Chapter 64: Another Training Camp

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"Whoa, it's so cool! Going on a trip at night!" Hinata exclaimed, his excitement radiating through his bouncing movements. The team members loaded their luggage onto the bus, ready for the long midnight journey to the training camp, with the goal of arriving in the morning.

Suppressing a yawn, (y/n) wearily boarded the bus, Kenta nestled in her arms. She plopped into a seat, already feeling the fatigue from the day's events. The rest of the team followed suit, settling into their chosen seats or deciding who to sit next to, their energy levels noticeably diminished.

Within seconds, (y/n) felt a presence take the seat next to her. She glanced over and saw Daichi, the team's dependable captain, grumbling tiredly as he rummaged through his bag. Intrigued, Kenta shifted over to Daichi's lap, his curious gaze fixed on the bag. A low grunt escaped Daichi's lips, indicating that he had found what he was searching for. He gently patted Kenta's head, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Got 'em!" Daichi announced, his tired eyes shifting toward (y/n). "Did you want to listen too, (y/n)-san?"

Eagerly nodding her head, (y/n) scooted closer to Daichi, accepting the proffered earbud and placing it in her ear.

"Thanks, Daichi-senpai!" (y/n) beamed up at the third-year.

"Anytime. I figured this would be a good way to kill some time," Daichi explained, his voice tinged with a hint of warmth.

The music started, filling their ears, and (y/n) and Daichi found themselves casually swaying their heads in rhythm with the melodies. Lost in the music, they exchanged occasional glances and knowing smiles, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team watched the scene unfold with a mix of awe and envy. They couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as they observed their captain's thoughtful gesture and the camaraderie between him and (y/n). Murmurs of disapproval rippled through the bus, and resentful glares were cast in Daichi's direction, deeming his actions as an "asshole move."


"Oi, dibs on sitting with (y/n)-san!" Hinata and Nishinoya simultaneously called out, their voices overlapping in the air. The two energetic players locked eyes, engaged in an impromptu staring contest, determined to be the one sitting next to (y/n) during the bus ride. Their teammates, caught up in the commotion, eagerly rushed onto the bus, each hoping to secure a spot next to (y/n).

Keishin, Takeda, Kiyoko, and Yachi observed the chaos unfolding before them, their faces reflecting a mix of amusement and bewilderment. The normally composed and disciplined team had suddenly transformed into a group of competitive individuals vying for the coveted seat. Sensing the need to restore order, Daichi, the captain renowned for his stern demeanor, stepped forward, his piercing glare enough to silence the entire bus.

"Seeing as you're all behaving like wild animals," Daichi began, his voice commanding attention, "I will sit next to her." His words hung in the air, leaving no room for objections. The teammates exchanged sheepish glances, realizing the extent of their frenzy. Daichi's declaration served as a clear reminder of the team's values and the need for unity. "Any problems? No? Good. Captain wins this round," he declared, his tone final.


"Using his scary face and position as captain like that, what a jerk," Sugawara mumbled, his annoyance evident in his pout. His words resonated with the rest of the team, who shared his sentiment.

The atmosphere on the bus remained somewhat tense as they grumbled among themselves, their discontent simmering. However, the collective discontent was momentarily interrupted by a choking sound coming from Asahi. Startled, the team turned their attention towards him, only to have their eyes drawn back to (y/n) and Daichi. It was a sight that elicited a singular, unanimous thought among them: 'Oh, you sly rat bastard.'

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