With that its the End!

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After what had happened, Luna realised that she might have gone a bit overboard but Christen had it coming, bring up things that she wish to forget. One of many things actually. "Out!" Luna had looked up to find that she was being pointed to as well as the fishman that had then fell and hit his head and Christen that was shaking. She was completely stunned because she didn't hear anything.
"Even though the 'stop light' was napping, Capote, Christen and Luna were caught off guard! They're out of the game!" He was right about being caught off guard. But now what was Luna supposed to do? Just stand here? Not that she had anything better to do. Luna looked up to where the old guy was and saw that Porche, Hamburg and Chiqichteetah were almost to the top, but she don't know if it's lucky or not that Sanji was right behind them. "The four players in the lead are now within 100 meters of the 'stop light'! Will it be a mad dash to the end!? It'll be one of these four who touch the 'stop light'!" The crowd was cheering loudly.
"Come one, Sanji!" The moment Tonjit back was turned, they all began making a mad dash. Luna didn't care about what they were saying, but she saw Hamburg pull out an iron club from his pants and tried to strike Sanji with it. He ended up dodging but he looked like he was going to start a fight, stopping and staring at him. Hamburg had then pulled out another club and had headed right for Sanji.
"Hamburg intercepts Sanji!" That idiot, he should have just ran and ignored him. "Meanwhile, Chiqichteetah heads for the 'stop light' at the breakneck speed! Sanji has fallen right into Porche's trap!" That idiot! This was really bad! He was almost there. "Chiqichteetah rushes straight for the 'stop light' from behind!"
"Grachoo!" It was a sneeze and, Tonjit has his face back around and Chiqichteetah's wiping off the snot that got all over him. "Out!"
"Oh, my! It was just a sneeze! Tonjit hasn't started calling out 'red light, green light' yet. Has his speed backfired on him!? Chiqichteetah is out for jumping the gun!"
"Blast! Don't sneeze, Stop Light!" The crowd wasn't happy about the development.
"Both teams are closing in on the 'stop light'! At this distance, the next play should decide the game! Will the 'stop light' be touched by the duo of Porche and Hamburg?! Or will it be Sanji!? Which will it be!? This is the moment of truth!"
"It appears he's indeed calling out his line this time!" They were off again, but Hamburg wasn't making it easy, throwing his arm and iron club all over the place to strike Sanji, who was jumping and ducking, then out of nowhere had leaped over on top of Hamburg's nose, using him as a spring. Just as Sanji was about to touch Tonjit he had stopped. Sanji had then began running the other way. "Oh my! Sanji is turning back before touching the 'stop light'! What is he doing!?" He had then leaped off the side of the cliff where Porche was falling from. "Incredible! Sanji, the nefarious cook, has saved Porche!" Tonjit had turned around, "Hamburg is fighting to remain still! But Sanji is as good as out, despite having saved Porche! No, wait! There's Sanji! And he has Porche!" Luna ran over to the other side of the course and sure enough, there he was, holding Porche up in the water. "Not only that, Sanji is completely still, despite his current situation! He's not moving in the slightest! He's safe!" I can't tell if his cool or just an idiot. "Oh, his treading water! All while carrying Porche and keeping his upper body motionless! Just like a swan!" Maybe his kind of cool but Luna still say his an idiot. "He's kicking furiously beneath the surface while looking elegant above! As long as the 'stop light' can't see him moving, he's safe! Sanji is incredibly determined to win!" But how long he can keep that up for? "Sanji still has a chance to touch the 'stop light'!" Everyone was moved to tears but that was over the moment Porche had kissed on the cheek. "Oh! Both Porche and Sanji have dived underwater!"
"You're both out!"
"Yeah, his an idiot. I take back everything I thought about him." Luna stated standing up and moving away.
"He's began saying 'red light, green light' again. Those who are left are: Foxy team's Hamburg alone and..." Luna can't believe that the only ones left are the useless ones. Then again, I guess their doing better then the rest of us. Nami, Usopp and Chopper were running right for Tonjit, "the Hopeless members of Straw Hat team that we had forgotten about are about to touch the tagged! This sure is a surprise!"
"So, I wasn't the only one who thought that." Luna stated, only watching as they got closer and closer.
"It looks like we'll have an unexpected finish!" But when he said that, Hamburg had made it back in the path and a directionally challenged idiot, made it beside him. Zoro had sent him flying off towards the top. Luna was get a bad feeling about this. "Straw Hat team will win for sure!"
"Way to go! We won!" Luffy was cheering but just as they were about to touch him, they were crushed by Hamburg who ended up touching him,
"Hamburg is the one who touched the 'stop light'! The winner of the second match in the rematch is: Foxy team!!" The winner was clear, only because of an idiot.
"What? It's finished already?" And that was Zoro, who had made it to the top completely bored.
"IT'S FINISHED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Nami had snapped still underneath Hamburg
"WITH THE WORST POSSIBLE RESULT!" Chopper also had blow up.
"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, ZORO!" Usopp snapped as will.
"GO DIE!" Before Zoro even knew it, He was sent flying off into the water. Luna had came up from behind and sent him off with a kick. The firecrackers were going off once everyone had gotten back in shore,
"It's my turn, right? I'll win back all my crew mates!" Luffy was saying but...
"You're forgetting something important, Straw Hat!" Foxy had stopped him "Because you lost a second time, you'll lose one more besides Robin. But you can only win back one person in one match. Even if by any chance you win in the next match..."
"What are you trying to say, Splithead?" Luffy was glaring down hard at him.
"Split..." He had gotten depressed again.
"He's saying that even if you win the next match, you can only take one person back." Robin had finished it for him. By Luffy's reaction, he had completely forgotten about that fact.
"So whatever you do... you'll lose one crew member!" Foxy was laughing.
"Now Boss... please choose your new crew member!" The drumroll was rolling as he walked over to Chopper, the mask was placed in him and it was settled.
"I choose the reindeer." He had said,
"At least he didn't call him a raccoon-dog." Luna had stated.
"Choppy, I'll never let go of you again!" Porche was squeezing Chopper tightly and he had leaped into Robin's lap crying.
"Doctor, please don't cry." She tried to comforting him, and then looked to Porche at the corner of her eyes smirking.
"We're in big trouble..." Usopp was telling the others, watching,
"What will we do now, Luffy?" Nami asked him.
"Don't worry! We'll just have another rematch." He had stated really simply.
"A rematch? I'd rather not." Foxy had a giant smirk across his face, and the mood changed. "I'll tell you why the Foxy Pirates is called the strongest crew."
"The strongest?" Zoro had sneered.
"You've lost to us twice..." Usopp muttered.
"I never even heard of you till today." Luna stated right after them.
"Don't say that... before we met you guys today, we played the 3-coin-game 5 times with the Fanged Toad Pirates. We got too many injured. We're also running out of stamina and resources. In other words, we're already at our limit." He had explained to them, looking over to all the members that the Straw Hats had put the hurt on. "It doesn't matter how much you want it. I won't have another rematch! Quitting when you're losing, because we never accept a fight we can't win! That's what makes us the most powerful pirate crew!"
"No, it doesn't really." Luna was the only one on the crew that wasn't speechless.
"What an idiot. Openly declaring you're a loser." Zoro sounded really annoyed.
"I can't stand listening to a coward like him saying his crew's the strongest. Your strategy is for chickens." Sanji stated loudly and those comments only made Foxy fall to his knees again.
"How can you be so calm?!" Usopp was asking the four of them, "I don't wanna chose between Chopper or Robin!" He was saying to them. "Are you Okay with losing one of them?"
"Calm down, I'll take back both of them!" Luffy was shouting loudly.
"How are you going to take them back?" Sanji had asked.
"This is tiresome. Why don't we just cut them all down?" Zoro had asked as if it was the solution to everything.
"Because it's just a game... a game." Usopp had tried to tell him. As they were discussing it with one another, none of them notice someone walking over to Foxy.
"Oi Boss, let's talk." He looked up hearing someone talking to him, and there stood Luna with her arms crossed under her chest looking down at him, "Why not make this a six people-bet?
"Hey you! Stop acting on your own!" Usopp had snapped at her.
"Stop, let's let Luna handle this." Sanji had stopped him, watching.
"What?" Foxy had asked, not quite understanding what Luna had proposed to him.
"You said this game was about taking crew members from one another if you win, correct? But they need two of them, it can only be those two or none of them." She had titled her chin towards the stage at Chopper and Robin. "In other words, if we win... you give them both back to us. But if we lose... this whole crew will join you. What do you think? It's a fair deal, isn't it?" The only thing that came to Foxy mind what that Luna had a lot of guts bargaining with him. He knew that she was strong, along with Zoro and Sanji. Usopp could be useful and then there was Luffy with a 100 million beli bounty.
"Okay, I got it." Foxy was standing up, "I'll give you more than just two people. It's a 500 people bet. If you win I'll give you add another 500 people."
"Why 500 people?" Nami was stunned.
"500 people!? Boss has offered a 500 people bet! Will you take on the bet, Straw Hat?" All attention turned to Luffy.
"I don't need 500 people." He had said right away. "Are you guys stupid?" But before he could say anymore, both Sanji and Usopp tackled him to the ground,
"This is our chance! Why dint you accept the bet?" Usopp was frustratedly telling him.
"500 people can't board the Going Merry." He did have a point but
"It doesn't matter as long as we get back Chopper and Robin! It doesn't matter if it's 5 or 500." Sanji had told him.
"Ah, that's right." That was all that Luffy needed to be convince.
"Will you take on my bet?" Foxy asked him.
"Yes, of course!" He agreed to it.
"By the way, if team doesn't have 500 people, the remaining number of people will be taken from that team's descendants. In other words, your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on until it reaches 500 people. They will all have to be loyal to the Foxy Pirates." It was explained to them.
"Children?" Sanji had repeated and then imagined if he and Nami had a daughter. "Yes, what is it?" He had completely lost it.
"This bet turned out to have some strange terms." Usopp had stated ignoring the pair of them.
"Under the circumstances we have no choice." Nami had pointed out to him, "We just have to win! You got that, right Luffy?" All their eyes were on Luffy.
"Right! Leave  it to me!"
"It's okay to be excited. But to win against me in the final round is impossible. Be prepared to join my crew!" Foxy had told them all.
"I'd never lose a fight!" Luffy had yelled back to him.
"I've told you a thousand times... fighting is not the same as playing games." He left them with those words. With everything said and done everyone was getting ready for the final match. This being the last one completely.
"It's time for the final fight! First the arena had been decided! Both captains turned the cannon together. The field will be where the cannonball lands." At that, the cannon had did a 180, pointing to Foxy's ship.
"Wait a minute! That didn't look right!" Usopp had noticed.
"The field has been decided! Just by chance... it happened to be at the deck of our Sexy Foxy ship." Of course it wasn't by chance.
"No way that was by chance! Are you stupid?" Usopp was still yelling.
"I'll explain the rules for the fight. The centre of the arena with be where the cannonball landed. Everything within a radius of 50 meters counts as the arena. In other words it'll be a fighting ground with a diameter of 100 meters." Luna guess that it would be the size of the entire ship. "It's okay to use weapons, guns, as well as anything else you find within the arena. Only two fighters are allowed to enter the circle. By the way, the arena goes up into space and down into the water as well. To fall into the sea or fly out in space doesn't count as out." So in other words, as long as they stay in the arena anything goes. Which meant Luffy could win. "At the special stage... the flower cheerleaders are rooting for our boss. In the Foxy ship there's an opening performance fight. At the stands Davy Back Fight limited edition goods are for sale. Please take a look at them."
"I don't need any of that, just hurry up and begin the fight!" Nami had snapped.
"This is place becomes more and more like a festival with every round." Luna stated, looking around at more of the stands that were up.
"Thank you very much!" Luffy and Usopp had brought something one of the stands.
"There you go, a limited edition Foxy Pin-badge."
"Looks like they brought something useless again." Luna pointed out to Nami.
"Don't buy that stuff!" She had completely lost it with this place.
"Umm... Where's the fighter!" A man had came up to the pair of us asking,
"It's him, hurry up and take him out of here!" She had pointed at Luffy, yelling which seemed to scare the man that was asking.
"Why are you so upset?" Zoro was asking her as we began to walk over to him.
"Why aren't they the least bit worried? They're getting too into it." She was saying that it was annoying because they were acting just like that idiot, Foxy.
"That guy just wanted to increase his crew." Zoro had told her.
"I couldn't agree more, but he has plenty of them already." Luna ended up saying to him
"Anyhow, it's okay as long as Luffy wins, right Nami, Luna?" Sanji had that stupid look on his face for he ran off saying he was off to get drinks and told us to go ahead of him.
"You know, I have my doubts." Luna had looked off to where Luffy and Usopp had left to. "I mean, if he loses then you'll be joining his crew."
"Wait, why do you sound like you won't?" Nami had asked her.
"I'm not bounded by such pointless things like loyalty." She stated not even hesitating to say that.
"What do you mean?" The orange hair girl had asked not understanding what was said,
"Hopefully one day you will understand." Luna left while saying those words. It was unclear how much time had passed since Luffy and Usopp left but it was finally time for the fight to begin.
"Preparations are complete! This ends the opening entertainment! Thank you for your patience! Now for today's main event... Combat! The bell will ring shortly!" The crowd around the crew had began to go wild but that wasn't what Luna attention turned to. She was unsure to why but a giant shadow had began to cover over everything. Looking up, She saw that the clouds had began to stretch across the sky, causing it to go black.
"What's going on?"
"Nami! Luna! Where are you!? Say something!" Before Sanji had the chance to finish, because he was on the ground.
"Watch where you're walkin', crappy cook." They were going to go at it again, or at least until the lights turned on, and a hologram reflected onto the clouds. They were both the wanted posters of Luffy and Foxy.
"This time we're being treated to a captain-versus-Captain battle!"
"Beat 'im up, boss!"
"We're counting on you!"
"First, in the left figurehead corner...!" Smoke had began to appear out of the left ear of the fox head. "A man who takes on all challenges and boats a legendary, undefeated record of 920 wins and 0 losses!" The crowd was going wild, "Our Boss, Silver Fox Foxy!"  When he removed the cloak he was under, he looked ridiculous.
"Where's Straw Hat!?"
"Did he wimp out on us!?"
"And in the right corner, hailing from the East Blue! The leader of a miniscule pirate band with a 100 million beri bounty... Straw Hat Monkey D. Luffy!"
"Why does he look like that?" Zoro, Nami and Sanji were shocked to see that reveal of Luffy. It made sense as he had a Afro on his head and he seems a bit off.
"Wow! The afroed Luffy is all fired up in the right corner!"
"Lookin' sharp, Luffy!"  Sanji was saying like it was a good thing.
"Are you kidding me?" Zoro wasn't impressed.
"I don't even care if they lose anymore." Luna had sighed turning away with no interest.
"Both fighters have stepped onto the battlefield! Can Straw Hat successfully knock out boss out of the circle and protect his crew and pride!? Or will our boss' legendary undefeated streak stop him of everything he has?! This is final and fateful combat round of the Davy Back Fight is about to begin! But first, a word from our sponsors." The sky had cleared.
"Hey, Straw Hat! Nice fashion!" The guys didn't mean to compliment him and had changed to, "Your butt is as good as kicked!"
"Keep your arms tucked in and show 'im your golden right punch!" Usopp was shouting from above.
"Whoa! His brotherly soul is burning red-hot!" Sanji was going on.
"What does that even mean?" Luna could only sigh in shame.
"Letting Usopp Be His corner man was a mistake." Zoro seemed like he had given up winning.
"I wish he'd take this seriously..." while Nami cried.
"Hey! Not too shabby! What a wild style! Quite admirable, even if you are my opponent!" Foxy was telling them.
"I wouldn't act so confident if I were you, Champion!" Usopp was too into his character. Also, there was nothing champion about him. "He's liable to bite your head off! Better watch out!"
"All right, corner man! You're in the way! Scram!" That was fast.
"Whoa! My job as corner man is over already!?" Usopp was surprised about that as well
"Corner man, out!"
"Get goin' already!"
"You're absolutely right! There's no need for me to remain here either! I'll leave as well!" The announcer had gotten in his bird and fly up. The ground had then began to shake, or at least that's what I thought but it was the stand that was rising,
"What? The stands are...!" But as it got higher, it would become easier to watch what was going on.
"By sheer luck, this bout is talking place aboard the Sexy Foxy!" It wasn't by sheer luck though. "What kind of deadly struggle is about to unfold!? The two pirates are now all alone inside the spacious battlefield!"
"Keep your undefeated streak going!"
"Win, Luffy! You have to win!" Sanji was cheering loudly over the crowd.
"His beam! Watch out for his beam!" And Nami was trying to warn him.
"Excitement fills the stands! It's plunder or be plundered! 500 people are in the line in this final combat round of the Davy Back Fight! It's one match inky, with no time limit!" Foxy was jumping up and down. "Silver Fox Foxy versus Straw Hat Luffy! It's a head-to-head battle between these two pirate powerhouses! The fate of everything hangs in the balance! Here comes..." the bell had then rang beginning the fight, "... the starting bell!" The bell rang and the fight had began.
"Let's do it!"
"Yeah!" Luffy's arm began to pull back, "Gum Gum... Pistol!" That had then came back heading right for Foxy but
"Slow Slow Beam!" He had dodged and used his beam on his fist.
"Only my fist is slow!" He was moving his arm like a snake but his fist just wouldn't move.
"You're not so tough! You're all show!" Yeah, well that's the pot calling the kettle black, that was what Luna thought.
"What!? Come back!" Instead of his fish coming back, his body moved to it instead.
"Slow Slow..." Foxy was about to use it again as Luffy laid on the ground.
"Oh, no!" Luffy had jumped but it was nothing but a bluff and now Luffy was stuck in the air.
"Slow Slow Beam!" And this time Luffy was completely hit by it,
"He's floating! He's slow even when falling?" Zoro was asking as if he hadn't been paying attention to anything,
"I told him to watch out for that!" Nami was freaking out.
"I guess the only way to beat something like that is to reflect it." Luna had stated with her hand on her chin.
"Reflect it?" Zoro had echoed not knowing what she meant.
"It's like light." She turned to him. "Polished metal surfaces reflect light much like the silver layer on the back side of glass mirrors. A beam of light incident on the metal surface is reflected. Reflection involves two rays - an incoming or incident ray and an outgoing or reflected ray." When she had explained that, he just looked at her with a dumb look. Luna ended up rolling her eyes and just stuck to small words. "If Straw Hat finds a mirror he could reflect the Coward Captain's beam right back at him."
"Oh, that makes sense." She only sighed at the stupidity of the guys on her crew.
"Aww... Crap..." Luffy was saying extremely slowly as Foxy walked around him.
"What's the matter, Straw Hat? Ready to throw in the towel already!?" He found it amusing watching.
"Say..." while Luffy was trying k say something to him, Foxy had jumped onto my his stomach, "...what...?!"
"Nine-Tails Rush!" Foxy had began to deliver a flurry of punches to Luffy at a rapid speed,
"Oh! Our boss unleashes a fierce attack right off the bat! Straw Hat is helpless to do anything!"
"He isn't even budging..." however, it didn't looks like it was doing much,
"No, that's not true." Zoro ad stated to him.
"Yeah, my bet is that the effect is slow because of the beam, once it stops the full force of all the punches administered by Foxy will be released all at once." Luna had stared and which Foxy had stopped and gotten off of Luffy.
"That was just a little 'hello.' The punches themselves didn't hurt you too much. That much is obvious to me, rubber man!" He had then began to walk away.
"Darn... it..." Luffy was beginning to fasten up again as he came closer to the ground.
"Well, your thirty seconds are about up!" And once he said that, the punches had began to take their effect.
"No, Luffy!" Luna had stood up seeing Luffy beginning to fall overboard but as he was about to hit the water Luffy's arm stretched up high, grabbing onto the are of the figurehead. Those on the stand couldn't see anything, all that was possible for them was hearing the sound of explosions over and over again.
"What is this? What's going on in the fight?!" Luna stood up and turned around, knowing Robin and Chopper were sitting at the top.
"Oi, Nico Robin. What's going on?" She had asked the woman.
"Nothing but smoke!" She had answered her.
"Oh, yeah! The body! The body!" Usopp was saying for some odd reason
"Oh, Usopp!" Sanji had made all of us turn to see him standing there.
"Hey, what's happening with the fight?" Nami had asked him.
"Dunno, beats me." Was what he told her.
"Are you stupid?"  Luna had kicked him since he was acting like he could see what was going on and all but then giant explosion, one after another went off. They were so big that we could see the fire and smoke from them, it just wouldn't stop.
"E-Explosions suddenly rock our ship... which just happens to be the battlefield...caused by Foxy Face Bombs That also happened to be loaded...!" It was explained, but what's a Foxy Face Bomb? Luna's guess would be something stupid.
"Making their ship the battlefield is such a dirty trick!" Nami was shouting.
"What did you expect?" Luna had honestly asked her.
"Hey! Luffy! What's going on!?" Usopp had began to cry.
"Simmer down!" Sanji had told him, grabbing onto his shoulders
"Using this is to his advantage,  our boss succeeded in blowing up Straw Hat Luffy with a cannon attack! Is it all over for him!? He's nowhere to be seen! Indeed, it was a-!" He had began to say as if he was speaking to someone else. "What!?" The announcer had suddenly screamed, "Straw Hat Luffy is... alive! He somehow evaded the close-Range cannon barrage! What speed! I-Is this the true power of a man worth 100 million beri!?"
"Of course it is!" Usopp had cried over the crowd.
"Just finish 'im already!" Sanji was also yelling over the crowd. Luffy had then jumped down.
"Oh! But it looks like out boss' next attack is already underway!" Even if he says that, they can't even see a thing. "From out of the resulting smoke screen comes out boss' disturbing laughter!" So, even his own crew find it to be like that, huh? "But where exactly is he?! What does 'Silver Fox' Foxy have up his sleeve this time!? There he is!" What was going on?
"There's Luffy!" Usopp had suddenly yelled, but it wasn't a good thing.
"Why'd he come out of there!?" Nami was asking after he had pooped out of the side of the ship.
"If he falls into the water, he loses." Luna was saying not even panicking but Luffy's arm had stretched up and he was back on the ship.
"Hang in there, Straw Hat!" The crowd belonging to the opposite team had began to cheer for Luffy now.
"What's this!? A Foxy pin eerily tautness Straw Hat Luffy after his narrow escape! The inside of the ship is our boss' playground! Will Luffy be lured in!?"
"That's a stupid question." Luna stated.
"No, Luffy! It's totally a trap! He obviously has a bunch of booby traps set!" Nami was trying to warn him, but he had jumped off where he was and we couldn't see him anymore.
"See, it was stupid to ask." Luna knew he would go after him, it was Luffy they were talking about.
"Straw Hat Luffy rushes right in! The battle has moved inside, but I can't enter to give the play-by-play! This is the true essence of this round: a solitary battle between two combatants!"
"Get up! Get up, Luffy! Remember your painful training!" Usopp was going on about, until I kicked his back.
"Would you just shut up already. It's hard to see with you standing." Luna told him, not that she could see anything now.
"Round #3 of this second Davy Back Flight-the combat round- is underway! What's happening now is anyone's guess, but there's no doubt truly epic battle is taking place inside the ship!"
"Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss!" Those idiots were cheering,
"Despite not being about to see him, the crowd cheers for our boss!"
"He ain't gonna lose!" Zoro had told those of us panicking.
"Of course not! He's Luffy! And he had afro!" Usopp had stated, but there was no need for the afro part.
"Being Luffy is more than enough." Sanji had told him. "That damn fox."
"What's so special about an Afro? Does it power you up or something!" Nami was completely confused.
"This is taking longer than usual..." The guys behind them had began to talk.
"Well, the guy is made of rubber."
"He's made of rubber and had afro!"
"Seriously, whats That have to do with anything!?" She ended up repeating.
"Luffy will win us back...!" Chopper was saying above them.
"Yes. He does have that afro and all." Even Robin was saying that.
"Not you too, Robin...!" After such a long time of not knowing what was going on, something exploded and grey smoke was coming off the deck of the ship.
"Oh, my! There's activity on the deck! Who has the upper hand!? Or could the fight be over now!? I see two figures! Our cross is the ins still standing!"
"Boss!" All of them had shouted
"Meanwhile, Straw Hat is charred black! He seemed to have taken some seriously heavy punches!"
"Luffy!" Usopp cried.
"That's impossible..." Sanji was finding it hard to believe
"How could some simple punches burn him!? What did he do!?" Nami was asking, it was clear that they weren't just punches.
"Straw Hat Luffy is up! Just when it seems he was down for the count, he got back up!"
"It's the brotherly soul! Afro power!"
"Kick his butt, boss!" Foxy had pulled something out, kind of like a whip but it was the same colour as his beam and it wrapped around Luffy's arms and legs.
"Megaton Nine-Tails Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush! Rush!" It was to much to watch as Luffy was sent flying after the effects stopped.
"He's down for sure this time-no, wait!"
"Luffy!" He was getting up.
"Straw Hat Luffy is up!"
"Whoa! Who is this guy!?"
"It's gotta be the afro! Is it the Afro's wildness!?"
"Slow Slow Beam!" Foxy had sent another one and then began his Megaton Nine-Tails Rush again.
"Dammit, that's not fair! That beams against the rules!" Usopp was shouting as if he were the coach of Luffy.
"Usopp!" Zoro had to hold his arm, stopping him from jumping off.
"Whoa! This looks like the end...!" The mast had began to fall down as did Luffy.
"He's beating him to death out there!" Usopp was still crying but then...
"Oh!? Again...?!"
"I won't... let you have... a single member of my crew... even if it costs me my life!" Luffy was all batted and buried yet he was still fighting. Luna eyes were widening at the sight she was seeing. She wondered why he was going so far so something so pointless? She couldn't understand how human's think.
"Straw... Straw Hat Luffy is on his feet once again!" The announcer had began to cry, "with great drive, Straw Hat Luffy gets back in his feet yet again! Even after countless knockdowns... he just gets right back up!"
"Luffy!" Usopp was crying out.
"He's unsteady in his feet!"
"Luffy!" Nami had also cried out.
"And he's out of breath!"
"This guy is incredible!"
"And yet... he still stands tall with a glimmer in his eye! All for his friends! Yes! Now this is a Davy Back Fight! I'm so tears-eyed I... I can't see straight!"
"Luffy!" Usopp was the first one to cheer.
"Luffy!!" Then The announcer.
"I'm moved to tears!"
"Afro dude!"
"Luffy! Luffy! Luffy!..." And then everyone else had began doing it.
"A Luffy chant comes up from the crowd! Had there ever been any other foe who's given our boss so much trouble!?" They were cheering over and over again.
"What do you idiots think you're doing, cheering the enemy on!?" Until Foxy had snapped at them.
"Boss!" Which had then started his chant. Foxy had then pulled out the same whip like thing from before, aiming for Luffy who had began running from it only to be hit anyway.
"Damn! He hasn't got enough strength left to run!?" That's when he pulled something, setting off a cannon and for some reason used his beam in it,
"Our Boss makes the first move! He starts by slowing down a cannonball!" And this strange thing came out of nowhere sitting on the cannonball. "There it is! Our boss' cannonball stunt flying! He's going for the finishing blow aboard the Foxy Fighter!"
"Luffy! He used a beam on you just before the ball! Dodge as soon as you can move!" Sanji was shouting at him but Luna didn't think was going to be that simple.
"The Beam wears off in Straw Hat just a moment sooner!" Luffy had gotten up and began running but the Foxy Fighter had changed direction and Foxy's fish landed in Luffy's face sending him off into the wall.
"Luffy! Look out!" Usopp was trying to warn him, but he looked like he lost consciousness as the Foxy Fighter was heading right for him which then exploded.
"He got him! All of his attacks nail Straw Hat!"
"What's with him!? He didn't have to go that far!" Nami was right, this was too much.
"H-H-He's... he's back up!" The smoke had cleared and Luffy was standing up again.
"How...?!" Luffy had fallen down, but got up but then for some reason he had bent down. Luna saw a glimpse of what he picked up.
"Is something wrong, Luna?" Nami had turned to her asking.
"Luffy seemed to have picked up something interesting down below." She could help but say.
"What?" Zoro had been the one to ask her
"Do you remember what I said about the beam?" She had asked him, at first, he was confused but when his eyes widen, he understood what she was getting at. "The moment he uses his beam, he's done." The two of them had began running at each other. They were throwing punches left and right, up and down.
"Such intensity! The combatants now exchange an even more ferocious flurry of punches!"
"Slaughter 'im, Luffy!" Usopp was screaming.
"Beat him!" Chopper as well.
"Their barrages didn't stop! They just keep going!" Luna knew he was about to use his beam, because Luffy had began to hit him.
"What the...?" Usopp was unsure what had happened.
"He stopped moving..."
"S-Straw Hat has been knocked down! No! Strike that!" He had began to say but then took it back. "Straw Hat is the one who's moving! Just what has transpired?!"
"How!?" Nami had asked confused.
"How!? As did the rest of the crowd.
"A mirror! A mirror fragment has fallen from Straw Hat's hand!"
"A mirror? I don't understand." Usopp had said, tilting his head to the side.
"It's simple really." Luna stated and then began to explain to the crew, "That's the beams weakness. Like light, it'll reflect off of anything that is made of silver layers."
"I get it now!" Nami had stated, looking back to the fight as did the rest of them. Luffy had began spinning his stretched out arm had had been sent into Foxy's face. Of course nothing happened because of the beam.
"Eight seconds to go." Zoro had said.
"Huh?" Usopp turn back around to him, "huh!?"
"Could this be what I think it is...?!" The crowd had began to notice what was going on, as Luffy had began to walk away without doing anything more.
"Seven." Sanji counted down
What?" Nami still didn't understand.
"Five!" Usopp had laughed. "What are you guys doing! Start counting too! Four!" He had turned to the crowd.
"Dunno! But it seems fun!"
"Three! Two! One! Zero!" Foxy had token off and Luffy did a victory cry at the top of the figurehead.
"Hurray!" Nami and Usopp had jumped shouting for joy.
"Our Boss is sent soaring!" He had fallen into the sea which was out of bounce.
"Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!"
"And he lands... outside the battlefield! The final combat round of the Davy Back Fight has ended after a heated, epic battle between the two captains! Our boss' legendary record of 920 wins and 0 losses has been snapped! Unbelievable, Victory goes... to Straw Hat Luffy!" Everyone had began to cheer with delight and both Robin and Chopper had came join to join us.
"Luffy! You did it!" Chopper was running around happy as he can be. The bell rang to end the match.
"Our boss... lost..." the Foxy Pirates were still shocked.
"Foxy Pirates versus... the Straw Hats!" As the announcer was saying all of this his crew had began pushing their way out of there seats to help their captain that was a Devil's Fruit user who fell into the sea. They were falling off the side one by one into the water. "This orthodox-rules, Three-coin game Davy Back Fight is now over!" But that all changed when the stand had began to fall because of all the weight moving to the front. At the end of the collapsed stand, it was surprising that no one was severely injured, all excluding Luffy of course.
"Geez, could you have been any more reckless!? Take this! And this!" Usopp was poking him over and over again as he laid on the ground asleep.
"Quit poking him so much! He's seriously hurt, you jerk!" Chopper had told him off, but he still continued.
"Afro power, my butt." Nami was crouching down beside Luffy as well, along with Sanji beside her. "He had us worried the entire time..." that was true though, I was so worried I cried. Not that I was going to tell them that!
"Afros really are powerful, Nami!" Sanji was actually disagreeing with her.
"I doubt that." Luna had huffed with her arms crossed, that's when She heard grunting sounds that belonged to Luffy. Turning her head back to him, his eyes began to slowly open.
"Oh! He's conscious!"
"H-Huh!?" Luffy had shot us right away, confused as he looked around, "the game! How'd the game end!? I thought I won... was it just a Dream!?"
"Don't worry, you win." Zoro had told him right away. Hearing that, Luffy fell back onto his back relieved.
"I was never worried in the least!" Usopp lied, dropping Luffy's hat in him.
"Is that why you were crying?" Luna asked him.
"Now that I think about it, I got no reason to be a pirate for any other ship." Zoro was stating that. As the crew were all sharing a moment, it was ruined by the sound of someone moving towards us,
"You should really stay still!"
"Hey, Straw Hat!" Foxy was also up and banged, but the reason of didn't care. If he wanted to start something, we'll just kick his ass the old fashion way. "How dare you tarnish my legendary undefeated streak!?"
"Put 'em there, brother!" He had held out his hand to Luffy, who had sat up placing his hat back on. As he began to grabbed Foxy's hand it turned out that he only wanted to grab Luffy and throw him over his shoulder. "Spiteful Shoulder Throw!" Not that it worked, since Luffy just let his arm stretched.
"Are you that stupid?" Both Zoro and Luna had asked, stunned at his stupidity. One would think he would learn his lesson.
"Have you forgotten the rules?" Foxy had recovered, slightly with a giant bump on his forehead. "Choose your 500 people already!"
"Yes! The final exchange awaits!"
"Chopper and Robin!" That was obvious, Chopper, with tears and snot running down his face came running back to us from the Foxy Pirates. He had leaped into Luffy's arms hugging him.
"Thank you! I'm so happy!" He was saying,
"You can have this back." Robin had stated, removing the mask.
"He starts off with two obvious choices! Now who'll be next! Hurry and decide!"
"Give is your pirate flag!" Luffy demanded.
"You can't be serious! You'd strip us of our pride just like that!?" Foxy was asking shocked.
"I don't need your sail. You need it to go places, after all." Luffy was to kind.
"Wow! He's so merciful!"
"But our symbol's on there. How do you expect us to use the sail!?" The guy had a good point.
"We don't need your pity! Just take what's yours!"
"All right. Since your mark is all we need, I'll draw a new one over if for you. That way you can keep your sail." When Luffy said that, I kind of felt sorry for them.
"Straw Hat... you're such a...!" Foxy had began to say until he saw the mark made by Luffy.
"This sucks...!" It wasn't just Foxy that got depressed but his whole crew.
"Wow, they're really grateful!" Luffy was getting the wrong idea.
"No, we ain't!" Luffy had then began to walk away with their flag.
"H-Hold on just a minute! You still have 497 more people to pick!"
"We don't need anymore." Luffy had simple said looking back to them.
"Rules are rules! You have to choose 497 people, like it or not!" Foxy had shouted.
"Aww. Do I have to?" He acted like it was a huge pain, which I was.
"Of course you do, idiot!"
"Luffy, you remember you're the captain... right? what ever you say goes." Luna had hinted at him what needed to be done.
"That's right. A captain's orders are absolute... right?" Zoro was the first to catch onto to what she was saying.
"Yes. In which case..." then Robin as well along with the other.
"Oh! Good thinking!" Usopp said,
"Huh? Huh?!" Chopper seemed to be the only one not understanding anything.
"What? What?!" Along with Nami.
"Oh! Okay!" It was a surprise that Luffy actually understood. "I'll choose, then!" He was smiling widely. "You!" He had pointed to a man at the end.
"Me?" He pointed to himself surprised.
"Yeah. Everyone from you...to you." He pointed to the announcer leaving only Foxy, Porche and Hamburg out of it,
"Me?" The announcer had pointed to him as well.
"How many people is that?" Luffy had asked him.
"Well, we have 500 in our crew, so excluding our boss, Hamburg, and Porche, that makes... Oh, 497 exactly! It's 497 people... Captain Luffy!" He had announced.
"Okay! It's decided!" The festival had started up again once they heard Luffy's decision, knowing little of what was to come later,
"The Straw Hats are victorious! This concludes the Davy Back Fights!"
"It's the birth of the new Straw Hat Pirates!" All those from Foxy's crew cheered.
"But the Merry can't hold this many people..."
"We'll just have to follow along in the Sexy Foxy for a while."
"I guess so!" They were discussing among themselves.
"D-Don't be stupid! The Sexy Foxy is my ship!" Foxy had snapped at them.
"Your ship?"
"I'd love to see the three of you run this hug ship all by yourselves!"
"Never gonna happen!" It was fun just watching them.
"Never gonna happen." Hamburg was laughing,
"Fine, then! Jerks!" Porche was throwing a fit.
"So long, former boss!"
"Don't catch a cold!"
"Brush your teeth!"
"Take a bath!"
"What are they, his mother?" Luna asked herself listening to them.
"Hey! Straw Hat!" The three of them weren't on the Sexy Foxy But a small sail boat. With their new flag. "I'll get you for this!" Foxy was shouting as the began to sail off. But he were was acting like he was being sent flying off.
"Do they ever stop being comedians?" Zoro had asked.
"Who knows, maybe his as stupid as Straw Hat." Luna stated watching them sailing.
"All right, men!" Luffy had called out them all behind us. "Here's your first job as members of the New Straw Hat Pirates! Listen well!" They had all cheered.
"You can count on us!"
"Rubber Boss!"
"You're all off the crew!" He had shouted at them all in that instant.
"You're kicking us out?" One of them had finally asked, after a long pause.
"Yep." Luffy had answered him,
"A captain's orders are absolute, remember?" Zoro had reminded them.
"Go back to your old crew or something. Maybe back to that idiot that just left, we don't really care." Luna told them, flipping her hair.
"You're free to go now! That's all!" Luffy had shouted to them all and they had began to put back their masks on that they had removed. Not even moments later they left on the Sexy Foxy going after a Foxy.
"Former Boss! Wait up!"
"We belong with the Foxy Pirates after all!"
"How cunning." Nami had stated. Even thought this crew was filled with a bunch of weirds, none of them really had any complaints. At this time, back at Tonjit's house, he could see the Sexy Foxy ship leaving.
"Looks like its all over." He had said, Shelly had nozzled him worried about the Straw Hats that saved her. "Don't worry. They won." He had reassured her, "there, there. I won't ride on stilts ever again. We can follow the village together now, however many years it takes." He seemed a lot happy now. And then he realised the crew walking towards him, all of them together. "You folks...!"
"I went and kicked their butts!" Luffy had stated proudly, holding out the flag belonging to the Foxy Pirates.
"You're really hurt..." Tonjit had stated, looking at Luffy closely.
"This is nothing new." He smiled.
"Thank you..." Tonjit had smiled happily along with Shelly.
"Ah, so that's why you accepted their challenge." Nami had finally realised, "Not like you wouldn't have otherwise, though."
"Its just like him, simple and stupid." Luna stated after her.
"Man, you're both rude!" Luffy had turned to both of them but then everything changed when the ground had began to shake, and then out of nowhere, Tonjit's house was destroyed.
"Wh-What is this!?" The Smoke had began to clear and there in the middle of it, was a long mole.
"Who are you!?" Luffy had began to snap.
"No, who are you!?" The mole had spoken.
"Th-The thing can talk!" Usopp had began to freak out,
"I'm not a thing! I'm a mooole!"
"You mean, mole?" Luna had looked at it annoyed until the helmet it was wearing fell down and a man was standing on top of its head,
"I'm the champion! Yo!" The guy had shouted and fist pump the sky.
"Not another weirdo..." Nami was getting sick and tired of it.
"Champion of what!?" Sanji had asked him but Luna was like
"You shouldn't have asked."
"I'm glad you asked! I'm the world champion of hole-digging! I'm challenging my own record as we speak!" They weirdo had shouted proudly.
"What kind of challenge has you wreaking the old stilts guy's house!?" Luffy was pissed off at the guy.
"'Old stilts guy'...?" The weirdo had looked down at the group, looking them over until he saw Tonjit had looked back at him, who was crying.  "Could it be? Are you...?!" He had also began to cry after he made it to the ground to get a closer look.
"It's me!" Tonjit had stretched his arms out welcoming a hug.
"Grandpa!" Which he did.
"I missed you! I missed you so much!" The weirdo, Littonto was crying as he held his grandpa.
"You went and grew so much since I last saw you...!" They both were crying a lot. "I'm sorry for worrying you..." the crew were smiling at the warmth of the Reunion but there was someone's smile that truly looked sad... Luna's.
"He's your grandson?" The sun had began to set as by the time Littonto had told them their story.
"I missed my grandpa so much, and that devotion led me to hole-digging! And before I knew it, becoming the greatest digger in the world had become my greatest goal in life..." he had explained, which really didn't make sense.
"So you became the champion?" Sanji was asking, not really interested.
"Yep! 'Shoot for the other side of the world!'" Littonto had stood up pointing to the ground.
"I like that: you sound just like the old stilts guy!" Luffy was laughing.
"Oh, you're too kind!" Tonjit had become embarrassed.
"That's not a praise!" Usopp had snapped at him and then they had laughed, all but Luna who was hugging her knees.
"Say, couldn't you follow your holes to reach your village?" Robin had asked Littonto, making everyone stop.
"Oh..." with all that being realised, the crew had boarded the Going Merry, with Tonjit and Littonto, along with they animal companions, setting them off.
"Isn't this great, old guy!?" Luffy had asked him.
"Yes. I don't know how to begin thanking you..." Tonjit had said
"Don't worry about it!" Was Luffy's response.
"You too, Miss! I achieved your true goal, all thanks to you insight!" Littonto was thanking Robin who had then smiled happily.
"I'll never forget what you've done for us! Thank you!" Tonjit had yelled at the Merry toke off.
"Take care in your way home!" Usopp shouted to him,
"You too! I pray for your safe journey!"
"All right! Time for us to leave! Nami! Is the Log ready?" Luffy had turned to her.
"Yep! We're good to go!" She answered,
"Let's get movin', then." Zoro had stated.
"Yeah." Sanji agreed.
"Let's hurry and snag us a shipwright!" Usopp had then said,
"Yeah!" Chopper was nodding. While robin had chuckled.
"All right, men! Let's go find a shipwright!" Luffy had shouted.
"Yeah!" Everyone had agreed loudly, but Zoro had noticed since they meet Littonto, that Luna was not herself. The night had fallen and everyone but Luna who was on watch were asleep. Luna was sitting at the front of the rails on the front deck. She had a blank wrapped around her as she just looked up at the sky that was shinning brightly.
"Are your okay?" Hearing someone speaking, Luna had jumped and turned to the person speaking, the person standing there was Robin. She was smiling softly at Luna.
"Like you even care." She stated, at first, Robin had looked a bit surprised at Luna's statement. "I don't really know what's going in your head but I don't really think your all that bad." She had stood up with the blank falling to the ground. "I mean, I know about your history and that's why I can't blame you."
"Most people would though." Robin had said looking over the side of the ship, for the first time since she joined the crew her smile had faded.
"Even if that's the case, I don't see why you would think the others would feel the same way as those." Luna ended up saying looking at her.
"You know, I never thought you would be like this, Miss Luna. At least around me and not Swordsman." Robin was back smiling but Luna only titled her head to the side
"I don't understand what you mean." She responded to her.
"You seem to know a lot about me but not about yourself." Robin said to her smiling still.
"You know, you look identical to Olivia." But that smile had soon disappeared when Luna had said that. "Do you know, like flowers that can't chose where they bloom, we, children can not touch our parents." The wind was softly blowing as she looked out to the sea. "I know that all too well. But unlike me, your mother truly did care for you."
"How... how do you know my mother?" She was unsure how something like that was possible.
"I'll tell you this..." Luna had began walking off, heading for the stairs. "There are things in this world that are far better without knowing the truth. That includes the blank Century. Your mother didn't listen to my warning all those years ago... will you do the same?" She looked back to Robin asking but she didn't wait for an answer before leaving the woman standing there all alone to her thoughts.

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