Chapter 7: Lunch Time

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During the lunch break, (y/n) wanted to meet up with Yachi for her much-needed calming presence.

As (y/n) walked into the bustling cafeteria, her eyes scanned the sea of students until they landed on Yachi sitting near the window, by herself. Yachi's face lit up with a soft smile as she spotted (y/n) making her way towards her.

"(Y/n)-san!" Yachi exclaimed, waving her hand gently. "I've been looking forward to this."

"I know, right?" (y/n) replied, matching Yachi's enthusiasm. "I could really use some nice social interactions right about now."

Once (y/n) settled down at the table, their conversation started flowing effortlessly as if they had been friends for years. They chatted about everything from school and volleyball to their future aspirations and dreams.

Over sandwiches and cups of steaming tea, the girls laughed, exchanged stories, and offered each other advice and support. Yachi shared her interest in the upcoming cultural festival, where she wanted to set up a booth to showcase her graphic design skills, but for some reason her mother wasn't very encouraging. Meanwhile, (y/n) shared her experiences as a member of the boys' volleyball team, finding solace in Yachi's attentive listening and encouraging words.

As the conversation drifted towards personal matters, (y/n) opened up about her recent interactions with her teammates, including the notorious Tsukishima. She confessed her mixed feelings about his teasing and how it sometimes got under her skin.

Yachi listened intently, her kind eyes filled with empathy. "It sounds like Tsukishima-kun has a complex way of showing he cares," she offered. "Maybe he's trying to get your attention in his own awkward way."

(Y/n) considered Yachi's words, realizing that there might be more to Tsukishima's actions than mere teasing. Yachi's insight had a way of shedding light on things, and (y/n) valued her perspective greatly.

As they finished their lunch, (y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for her friendship with Yachi. Their bond was comforting in the midst of the chaotic high school life. With renewed spirits and a pocket full of laughter, they bid each other farewell, promising to meet again soon.

Walking towards the gymnasium to meet up with Daichi, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment. Yachi's friendship had reminded her of the importance of surrounding herself with people who understood and supported her. And maybe, just maybe, Yachi's insight would help her see Tsukishima in a different light, opening the door to a deeper connection.

With newfound optimism, (y/n) eagerly looked forward to the next practice, ready to face Tsukishima's teasing with a touch of understanding and, perhaps, even a hint of reciprocation. After all, friendship and bonds had a way of transforming even the prickliest of interactions into something meaningful and profound.

As (y/n) hustled through the bustling school halls, her heart raced with anticipation. She was determined to meet up with Daichi in the gymnasium for a special one-on-one training session. The thought of helping the captain of the volleyball team improve his receives filled her with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

With each step, (y/n)'s determination grew stronger, and she finally caught sight of Daichi in the distance. He stood near the entrance of the gymnasium, effortlessly spinning a volleyball in his hands. The sight of him, focused and ready, sent a surge of admiration through her.

"Sawamura-senpai!" (y/n) called out, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Daichi's head turned, and a warm smile spread across his face as he spotted (y/n) rushing towards him. The sight of her bright eyes and eager expression instantly put him at ease.

"(Y/n)-san, hey!" Daichi greeted, his voice filled with warmth. "Actually, you can just call me Daichi. Everyone in the club does so."

Feeling a pleasant jolt of familiarity, (y/n) nodded and returned his smile. "Okay, Daichi-senpai. Let's get started, shall we?"

For the remainder of their lunch break, (y/n) dedicated herself to guiding Daichi through the intricacies of receives. She patiently explained the nuances of footwork, positioning, and arm movements, demonstrating each technique with precision. Daichi, with his innate talent and strong determination, quickly absorbed her instructions and put them into practice.

They exchanged countless volleys, each one showcasing Daichi's improvement. With every successful receive, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and satisfaction. It was a fulfilling experience to see her guidance make a tangible impact on someone as skilled as Daichi.

As the training session neared its end, a sense of accomplishment filled the air. Daichi's receives had become sharper, more consistent, and infused with a newfound finesse.

"Thanks again, (y/n)-san," Daichi expressed, his voice brimming with gratitude. "I really appreciate your help. You're an incredible teacher."

A bashful smile graced (y/n)'s face as she accepted his praise. "Oh, no, thank you, Daichi-senpai. You're truly remarkable yourself. Your dedication and leadership inspire us all."

The sound of the school bell chimed, signaling the end of their lunch break. With regret in her heart, (y/n) knew it was time to bid farewell and hurry off to her next class.

"Goodbye, Daichi-senpai," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Thank you for allowing me to help. I look forward to seeing your continued growth."

Daichi's cheeks flushed with a mix of gratitude and admiration. "Thank you, (y/n)-san. Your guidance means the world to me. Take care, and see you at practice!"

With those parting words, (y/n) turned and hurried away, her mind filled with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound bond with Daichi. The encounter had solidified their connection, reminding her of the power of teamwork and the joy of helping others thrive.

As she stepped into her classroom, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that her journey at Karasuno High was just beginning, and she eagerly anticipated the challenges and growth that lay ahead, both as a player and as a friend to her teammates.

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