The World Continues!

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The Straw Hats had completely disappeared from Sabaody Archipelago that day after being defeated... however, the world continued to move on, especially on a crescent moon-shaped island that was composed completely of bricks and steel, with cannons on the edges. It had a large, tall and proud building at the back of the island, which was Marine Headquarters. The building was a large multistory ancient Japanese-stylized palace, with the base bearing the kanji for "Marines', with the Marines symbol in between. Around the building's four cardinal corners is a small mountain with a small building on top and a flag with the Marines' symbol placed on top of the roofs each. On the islands of Navy headquarters, Marineford... there is a village where the Marines' families lived... No one was left as the civilians had all been ordered to evacuate. While at the same time, on the Sabaody Archipelago, citizens is civilians equally watch the execution of 'Firefist' Portgas D. Ace via monitor. Reporters and cameraman had gathered from all over the world... To watching keep the rest of the world informed. The Navy had brought all they forces together for this single execution as they knew a war would most likely break out. It made sense as Portgas D. Ace, commander of the Whitebeard Pirates second division, had been publicising announced of his capture and execution which was no different then declaring war against the Whitebeard Pirates. Many in the world wondered if the man, one of the four emperors, would come to show his face but many that knew him thought there was no doubt he would show up. They all were waiting for the war to begin, if there was to be one. No one, besides high ups, had known that all the Navy ships sent out to scout had all been sunk... and there was no trace of Whitebeard. The tension at Marinesford continue to grow as the execution was getting closer, as in less then three hours.

Fifty battleships encircle the crescent shaped Bay, and within the bay, countless cannons are ready. The front row of the troops can be seen from the ports... Including the five rogues who could decide the outcome of this war... members of the seven Warlords of the Sea. The Tyrant, Bartholomew Kuma... The Shadow Master, Gecko Moria... The Heavenly Demon, Donquixote Dolflamingo... Dracula 'Hawk Eyes' Mihawk... and finally, The Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock. Below the execution platform, Navy HQ's most powerful combat force stands guard... The three Navy Admirals. Navy Admiral Aokiji, Kuzan... Navy Admiral Akainu, Sakazuki... and Navy Admiral Kizaru, Borsalino. Right now... All the worlds forces of justice... I waited the Whitebeard Pirates... to prevent them from rescuing Ace, who had been brought out to climb the stairs of the platform. The man was tall, young and muscular with curly black hair. He sported rather childish freckles, that was still clear even with all the dirt he was covered in. The young man had tattoos, one on his back of the Whitebeard symbol—purple bones formed in a cross behind a purple skull with a white mustache, the other on his upper left bicep that spells 'ASCE' vertically. With the 'S' crossed out.
"That's... the man who might cause a war that changes the world!" For many Marines, this was the first time seeing Ace.
"He also holds the fate of the world in his hands!" No one would believe such a thing as the man was in chains and once brought to the top of the platform was kneeled down and had his chains locked onto it. It was no wonder Ace had a groom look across his face as he looked out to the sea of marines cheering before execution blades were stretched across in front of him. At the same time, Garp had come out along with another man, who was tall, fair-skinned, and muscling with a long, braided goatee and a mustache. His cap covered his black hair, which was set in a large afro.
"Im gonna make an announcement. That okay with you, Garp?" The man was asking Garp,
"Do whatever you want. I'll be down there." Who was walking slightly behind him unpleased before walking off. While the other man had headed for the platform which he had climbed up.
"Give us some room." He had ordered the executioners.
"Yes, sir!" That pulled away their blades.
"Fleet Admiral Sengoku!" All had gone silent at the Marines noticed the man standing before them.
"What?" But they were confused to why he was up there.
"Five me the Transponder Snail." The man, Fleet Admiral Sengoku had turned to his men that had given him the snail before he had stood beside Ace. "I have an announcement for you all." That had been announce to all who were waiting, some nerve others not so much. "Portgas D. Ace... The death of this matter today, holds great significance."
"You've done nothing wrong." A tall, thin, and elderly woman with gray hair tied in a bun had told Garp, who was still conflicted about this. Her attire appeared to be less formal than the other high-ranking officers', consisting of an untucked shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and a tie around her neck, and calves-long pants, which makes her somewhat resemble the animal of her name, the crane. She sported earrings made of beads, and wore two bracelets on her right wrist. The epaulets on her Marine coat were golden for the outer epaulets and purple with two white dots for the inner epaulets.
"Women are supposed to by sympathetic at times like this, Tsura." Garp had come to laugh as he told her that. But the announcement was continuing...
"Ace. Tell me the name of your father!" Sengoku had ordered him, but many didn't understand what Ace's father had to do with this.
"My father is Whitebeard." Ace had come to answer the man.
"Not true!" However, that wasn't what he meant.
"It is! My father is Whitebeard! I have no other father!" But he refused to answer with anything else.
"Years ago, we put all our resources into searching for a man. We suspected that he might have a child on Australian islands. We rely entirely on this possibility, and Cipher Pol vague information. Children who had been born... Children who are about to be born... We thoroughly investigated all the mothers but we couldn't find him. But I suppose that was to be expected. Your mother rest her life to deliver you safely. She performed a special trip, which she pulled off through sheer willpower. She deceived our eyes.... No, the eyes of the whole world! In South Blue, there is an island called Baterilla." Hearing this had cold sweat rolling down Ace's entire body. "Your mother's name is Portgas D. Rouge." And hearing that name caused him to flinch. "She manage to defy commonsense with sheer willpower to protect her child. She carried her child in her own for 20 whole months."
"What is he saying?" This was all being said, but many didn't completely understand what the Fleet Admiral was getting at.
"She used all of her strength and as soon as she gave birth to you, she died. A year and three months after the father's death... A child was born, carrying the blood of the most evil man in the world. That child was you!" Ace was chomping his own teeth as the World was hearing the truth that he spent so many years hiding. "I'm sure you already know... Your father is...The Pirate King, Gold Roger!" The truth had been announced to the entire world which was the most shocking event to be known in history. That Ace's biological father is Gold Roger, the former Pirate King. A large amount of marines were unable to speak in surprised while the Warlords seemed either uninterested or impressed by the fact that Roger's had a son that was never found. It was because anyone who was found to have a strong connection to Roger back then would've been sentenced to death and yet his son was alive after all these years. But there was one person who was suffering from all this, and it wasn't Ace.
"Garp..." Tsuru seemed to sympathize towards the old man who looked upset.
"It's been two years now, hasn't it? Since you took the name of your mother, from the Spade Pirates, and ventured to the seas with formidable strength and speed. At that point, we finally realised. We had not stopped Roger's bloodline!" Sengoku explains to everyone who is watching looking down at Ace after he spoke. "But Whitebeard, Who realised it at the same time we did, decided to raise you to become the next Pirates King, and let the son of his old rival onto his own ship!"
"That's not true!" Ace denies this in anger. "I got on that ship so I could make the old man the Pirate King!" He stated that it was him that wanted to make Whitebeard the Pirate King.
"You're the only one who thinks that!" However, Sengoku interrupted this say that. "We were careful not to act recklessly... You were under Whitebeard's protection! But left unchecked, you'd undoubtedly inspire a new generation of pirates. That is why your execution here today carries such great significance. Even if we must go to war against Whitebeard!" As this execution symbolises the true end to Gol D. Roger's Age. The marines had all cheered in agreement completely unaware of something happen.
"Fleet Admiral Sengoku!" But a single vice-admiral that was at the bottom of the stairs to the execution platform. "Reporting in! The Gates of Justice are opening, but nobody's ordered them to!" That had been alerted to the fleet admiral in a panic. "We can't get in touch with the engine room, either!"
"What!?" The man was in shocked upon hearing such a thing.
Everything had gone silent as Sengoku ordered all to be ready and one was only able to hear the wind. "It is quiet." Boa Hancock, considered the most beautiful woman in the world, had coke to say looking out into the Horizon. Her a well proportioned figure standing tall with a large snake. She had a very tall and slender body with a narrow waist and very large breasts. Her long black hair that extends past her waist with locks of hair that frame her face down to her chin and shows off her high forehead, dark blue eyes with long, voluminous eyelashes and pale skin.
"Unnaturally quiet, if you ask me." Donquixote Doflamingo had some to say. The man was extremely tall, standing at 10' with light blond-haired, very lean and muscle with tan skin. He generally dresses in flamboyant clothes. In reference to an animal theme, the flamingo, his clothes are brightly colored, with his light pink feather coat most distinctly of all. Doflamingo sported a pair of curved, thin white sunglasses, which appear to serve as his eyesight with red or purple lenses. He also walks with an odd, bow-legged waddle. While Dracule Mihawk was standing in between them silently. He was a tall lean man with black hair, a short beard, mustache and sideburns that point upwards. His nickname 'Hawkeye' comes from his strangely colored yellow eyes, which resembles a hawk's eyes. He dressed in black and red ornate clothing with a crucifix pendant. His attire consists of a wide-brimmed black hat decorated with a large plume, and a long, open black coat with no shirt underneath, with red, flower-patterned sleeves and collar. He wears light purple pants held up by a decorated belt and tucked inside overly large boots in comparison to his leg size.

A marine was on watch and with the skies darken and a lard fog surrounding the island he was unable to see them until it was too late. "They're here! All troops, prepare for battle!" The sirens began going off as ships were appearing.
"They appeared so suddenly! But where did they come from!?" The marines are baffled as to where they came from since their appearance was so sudden.
"It's a huge fleet of pirate ships!" It was an entire pirate fleet consisting of forty three ships that came emerging from the fog.
"Where is Whitebeard? Find him!" That was being shouted as Whitebeard's ship was no where to be seen. Those on look out began to look to the front of the ships where the crews of each of them were gathering ready to fight.
"Doma, the Bohemian Knight!" A man with black curly hair and a beard that seems to have lines that extend to his eyes. He wears a large red headband and a necklace with big light-blue square jewels on it. His neck appears to have a scar on the lower right, and he sports a large and long light brown coat with a wide dark red collar and cuffs, closed by a belt. He also wears loose blue pants tucked inside simple boots. A monkey was seen perching on his shoulder.
"Thunder Lord McGuy!" A long face man with a big nose and prominent chin, wavy blonde hair reaching to his waist, and a black mustache shaped like a lightning bolt. He sported a blue shirt with loose sleeves and ruffled edges under a black vest. Finally, wore dark bermuda shorts and an orange sash decorated by a silver colored ornament with a red jewel in it.
"The Decalvan Brothers." A pair of twins wearing overalls. Both with wide faces. though one of them is wider than the other, and flowing black hair. The one with the wider face had sharper teeth. Each brother had one of their eyes opened which was large and black around the rim, and closes the other which has a scar over it; which eye they open and close are opposite to one another. Both had on a brown and yellow pirate tricorn hat with polka dots bandanna underneath it (one red, and one blue). The hat bears their Jolly Roger: two skulls and a cross-bone, with a wavy design over it. They both wore yellow long gloves with razor-sharp nails at the end on both hands.
"Whirl Spider Squard!" A pale, slim man of tall height. He had a bald top, but light-pink wavy hair that flows long downwards. He wore a spider design on his forehead which has a spiral at the bottom, with a diagonally-placed headband that attaches to it. He had on a dark grey, long coat with ruffled edges over a similar designed, lighter-colored shirt, and dark pants that almost reach his armpits, with some buckles and strings on the front, tucked inside boots, and with ruffled, lighter-colored edges as well. Around his neck he had a dark red tie. For footwear, he wore high-heeled black boots with loose white cloth coming down from the openings.
Everyone of these my figures.... They're all captains renowned throughout the New World!" In other words they weren't the average kind you meet anywhere as they are the most fearsome and powerful from the New World. "43 ships in all! I still can't see Whitebeard or his Commanders... but these Pirates are definitely allied with Whitebeard!" There was no sign of Whitebeard himself... but the The foot soldiers of the marines panic a little
"Don't get thrown off by this! You're all hopeless!" Which had Tsuru snap in annoyance.
"All of you...!" Ace was shocked that they had all come as well.
"Shall we attack them?" That was being asked as that seemed to be the most rational thing to do.
"No, wait. Whitebeard's around here somewhere!" But the marines were told to keep a sharp eye out since Whitebeard can not be too far off.
"Now it's getting interesting! I'm really getting excited here!" Doflamingo was just feeling excited by all this. "Hurry and show up, Whitebeard!" That was then people began to notice something in the middle of the headquarters' crescent shaped dock, a large bubble that bursted
"It can't be!" Sengoku had come to realise what was began such a thing
"Where is he coming from?" But a lot of the foot soldiers were unable to see it.
"Well, he's your pics one amazing place to show up!" Garp had come to say, slightly sweating.
"We never considered this!" Tsuru had realised that they miscalculated where the invasion will come from.
"Miss Athena... No, Miss Luna would have seen it." The old man was still being formal even if the demon woman was a wanted criminal. It then been waves continued to bubble from the center.
"There's a shadow beneath the surface!" And something was beginning to surface from underneath the water.
"So that's how they did it? They coated their entire fleet and came here along the bottom of the sea!" Sengoku had came to realise why the Whitebeard Pirates weren't with the fleet of ships. All were in complete shock as out of nowhere a large battleship with a cachalot figurehead came bursting out from the water.
"It's the Moby Dick!"

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