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Sanji's entire face had gone pale as he was that Luna was laying on the ground that far from where Zoro had been initially. It had become clear that the swordsman was in so much pain that he was unable to move. In other words, Luna had appeared just as the beam had been fired and saved him. However, she didn't escape from the after shock of the blast. And it seemed that Fake Kuma wasn't nice enough to let her get up as another beam was beginning to gather power.
"Damn it!" This had caused the other Straw Hats to surrender Kuma to attack him all at once, preventing him from firing the beam at Luna as Robin was dashed over towards her. However, when she made it over to Luna, she found the woman bent down upon the ground, gripping to her arm in pain.
"Luna!" Robin was panicked but the moment she got to Luna, her face had gone pale. "Luna, your arm...!" This was due to the sight of Luna's right arm which had its flesh burnt through multiple layers.

This would leave serve damage and scaring after wards

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This would leave serve damage and scaring after wards. 
"Damn that Vegapunk...!" Had came out of Luna lips while biting down on the pain.
"Vegapunk?" But Robin didn't quite understand what she meant by that. Although, at the moment, it didn't matter. "Chopper, Luna needs helps!" She was calling over to the reindeer since a doctor needed to treat this type of injury.
"I'm fine..." However, Luna had come to stand up.
"How can you say that when your arm is injured like this?" But that was when the hand that was placed over had lowed showing smoke coming from Luna's arm and Robin was able to see something moving outwards slowly.
"I've told you before, Demon's won't die easily." Her arm seemed to be resorting itself. "As long as my heart and head remain unharmed my injuries will heal." But it didn't mean that she wasn't in pain. Although, she didn't mention that it might take longer due to her body still recovering from Thriller Bark and something happening inside her after that battle. Seeing this seemed to have caused Zoro to become overly annoyed and angry, at not just the fake but himself.
"Hey, Zoro!" Because the swordsman began moving towards Fake.
"T...Three Sword-Style..." He was trying to attempt another attack.
"Zoro!" But the fake had a lock on him, about to fire the beam,
"That idiot!" Which had Luffy and Sanji dashing over towards him.
"Kokutei..." Chopper had gone from Walk Point to Arm Point as he leaped towards Kuma. "...Roseo!" (Carving Hoof Cherry Blossom) He began punching Kuma with such a force that his hoof were leaving an imprint in hus chest that looks like a sakura petal.
"Chopper!" Seeing this had caused both Luffy and Sanji to come to a stop, especially when they noticed Kuma being pushed back. But it didn't last long as Chopper had soon been grabbed by the shoulder and the beam from fake began to gather as it was pointing towards the doctor.
"Strong..." Franky was right behind Chopper after leaping, which his right arm pulled back with it's skin glove over. "...Hammer!" And he punched the arm that was about to fire the beam, which had deflected the blast, heading towards a mangrove tree. But Franky didn't stop there. "Franky Boxing!" He began none stop punching Kuma with both his fists before he had been knocked away.
"Spider Net!" Although, Robin had sprouted her arms to catch her friend.
"We can't take his physical strength lightly either!" Usopp couldn't be more right about that.
"Yohohohoho!" Although, as that was being said Brook was running up the side of a tree that Kuma was standing in front of. "Take care! Here I go!" Before he jumped and began falling downward above him. "Swallow..." Brook pulled his arm back, while his sword still pointed forwards/down. "...Bond en Avant!" At least he attempted, only to find his sword stuck in he should where he stabbed. "I have stopped!" He was just handing there not moving at all. That was when Kuma's mouth opened up as the beam began to power up. "W-Wait, that's dangerous! Are you planning on killing me!?" And it was needless to say that Brook was freaking out since he wasn't able to move his sword. "...Though I'm already dead... Wait, this is no time to be saying that...!"
"Sure-Kill..." Usopp pulled back Kabuto, that was loaded. "...Atlas Comet!" And fired four high speed Exploding Star with smoke tails which converge together and hit Fake. "Now's our change! Let's running!"
"That was scary! Thank your so much!" It had stunned him long enough to allow Brook and Usopp to dash off running. But suddenly, it came out from the smoke to falls down to its hands and knees.
"Huh? He's acting strange..." Chopper had poked his head out from behind some ruin debris, where he had wrapped Luna's arm. This had the others looking behind watching Kuma completely collapsing.
"What? Bombs work on him NOW?" It appeared that the explosions had taken effect this time.
"One shot went inside his mouth... something inside his body must've short-circuited... his body might be tough, but he's still got blood on the inside." Franky had stated to them that Kuma was just like himself as his entire body was modified to become a weapon. "But he's really a normal human!"
"No, you're wrong..." However, Luna didn't agree with him but once again she was unable to explain as the fake began getting up and come to notice Nami running a few meters away from him.
"Nami, watch out! He's found you!" Sanji tried to warn her, but she was already marked moving towards her with it's mouth powering up it's beam.
"Robin, slamming his mouth shut!" Luna had come to shout at the archaeologist.
"Ochenta Fleur!" Robin began sprouting eighty arms from Kuma's shoulders, fourth on each one. "Cuatro Manos!" Which had combined together into four gigantic hands. "Shock!" To have them interlock each large hand with it's corresponding one on the shoulder and slammed down onto the head with two simultaneous blows.
"You did it! He fired off the beam inside his own mouth!" This had slammed the mouth shut and the beam still seemed to have been fired, just on the inside as smoke covered over the fakes head and it seemed to be in pain. "He self-destructed!"
"Nice thinking, Luna." Although, Robin wasn't all that surprising by her thinking while saying that. With that having been done, it wasn't the end as something began to spark behind the fake.
"Sorry to interrupt your break, Bro..." Nami's Perfect Clima-Tact tip was sparking with lightning as she held it. "But you should watch out for lightning there!" She had informed him as the sparks behind were being caused by a small, condensed, electrically-charged cloud. "From dark clouds to the Clima tact..." Nami's body began to shift pulling her Perfect Clima-Tact with her. "Thunder Lance..." she created a lightning bolt going directly from the cloud to her Perfect Clima-Tact. "...Tempo!" Which had pierced throw the fake by the bolt like a lance and given extreme electric damage to it's body.
"That one definitely worked... Fantastic!" However, Brook had spoken to soon as it had began going wide firing beams all over the place without even bothering to aim. This had the crew dashing off, far away as fast as they could to find cover.
"It didn't work at all, did it?! He's still perfectly fine, isn't he!?" Usopp's screams were loud and over the sounds of the beams.
"But where is he aiming anyway?" Chopper came to ask as it was clear there wasn't any reasoning to his attack.
"Has he become desperate?" Franky was taking a guess to it.
"He's completely lost his mind!"
"That's not it..." Luna was still couldn't to tell them truth despite knowing. Her eyes that been been closed opened up to show there were glowing.
"Once you get desperate, the fight is over." That was then when Sanji had made his way to Kuma, that had him turn around where the cook's foot was burning red.
"Hey, blast him over here!" Zoro had also made his way to Kuma, tying his bandanna around his head showing he was getting serious.
"I know! You're too damn stubborn..." that was being said to the swordsman, as Sanji had taken off towards Kuma. "Diable Jambe..." Just as a beam had began getting ready to fire at him, he jumped. "...Flambage Shot!" Where Sanji kicks the side with his foot, and sent Kuma towards Zoro.
"Alright! He's finally starting to fall apart!" Franky noted this upon seeing pieces of metal flying off.
"Demonic Spirit..." Zoro, with his Wado Ichimonji in his mouth and his other two blades held out in front of him. "...Nine Sword Style..." and gainsed an additional pair of heads and four more arms, all wielding duplicates of his swords—each appearing twice more, for nine swords total.
"W...What is that?!"
"Zoro multiplied!?"
"...Nine Demonic Slashes!" Zoro had consequently slice Kuma up with his nine swords, before ending up in a stance that has the blades resemble a wheel shape right behind him. It had broken through its harder-than-steel armoring to draw blood from the cyborg.
"Third Gear!" While above him, Luffy was caused his arm to inflate upon breathing into it. "Let's go!"
"Go, Luffy!" Nami had cheered him on.
"We just need one more hit!" Franky was telling him.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy stretched one arm, far behind him with it was twisting around.
"Crush him, Luffy!" Usopp and Chopper both told him.
"...Giant Rifle!" Then it's snapped back to deliver a short-distance, one-fisted powerful blow that was like that of a giant. "I'm shrinking!" It seemed to have worked because when Luffy had shrunk from his usage of Gear Third yet again Kuma didn't get back up. The three monster trio were completely out of breath and were no longer able to stand.
"We stopped that bastard, right?" Franky was still worried that it might get back up again.
"It almost seemed like he's gonna start moving again... Creepy..." Nami had come to say then.
"If he does, we're doomed. I'm totally beat, I can't move anymore." Usopp was laying across some rubble out of breath.
"You guys did a number on it, so it's fine for now." This had been spoken by Luna. "Speaking of number, don't you think you're pushing it?" This question had been asked to Zoro. "Just so we're clear, my blood only fastened your healing not make you immortal." She spoke of when she gave her blood to Zoro on Thriller Bark.
"Says the one sending orders to throw our minds." Zoro responded with looking down at her arm wrapped up.
"Maybe we should've escape, instead of trying to fight him?" Chopper might had been right in that plan, as a hand full of people were still recovering from Thriller Bark.
"No, if we can beat him, then that's what we should do." However, it seemed that Robin had disagreed with him in that. "He'd chase us wherever we went."
"But what was that guys anyway?" Zoro wanted to know as it wasn't the real Kuma.
"He's definitely a modified human.... That means that he was once a human he looks just like Bartholomew Kuma. I'd guess they were twins, or perhaps they just found someone who looks super similar..." Franky seems to think the Kuma-like cyborg was made with living tissue. "There's no way they could've actually created a human, after all."
"That's wrong." Luna had told them, walking over to the fake where she pulled down his collar where a mark was, 'PX-4'. "This is called a Pacifista, a weapons developed by Marine head scientist, Vegapunk. They are robots built in the mold of the Warlord Bartholomew Kuma. He is one of seven."
"Seriously!? There are six more of these monsters!?" Hearing this only freaked out half the crew, as they were barely able to fight one of them.
"But something like that is impossible!" But then the cyborg refused to believe such a thing.
"So that was why you cursed Vegapunk before." Robin had come to realise what Luna was going on about after being injured.
"Vegapunk is known the world as the leading scientist in the employment of the Marines. His work includes discovering the secrets and uses of seastone, the secrets of how Devil Fruit powers work, the co-discovery of the Lineage Factor and its applications, and various other scientific achievements that are said to be at least 500 years ahead of current technology." Luna had gone into explaining as she turned around to Franky while speaking. "He created these for the World Government and it's the main reason Kuma is known as the 'tyrant', because they are the spitting image of him no one is able to tell them apart."
"I don't care!" Luffy's shouting had pulled everyone to him. "Let's get some rest. I never thought we'd be forced to go all out in a battle so soon..." he was back to his normal side laying on the ground.
"I want to rest, but we should find a hiding-place first." Sanji was saying that if the marines found them now, they were be in big trouble.
"I guess thats true. But..." And the Captain agreed him him sitting up. "Wait just a minute, okay?" He was completely exhausted.
"Man, you guys have really don't it now!" A voice which none of the crew heard began had come to shout,
"What!? Another enemy!?" Which had sent them all on high alert. "Where'd that voice come from!?"
"Up there! They're up there!" It was then when two figures were pointed up standing on a mangrove tree branch. That was before they had come leaping out of the tree and landed on the ground hard enough to creak and send dust everywhere.
"Who's there!?" Luffy had shouted asking over all the dust.
"Hey, hey! What a pitiful state your in, PX-4! Just building one of you Pacifista costs us as much is an entire warship!"
"Man, how am I supposed to explain this to that Damn Punk?!" That was when the cloud had settled and the crew were able to see the two figures standing there, one was a large man with light skin and a stocky build similar to that of a sumo wrestler. He had a large scar extending from his left eye to the left corner of his mouth. His outfit consists of a shirt that resembles a giant brown bib or apron with an emblem meaning 'heaven' on the front, and a large red and white rope or "tsuna" (traditionally worn by yokozunas). He had bandages wrapped around his right fist and elbows, along with the Kanji Sen (戦 battle?) tattooed on his left shoulder. And finally carried a huge, two-edged axe, as tall as himself, and just as large. As for the other one
"Another Warlord!" It was another Kuma that stood before the crew.
"D-Don't tell me that's the real guy!?" It had freaked out a few of them.
"Doesn't matter whether he's real or a fake... we don't have the strength to stand up to that thing again!" Sanji was shouting that to them, as they were al barely able to stand.
"Whi are you, Broadaxe?" Franky wanted answers as he shouted.
"You don't call a man by his weapon's name! There's no point asking me questions. I have nothing to tell any of you! I am the man with the toughest guard in the whole world! Of course, my mouth is well-guarded too!" Had been shouted back to him.
"I have no obligation to answer that!"
"Can't you at least tell us your name!?" Usopp was asking him, since it would be proper.
"His name is Sentomaru." But there really wasn't a need as Luna clearly knew who the strangle dressed man was. "He is the bodyguard of Vegapunk and is in command of the Marines' Science Unit, as its Captain."
"That's right! I'm the world's most right-lipped man, Sentomaru!" And he didn't deny Luna's introduction of him.
"Really? Sentomaru, is it?" The man, Sentomaru looked a bit confused.
"I just felt like telling you that!" Until he realised what was said. "I wasn't answering your question! Just backing up Miss Athena's information!" He was shouting at them before moving onto business. "Let's go, PX-1!"

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