Foxy's Return!

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It had been some time since the crew took off again to sail but it wasn't one of those peaceful days with the sun shine, oh no, it was the opposite. "Hey, Captain! Stop fooling around! Help me out here!" Usopp was snapping at Luffy who was sliding side to side across the deck on a barrel enjoying himself.
"Whoa! What a huge wave! It's scary!" He was laughing as he watched the waves get bigger and bigger.
"He sure looks like he's having fun." Robin had stated to the girls that were watching him.
"Tell me about it. I bet he'll be laughing even if the ship gets capsized." Nami had said back with anger in her voice.
"I don't think he had the brain power to do anything but that." Luna stated to them both, and they had to agree with her on that.
"Wouldn't this thing snap before that happens?" Zoro asked them as he and Usopp were holding the mast in place.
"Really!? If that happens, what's gonna happen to us!?" Chopper was asking fearing for his life.
"Don't worry. Even if the mast gets broken, it doesn't mean the ship will sink." Sanji came out from before after patching up holes after holes at the bottom of the Merry. "Besides, we have an excellent, cute navigator on this ship." They had turned to looked up at Nami who looked proud of herself
"Oh, no! It looks like the mast is about to break!" The voice of a woman from off the side of the ship was yelling.
"Really? What's gonna happen to us?" Along with a deep male voice.
"Don't worry! Even if the mast get broken, it doesn't mean the ship will sink!" Another man was yelling the same thing as Sanji had said before.
"Ah.." the guys had looked off the side the voice's were coming from to see why those voices sounded familiar and saw Foxy, Porche and Hamburg in the same bout that had been on last time they saw them.
"Ahoy! Guys! Long time no see, huh?" Luffy had called out to them,
"Boss! That's Straw Hat!" Porche was telling Foxy and both her and Hamburg were waving happily to him.
"How dare you, Straw Hat?! Don't look this way!" Foxy had snapped at him. "We haven't fallen so low as to need your help!"
"What!?" Porche and Hamburg's thoughts were a little different then his.
"See ya!" Luffy waved to them.
"Hey! If you want to help us, we're okay with that, you know!"
"Boss... look behind you..." Porche was paralysed with fear as she was looking up above them where a giant wave was about to devour them.
"This is nothing! Slow Slow Beam!" Foxy had used his devil fruit ability but it only slowed down part of the wave as the other sides crashed down. "Beam!" He used it again with the same thing happening.
"This is it for us!" Porche and Hamburg were both crying as an enormous wave had began to raise.
"What a bunch of idiots." Luna had said.
"Hey, isn't this bad?" Usopp was asking up to Nami.
"A small boat like that won't stand a chance." She had to agree as she looked at the boat.
"Guys! Stay back! Hold on to this!" Luffy had stretched his hand that was holding a rope over to Foxy and that. However, instead of grabbing the rope, they grabbed onto his arm. "Idiot! No! I meant to rope!" He yelled before he was sent flying off to them, if it wasn't for Usopp grabbing him that is. After saving the three idiots the crew had gathered int the kitchen were they were looking at them silently, waiting for answers.
"Well, I feel ashamed." Was all Foxy could say looking down at the table. "First, I lost my 500 subordinates. And now, to think I even lost my ship... this is finally the end of Silver Fox, Foxy. It might've been better if I'd let fate take its course and sank into the sea." Luna was rolling her eyes in annoyance.
"Boss..." Now The other two were crying.
"What do you think about that?" Nami was asking all suspicious. Not that any of them couldn't blame her, after all, this man was nothing but a cheating scum.
"Well, I may not be in a position to say this, but that's a lie." Usopp had answered her, and he was right, it's wasn't really his place.
"Therefore, I'd like you to take pity on me and let me stay on this ship!" Foxy was pleading to Luffy that was sitting across from him and know Luffy
"Okay. Since you don't have your own ship, it can't be helped." Of course he would say that.
"Here's some soup. It'll warm you up." Sanji had served up and placed them in front of them one by one.
"Whoa! This looks good!" Porche was saying looking down at the bowl. "I'll have it with Choppy." the Reindeer ran away so she wouldn't attack him, but there wasn't a point.
"Sanji! I wanna have some, too!" Luffy had ordered.
"There isn't any left. Wait until tomorrow." Sanji told him, placing the bowl in front but he only looked down at it. "What's wrong? Don't hold back." He had said, noticing Foxy just looking down at it.
"What's this? There's nothing in the soup!" Foxy said looking up at him displeased.
"DON'T ACT SO FULL OF YOURSELF! HOW ABOUT I PUT YOU IN THE SOUP?!" Sanji had lasted it and if not for Usopp, he would have attacked the guy.
"Ahh! Sanji! Hey! Calm down! Calm down, Sanji! You too! Apologies to Sanji! Okay!? Okay?!"
"Huh?!" Foxy didn't understand why he had to do that.
"This is going to be a long trip." Luna was stated as she rubbed her temple, feeling a headache coming on.

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