Chapter 147: Seeded Teams Join In

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The second day of the Spring Tournament arrived with alarming speed, catching (y/n) off guard as if time had been in a hurry to usher in the next round of intense volleyball battles. With a heavy groan, (y/n) peeled her eyes open, greeted by the unwelcome chirping of her alarm clock. It felt as though she had barely closed her eyes, each minute of precious rest slipping away like sand through her fingers.

As she lay there, reluctantly pulling herself from the warmth of her bed, (y/n)'s mind wandered to her grandfather, the man whose passion for volleyball had ignited a flame within her own heart. She thought of his unwavering support, his dreams for her and for the Karasuno team. The image of him, sitting proudly in the stands, cheering them on with all the fervor of a true fan, filled her with a sense of purpose.

"I have to make it happen," she whispered to herself, determination shining in her eyes. "For him, for Karasuno."

But it wasn't just her grandfather's dreams that fueled her determination. As she swung her legs out of bed, a soft thud on the floor alerted her to the presence of her loyal companion, Kenta. The fluffy pup gazed up at her with soulful eyes, his tail wagging eagerly as if sensing her resolve.

"Hey there, boy," (y/n) murmured, reaching down to scratch behind his ears. "Looks like it's game day, huh?"

Kenta let out a happy bark, his tail wagging even harder in response. He had been by her side through every victory and defeat, a constant source of comfort and companionship. And as (y/n) prepared to face the challenges ahead, she drew strength from his unwavering loyalty.

The battle at the garbage dump loomed large in her mind, a symbol of the challenges yet to come. It wasn't just a match; it was a chance to honor her grandfather's legacy, to prove that his faith in her was well-placed. (Y/n) resolved then and there that she would do whatever it took to ensure they reached that pivotal moment. They would have to triumph over Inarizaki High, a formidable opponent in their own right, and Nekoma would need to emerge victorious in their second match as well. Only then could they face each other in the ultimate showdown.

With a deep breath, (y/n) pushed herself out of bed, determination coursing through her veins like a steady heartbeat. The weight of her grandfather's hopes and the unwavering support of Kenta rested squarely on her shoulders, but she welcomed the challenge with open arms. For as long as she could remember, volleyball had been more than just a game; it was a bond that connected her to her grandfather and to Kenta, a promise of greatness waiting to be fulfilled.

And as she prepared to face the day ahead, (y/n) held onto that promise, letting it guide her through the trials and triumphs that lay ahead on the court. For her grandfather, for Karasuno, for Kenta, and for the love of the game, she would give it her all.

During breakfast, the atmosphere in the room was subdued, a stark contrast to the usual buzz of excitement that filled the air before a big match. Plates clinked softly against the table as the Karasuno team members ate their meals in quiet contemplation, each lost in their own thoughts.

Except for Hinata, of course. The orange-haired dynamo seemed to radiate energy, his enthusiasm for the upcoming match practically palpable. With a wide grin stretching across his face, he couldn't contain his excitement, his voice echoing through the otherwise hushed room.

"Can you believe it, guys?" Hinata exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "We're facing off against the second-best team of Interhigh today! This is gonna be awesome! We'll get to fight the best and second-best team!"

Kageyama, ever the counterbalance to Hinata's boundless energy, couldn't resist the opportunity to engage in their usual banter. With a deadpan expression, he shot back, "Well, they'll have to win all their matches too if they want to be the best again."

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