The Unescapable Fort of G8!

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It didn't take the crew anytime to realise they were in enemy territory. It didn't give them much time to think, the first one off the ship had been Luna, as her feet had touched the ocean surface had froze to the shore line where she sprinted for. "This is a pain." She stated making onto the soil and looked around to see if it was clear as she exited the long glass she had hide in. There was no one in site. It was still night, so it was hard to see anything, and not knowing her location or how the lay out of this place was, it wasn't smart to make a move. "I need to wait. That is the best choice." Luna looked up above her, at the cliffs and spotted a hole that was a cave. "That place should do fine." She started jumping up to the cave. "There is only a few hours to light." Yes and once the sun came, she could fine the other and re-group. They need to get the Going Merry back and get out of here fast. If only she knew where 'here' was. Luna's eyes closed, knowing that tomorrow was going to be rough so she needed the rest. And like Luna had thought, the next morning came faster when she rested and light pecked through the cave in to her face causing her to open her eyes. Luna walked out to the outside of the cave after standing up only to see the Going Merry being taken away. "This is bad." Luan told herself watching from the cave. However, that wasn't the only thing that was bad. She didn't know because it was night, but now that she got a better look she pretty much knew where they had landed, and it was just getting worse. "Of all the places in the world to land, we just had to land at Marine G-8." Luna stated, then jumping down. She knew this was G-8 because of the fact that there was cliffs surrounding them. The lake wasn't a lake but a part of the sea and there was one way out. That that she knew where they were she began to move, she kept herself out of view as She searched the land for a place to enter the fort. It wasn't easy as there were marines around every corner. However, after time had passed she finally found the place she had been searching for and then chance to enter. Luna had gone around to the other side and saw an air duct that was off the side of the cliff. Of course no one would be guarding it, since there was no land around it, giving Luna the perfect place to enter. "Okay, here I go." She told her self as She started climbing or more like side stepping on the steep edge of the cliff. Luna didn't need to worry about falling, since she was created that was it had been easy for Luna to make it to the air ducts that she began crawling through looking out for any sign for the record room or the others. Luna as unsure how how long she was in the ducts for before she finally found the records room. Luna couldn't draw attention to herself so early on, she gently pulled the hatch off making sure not to make a sound. Below the hatch was nothing, so checking to see if the close was clear Luna jumped down to the floor. Looking around once again, there was still no one in site. "Of course no soldiers would be here." She had relaxed realising that so she had stood up from crouching. "A map of the place and of the air ducts, and the recent records of the ship docks too." Luna was telling herself as she began waking and checking through the bookshelves for the year and month of the books. She decided that the records of last year would be best, so she had gathered them and placed them all on the table. She then pulled the maps and rolled out in the table as well, and then started reading through the books while checking the maps. She had a pile on the right side of her that quickly moved to the left side of her as she finished reading them. However, after reading a few of them she began to notice something strange about the records. "Why is there a long time when no ships leave or enter the base?" Luna had pulled out a few books and placed them all on different pages in front of her
"Is there a reason for this." She read the records as they were same, there were a time period were no ships left or entered. The others were all the same, there was a reason behind it. Luna turned back to the map of the base, to the docks. "There are two different docks. The first one is where supplies and others things, such as people, get delivered and the second one is where they repaired ships. My guess that they place the Going Merry at one of the repair docks. There is only one dock where she can be, That's dock 88." She was saying with her finger placed where the dock was on the map. The reason behind her decision was because there were a bunch of docks that had been closed off and they were the opposite way they took the ship. There was also the fact that there were many docks that were closed down, for the ones that weren't they were repairing ships that had come in. As she looked down at the air ducts map to, the door being opened to the room opened up, she flinched looking back, but then looked to the table with everything on it. She didn't have time to clean, so she just leaped up onto the bookshelf. She had now way of knowing the one that  opened the door would be Robin, wearing a Marines coat. The woman had noticed the moment she entered the room, that she wasn't alone and began looking around only to find the blue hair woman laying on top of the self. Luna had also noticed the black hair woman enter the room and she had relaxed. The two of them made eye contact, giving each other a sign to acknowledge that they knew each other were there. Then Luna had climbed up to the air ducts was just like before it was small and cramped. Every time she passed a hatch, She looked through it to see marines on patrol. Through that she had gathered information of the possible whereabouts of the others. There was a suspicious doctor and nurse in the infirmary, Chopper was obviously the doctor and since Luna saw Robin disguised as a marine inspector it had to be Nami as the nurse. It seemed that Luffy and Sanji were in the mess fall before being chased out, now Luna didn't know where they were. However, Usopp and Zoro had been captured and were located somewhere in the centre of the fort. There was only one place, and since she saw the map of the air ducts she knew where she was heading.
"It's a pain in the ass already." That when Luna heard the sound of someone familiar and before long she found herself facing Sanji and Luffy climbing in air ducts in front of her.
"Straw Hat and Pervert." She had called out to them
"Luna?" Luffy looked behind and saw her, and grinned happily.
"What are you doing here?" She asked them, since this was something Luffy would think of doing.
"Oh, Luna~ I am so glad you're safe~!" As Sanji was trying to kiss he, she punched him in the face stoping him.
"Shh." Luna told him as she heard the sound of a Transponder Snail ringing.
"Sir, I'm in Block F, Section 4. Nothing unusual to report." The marine soldier had stated.
"Continue checking the area." He was told.
"Aye, Sir." He then walked off. Sanji had clicked his tongue.
"They're using baby Transponder Snail to communicate."
"Yeah, that could be a problem." Luna stated to Sanji, and he agreed with her.
"Hey, Sanji, Luna." Luffy call for them both and they looked up to him. "This is pretty exciting, huh?" He had started giggling, which was kind of pissing the Sanji off.
"Just get going, you shithead!" He yelled out him. And then they continued through the air ducts, Luna was at front of the group and when they reached the end of the ducts that lead outside, he had stopped.
"Is it clear?" Sanji had asked her, and he took her kicking the exit out and jumping down as a yes. Sanji soon followed after her and they both head, running, up the stairs, with Luffy right behind. They ran all the way up the stairs to a red Metal bridge that was the only way to get across. However, there were marines by it.
"What's wrong, Sanji, Luna?" Luffy had ran into Sanji's back, but all he did was shh him.
"Shit. We'll have to bust our way through." He had then stated back to the other two.
"No, look." Luna had pointed to under the bridge, there was land stretching across it.
"What's this? The bottoms unguarded." Looking again, Sanji was right. "Let's go Luna! Luffy! We're going down there!" He then ran off, and Luna followed after him.
"Okay!" Luffy had finally yelled running after us. This was a trap, but it wasn't going to stop them. They jumped down onto the land and was running quickly and quietly to the other side, were on the other side they found the nearest entrance that someone came out of it. "Someone came out." Luffy had pointed out.
"Yeah, but there's definitely something strange about this place." Sanji was right about that as it was too easy.
"Yosh, let's go!" Luffy was getting all excited.
"Luffy no!" Sanji shouted and grabbed him.
"There's something off about this." Luna stated to him and then looked over to the bridge from earlier. "The path we were on had no guards, I think they wanted us to come here." She explained her reasoning to him.
"That means..."
"I know!" Luffy had cut Sanji off, "The old fortress guy is a nice guy!" Which got a kick to the head.
"She meant it's a trap. A trap." Sanji told him, as he slid down the side of the rock. "They haven't been able to capture us yet, so they're trying to force us into a corner."
"Yeah, pretty much." Luna peeked around the corner.
"It doesn't matter. Either way, we won't be able to rescue Zoro and Usopp if we don't go in." Luffy was right about that. The guys wouldn't be able to get out on their own.
"You idiot! You want to walk right into a trap!?" Sanji had snapped.
"But Straw Hat has a point." Luna told him that the more time they waste the more dangerous it could be. Sanji then looked like, he was deep in thought.
"Sanji, are you thinking deep thoughts?" Luffy had asked him.
"No, dumbass!" Sanji snapped.
"But you were." Luna pointed at him before they started running off.
"Yeah, you were." Luffy agreed with Luna,
"No, I wasn't!" He yelled back at Luffy. When they got to the stairs, Sanji stopped at the bottom to watch Luffy and Luna's back as they ran up the stairs. However, when Luna opened the door, it was empty.
"There's nothing here." Luffy said looking passed saying.
"Let's go." She told him, stepping in the room first.
"Yosha!" And they were running once again, this time through the meet hall. "Oi, Zoro, Usopp! Where are you?" Luffy's yelling was echoing through out the place. "OI~!" He wasn't trying at all to find us.
"Oi, Luffy, we're down here!" The sound of Usopp's voice was shouting from below. "Luffy, don't come down here!" He had then yelling. "If you're coming, come down here!" But it seemed that he couldn't make up his mind.
"I heard someone!" Sanji had shouted turning and running down stone stairs.
"This way!" But Luffy Just leaped down.
"Wait!" Sanji and Luna both ran even faster after him. 
"Be careful, Luffy!" Usopp was shouting.
"Found them!" Luffy had stopped in front of a ceil and was about to grab the cage. "Just a second!"
"No, Straw Hat..." Luna was trying to top him
"I'll get you out..." but he had already lost his strength.
"Oh, this must be made of Seastone!" Usopp had notice.
"Of course it would be." Luna sighed shaking her head.
"You're surrounded. Give yourself up peacefully, Straw Hat!" Before they even realised it, the three of them had been surrendered by marines pointing guns at them.
"Not taking us seriously, eh? Do you think that's enough to worry us?" Sanji had told him.
"Well then, how about now?" This time there were more behind and like in front there were guns pointing at them.
"You know it's no different, moron." Luna said, dismissing them with her hand. But this was still a problem for them.
"For now..." Sanji had started kicking the ceil Gate.
"What a pitiful sight! That cage can withstand anything short of a cannon!" The marine in the center of the group behind them stated.
"Shit! That's one tough cage." Sanji gave up unable to break it.
"That's it!" Usopp was whispering or hissing and called out to Sanji while side stepping to in front of him. "Reach inside my pocket!" Usopp had ordered him.
"Your pocket?" That's when Luna realised where Usopp was going with this.
"Do you have an Impact Dial?" She asked whispering to him.
"Yes, you can use it to blow up to cage!" He informed them whispering.
"An Impact Dial!? But that hurts whoever fires it!" Sanji had remembered the side affects.
"This is no time to be a wimp!" Not that he had room to talk. "Here, take it!" Usopp held out his hip towards Sanji.
"Give yourselves up!" The guys were yelling at Sanji who had then dove his hand into the pocket.
"Hold your horses, Gorilla-man." Sanji held up the Dial, but something was right about it. "I'm gonna show you something, so shut the hell up." He had explained. "Luna darling, please step back." Sanji had told the woman, which she did. "If you sit there, you're just asking to get hit." His attitude changed as he inform Usopp to move, and then he backed away. "Here goes!" As he pressed the Dial, the crew was ready for and explosion...
"This fine-tempered snake?" That was a Sound Dial, realising that Sanji had gone red in the face from both embarrassment and anger.
"You dumbass!" Zoro had hissed at them.
"This could've been worse." Luna then stated.
"What was that? Was that supposed to be some sort of secret weapon?" He was mocking Sanji, which wasn't the smart thing to do as he is pissed.
"Shut the hell up!" And he really sounded pissed and that marine went silent in fear.
"Ah, ah! Sanji, Sorry! It's in my other pocket!" Usopp was sweating nervously walking back to the gate. "Here, it's in this one." The Dial That Sanji had grabbed out of his pocket, that wasn't the one either, it was worse!
"Wait, pervert. That's..." Sanji had pressed the Dial, and gas came out of it. "...The Flavor Dial..." Luna blocked her nose from the stench.
"Shit!" Sanji was crying.
"W-what is that!?"
"I-it's stinks!" The marine were like the other, they were have a hard time breathing in the air.
"Who the hell put farts in my Flavor Dial?" Luna knew there was only one person, and she didn't need to see him do to know it was him.
"I...I'm sorry." Luffy was apologising.
"Did I even need to ask?" Usopp was crying.
"It was a dumb question to begin with." Luna said, then spotted something flickering near her. She looked up to see the light, "Get down." She warned the others jumping down to cover her head and and explosion erupted.
"Oi, you Okay?" Sanji was yelling,
"Escape plan, a success!" Usopp said.
"That was a plan?" Luna pushed of the rocks that had started to crush her.
"I guess you could call it that." Zoro had told her, just sitting where he was the whole time. "Here, let me help." Zoro had stood up and came over to her. She grabbed the hand that he offered her and he pulled the woman up.
"I can't get up..." Luffy weakly said and they all saw that he was under the Seastone cage.
"Why am I stuck babysitting you?" Running over to him, Luna lifted up the cage and then throw it across the hall.
"Well, we can't just stand around here. It's time to go!" Zoro had yelled to others.
"Let's go, Luna, Luffy!" Sanji had shouted back.
"Yosha!" Luffy yelled back to him after dusting himself off. "Guys, run away!"
"You don't need to tell me twice." Luna was off running after Zoro at full speed.
"Ah! O-Oi! Hold on!" Usopp had started yelling that they shouldn't let Zoro lead, which he was right. The man had no sense of direction. "He's gonna get us lost!" They had already finished running up the stairs and were now running in the hallway.
"Usopp, you dork!" Zoro didn't seem happy by that comment, while Luffy was laughing. Luna don't know if it was because of what Usopp had said or that he was having fun.
"Hey, I think we're lost." Luna had spoken up to the others as they were still running. They should have already been outside by now.
"See? We're lost!" Usopp shouted back to the front of the pact.
"Where the hell are we!?" Sanji was asking loudly.
"How did you get lost!? It next to impossible!" Usopp was shouting even louder then before.
"That's Pirate Hunter for you. His stupidity knows no bounds." Luna had been the one to say that.
"Shut up!" Zoro was even more angry at the comments they were making about him. They continued to run with Zoro at the front either was but they Definitely won't go in the right.
"Run! Run! RUN!" Luffy was now at the front of the pack.
"Shut up. What do you think we're doing?" Luna had looked right at him asking
"W-w-Wait a minute!" Usopp sounded out of breath, but the guys were too.
"Where's the Going Merry?" Luffy had continued yelling ignoring Usopp. All of a sudden, Luffy and the guys had came to a stop.
"What is wrong?" Luna had asked since she was at the front of the pack
"The Marines!" I looked up to see Marines were coming at us in the front. "F-from the left too!?" More marines showed up on the left side of them after Usopp yelled. "This is bad! Real bad! We're trapped!"
"Things are finally getting interesting." Luffy seemed happy about this.
"Why are you so happy?" Luna asked looking to the corner of her eyes watching the marines that surrounded them.
"The old fortress guy said escape is impossible." He had explained.
"Seems like it." Sanji agreed with what Luffy said. "I heard there are over 1,000 Marines stationed here."
"And what exactly is interesting about that?" Usopp was completely terrified.
"It's impossible!" Luffy had repeated.
"That's enough, Usopp." Zoro had cut him off.
"Once he says he'll do something, there's no stopping him." Sanji was right.
"Let's just leave." Luna was telling them, since this was starting to get annoying for her
"Unit 37, Ready!" The one of the Marines left of us yelled.
"Unit 44, Ready!" The one in front yelled.
"All troops, engage the Straw Hats!" They were closing in all round them.
"Gum Gum Gatling Gun!" Luffy had knocked out all the Marines in front of them, and then they were off once again.
"Don't let them escape! After them!" They were still chasing after us. More Marines had appeared out of nowhere in front, but just like last time, Luffy sent them flying however this time it was off the side of a cliff.
"A dead end?" Zoro had stated as we were at the end.
"But we're out side." Luna pointed out to him.
"No, if we run along this cliff-" Gun fire had cut Luffy off, as the rest of us ducked for cover.
"Straw Hat, you've finally shown yourself!" Looking passed the rock we had hid behind, there, stood the Commander of Navarone, Jonathan.
"It's the Navarone Commander!" Usopp had shouting seeing him,
"Jonathan was his name, I think." Sanji wasn't sure.
"Old fortress guy, is that where you've been?" Luffy luckily changed the topic.
"Of course. This is my private room." Jonathan had informed him. Luffy had then jumped up to a rock that was closer to Jonathan.
"Ah, L-Luffy, Luffy!" Usopp had ran out from behind the rock but then realised what he had done. "Oops, gotta stay down!" He ran back behind.
"How about that? I rescued my friends." Although he couldn't have done it on his own. "It's like I said, old guy. When I'm ready to leave, I'll leave."
"Indeed. And now? Are you ready to leave?" Jonathan had asked him.
"Yeah, we're on our way out." Luffy had answered without hesitation and with complete honestly. Jonathan had only laughed amused with his answer.
"I wonder if you'll be able to escape from Navarone. Or should I say, escape from me." Jonathan stated.
"You won't capture us. We're pirates!" When Luffy said that, they all heard the sound of a cannon being fired and it was heading straight for them.
"RUN AWAY!" Following Usopp's lead, we had started running on the side of the cliff. The five had reached the bridge that Luna, Luffy and Sanji had used to get across before and had hid behind some rocks before they cross. "It looks like this place is unguarded." Usopp had peered over the rock towards the bridge.
"No, don't let your guard down! That old fortress guy is crafty." Despite saying that, Luffy has stood up over the rock.
"You're the only one letting your guard down!" Sanji had grabbed him, pushing him out of view.
"The ship is at Dock 88, so we need to cross over." Luna had informed the guys looking down below the bridge that had Marines on the land.
"But that route looks like it'll be troublesome." Sanji stated.
"What about up there?" Luffy tilted his head up to the actual bridge. It was completely unguarded.
"Looks like we can cross it!" Usopp said.
"That's pretty suspicious, though." Zoro had pointed out to them.
"Yeah, it's completely deserted. It's most likely a trap." Stating that, Luna looking behind them, seeing they had not been followed. She knew right away this was a trap...or maybe to give time of another plan.
"A TRAP!?" Usopp had sounded surprised, but it could only be a trap. But despite that...
"Either way, it's the same thing!" Luffy had already decided that they were leaving and that was that.
"Worrying about what'll be troublesome just causes more trouble." Zoro was smirking.
"It doesn't really matter what kind of trap it is." Sanji had stated.
"Let's just get this over and done with." Luna said not really worried either way. Luffy had token off, with Sanji, Zoro and Luna right behind him,
"Oi, Luffy! S-Sanji! Zoro and Luna too!?" Usopp was the only was still standing around and screaming. "I DON'T WANNA GO!" But despite crying, he still ran after them stating if they get caught in the trap, he wasn't going to save them and if he got caught, they better save him. "ANSWER ME!" It really was suspicious, there were no marines in site.
"I don't see anyone." Zoro and Luna peered outside finding behind the wall.
"I don't like it." She stated.
"If no ones here, there's nothing to worry about. Let's get going." Luffy was an idiot, but it's not like standing around here was getting them anywhere.
"O-Oi!" Zoro caled out to Luffy who had ran off.
"Wait a minute, Luffy, you numbskull!" But we still ran after him.
"Can't stop now, I guess." Sanji said after Usopp.
"What a pain." Was all Luna said running beside Zoro. They were half way across the bridge and Usopp was whining about how high it was and that it was scary. Luna couldn't help but think it was strange that there were bushes in front of the bridge, but who wouldn't when they had started shaking.
"Here they come!" Luffy had started getting excited after the Marines had thrown the bushes away showing themselves. However, they weren't just there, they also had been hinting under the bridge.
"Here they come!" Unlike Luffy, Usopp was more yelling in fear, "This can't be good!" He was shouting as he stated running after them. However, more Marines were behind them. They were surrounded on both sides, not to mention on the other bridge too.
"So that's what's going on." Zoro then stated they they might give us some trouble by the looks of them.
"This is so annoying." Luna started scratching her head out of frustration.
"No matter who tries to stop us, I've decided that we're gonna leave!" Luffy had shouted punching his to knuckles together.
"We, the hot wind unit of Navarone, will stop you here! Not one of you pirates will mask it across!" Luna began moving to the away as she thought of them a gross, big and sweaty, three things she hate about men.
"Enough with the huffing and puffing." Sanji told them while lighting a cigarette, "Let me enjoy a cigarette in peace before you try anything."
"Don't underestimate us!" The man from before shouted. "We are Navarone's combat corps!" He had suddenly started singing, and the marines all together stepped closer to group,
"Let them feel the hot wind of our soul!" The group had started singing.
"That looks like fun! Like this, right?" Luffy was trying to copy them.
"ATTACK!" Now they had started charging for us. Next thing Luna did was jump out of the way of some soldiers that appeared from below as they tried to grabbed her.
"Gatling Gun!" As more charged Luffy attacked.
"ZORO!" Usopp was running back like the coward he was.
0stay our of the way!" Zoro yelled back running passed Usopp.
"Yes, sir!" Luna was leaping from side to side dodging the soldiers attacking her.
"Get a life." Luna ended up telling them, but they still continued. "Fine, If you won't stop then..." She pulled back her arm to sending an upper cross to a marine's chin before grabbing onto the whip he had a hold of. She then used that whip and made contact with the rest Marines and sent a whole lot of them flying off the bridge. Without even realising it, Luna had gotten separated from the others. But that was a passing thought as she was attack again and dodged with a back flip. Luna leaped over the soldier and while the whip wrapped around his head before she throw him with it over her shoulders. That's when Luffy's leg came into sight as it stretched up to the sky. "That's not good." She had said knowing what Luffy's like and when the leg came down the bridge began falling apart beneath them. The only thing for them was to fall into the sea. However, they did make it to land without any more issues.
"Jeez.. you never think about what you're doing!" Sanji shouted while he had pulled Usopp up out of the water.
"I'm sorry." Luffy weakly apologise with half his body still in the water.
"Anyway, let's get going. Which way?" Zoro had asked Luna standing up.
"It's that way." She had pointed running off in that direction. They were running through the passageway towards Dock 88, with no idea what was waiting for them.
"Are you sure this is the right way, Luna?" Zoro had asked taking the lead.
"Of course it is." She had responded without hesitation and not long after they had ran out onto the Dock to only find them completely surrounded.
"Commence operation!" Guns were pointing at them from all over the place.
"This is great!" Sanji states ready to fight.
"So they really wanted to ambush us..." Zoro was ready to pull out his swords.
"I so saw this coming." Luna was saying not all that surprised.
"Seventh sniper troop, advance! Begin fire!" At what looks like the Lieutaud orders, they were ready to fire.
"So suddenly!" Usopp whispered.
"Gum Gum..." Zoro was about to pull out his sword and Sanji was about to dash the troops.
"Fire!" The guns had started shouting. Luna had seemed What Luffy was about to do and began stepping back
"...Balloon!" Which was smart since his inflation had pushed the other three out of the way and the bullets were sent right back.
"What the hell are you doing!?" Sanji and Zoro had snapped at Luffy.
"Twelth Cannon troop, advance!" This time, in like the troops before, these one had bazookas pointing at them.
"Bazooka?" Zoro said after clicking his young.
"This is so annoying." Luna was saying once again raising her hand up, as smoke was coming from it only till Luffy knocked her over.
"Fire!" They had fired the shells.
"A dud?" Luffy asked as they were looking down at shells. This gave Luna have a closer look at the shells and when she realised was they were, her eyes had widen.
"Wait... those are..." She couldn't help but close her eyes as a blast of light exploded.
"Shit! What's this, my eyes hurt!" Sanji was in pain
"My eyes are sparkling, I can't see!" Luffy was crying, but it was because the shells were filled with tear gas.
"This is tear gas!" Usopp had shouted informing them, not that Luna didn't know that already.
"Sword troop, advance!" The Sound of swords and foot steps snapped Luna back towards were She had saw the troops. "Charge!" Next then a man appeared above her, which she dodged, but another showed up and another.
"Get lost." Luna had simply waved her hand across with the whip that sent them off, since the tear gas didn't seem to have any effect on her.
"Here!" Luna caught something that Usopp had throw at her, opening my hand she saw he had thrown her a pair of goggles. But since she didn't need it there was no point in them . With that Usopp save Sanji from an attack.
"I'm fine!" He told Sanji wearing his goggles.
"Yeah! You've got something good there." Sanji has smirked towards them, seeing what he were wearing.
"Take this." Luna had throw the googles she had been given.
"Tatsumaki!" Zoro seemed to not be having promised despite his eyes closed as he sent Marines flying. "Covering my eyes is useless, on the contrary of idiot lovely eyebrows." Sanji became irritated at that.
"Gum Gum... Gatling Gun!" Luffy throw a bunch of strong fast punches at the Marines that had started charging at us, "and..." Luna had quickly hit the deck to duck. "...Whip!". As his leg had stretched and sling like a whip. "Not a big deal! Huh? Where are Sanji and Zoro?" Luffy had asked looking around, but Luna had an idea of what happened to them.
"You took care of them yourself!" That was right, Luffy and his stupid sent Both Zoro and Sanji flying off with the Marines.
"At least think before acting." Luna had looked to the Captain with her arms crossed.
"Ah, Sorry." Was all he said looking over to Zoro and Sanji that were now sitting up.
"You shitty idiot! Oi, green algae! What did you just say!?" And now Sanji was starting to pick a fight with Zoro and they had began throwing kicks and swords at one another.
"Hey you two, why are you fighting!?" Usopp had asked them pissed off. Luna was unimpressive as Luffy was laughing completely amused.
"Fire!" With in seconds they didn't really see what had happened but Luffy was in a net on the ground.
"What? Damn, I can't get out of this!" He yelled.
"Luffy!" As Usopp was about to go help him...
"Don't move an inch, you fiends! The wanted posters request you dead or alive. To capture alive is one of the basic rules in G8. But! If you continue resisting further, I can't guarantee that." All guns were locked on the others, since unlike Luffy, they couldn't reflect bullets. Luna could catch then but it might be difficult for so many.
"Oi, Luffy, can't you somehow take that net off?" Usopp asked him panicking.
"About that... I can't move it at all... it's like I've had no strength for a while..." Luffy was sounding tired.
"It's Sea prism." Luna informed him closely looking at the net.
"Sea prism?"
"What?" Zoro and Sanji were shocked.
"That's right. It's perfect for a Devil Fruit user. An imprisoning net! How's that, Straw Hat?" This was bad. they were in a tight shot with no way of getting out. The gun men were even closer then before and they had the fingers on the trigger, waiting for the group of pirates to make a move.
"Shit... there are so many left after beating such a large amount of them." Sanji wasn't hazed at all.
"You would be better off to resign, it's absolutely impossible to escape." It was in that moment out of nowhere Usopp was sent flying.
"Pachinko!" He screamed and right there at the entrance, was Nami in a nurses outfit. Luna and Zoro both looked at her, unsure was to say or think.
"What's this!?" Nami shouted upon opening her eyes to see the scene in front of her.
"Ah? That sound was..." That's when Chopper stuck his head out from under a blank on the medical cart and looked down.
"This is the end..." Usopp was beaten up completely.
"Usopp!!" With that, Chopper grew big picking him up. "What horrible wounds! Those are serious injuries! They were done by the Marines, right? Bastards!"
"No, no, no." Zoro and Sanji said to him.
"What is it, you fiends!?" The major shout upon having his man snap him out of his stunned state. A scream that was more like a sonic blast echoed loudly through the whole 0lace, causing both the crew and the Marines to go completely deaf.
"What are you doing all of a sudden!?" Nami was the first to snap out of it as she screamed to a woman that had short wavy purple hair. She had been the one screaming. The woman was wearing a white lab coat with a pair of round glasses.
"We were made hostages!" She ignored Nami as she screamed. "Please save us! We were forced to come here while being menaced!"
"Doctor Kobato..." Chopper only looked at the woman confused as he held Usopp over his shoulder.
"That big guy is a member of the pirate crew!" Nami had then screamed along with the woman, Kobato.
"Wait a second! Why are you saying I took you as hostages?" Chopper was shouted confused at the two of them woman screaming loudly.
"What's this, whats this?" Zoro had asked Sanji and Luna looking at the scene being played out in front of them.
"Who's that lady?" Sanji asked also watching.
"Don't know..." was all Luna could say, she seemed a bit unsure of what else to say.
"Eh? What are you saying!?" Chopper was still asking. The Marines on the other hand weren't making a move.
"Since the hostages are there, we can't move carelessly." Luna glanced over her shoulder towards the Marines. This was their chance.
"Fiends, such a cowardly method. That's why pirates are..."
"That big guy, he was the new doctor in the infirmary. He's carrying one of their crew, there shouldn't be any error." Luna knew this was the perfect chance to get away now.
"That's right!" Chopper caught what the Mariners had been saying. "I'm the one who makes crying children shut up, Violent Mad Man of the Straw Hat crew!" Zoro applause to Chopper looking up at him as if he was a father proud of his son, as he was acting big and scary. "If you don't listen to what I say, the hostages will lose their lives!" As if on qua Nami and Doctor Kobato screamed in fear. "Hora! Will you just stand there and refuse to let us pass?"
"I see."
"Interesting." The other's were catching on quickly.
"Hurry up! If you don't, I'll break those woman's necks!" He yelled as if Chopper really would do it.
"That guys really will do it! He's even scarier to deal with than us." Zoro joined in on the act.
"Will you, protector of justice, let two cute ladies be butchered to death right before your eyes?" Sanji smirked as Nami and Doctor Kobato shake the heads wildly.
"Or will you let us pass?" Luna crossed her arms under her chest standing high and proud. The leader was shaking furiously.
"Chopper, it's weird! You've become a barbarian!" Luffy was the only one that didn't understand that this was an act.
"You stay quiet please!" Nami hissed over at him. Chopper then started yelling loudly like a wild animal.
"We'll he killed!" Doctor Kobato screamed after him.
"Please listen to this person's conditions!" Nami had shouted in fear.
"Withdraw every soldier..." he had finally ordered, "Everyone drop your weapons and retreat! Drop you stance! Sniper unit, put down your guns!" At those orders the Marines had started moving back.
"Oh, didn't it go well?" Sanji asked.
"That would be nice." Zoro however, didn't believe that.
"I don't trust them as far as I can throw them." Luna stated watching them closely. Sanji didn't understand what the two of them meant, Zoro didn't explain as he draw is sword and freed Luffy from the net.
"You saved me, Zoro..." he was then picked up by the man, holding him up. The Marines had made a path for the crew to walk through.
"As you can see, we let down the guns. So, won't you please release them?"
"Yes! It went well!" Nami whispered in excitement. "Hey, Chopper." Nami had elbowed him, notice he was just standing there.
"No! We won't release the hostages until we're safely away!" Chopper continued his part.
"Bastard!" That's when Luna notice a man whispering to the Major, "Don't just stand there! Hurry up and board your ship!"
"What a manly saying... I wonder it it's for real." Zoro said.
"I would watch out." Luna muttered to him and he nodded in agreement.
"Get a grip on yourself!" He then shouted at Luffy who was still weak. The group had then started walking towards the ship, Luna was helping Zoro with Luffy, while Chopper was behind them with Usopp over his shoulder. Nami and Doctor Kobato were walking next to Chopper, while Sanji was guarding the rear. Luna was the first to spot him
"Pirate Hunter, Carrots, Reindeer, Lovecook." The four them had looked over to her. "As some as I give the signal run for the ship. Straw Hat, you need to stretch your arm and get us all on the ship." She had told them
"It's alright." Luffy told him.
"I see..." Sanji understood what was happening, Zoro looked at the corner of his eyes seeing the men moving in the crowd. The tensions were running high with the crew as they kept their guards up watching the Marines, and then something fell they had completely tensed up and turned behind them.
"Oops, I shouldn't have." A marine had dropped his gun and went to pick it up.
"What is it? Please don't scare us!" Nami said to him. Their didn't realise that a soldier had snuck before and tried to grab Nami, but luckily she got freaked out and knocked the guy out.
"Idiot! He's an ally!" The Major shouted at her.
"Damn, Nami!" Sanji shouted looking over to her. Luna let go of Luffy and ran over to Nami.
"Everyone get on the ship!" Zoro shouted back to them.
"Now, Straw Hat." Luna whispered into Luffy's ear.
"It's not over! All hands prepare to fire!" With that, the Marines had started to charge at the crew.
"No choice but to fight, huh?" Zoro stated as Luffy stretched back his arm. Luna and Sanji were blocking off Nami from the Marines as Chopper and her were screaming in fear. However, everything stopped once the sound of creaking turned their hands towards the Going Merry, which had began to move back into the sea.
"Oi, Everyone! We're getting on!" With Luffy yelling that, Sanji, Chopper, Nami and then Luna felt something hitting their backs, sending flying to the ship.
"Are they alive?" Zoro asked Luffy worried.
"Next is Zoro and me!" Luffy pulled Zoro closer smirking.
"What!?" But Zoro on the other hand was sweating badly panicking. Unlike the others, Luffy and a Zoro Both went head first into the side of the ship, but they did make it on. Finally, they were back on the Going Merry and into the ocean.
"Bastards! Don't let them go! All troops engage fire!" The major was screaming.
"But there is still a hostage!"
"Just fire them!" Their had fired but they were missing by miles as Luffy was laughing.
"We did it, Merry!" Next then Luffy's head was knocked to the side by Nami's weapon where Sanji smashed his foot down on him.
"It's the same every time, don't you have a better way to do it!?" Sanji's face was red from the impact he suffered from the ship.
"Normal humans can't withstand it!" As was Nami's face. "Now, Everyone, wake up, wake up!" Luna had sat up rubbing her face in pain.
"I am so going to kill that rubber freak." She told herself as she now stood up and started running around on Nami's orders helping setting sail.
"Why are we sailing near the cliff?" Zoro had asked completely frustrated.
"Are you dumb?" Luna had stood next to him asking.
"If we passed through the middle, we would have been caught in a pincer attack, wouldn't we?" Nami had explained to him. "We'll only have to deal with one side this way."
"Does that answer you question?" Luna asked walking off to the side of the ship. There were also missing Robin still.
"Where is this?" Usopp had finally woken up.
"Ah! You woke up." Luffy stated.
"Huh? How did I get on the Going Merry?" Usopp still seemed out of it.
"Like this and like that." Luffy's explanation was really helpful.
"I see, Nami was taken hostage. That's great!" But somehow Usopp understood.
"Isn't it?" Nami sounded proud of herself.
"You're great at tricking people." With that, Usopp got himself a knock to the head.
"You should have seen that one coming." Luna was saying to him since it was obvious.
"But why did the ship start moving by itself?" Someone had asked since no one was on the ship
"Ah, it's probably the old man from the dock." Usopp answer as if he knew.
"What's that?" Zoro had asked him.
"That's how I feel it went..." Usopp just answered him.
"You're not making any sense." Lu a told him right out.
"Ah, I love Nami in a nurse outfit too!" What was it that Sanji didn't love about woman.
"We got out of there, but what are we going to do without any fortress or ocean map?" Nami had turned around to Luna.
"What? I only got time to memorise the air ducts and bits and pieces of info." She turned her head away from her. "That's why I wanted to act after investigating. Those idiots." She was talking about the guys being caught.
"Oh, Robin!" Sanji was looking up as he had spotted her swinging towarded the Going Merry. "So Cool!" When Robin had landed in the ship, she had brought and handed a piece of paper over to Nami.
"It's the fortress' map!" Nami yelled after opening it up in front of the ship.
"I thought it'd be useful when it came to escaping." Robin had stated to her.
"As expected of Nico Robin." Luna said looking over the shoulder of Nami looking down at the map.
"You are my only ally Big Sis!" Nami had began to spark and Robin looked a bit uncomfortable as she smiled at Nami.
"Is that so?" The ship had started shaking wildly causing Luna to lose my balance falling over the rails.
"Got you!" She ended up being caught in Zoro arms, which she had got out of immediately.
"They started firing!" Luffy stated the obvious.
"Is it okay even if we have an hostage onboard!?" Usopp was shouting scared.
"They're not completely dumb, they would have figured it out by now." Luna was telling them as more cannons were being fired.
"Eh!? That's why they're attacking us?" Usopp was asking but it was pretty obvious that was the case.
"This is this fortress' exit and entrance." Nami said looking over at the gates ahead. "Usopp, you go prepare the cannon's supplies. Chopper, don't misunderstand my orders."
"Understood." Chopper had responded.
"If this is the only exit, we don't have any other choice but to pass by force... the only thing I don't like is that there are a lot of shallow parts on the map. It's the contrary with the port. Why at such a place?" Nami was muttering. Luna thought back to the reports and documents that she had been through, something about this was off. Seeing the map She could shake off the feeling that something was missing. It wasn't long before they were about to reach the gate when Usopp came running back up to deck telling us there was no cannonballs.
"What did you say!? There isn't even one cannonball?!" Nami was screaming down at him.
"That's right! There aren't any cannonballs or any gunpowder boxes down there!" Usopp had explained.
"If we think about it, it's obvious." Robin said,
"Yeah, the Marines took them after all." Luna said agreeing with Robin.
"What are we going to do? We won't be able to break through the entrance gate this way!" Usopp was freaking out.
"It means we have to cut through it." Zoro said leaning against the wall across the ship.
"It'd be nice if we could control the opening device." Sanji was sitting above him.
"Don't say it as if it's easy!" Usopp had told them.
"It's alright!" Luffy shouted sitting on Merry's head grinning back at them. "I have a good idea!" When Luffy has an idea, it never ends well. The cannons that were in front of the ship fired all at the same time. "Gum Gum Ballon!" Luffy had in flatted after jumping up, the cannonballs that had been fired Luffy caught in his inflated stomach, he hit the sail and then sent the cannonballs flying at the gate. It was a giant explosion that impact was just as huge.
"He did it!" Usopp shouted.
"I see! We had that possibility!" Nami was happy with that. "Now, we'll continue this way..." Nami had then suddenly screamed and ran down the stairs.
"Carrots, is something wrong?" Luna asked her, as she slammed open the door to below deck.
"Nami?" Usopp looked over to her.
"We're done for! The treasure is gone!!"

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