The Dark King!

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Luna seemed honestly surprised upon seeing the old man. It was clear that she knew him but she hadn't smelt him. Then again, he did smelled of nothing but alcohol so it was no wonder she didn't. "Have a look at that, Giant! The hall is a complete mess." The old man had stated up towards the Giant behind him after looking around. "Seems like the auction is over. See how I've stole some money, I guess I will return to the gambling whole." He reveals his intention of being here, which is to steal money.
"What a foul old man you are... You came here just so you could steal money?" The Giant was asking him since that seemed almost insane.
"I want to steal from whoever brought me as well... Well, that's impossible now..." that was being said as he brought an iron flakes up. "Oh, right, it was empty. First, I've gotta get some more sake." But lowered after remembering that. "Although, come to think about it... I, pretty old, so who would want a slave like me?" The man bursted into drunk laugher while all were still silent in shock. "What? Seems like I drew some unwanted attention..."
"Whats with that old man and the Giant?" The guards were alarmed by their presence.
"Weren't they auction items? How'd they get out of the cages?!" While those of the auction workers knew who were they were, in a sense. "Their neck-rings are gone!" But soon came to notice there was neck rings around their necks. "How'd they get them off!?" The guards knew they were unable to battle with a unshackled Giant nor were they hired to catch slaves.
"I see you haven't changed, Rayleigh." Luna had spoken out to the old man, which had pulled his attention to her.
"Rayleigh? You mean, the ship-coator?!" Chopper was asking as that had been the name Hatchan gave them. "Which one of them?"
"Miss Luna, is that you!?" The answer had became clear as the old man seemed surprised to see her but it soon turned to joy. "How many years has it been?" He was asking her.
"About 15, give or take." Which she answered him with a shrug.
"Right, the last time you were here. Why are you here?" The old man, Rayleigh had moved onto asking, as he knew the woman and wondered why she was here.
"Why not take a look." She titled her head in the direction of Hatchan.
"Why if it isn't Hachi!" Which he came to notice the octopus. "It's you, right? It's been a while! What are you doing here too?" He seemed quite pleased at seeing him. "Where'd you get that wound?" but soon to notice he was bleeding and just as it was going to be explained by Hatchan, he was in pain. "Oh, you don't have to tell me." Rayleigh had come to say as he began to observe the surroundings. It didn't take him long to understand what was going on since it was pretty clear looking around at the mermaid, Celestial Dragons, and the Straw Hats. "So this means... I get it... I've figured out what has happened. You've gotten yourself into quite a mess, huh, Hachi?" He had spoken looking back to the octopus after conclusion about the events that occurred. "Were you the ones who saved him with Miss Luna?" Rayleigh had come to ask looking at Luffy and the others. "Well, then..." It was in that moment something had happened and before anyone knew what had happened all the remaining guards in the room had been knocked.
"Huh? What?" Usopp panicky looked around at the people that lost consciousness for no reason. "What did he just do!?"
What's with this old man!?" Even though they didn't understand what was happening, Sanji knew that there was something wrong with the old man, Rayleigh. Even Zoro was freaking out as he was ready to attack.
"Geez, even after all these years he still has this much power." Luna noted like this wasn't something out of the ordinary.
"That sure had of yours... It really fits a fearless man like yourself." Rayleigh had taken a step forwards smiling. "I've wanted to meet you...Monkey D. Luffy!" As he was speaking to Luffy. However, While Chopper was tending to Hatchan's gunshot wound, the Kid Pirates, Heart Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates were observing the old man that appeared from backstage tending to Camie.
"I, going to remove that collar now." He was saying to her, asking if that was alright.
"Hey, gramps! Don't do anything reckless! It's gonna explode!" But it only caused Pappug to freak out, knowing what will happen if it explodes.
"We're already seen what it's like when a slave's collar explodes!" Chopper was also freaking.
"That was horrible! Absolutely horrible!" Along with Brook as well.
"Is it really okay, Luffy!?" The doctor turned to his Captain asking, since he also witnessed it as well.
"Wait! Franky is looking for the keys now, right? We should just wait until he finds them!" Usopp was reminding the others of this.
"That's right! Please stop him, Straw Hat!" Franky was backstage looking for the keys.
"It's all right. Stay still." Rayleigh had placed his hand onto the mermaid's shoulder.
"I don't understand what kind of power he used, but I can definitely see that he's not your average old man."
"And so it's just okay to leave Camie to him!?" Sanji didn't want to risk her safety. "What is that Franky doing!?"
"Stop! If we don't have the key, we can't get it off!" Pappug was still crying out to him.
"There is another way." Luna had come to say, being almost the only one that wasn't freaking out during this, but no of the others understood why. The old man, however, sets off the timer on the exploding collar.
"It's ticking! What should we do!?" They could all hear it going on. Camie's eyes closed as the ticking was getting louder and it caused Pappug to lose it and most of the crew to break into cold sweat. This was excluding Luna, of course, as she seemed to know what Rayleigh was planning. "Camie!" Then the collar had exploded leaving those present (except Luna) speechless.
"H-Hey! What just happened!?" While Franky ran out onto the stage which was covered in smoke.
"I can't say it! Camie has...!" Pappug was screaming but then the smoke had cleared and everyone was able to see the little mermaid was completely fine without injuries and the collar had been removed.
"What the hell? Scaring me shitless!" Franky began walking over to the pair on stage saying, while spinning the keys around his index finger. "She doesn't have a collar or chains anymore?" Other then Luna, the rest of the crew were watching completely in shock.
"He got them off..." Nami wasn't able to explain what she just witnessed.
"Camie!" But there was one that didn't care as he took off down the stairs. Although, he got overly emotional and ended up rolling down the stairs after tripping. "Camie!" But he had reunited with Camie. "Thank goodness!" Both of them were in tears as they were embracing one another.
"Hmph! What the hell? Look! I finally found them and all..." Franky was saying completely upset while holding up the keys for the collar and all.
"Oh, you found them? Quite impressive. But it's fine." Rayleigh was telling the cyborg to carry Camie out of here.
"Uh, Umm... Thank you." Camie had told him smiling as she was grateful but he only shock his head at her, indicating it was nothing at all.
"What the hell? What's up with this situation?! Who are you?"Franky still had no idea what was happening and wanted an explanation.
"What? What'd he do?" Usopp poked his head out from a row that he was using as cover. "That old man just did something mysterious again!" And he hadn't been wrong about that. "Just who is that old man? He removed the collar off just with his hands?!"
"Hey, slaves! All your buyers ran away. You should make a ran for it now while you have the chance!" Franky was telling the group of slaves waiting in the side wings, looking completely stunned. "Here!" The keys had then been tossed to the would-be slaves who broke into tears as they were free.
"If that old man was the one who beat all these soldiers, then he must have used some sort of magic or sorcery, right? He's got to have some Devil Fruit powers!" Usopp could only come to that conclusion. "He said something about your straw hat, too..." They were watching as Rayleigh gotten down off the stage, heading up the flight of stairs the crew was on. "How do you know that guy, Luffy?"
"I really don't know him!"
"What about you?" Zoro was asking Luna, who was standing in front of him.
"I've known him for his youth and he doesn't possess a Devil Fruit. What he used was Haki. Something we demons can't use." She had explained to them, as it had been the same thing Luffy used, but was completely unaware of it.
"Sorry, you guys. You were just here to  watch, right?" Rayleigh was saying this while looking from Kid and Law. "Judging from how you handled that situation earlier, you aren't exactly pushovers, right?" He had come to note as both Captains and their crew were not unconscious.
"Who'd have thought we'd run into such a big shot here? That's the Dark King Silvers Rayleigh, no doubt about it." Kid was saying upon reveals who the old man was. "What's that legendary man doing here?"
"I prefer to be called the old coater, Ray, around here. Please don't call me by that name." Though Rayleigh tells them not to go around saying who he is, saying he's only a coating specialist now. "I'm an old man now. I'd like to live peacefully. You're not gonna die, right Hachi?" He bent down beside Hatchan asking him saying that he always tells the octopus that he shouldn't be walking around this island.
"Sorry... Miss Luna had warned me..." Which she really did.
"Thanks a lot, you guys." Rayleigh was saying while looking over to Luffy. "You helped my friends out."
"So pops, why did you want to meet me?" Luffy moved onto the question he wanted to know about.
"Let's save that for afterwards. First, we've got to get out of here." He suggested that the conversation can wait until they escape.
"Criminals inside! Please release the Rosward Family! An admiral will be here shortly! I'd imagine that it would be safer for you to just surrender. You don't know what will happen otherwise, rookies!" The Marines outside demand the surrender of the present Supernovas, marking Law and Kid as accomplices to Luffy's actions.
"So they're not just dragging us into this, but they're totally treating us as if we were his accomplices, too..." Law couldn't help but find it amusing.
"I see that Straw Hat Luffy is every bit as crazy as the rumours said. Not to complain, but I'm not gonna stick around to clash with an admiral." Kid had stated this as he was amused by watching.
"Yes, I can't use that power before anymore, so I'm counting on you." Rayleigh had come to tell the two other pirate captains. "It would be really troublesome if the navy found out who I am."
"Although, that was probably why they were here in the first place." Luna came to say, which wouldn't be far from the truth, as the marines never come to Grove #1.
"I have no intention of getting saved by some old man. But the longer we stay, the more soldiers will come." Kid hadn't been wrong about that and before heading to the exit. "I'll be going on ahead. As an extra favour, I'll save you guys. I'll take care of the cleaning outside, so just relax!" But it seemed by saying that, both Luffy and Law became annoyed by it. And the three left bickering over how each could clear the current siege themselves. This just left their crews still inside.
"Man, those guys are so simple-minded!"  Nami appeared annoyed.
"Although, it's unusual for Law." Luna managed to say, which caught Zoro's attention and not in a good way.
"Hey! They're gonna cause a huge uproar!" Usopp came shouting at them all to run while they still can as they couldn't wait around.
"Hacchin..." Camie was looking down at the fishman, while she was on Franky's back with Pappug. "Thank you. This is all my fault. I'm sorry!"
"Never mind me. As long as you're safe, that's enough for me." He was telling her through the pain he was feeling.
"Camie, it's my fault that you git into this mess." Pappug was once again in tears as he spoke. "I let you go to the amusement park..."
"No, going to the amusement part is something I'll always remember. You don't have to apologise, Pappug!" Camie had not regretted going to Sabaody Park, even though the act had gotten them in this mess in the first place.
"Straw Hat said the same thing..." the Starfish had come to say thinking back to it, as it was something Luffy would say.
"Let's follow them! We'll break right through." Zoro had told them all since that was the only way out.
"Well then, if we get separated, meet me at Grove 13." Rayleigh tells the others as he stood up with Hatchan on his back.
"13, huh? Right, I got it." The swordsman was saying.
"You DEFINITELY didn't get it!" But as the long nose knew him, it was clear he was going to get lost.
"I got him." Luna said as she was going to be the one to drag him in the right Direction.
"Giant! What about you?"  Rayleigh looked over his shoulder to the former slaves.
"I'll escape together with the other slaves." It had been answered.
"I see. Be careful so you don't stand out!" Which Rayleigh was telling them to do.
"Old man! Straw Hat crew! If we meet again someday, I'll definitely return the favour! Thank you!" The other escaped slaves thank Rayleigh and the pirates for freeing them.
"Sure, don't mention it!" Usopp was saying that as he had done most of the work.
"You're saying that!?" Which had shocked Chopper but as their captains were fighting outside the crews all moved towards the front door. However, out of nowhere, Zoro had to grip onto his swords that were about to fly off on their own for no reason.
"What the...!?" And it wasn't just his weapon, but all the weapons that belonged to the unconscious guards that began to float on their own and suddenly came heading for the entrance at high speed.
"Whaat going on!?" Needless to say there was a lot of confusion as they were forced to dodge or hit the weapons coming their way.
"What is this!?" Brook had twisted his body as two swords cake at him and ended up buried in the wall as the rest of the weapons, guns, swords, spears and what else were flying out the door. This was clearly the work of a Devil Fruit which had caused the crews to move one to find a dust of cloud over ing their sight.
"Whoa, now! This, already!?" But they were able to see through it..
"Amazing! I didn't believe my eyes!"
"You sure know how to go berserk, Captain..." a member of Law's crew had stated.
"They're quite reliable, indeed!" As Rayleigh bursted out into laugher due to the fact that Luffy, Law and Kid had taken out almost all@ the Marines.
"What's with that, Straw Hat-ya? That's not a very good finish..." Law had come to say as he was looking down at Luffy that shrank down as a side effect.
"Really?" But he didn't understand why that was.
"Their formation doesn't amount to Crap now." Kid was saying with a large smirk. The crews were looking out to the Marines waiting to make their escape seeing this... it was clear to the Marines that they were planning on escaping. The soldiers were commanded to attack the pirates without Devil Fruit abilities and they were charging.
"Here we go. They got no plan at all. It's a free-for-all now." Kid was stating as the marines were clearly becoming desperate.
"Oh! I'm back to normal!" Luffy didn't seem to care as he was no longer small anymore.
"Alright, Straw Hat... i'm glad I got a chance to meet you. But next time we meet, I won't show any mercy." Kid had come warn him which had caused silence to fall, until Luffy had come to speak.
"But I'm going to find the One Piece!" He had come to say laughing. But hearing this had both Kid and Law to stare at him stunned slightly. None of them moved even when a marine with an axe came at Kid who Killer cuts down.
"Hey, Kid! What're you just standing there for!?" He was shouting at his Captain asking.
"You know, Killer..." Speaking had caused the man to look at him. "On our journey up to this point, we've been laughed at and ridiculed whenever we mentioned getting our hands of the One Piece. And each time that happens, I slaughtered everyone he laughed." He had spoken of their pasted of traveling around and being mocked by others for believing something that no one has laid their eyes on, besides Roger. "But what lies ahead is a sea of death for those who don't got the guts to mention it. Let's meet again in the New World!" It seemed that Kid had taken a liking to Luffy to be saying that. "Let's go, men!"
"Yeah! And the Kid Pirates attack the approaching soldiers.
"Trafalgar Law! How dare you toy with my comrades earlier!"A soldier prepares to cut Law
"Bepo." but the Polar bear had come out of nowhere to attack him. The bear didn't stop there as it attacked a few more soldiers coming at them. Although, the Captain had began walking away.
"Hey, Luffy!" While Usopp and the others were running towards their Captain.
"Oh! There you are!" He smiled at the sight of them. "Alright! It's time for us to go, too! Let's got it!" That was then Sanji kicked away some on coming soldiers away. "Oh, Sanji!"
"Luffy! Like over there!" The cook had pulled his attention over the marines.
"Hey! Young Master and friends!" Where he found Rosy Life Riders waving to gain their attention.
"Flying riders!" Luffy called out to them.
"Eh! Did you just say handsome?" But like always, Duval wasn't listening properly.
"No. I didn't. Not at all." Luffy was shooing his hand at the man.
"Anyway, we're all set to escape! Right, men?!" The boss pretended not to hear while asking his men.
"Yes! Life is rosy!" They responded to him posing exact same way.
"I wasn't expecting help from them again, but I guess we are in a hurry..." Sanji was saying as beggars can't be chooses.
"Alright! Let's go!" Luffy was the first to take off running.
"Guess I have no choice..." and sanji followed suit.
"Straw Hat's getting away!" But they had the soldiers chasing after them.
"Lullaby Flanc!" Brook pulled out his violin to pay and it caused them to fall asleep. "Escape while you can, you two!" He was telling both Luffy and Sanji.
"Yeah!" But then the Captain fell asleep running.
"Quit sleepin'!" But was punched across the head. However, at the same time.
"Are you guys with those pirates!?" Duval had guns pointed at him.
"N-No, not us! We aren't Pirates!" And it was causing him to freak out, breaking in cold sweat.
"Kneel." Luna ordered, which forced the Marines to collapse to their knees as she walked passed them casually.
"Amazing as ever." Robin was walking behind her, looking at the men unable to move.
"Oh, that was scary...!" As for Duval, he came to his knees but it wasn't because of her but fear of the marines.
"Head! You have trauma from nearly been killed by Navy headquarters, and yet...!"
"You enjoyed it anyway! What a fantastic person!" His men were singing him praise.
"Q-Quiet! This is no time to talk about trauma or anything else!" The head was in tears as he was shouting. We are the young master I lies! We hafta to help him out with this trouble!" Hearing this had Robin smiling, while Luna sighed.
"Multi-shot!" The rest of the crew weren't just waiting around either. "Flame Star! Flame Star!" Usopp sent explosions at the marines over and over again.
"Roseo..." Chopper was in Horn Point, a form similar to Walk Point, but with larger and sharper antlers. "...Colonnade!" (Cherry Blossom Colonnade, Spanish) That he chased the Marines with and tossed them in the air with his antlers. Zoro was in front of them both, slicing away at the marines coming at him.
"Old man! Franky! Go on ahead!" He called back to the two carrying others across their backs.
"Right! I appreciate it!" Rayleigh had shouted with a smile running along side Franky.
"Don't let 'em escape! After 'em!" Despite being out of the leagues, the Marines continue towards have a straw hats.
"How many of these guys are there!?" But Usopp was getting a little tired as he was firing attack after attack. Chopper was breathing heavily as well as there was no end to them.
"This is certainly exciting!" But Rayleigh seemed to be having the time of his life,
"You're one lively old geezer!" Franky could only say to him, since many he knew wouldn't be like this.
"Hey! Hurry, you three!" Usopp was shouting to Luffy, Sanji and Brook that were the last ones to come.
"Don't let the Straw Hat crew escape! They're the main criminals! Fire! Fire!" The Marines began to fire off their guns at the crew until they come to notice a sudden black cloud over them.
"Thunderbolt..." Nami and began producing a Thunder Ball. "...Tempo!" Which she sent flying at the cloud that created larger and strikes multiple lightning. It was very powerful and had caused the guys to scream trying to get away from it as it strike down on the Marines. The Straw Hat Pirates had made it to the riders, where they had gotten on the back of, one to each fish.
"Alright! It's up to you now!" Luffy was shouting at he was at the front of the pack.
"Leave it to us!" They were making their escape as they first gone under water and soon came flying out into the sky.
"Don't let them escape! Fire. Fire!"
"Damn! Can't this slowpoke cow go any faster!?" Except Franky, who complains about the speed of Motobaro.
"Actually... this is his top speed..."

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