Chapter 148: Karsuno VS Inarizaki - The First Set

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As the Karasuno boys donned their alternate uniforms, anticipation crackled in the air like electricity. Eager and determined, they strode onto the court, their hearts pounding in rhythm with the deafening roar of the crowd. Inarizaki's supporters unleashed a cacophony of noise, their cheers reverberating off the walls of the stadium. A band played with fervor, and cheerleaders added to the spectacle. Yet, amidst the chaos, (y/n) couldn't shake the growing annoyance creeping over her. Even Daichi, typically composed, struggled to make his voice heard above the din as he rallied his team with a determined 'Let's go!'"

As both teams lined up to exchange greetings, the tension on the court reached its peak. The anticipation was palpable as the first set was about to commence. Inarizaki won the coin toss and opted to serve first. Atsumu stepped up, his confidence radiating as he prepared to unleash his powerful serve. But before he did, he made a subtle gesture, raising his arm and closing his fist. Instantly, the uproar from Inarizaki's supporters subsided, a testament to their understanding of the game. However, amidst the sudden silence, two persistent girls continued their enthusiastic screams, oblivious to the players' cues.

(Y/n) observed Osamu, Atsumu's twin, instinctively covering the back of his head, a subtle indication of Atsumu's occasional vulnerability to distractions. Despite this, Atsumu executed a flawless jump serve, slicing the ball between Nishinoya and Tanaka with precision. The first point effortlessly went to Inarizaki. Atsumu, displeased by the disruption caused by the girls, shot them a piercing glare, his frustration evident despite his impeccable serve.

For his next serve, Atsumu wound up for another jump serve, but to Karasuno's relief, this one sailed out of bounds. As the ball landed, a wave of relief washed over the Karasuno bench, evident in the collective sighs of the players. However, their respite was short-lived as Asahi stepped up to serve, only to be met with a chorus of boos from the Inarizaki supporters.

(Y/n), fueled by frustration at the disrespectful behavior of the opposing fans, sprang from her seat on the bench, her fists clenched in anger. "Are you kidding me?!" she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the noise of the crowd. "Someone hand me the ball cart. I'll shut every single one of those jerks up!" Her outburst earned her a stern warning from the referee, who shot her a disapproving glance.

As she reluctantly sank back onto the bench, grumbling under her breath and shooting daggers at the Inarizaki supporters, Daichi, noticing her agitation, leaned over. "Hey, (y/n)-san, calm down," he said in a low voice, his tone soothing yet firm. "We can't let them get to us. Stay focused on the game."

(Y/n) huffed in frustration but nodded, acknowledging Daichi's wisdom. "Yeah, you're right," she replied, her voice tinged with irritation. "Sorry, I just can't stand their obnoxious cheering."

Meanwhile, the Karasuno players, accustomed to (y/n)'s fiery temperament, remained unfazed by her outburst, their focus unwavering. Tanaka, catching (y/n)'s eye, flashed her a reassuring grin and a thumbs-up. "Don't worry, (y/n)-san, we've got this," he said with confidence, his voice brimming with determination.

The Inarizaki players, observing the scene with bemusement, exchanged puzzled glances. "Is she always like that?" one of them whispered to his teammate, gesturing discreetly towards (y/n).

His teammate shrugged. "Seems like it," he replied with a chuckle. "But hey, it seems to work for them."

With (Y/n)'s fiery outburst now a memory, Karasuno regrouped with a renewed determination, their eyes fixed firmly on the prize as they braced themselves to face their formidable opponents once again.

Asahi stepped up for his jumping serve, the tension palpable in the air. With a powerful swing, he launched the ball into the air, but a collective groan filled the stadium as it collided with the net, denying Karasuno the point they desperately sought.

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