Arriving on Goats Island!

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It had been weeks since the Going Merry had left Alabasta and not long after Luna had joined. Yet, the crew still finds themselves in the middle of trouble even on a warm summer day as a fleet of Marines were firing at them none stop. "Hey! If we don't do something, they're gonna sink us!"Nami shouted down at the other members of the crew who seemed to be acting like nothing was happening
"I'm hungry..." Luffy was whinnying loudly.
"Me too..." Chopper had joined in on the whining. Nothing was out of the ordinary with Robin reading a book each. While Luna was just sitting down acting like nothing was happening.
"Don't the Marines know when to quit?" Zoro asked sitting on the lower deck while cleaning his swords.
"Can't you catch anything?" Luffy asked Usopp, who was fishing for food.
"It's not that I can't catch anything. We're moving way too fast." Usopp told him.
"At this rate, we're either going to dehydration or starve to death..." Chopper said. But the one at fault was Luffy for He ate all the food in storage.
"Robin, Luna, your after noon tea." Sanji walked to both woman with a tray. "And as a special treat, two Mille Feuille."
"Thank you, Mr Cook." Robin thank him.
"Whatever." Luna said taking the plate, but noticed Luffy drooling over the snacks.
"I want a snack too!" Luffy said.
"Where the hell were you hiding those!?" Usopp had snapped at Sanji, and the three of them ran at Sanji.
"Hey!" He stopped them with his foot and arm. "You morons keep your filthy hands off these!" Sanji told them, but they didn't stop as they yelled at Sanji to give them some. Robin then stopped Luffy and Chopper by using her Devil Fruit, the Flower Flower Fruit that creates multiple arms sprout from their bodies to tickle them. Thats when cannonballs were getting closer to the ship.
"This is no time to be laughing!" Nami had finally yelled at the boys.
"Nami! Looks like we're got more to worry about then the Marines." Luna looked up from her book when Zoro yelled. "You'd better start navigating!" At the front of the ship was a large mist with had large rocks ahead of them.
"You don't have to tell me!" Nami shouted back. It was then when the Going Merry had entered the mist. The crew, or more the guys, were being ordered around by Nami, as Luna and Robin were just sitting. "Hard to port! Pull the main sail more to the left!" Sanji and Chopper were next to Nami pulling the ropes of the sails. They passed a huge rock and pulled out the fog. "We've cleared the fog." She said in relief.
"Oi, an island!" Usopp, Who was in the crows nest shouted looking to the island, "I see an island!"
"Maybe there'll be food!" Luffy yelled, happily, ass they got closer to the island. They finally docked on the island, and were on land looking around, not knowing they were being watched. They started climbing the rocks up to the island and walking through the jungle.
"Maybe this island is uninhabited." Robin had stated looking around. The crew continued walking till they heard a small sound, of a goat. They looked up to see a small baby goat eating.
"A goat!" Chopper yelled shocked.
"M-MEAT!" Sanji, Usopp And Luffy shouted, looking like demons, chasing after the poor thing. "MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!" The rest of the crew chased after the three, to a clearing, as the three got closer to the baby goat, Nami stood in front of them.
"Now just hold on!" Nami yelled at them, "Even if you're hungry, you can't eat that cute little goat!" She told them. The little baby goat baa again.
"Looks like your cute little goat's friends have us surrounded." Zoro flicked up his sword, ready to fight. Nami was confused until a bunch of goat, a lot bigger than the baby one, and these ones looked a lot meaner, as the surrounded the crew.
"It's a trap!" Chopper yelled. "He lured us into a trap!"
"Oh really? What gave you that idea?" Luna sarcastically asked him rolling her eyes, watching the goats as they started charging at them.
"No choice, I guess." Zoro pulled out his sword.
"Don't kill them, Zoro!" Chopper shouted to him. Zoro turned to him of them confused, Chopper explained they weren't bad, because he could tell. Blocking the goat that charged at him with his sword, Sanji tried kicking them in the air, but they were to fast.
"Tabascho Star!" Usopp shoot at one of them, but they kicked it back into Luffy's face which burned his eyes. "The goat deflected it..." he said in disbelief. Luna had goats charging at her, but as soon as they were about to attack her, she glared at them and they instantly came to a stop. It made sense since they felt the blood lust coming off of her.
"I guess animals know danger when they Sense it." Robin stood behind her chuckling.
"Hmph. At least they know where they stand." She flipped her hair. Chopper mean while, wasn't fighting them, despite them ready to charge.
"Wait! We're not here to eat you! I swear!" He told him smiling nervously. "But, why did you lure us into this trap?" He asked them. One of the goats started talking to Chopper. "Eh? Someone ordered you to do it!?" When Nami, she looked back to Chopper asking who? "STOP!" Chopper started running towards the goats.
"Numbskull, stay out of the way!" Zoro shouted at him, holding a bunch of goats back with his swords.
"It's dangerous!" Nami also shouted to Chopper, the goats then started charging at Chopper.
"STOP IT!" Chopper had shouted changing forms. The goats' mouth wide open at Chopper. That's when a man fell from a tree. The man was a man with long gray beard and hairstyle. His arms were thin that were brown skin. He was wearing a dark captain's jacket over green overalls and a brown, striped shirt. He was also wearing a yellow sash around his waist and brown sandals. he looked up to Chopper.
"M-MONSTER!" He shouted at Chopper, pointing to him. The crew looked at him confused.
"Some weird old man fell outta the tree." Luffy pointed out the obvious.
"Chopper, is the guy who ordered the goats to attack us?" Nami asked him.
"Well?" Chopper looked down to one the goats asking, and two of them answered. Chopper then changed back. "They said he is!" Chopper answered. The old man started freaking out.
"He probably thought we were going to attack him." Zoro had said.
"Don't worry. We just need some water and food." Sanji smiled to the old man.
"I can't trust the word of a pirate!" The man yelled still pointing at them. "Let me tell you, there's no treasure on this island! I'm flat broke!" He yelled at them.
"No offence, but you don't like like someone with a lot of money." Usopp told him.
"You filthy pirates!" He was again yelled.
"You know, I don't want to hear that from an old man that looks like he hasn't had a bath in years." Luna said without carrying and had her nose blocked.
"Luna!" Chopper shouted to her, but she just flicked his hair.
"Even so, I will remain a man! You can go ahead and boil and roast me!" He told them.
"Oh really?" Sanji said cracking his nunchucks to the old man. "I'm a cook. Boiling and roasting are what I'm best at." Sanji said, joking.
"Wait! Wait! It was just a joke!" The man started yelling, backing away to then throw rocks. "You devils! Villains! Murderers!" The old man then jumped into the bushes to get stuck. Zoro walked over to him, and then sliced away. He sliced the branches that the old man was tangled and trapped in.
"Oh dear. Is he dead?" Luna had asked with her head tilted not even caring of what she just said.
"He fainted." Luffy looked down to the man that was unconscious.
"This crotchety old goat sure is faint-hearted." Usopp said. Chopper ran over to the old man, with Luna following behind him, Chopper started listening to the old man's heart to shot up.
"Oh no! His heart stopped!" Chopper yelled to the crew panicking. They all looked to Zoro and anger or disappointment backing away from him.
"Zoro!" Luffy yelled.
"Demon!" Usopp shouted.
"How horrible!" Nami said scared.
"Moss head!" Sanji called him.
"Meeh~!" The goat glared at him.
"NO! Wait...! I didn't...!" Zoro looked side to side. Chopped at this time was doing CPR to the man.
"I'm a Doctor!" Chopper explains to the goats. "Take us to the old man's house!" The crew ended up caring him back to his house, and laid him on his bed. The crew all watched silently at the old man that woke up.
"I thought I was dead. Can't let your guard down around pirates." He made it sound like it was their fault, which in a sense was but at the same time wasn't.
"Shut up! You fainted on your own!" Usopp said to him.
"Old Goat Guy, did your heart stop 'cause you were scared?" Luffy asked him.
"You get surprised every day on the Grand Line. How'd you survive so long with that tiny heart of yours?" Sanji had asked the man.
"Yeah, really!" Luffy laughed amused.
"What are you on about? A heart doesn't stop because of fear, the only thing fear does is speed up your heart." Luna told the two of them.
"But what a relief." Nami said to the old man. "There's nothing wrong with you." He then shot up off his back.
"What's a relief!? After that incident, which was all your fault." He started playing with the counter. "I won't be able to chop wood or draw water. This is a huge setback for me!" The guys started walking away before he could finish, "You had to compensate me at least 50,000,000!"
"Aren't you overestimating?" Nami asked fixing the count. "It can't be more than this." She said.
"That's too harsh." The man looked at her swearing. "Even if I'm feeling generous, it has to come to this the very least." He flicked the count again.
"After deducting Chopper's medical fees, it comes out to this." It went back to Nami.
"These young'ns are surrounding this poor old man like vultures... they're bullies." He started whining, he looked over his shoulder crying, looking at Nami. "Like they plan on killing me!"
"We're not trying to bully you..." Nami tried saying but the old man started crying again.
"I don't want to live a long life!" He cried.
"Please don't cry..." Nami tried stop him.
"Okay, old goat guy. We'll chop your wood and draw your water for you." Luffy told him, and he looked up grinning.
"Straw Hat boy, you understand! That settles it then!" The man grin creepily.
"Great, what has the idiot gotten us into now?" Luna had signed shaking her head. Just as Luffy had said, the crew were off doing the old man's chores.
"That old crackpot sure seems to hate pirates." Sanji said after chopping through a piece of wood. Luffy walked a passed him with a load of buckets. "Maybe he's bitter about something." He looked over to Chopper and Robin, who were feed the goats.
"The goats say he's the only human on the island. He washed ashore from somewhere and he's been with them for 20 years." Chopper translated to Sanji.
"20 years. That explains he's poor manners." Luna had stated sitting with one of her legs crossed over the other that had an elbow leaning over that extended up to a book in it as she was reading it
"20 year!? We meet someone else like that before..." Luffy then began to think back, while Nami watched him as she handed out wet sheets. That's when Luffy notice Zoro walking way. "Where's you going, Zoro?"
"I'm gonna find some food." Zoro had said looking back to him. "I doubt that crotchety old bastard will share any with us." Zoro explains.
"Okay! Make sure to bring back lots of meat! Meat!" Luffy shouted to him
"Don't make me hurt you!" He had started walking off then stopped looking towards Luna, who was walking over to him. "What?" He had asked her annoyed.
"Is it a crime to take a walk. I rather not be near someone like that." Her head had pointed over to the old man.
"Whatever. But if you're coming The you better do work." He had to her.
"I'll do as I please." She responded and they both began to head towards the forest.
"Have a safe trip, Luna~!" Sanji sang to her. "You better make sure she doesn't get hurt, Moss head!" Sanji then yelled at Zoro.
"Shut up!" Zoro had shouted back to him. It had been some time as Zoro and Luna were walking all over the island, climbing trees and going through bushes. "Do you think this should be enough?" He asked, Looking down to Luna from a tree.
"I guess, we couldn't find anything that was alive, so we don't have meat. However, the idiot can just deal with it." Luna caught one final piece of fruit Zoro throw down to her. "Let's head back." She said as Zoro jumped to the ground. Then they were heading back, Luna knew where they had to go, but with Zoro's bad sense of direction, she ended up chasing after him, all over the island. "I said left. Why do you keep going right?" She grabbed onto the back of his collar.
"Your directions are terrible!" He yelled at her.
"How can they be terrible, when your the one not listening?" She asked pulling him even more.
"I know where I'm going!" He once again yelled back.
"Like hell you do." She response not releasing him. They continued to fight and yell at one another till they came to a clearing, where something one would never expect to be there. "Why is that here?" Luna asked looking up at it. It was night fall when Zoro and Luna had come back.
"Finally made it back." Zoro had said wiping sweat of his head.
"This is because of you." Luna had stated back to him, which had made him glare at her. Not that she payed any attention to it.
"You guys still at it?" Zoro said noticing the crew were preparing food. They looked up to him.
"That old goat keeps finding chore after chore for us to do!" Usopp shouted from the roof with a hammer in hand.
"I'm worn out." Nami had said whipping her head, with Robin behind her, holding hay.
"I'm huuungry~!" Luffy then fell to the ground. That's when Zoro both placed two sacks of fruits and mushrooms they found. Once Luffy saw that, he was happily chopping down a piece of fruit, as Luna explained what they had found. "A pirate ship?" The crew, expected Chopper, had gathered around the two of them.
"It was pretty run-down, but there was a pirate flag on it." Zoro told them.
"Who made it?" Luffy asked a stupid question.
"It had to be that old crackpot." Sanji said.
"Why would he make a pirate ship?" Usopp had asked. Sanji asked Who cares.
"Maybe we're on to something." Nami gave her famous greedy smirk. The guys looked up to her. "Let's go have a look. On top of the mountain, right?" Nami had turned to look up the mountain, and then started running off, "Let's go!" With Usopp And Luffy running right after her, and Robin and Sanji walking after them.
"Wait, it takes a really long time to get there!" They all continued as Luna had completely ignored him and they followed after her. The truth was, Luna knew that it wasn't that long. Zoro only though that way because of his bad sense of direction, but it was only straight up.
"They were right!" Luffy had said was seeing the ship. The ship was just sitting there unfinished.
"It's kind of unsettling." Sanji was right, it being dark wasn't helping either.
"Like a ghost ship upon the mountain." Robin had said totally care.
"Robin. Don't say stuff like that." Usopp told her, his voice completely emotionless. That's when small lights appeared floating around the ship.
"What's that!?" Luffy asked.
"Don't eat me! I'm too young!" Usopp had yelled finding behind Luffy.
"Are you scared?" Luna looked up to Zoro who had spoken down to me
"Are you an idiot? Only an idiot would believe in ghosts." She had responded annoyed that had had said.
"They're just fireflies!" Nami had said walking to the ship. After flicking her hair, Luna followed after her on to the ship. The rest of the crew followed after them. On the ship we examined it, the timber was that of the trees on the island.
"He used nearby trees as lumber." Robin had said.
"But it look like he joust quit all of a sudden." Usopp had pointed out.
"Did that crackpot really build this?" Sanji asked.
"Who else could have?" Luna said sitting on the ship's side.
"I guess it's not here." Nami had came out of the cabin of the ship. We all had turned to Nami, with confused looks.
"What's not here, Nami?" Luffy asked her from above.
"The treasure." She simply said looking up at him, answering.
"Treasure?" The guys all had said looking at her even more confused.
"My instincts tell me that old man is really... a former pirate trying to hide something!" She started pointing to the crew.
"Pirate!?" The Guys weren't expecting that .
"I bet he was in a shipwreck and washed ashore alone on this island. And, to escape this island, he started building a pirate ship." Nami had explained her reasoning.
"But a former pirate going around hating pirates? That just doesn't make sense." Usopp had laughed at the idea.
"The coward's right, but then again..." Luna started saying.
"Then again?" Zoro had turned to me, her put up a finger pointing out an idea.
"He could just being saying that as camouflage." She had spoken her mind thinking about it.
"Luna's right! So we wouldn't get wind of his hidden treasure! I thought he was suspicious since I first laid eyes on his possessions." Luna, too, thought that, she remember seeing them in photos taken by the Marines, and saying it was stolen by a pirate. "Remember those valuables in the old man's hut? That was a pretty nice collection if you asked me." Luna had jumped down to the deck with the guys, to join Nami.
"Oh, Nami, that was brilliant!" Sanji yelled happily.
"You've got to be kidding!" Everyone was looking at Usopp, who was shrugging. "That timid old geezer is no pirate."
"But he could have been a really famous pirate!" Nami had yelled, "And anyway, look at this ship!" Nami throw her arm around the ship.
"There's no open path in front of it..." Robin had started saying, as she looked around the ship.
"And not to mention there's a cliff behind it." Luna finished looking behind the ship. "Whoever made it, sure wasn't planning to sail it." She turned back around to the others.
"Yes, if it was for escaping, why build it on the mountain?" Robin had turned to look to Nami, as did everyone else.
"Why, Nami?" The guys asked her together.
"W-Well..." she tried thinks, but there wasn't really a real reason.

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