Chapter 84: Blocking Practice

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The evening had settled in, casting a soft glow over the gymnasium as (y/n) stepped in to observe Tsukishima during the extra practice with Kuroo, Lev, Bokuto, and Akaashi. She quietly made her way to the bench beside the court, where she could get a clear view of the players.

Tsukishima stood a little apart from the others, watching Kuroo closely as he executed his moves. It was evident that he was trying to learn from the Nekoma captain, but (y/n) couldn't help but notice that he hadn't actively participated yet.

'Observing is good, but he really should be putting what he's learned into practice,' (y/n) thought with a hint of concern.

As if echoing her thoughts, Kuroo called out to Tsukishima, "Hey, Tsukki! How long are you gonna play spectator over there?"

Tsukishima mumbled an apology and finally stepped forward to join the others on the court.

'Perfect! Thanks, Kuroo-senpai!' (y/n) smiled, grateful for Kuroo's subtle nudge.

From her vantage point, (y/n) carefully observed the interactions and plays between the boys. Tsukishima seemed to be lost in thought, contemplating each move he made. It was evident that he was trying to implement the techniques he had learned, but there was a hint of hesitation in his movements.

'With enough practice, it will all become muscle memory...' (y/n) thought, remembering her own experiences in honing her skills.

Throughout the practice, Tsukishima showed signs of improvement. His blocks were becoming more precise, and he managed to fight against some of Bokuto's powerful spikes. However, it was also clear that he lacked confidence in his abilities.

'Building confidence in your own abilities takes time... He'll need some good experiences where he's able to fully block a spiker,' (y/n) reflected, knowing that belief in oneself was crucial for any player.

As the practice session drew to a close, the players gathered to clean up the equipment they had used. The gymnasium was filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination, a feeling that (y/n) knew all too well from her own practice sessions. She took a moment to observe each player as they wiped the sweat from their brows and exchanged congratulatory pats on the back.

"Did you enjoy watching, Kitten?" Kuroo's voice brought her attention back to the present. He had approached (y/n) without her noticing, and a playful smirk adorned his lips.

"I did actually," (y/n) confessed with a warm smile. "I'm glad to see Tsukishima trying to improve."

"I would rather have you watch me, Kitten," Kuroo replied, his eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Show something interesting then," (y/n) challenged with a playful glint in her eyes.

'Not this time! I'm not getting flustered!' (y/n) thought, refusing to show any sign of being flustered by Kuroo's teasing.

"Oh? Showing your claws?" Kuroo chuckled. "Alright, I'll take you up on that. I'll make sure that during our official match, you'll only have eyes for me."

"Make sure no other team beats you until then," (y/n) sighed playfully. "We better make that official match happen."

The atmosphere shifted from playful banter to a more serious tone. Both Kuroo and (y/n) shared the same burning desire to face each other in an official match. It wasn't just about their individual rivalry anymore; it was about proving the worth of their respective teams and showing how far they had come since their last match.

Before either of them could say anything else, the others had joined them, playfully interrupting the moment.

"Can't seem to leave me alone, can you, Munchkin-san?" Tsukishima smirked, addressing (y/n).

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