Channel 0!

626 24 1

After it being decided to take the 'fishermen' back to the home, the Sunny was pulling their ship that had been attached by a large thick rope and before long night had fallen, Sanji, Robin, Luna and Franky had all been outside on the bow with the helm but somehow they had fallen asleep. Along with the rest of the crew in the kitchen. "What should we do?" All the 'fishermen' had gathered on the deck of the Sunny sitting on the ground.
"Isn't it obvious? We've got do it?" it was due to some spiking their drinks and food.
"I'm not excited about this... they were such considerate guys, you know?" The large man, Troff was feeling uncomfortable.
"True enough! And the girls were cute." The smallest, Race felt the same way.
"How could you say that!?" The one shirtless, Guyle had shouted at them. "We don't have a choice in the matter! If we lay claim to this amazing ship, I beg we could take them on!"
"No happening!" All had stopped and turned to Stansen, that was siting on the bench around the second mast. "We are going to hand this ship over to them. We are merely going to carry out whatever mission they assign to us."
"How could you call this a 'mission'!?" Guyle snapped at him asking. "Count us out! We're going to steal this ship and prepare to strike back. As things stand now, Vigaro will never be able to Rest In Peace!"
"Hey guys. You're free to agree amongst yourselves..." they all looked up to see that Franky was wide awake. "...but I don't like direction this conversation's going." He stood posing above them, which was shocking.
"W-Weren't you sound asleep?!" He had been asked
The smell of anaesthesia was so strong that I couldn't fall asleep." A new voice had pulled to them to other set of stairs connect to the bow, where Robin was walking down.
"You ruined my cuisine with that nasty drug?" With Sanji right behind her annoyed.
"And if you want to know me out, you're better off using something for a giant." As was Luna

"Then again, that properly won't work either

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"Then again, that properly won't work either." Who stood before them completely awake. "With that being said, are you prepared for the consequences of your actions?" She then asked the lot before them, since their actions had been seen right through by the crew. Or at least, six of them did. The four out on deck walked down till they reached the grass, with Franky and Sanji standing in front as Robin and Luna were behind them watching. As for the 'fishermen' had backed away with slight panicked expression over their faces.
"N-Now, now. Don't get worked up, brothers! Just for the record, we aren't the least bit suspicious! We're really just a good-natured fishermen. Right, men?" Stansen was still trying to act like nothing had happened.
"We'll only let your sketchy antics go so far." Sanji started to them, blowing smoke from his mouth.
"Simple fishermen don't offer pirates boozed laced with some anaesthesia." Franky was cracking his knuckles saying to them. As for Robin and Luna, they just stared with nothing else to say. "Now then, it's time you came clean! What the heck are you—"
"W-Wait a sec! If we have a heart-to-heart, I think we can or can't see eye-to-eye..." Stansen had said not really making much sense
"Which is it!?" Which had Sanji and Franky snap at him asking.
"Well, like I said..." but it was then when three of the fishermen had ran out from behind him. "H-Hey, guys! W-Wait!" Stansen tried to stop them but they had pulled out swords. "Don't mess with them, Guyle!" It was heeled at the three of them.
"There are only four of them! Let's take This ship by force." Guyle had saying thinking that they actually stand against them because there was less of them.
"Yeah! Then we can go back to... I'm through with taking orders from those freaks!" Bob hair guy, Basil shouted thinking the same thing. While the third, Sutton stayed silent.
"B-But they're been so good to us!" Troff felt guilty.
"I can't... it's just too heartless!" Race was also the same
"Shut it! If you won't seize their ship, we will!" But it seemed that Guyle didn't feel anything at all as he dashed for Sanji and that.
"At the very least, don't hurt the ladies!" Had been yelled by Troff about Robin and Luna
"Right! You can't hurt them!" Race was in agreement, knowing very little that the two were fare stronger then they looked. Especially Luna, who's eyes began to glow at the men were charging at them.
"So that's your answer, huh?" Sanji got ready to attack
"It's nice and straightforward." Franky was all excited to fight, however, before they knew it,
"You guys! Don't mess with them!" Stansen had grabbed the head of Guyle and smashed it into the deck, which seemed a bit extreme as it was his own crew mate. The other two attacks had been stopped in their tracks in shock.
"Oh, sorry!" Stansen was trying to act like a weak idiot again, upon realising his reflexes had kicked in. "A-A few of my crew mates have short fuses. It's not like they meant you any harm. Isn't that right?" His act was starting to get pretty pathetic.
"Don't 'eheh heh' me! What are you trying to hide?" Franky had began to become annoyed watching them.
"They clearly 'meant us harm'!" It didn't matter who looked at it, that was fact. That was when the door to the kitchen had opened up.
"Brrr! It's freezing!" Zoro had worked out in a coat still cold. "Jeez! You still haven't dealt with them?" He asked seeing that the 'fishermen' were still standing. At least excluding one.
"I thought they seemed fishy." Nami and come out from behind, dragging something. "For fishermen, yiu didn't seem like you were all that great at fishing! We aren't naive enough to fall for that one! Minus a certain two, that is!" She had been dragging the two she spoke off that were fast asleep.
"C-Commander Stansen...!" There seemed fine be panic at the sight of the crew standing away without concern.
"We're in trouble!" They had realised that they messed with the wrong crew.
"Now then, you'd better be ready to fight!" Nami seemed quite unpleased glaring down at them.
"In that case, we'll just have to... Retreat!" Stansen had ran off the side of the ship.
"No way!" Which came as a shock to his own crew. However, they all began jumping off one by one, with the unconscious guy as well. They all had fallen into the sea below.
"Wait, darn it!" Franky ran to the side
"You won't get away!" Sanji as well, they watched the group swimming behind to their ship.
"I'm gonna give your whole crew a watery grave!" Franky pulled out his Weapon Left cannon and had it pointing at them, however
"It's okay. Leave them be." Nami had told them walking into the grass. "Actually, habe you seen Chopper?" She then asked saying that she couldn't find him anywhere.
"Chopper? Oi, Oi. Do you think something bad happened to him?" Sanji turned around asking.
"He may have been abducted by those guys." Robin had stated since that seemed to be the only answer to explain Chopper's disappearance.
"It would appear to be the case." Luna had to agree with her, but it seemed off since she didn't get anything about that.
"Tch, those bastards!"
"Anyway, boarding their ship is the fastest way to find out. Let's hurry. The wind is also getting stronger." Nami was saying looking up the the clouded sky with the wind picking up. "There's no telling when this will turn into a storm."
"You say that... however, we still have these two to deal with." Luna was looking down at Zoro's feet to where Usopp and Luffy were now, sleeping without a care in the world.
"Geez, these guys...!" Nami walked over to start breathing over her fist. "Wake up!" Where she punched both awake and they were shivering in the cold.
"Oi, it's really freezing out here, Oi." Luffy was trembling.
"My whole head hurts, it really hurts." Usopp as well, as the two of them seemed to be crying due to the pain inflicted by Nami. Then they sneezed loudly and everywhere.
"Don't you have any manners?" Luna had asked disgusted that they didn't try covering their mouths. With that the two of them had gotten changed into so,etching warmer like everyone else had already. And Usopp was still sneezing all annoyed after hearing what had happened since they were asleep.
"Chopper?" Luffy was on the ledge at the aft deck, looking to the stern where the other ship was. "Damn it, you!" He had suddenly shouted seeing Stansen had appeared to the bow of his ship. "Where did you take Chopper!?"
"Strawhat Captain! I regret abusing your hospitality, but... this is where we part always." The man pulled out his sword.
"What!? Oi, oi! Wait a minute, old guy!" Luffy was suddenly shouting, which had the others head to the side of the ship.
"It appears that his going to cut the rope connecting us." Luna had stated nonchalantly as they looked over the side of the Sunny to see Stansen with his sword above the head about to swing down at the rope. The others seeing this were shocked.
"Wait, Damn it!" Luffy had become annoyed at that as he pulled back his fist. "Gum Gum Pistol!" And sent it flying forwards heading for Stansen, to prevent him from cutting it. However, a sudden cold wind had changed it's trajectory and had it slam into the deck. Which wasn't a good thing as now
"A Devil Fruit user? But, it's a shame for you!" Because Stansen was about to return to cutting the rope.
"Stop." However, he had come to a stop unable to move his body.
"Luna!" Luffy knew it was the crimson eyes woman as they were glowing.
"As expected!" No one was surprised by her reaction.
"She also is a Devil Fruit user!?" But it seemed to have caused a misunderstanding. However, Luna's attention had been Dawn by the sound of something.
"What the...?" And she hadn't been the only one. "What's this music?" Usopp had asked the others if they could hear something. "This way!"
"What is this?" The others began to hear it as well which caused a little confusion looking around for what was making the music.
"Something is coming." Zoro looked off to the port side saying which everyone looked off in. It wasn't there one minute but it suddenly appeared.
"What is that?" Usopp had used his binoculars to get a closer look but began to panic. "No way! M-Marines!"
"What!?" They were shocked at hearing that.
"They already tracked us down?!" Zoro was asking since it hadn't been that long.
"How inconvenience at a time like this!" And Sanji was right, since they were trying to stop the fake fishermen from cutting the rope connecting their ships. Now they had to deal with the marines.
"This is Bad!" Usopp had ran off.
"Get us outta here, Nami!" Luffy shouted down at her which she knew running off to the helm. The Sunny began to move, however, the marines began to fire at them.
"Oi, oi, oi, oi! This is Bad! It's a bombardment!" Usopp shouted as the explosion were going off all around. "Hurry up, Nami! We'll get blown up!"
"I know! Sanji..."
"Roger." Began to steer the ship again so to avoid the cannons, however, out of nowhere, three more ships had appeared.
"Oi! They're also in front!" Zoro shouted back as he and Luffy were on Sunny's head.
"Nami, what do we do?!" The captain was asking her.
"Turn left!" She told the cook, who began doing so. However, as they began heading to escape three more appeared. "No way! They're here too!?" Nami couldn't believe it, but it didn't stop there, ships began to appear one by one all around them with. K end in sight. They were completely surrounded by marines from all sides.
"Oi, you're kidding, right!?" It was completely unbelievable that this many had appeared out of nowhere without a single sign.
"What... is this?!"
"W-We're surrounded!" It was then when everyone moved up to the helm gathering.
"We're trapped, Nami! Do something, Nami!" Usopp was clinging into her legs crying.
"Shut up! I'm thinking now." She snapped at him.
"Nami, over there!" Sanji pointed off to the right side of them.
"No way! Are you sure?!" She had ran to where he was pointing, while dragging her foot as Usopp was still clinging onto it.
"Where, where, where?!" He then gotten up and they all saw a large gap between the ships. However, it seemed a bit too convenient. "It's true! Can we make it?"
"Let's go!" Nami had shouted to Sanji who began to turn the helm right but a sudden wind had appeared changing the ship, as if telling them not to go that way. However, it was sudden and caused a lot of the crew to lose there balance.
"What's going on!?" Luffy didn't understand what had happened.
"It's no use! The wind has changed! We can't hold the helm!" Nami was shouting as they wouldn't be able to control the ship either, which had began titling the other way now.
"We're done for!" Usopp was crying as he was sliding across the deck.
"Damn! The helm isn't responding!"
"Move!" Franky had shoved Sanji out of the way which only pissed him off asking what that was for. "Have you forgotten? The Soldier Dock System is for these kinds of situations!" And with that being said, Franky had pulled the handle that had changed the numbers on the helm from 1 and 3 to just 0. "Channel 0." And then pulled the lever down beside him. "Activated!" The side of the ship began to change as well. "Cola Engine..." and it had opened it.. "...Paddle Ship Sunny!" And two paddle wheels had appeared out from both sides of the ship and with the sails up. "Go!" They were off with high speed right through the giant gap.
"We got away!" Luffy was waving with excitement.
"Awesome! The marines can't do anything but watch!" With Usopp had his side.
"Of course! No one will be able to catch up with us!" Franky was completely proud of that fact "SUPER!" However,
"What's wrong?" Zoro had turned to Luna, noticing that something was off with her face. Even thought it appeared to be expression.
"No, it's nothing." She answered but couldn't help shake off this feeling that something wasn't right.

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