Chapter 90: Let The Qualifier Rounds Begin

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The Karasuno team arrived at the Sendai City Gymnasium, their excitement palpable as the much-anticipated qualifier rounds were finally here. The atmosphere seemed tense, with every team eager to prove their worth and secure a spot in the national tournament.

"Okay... Here we are." Hinata spoke up, determination shining in his eyes. "This time... We're getting payback!"

His serious expression took everyone by surprise, but it quickly dissolved into his usual energetic self as he bolted towards the gymnasium, shouting his signature battle cry, "Hraaa!"

"Hey! No getting a head start, runt!" Kageyama bolted after him, determination mirrored in his eyes.

"(Y/n)-san, can you believe these two?" Tanaka chuckled, shaking his head at the sight of their energetic first-years.

"Well... Glad to see they're energetic..." (y/n) sighed, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "They never fail to keep things interesting."

"Sometimes it really seems like Kageyama and Hinata live purely by animal instinct." Yamaguchi sweatdropped at the sight of his fellow first-years.

"They act like bugs..." Tsukishima added, amused by their antics.

Nishinoya and Tanaka couldn't contain their laughter as they listened to the more serious first-year duo, finding their dynamic amusing.

The lighthearted moment came to an abrupt end when Hinata bumped into the captain of Johzenji High, Terushima.

"Huh?" Terushima turned around to see who had bumped into him.

Behind him stood Hinata with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Ooh. You. And that means--" Terushima's face lit up with recognition as he spotted (y/n). "(Y/n)-chan! We meet again! I can't wait to get your number today!"

Before anyone could react, Tanaka and Nishinoya launched themselves at Terushima, protecting their coach with unwavering loyalty.

"Ahh! Hold it!" Daichi called out, but his voice was drowned in the fervor of his teammates.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn when a girl emerged from the Johzenji team, shoving Terushima aside. "Hey! Stop that!"

"Bwuh!?" Terushima was taken aback by the girl's intervention.

The Karasuno duo, still in mid-attack, paused in surprise.

"Um! I'm terribly sorry about that!" The girl bowed apologetically, causing Tanaka and Nishinoya to halt their assault.

"Huh? They stopped." Yamaguchi couldn't believe his eyes.

"Frozen in mid-air, even. Whoa." Tsukishima remarked dryly.

"I should apologize as well." (y/n) joined in, bowing to the unknown girl. "We should've kept our teammates under control."

"Oh, no, it's fine, really. I understand how my team gets." The girl, Misaka Hana, introduced herself with a smile. "I am Misaka Hana, by the way, a third-year at Johzenji High and the manager of the volleyball club."

"I'm Ukai (y/n), you can call me (y/n). I'm a first-year at Karasuno High and the assistant coach of the volleyball team." (y/n) introduced herself with a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you, Misaka-senpai."

"Oh, the assistant coach. I've heard much about you." Misaka chuckled playfully. "Terushima often speaks of you during our trainings."

The conversation was cut short by Tsukishima, who had an embarrassed blush on his face. "See y'all in round 1!"

With that, the Johzenji team made their exit, leaving the Karasuno players to prepare for their upcoming match.

"So, we're up against them in the first round..." (y/n) spoke up, her mind already strategizing for the match ahead.

"Don't worry (y/n)-san! We'll win, and you won't have to give that guy your number!" Hinata stated confidently.

"So that was one of the top four teams of Interhigh?" Kageyama questioned, his competitive spirit ignited.

"I know, it's kinda obvious..." Hinata started "... but, they're all here, aren't they? All of them."

The Karasuno team started to think about all the tough teams that were present at the qualifier rounds – from Johzenji to Aoba Johsai, Date Tech, and even Shiratorizawa. So many formidable opponents they would have to face.

They shared a moment of quiet realization. The tournament would be tough, but they were ready to face any challenge. The memories of past defeats only fueled their desire to come out victorious this time.

"And we're gonna beat every one of 'em!!" Hinata and Kageyama both shouted simultaneously as they bolted inside the gymnasium.

"Geez, those two are wound up today." Sugawara sighed at their antics.

"Helps keep the rest of us grounded, I guess." Daichi said with a deadpan expression on his face.

The rest of the Karasuno team followed their exuberant first-years inside, their hearts and minds ready for the battles that lay ahead. The gymnasium buzzed with energy as the qualifier rounds began, and the matches that followed were intense and thrilling.

The qualifier rounds were here, and they were ready to give it their all, facing powerful opponents and proving themselves on the national stage. The journey had been long and challenging, but the Karasuno team had grown stronger together, and (y/n) knew they were ready to face whatever came their way.

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