Twister!" Pickles was pushed backed, or more sent flying off at Big Pan. Since Pickles was still swirling around with swords and was unable to stop himself the swords continue to slice Big Pan's chest.
"What's this!? Big Pan is being sliced up by Pickles blades!"
"I couldn't stop, Damn it!" Pickles had stopped, and Big Pan was about to can down, where Luna had appeared underneath.
"Anti-Manner..." Sanji has came up from behind and kneed a pressure points in Big Pan's back, "Kick-Course!!" Which had caused Big Pan to stand up again.
"I-I-Incredible!! Big Pan's heavy-body, while falling, was kicked straight back up! What a frightening powerful kick that was! Big Pan hasn't fallen but is really groggy! What will you do, Pickles!? The Foxy team is in a pinch!" That's when Luna had started running towards Big Pan, and as she ran her hear started turning black along with her clothes again. "Look! Mysterious Luna is seizing the moment! Her target is without a doubt, Big Pan the ball man."
"I won't let you pass!" Pickles had gotten in personation to attack when, both Zoro and Sanji appeared out of nowhere. They both sent Pickles off towards the ref with an inSync attack.
"I've had enough of you and the ref!" Sanji started.
"We wouldn't let you get in our way!" Zoro shouted to them both.
"The crowd- no, the referee - takes a direct hit!" They kicked Pickles right onto the referee! They're truly frightening - Zoro the Swordsman and Sanji the cook!" The referee had somehow survived that, and was crawling out from under Pickles that was out cold.
"Damn you... how dare you attack the referee... RED CA- WHAT!?" Instead of the read card, he held up one of Sanji's love cards he had given to each of the woman on the crew. "My cards and whistle are... gone." Then he was out.
"You're a naughty girl." Robin glanced over at Nami smirking.
"Couldn't help it. It's an old habit if mine." Nami stuck out her tongue as she held up the cards. Both Zoro and Sanji had turned to one another, glaring at each other.
"0h, What's the matter, Straw Hat Team? Even though Big Pan is the only one left, are they going to start fighting again!?" Both them had raised their legs, not to fight each other but for Luna. She had landed on their legs and was crouching on them.
"Médorière/Swordless Power Leg!" Sanji and Zoro kicked Luna off to Big Pan's Head. The moment she had reached it, she had grabbed the top part of his mouth, pulling it with her as she went over him. The sound of his back breaking echoed through the ears of everyone watching.
"I-Incredible! Wotan's... his enormous body... has actually left the ground!" Just as the official had said, Luna had pulled him off the ground and was heading for the goal.
"GO!!!" Luffy, Nami and Usopp all shouted.
"She's aiming for the goal!"
"It can't be!" With all her strength left, Luna had slammed Big Pan's Head right into the goal. Everyone in the Foxy crew couldn't say anything at what they had just seen.
"Nice! Luna! Zoro! Sanji!" Nami shouted to them.
"That was awesome! Zoro! Sanji! Luna! You're amazing!" Luffy was dancing for joy
"All right!" With Usopp dancing with him in tears. "We won!" Chopper was busting into tears of joy as well, knowing that his friends had just won him back.
"I don't want Choppy to go..." Porche held onto Chopper.
"Amazing! Those guys are amazing!"
"Bravo! Bravo!"
"blue babe! Your hot and bad ass!"
"Tears.... I'm crying!"
"You guys really are the strongest!" The crew for the Foxy Pirates were shouting loudly in amazement and impressed.
"You idiots! Song praise the enemy, Damn it!" Foxy shouted at the lot of them, "how can this be..." he had turned around to look back to the field, "the Groggy Monsters we're defeated...!"
"Umpire, you're awake? Hurry up and blow the whistle." Nami held out the whistle to the referee that had just opened his eyes, "now, hurry up!"
"That's right... their attitude towards me is unforgivable... I'll have them off the field!" He had took the whistle and blow it.
"And now, the whistle to declare the end of the match! The Groggy Ring is over!" Everyone had started cheering.
"They were so cool!" Luffy was still jumping around,
"Well done! Zoro! Sanji! Luna!" And Usopp was still crying.
"Well then, thanks for you hard work." The referee was confused to turn to Nami waving to him.
"I'm the second round of the Davy Back fight, they defeated the invincible Groggy Monsters, and won the match! It's a great victory of the Straw Hat Team!"
"Of course! Like Zoro, Sanji and Luna would lose!" Luffy stated proudly.
"Nami! Robin! Did you see? Have you fallen for me now?" Sanji had asked the two of them all love struck.
"You were wonderful." Robin had told him.
"Damn you guys, fooling around so much..." Usopp was hitting Zoro a bunch of times crying his eyes out.
"Stop hitting me."
"Good thing I was here!" Usopp was saying.
"But... you didn't do anything." Zoro had said back to him
"Are you alright, Luna?" Nami had came up to the woman who wasn't even hurt in the slights
"Yeah." When Luna had gone to flick her hair
"Now, the Foxy Pirates Crew will lose either their flag or a crew member. Who is Straw Hat's captain going to pick? Everyone had gathered around the stage, but were lookIng at the crew standing at the back as the drums were going.
"Do you even have to ask?" But for some reason, a bunch of the crew on Foxy's side were thinking Luffy was going to pick them, "Okay! I choose..."
"Hold on!" Nami had butted in, causing everyone to face plant.
"What is it, Nami?" Luffy had asked her,
"Their Boss will probably take part in the next round, right?" Luffy had agreed with her on that. "With that Slow-Slow Beam of his, we won't stand a chance in any game, no matter what the rules are!."
"I see, so what you're saying is, we should pick their boss now to assure we win the next round." Luna had understand what she was getting at.
"Correct! Because even if we take Chopper Back now, but lose in the next round, they could just steal him again." What Nami was saying made a lot of sense. "In which case, taking their boss now and playing the next game in tip-top condition is the best way to get Chopper back and keep him."
"Th-this woman...! She wants to pick Captain Foxy!?"
"Hey, that's cheating!"
"I thought better of you!"
"You damn cowards!"
"Fight fair and square!"
"This is not a violation of the rules, but... if you pick the enemy leader in the second round, you would be running away from a fair fight! How evil! This woman makes me doubt my very own ears! The Navigator, Nami!" Everyone of the Foxy Pirates had started booing at Nami.
"You assholes, hanging up on Nami... I'll slaughter you!" Sanji was snapping.
"Throughout the history of the Davy Back fight, many people have thought of this but no one has ever done it!" Of course they wouldn't, with the way the Foxy Pirates are. "I'd like to ask everyone, if they do this, can it really be called a true victory!?"
"NO!" So when their own crew is at a lose they change their own rules, that was something Luna knew was coming.
"We swore to Davy Jones that we would fight fair and square! Is that okay to ignore!?"
"I hate those guys!" Nami had leaped into Robin's arms crying.
"So it's fine when they fight dishonourable, but when we do it..." Robin had stated.
"This is the law of cowards." Luna had told her.
"What the hell. This is pissing me off." Luffy was always the only one to be honest.
"I agree with Nami!" Usopp yelled only because he was finding behind Zoro.
"Nami, don't cry when you're the one at fault." Zoro had said.
"Will you guys shut the hell up?" Nami was one scary woman when she was pissed, even more demonic then Luna - and she's an actual demon! "Do you want to get pounder?" Nami asked them, after seeing Zoro being beaten the crap out of by her.
"We're terribly sorry!" Foxy had shouted to her.
"Well, well... even if we cry if if we smile, we can't change the fact that the decision is Monkey D. Luffy's alone!" And that is what worried Luna. "He is free to choose one of our crew members." And for some reason their were still thinking they would get chosen. Even Foxy thought he would be chosen.
"Hey, Miss. Navigator. It's true that your plan is logical, but that would mean that the boss will become one of us." What Robin said was true, and Nami too, had just realised that.
"We don't want him." The guys had all said shaking their hands inSync.
"We could always kick him off the ship before leaving. After all, he can't swim." Then again, Luna can be more terrifying when she wasn't pissed off.
"Yeah, you're right!" Nami shouted back.
"The boss's emotions caved in!" Because of what the crew was talking about, Foxy was in his hands and knees again.
"Those guys are too harsh with their words..."
"Boss, to us, you're like irreplaceable."
"That's right, Boss."
"You guys..."
"Let's show them our power!"
"Yeah! It'll be fun in the next round!"
"We love you, Boss.
"Boss!" Foxy was now glowing with joy,
"Stop being a clown." In an instant of Sanji's words, the boss had hit the ground.
"I'm still wondering how someone like that can be looked up to..." Luna's eyes looked at Foxy with such... emptiness.
"It doesn't look like the Straw Hats will choose Boss, so... now, who will they select?" Chopper was waiting for Luffy to call him.
"Yeah... I've decided. Come back..." of course Luffy would pick Chop....

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