Chapter 1: How Dare He?!

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After finally putting away all her belongings, (y/n) was ready to leave and head towards Karasuno High School, just to give her brother a piece of her mind.

Her older brother, Ukai Keishin, was supposed to pick her up when she came home from studying in (country) where she had been for the past 3 years. But, for reasons unknown, he had completely forgotten about her. What kind of brother forgets his own baby sister? One that was about to get the beating of his lifetime, that's for sure.

(Y/n) was already late to this semester because of multiple plane delays and now her own brother had forgotten about her. Unbelievable. Needless to say, (y/n) was royally pissed off right now. Pour Keishin won't know what hit him when his sister finally finds him.

Fortunately for (y/n), and unfortunately for Keishin, their mother had informed (y/n) that Keishin was currently coaching the Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club, but only as a temporary coach. Why her brother would only want to coach them temporarily was something (y/n) didn't really understand, but that didn't matter right now, all that matters to her at this moment is going to Karasuno High and finding her forgetful brother.

So, let's get going!

As (y/n) walked out of her mother's store, she noticed 2 female students outside debating about their club practice. Looking at their uniforms, (y/n) realized they were from Karasuno High. It was her intention to just walk past them and continue her quest to find her brother, but when she heard the two girls mention volleyball, she couldn't help herself, she just had to speak up.

"Are you two from the Volleyball Club?" (y/n) spoke up "Don't you have practice right now?"

"Uhm... We do... But the other members didn't show up..." The girl with short, dark brown hair clarified "That happens a lot..."

"You should be a stricter captain, Yui." The other girl joined in.

"If they really want to play volleyball, they shouldn't skip practice." (y/n) said sternly "Ah, sorry, I am Ukai (y/n)! I should've introduced myself earlier. I'll be officially starting at Karasuno tomorrow!"

"I'm Michimiya Yui, and this is my vice-captain Aihara Mao. We're third years at Karasuno." Michimiya introduced her and her friend "It's nice to meet you. Are you and Coach Ukai related?"

"Third years? Sorry for being rude earlier Senpais!" (y/n) bowed apologetically, her cheecks flushing in shame "Former Coach Ukai is my grandfather, the current temporary coach is my older brother."

"So, you play as well?" Aihara questioned, brushing off (y/n)'s embarasment.

"Of course!" (y/n) replied enthusiastically "I was the libero of my team in (country)!"

"You studied abroad?" Michimiya asked shocked "And you're still so young!"

"It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot!" (y/n) smiled "But I'm glad I'm finally home again."

The girls enjoyed some nice friendly chatter about volleyball and the positions they play as. The 2 third years questioned whether (y/n) would join their team but she couldn't give a clear answer just yet. (Y/n) had this sneaking suspicion that her brother would request her aid in training the boys' team. Especially after she heard that the boys' team hadn't been performing all that well, they weren't a bad team, but they weren't all that good either. Keishin was only coaching temporarily, so maybe he wasn't taking it seriously. The same question still lingered, why only temporarily? It didn't make sense.

"Say, I was about to head towards Karasuno to find my brother." (y/n) started "Do you know where the boys' team is practicing right now?"

"Sure!" Michimiya smiled brightly "They should be in the gymnasium right now."

As (y/n) made her way towards Karasuno High School, she couldn't help but feel grateful to Michimiya and Aihara for their help. It was clear to her that these two third years were passionate about volleyball and truly cared for their team.

"Thank you so much, Michimiya-senpai," (y/n) said with a grateful smile. "I really appreciate your help. I'm looking forward to seeing you at school tomorrow."

"No problem at all!" Michimiya replied cheerfully. "And if you need any help with anything, don't hesitate to ask us."

"Thank you, I will," (y/n) replied before turning to Aihara. "And it was great meeting you too, Aihara-senpai."

Aihara smiled back at her. "Likewise, (y/n). And if you do decide to join the team, we'd be happy to have you."

(Y/n) felt a flutter in her chest at the thought of playing with these girls. She had only just met them, but already she felt a sense of camaraderie with them. As she walked towards the gymnasium, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited her at Karasuno High School.

Even though (y/n) had enjoyed talking to her seniors about volleyball, her anger still remained. Beware Keishin, a storm is heading your way.

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