Chapter 71: Sleepover

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The final night of the training camp had finally arrived, and the girls couldn't contain their excitement for the much-anticipated sleepover party. From the moment they had set foot in the camp, (y/n) and the managers had been eagerly looking forward to this special night of bonding and fun.

Throughout the day, (y/n) had been busy working with the teams, fully immersed in the intense training sessions. Meanwhile, the girls had coordinated their efforts to prepare dinner ahead of time, ensuring that they could fully enjoy their evening without any distractions. The kitchen became their designated space, strictly off-limits to the boys.

Just as the girls were busy preparing their dinner, Keishin made an unsuspecting attempt to enter the kitchen, hoping to borrow some sauce. However, he was met with a hilarious surprise. With lightning-fast reflexes, (y/n) grabbed the faucet spray and playfully doused him, causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Dammit, Jinx!" Keishin exclaimed, his wet hair clinging to his forehead as he hurriedly retreated from the kitchen.

A burst of laughter erupted from (y/n) and the girls, their gleeful amusement filling the air. It was a moment of lightheartedness amidst the intensity of the training camp, a playful reminder of their camaraderie.

Returning to their culinary mission, the girls continued with their pizza preparations. Each of them had chosen their favorite toppings, eager to create a delectable masterpiece. Shirofuku, renowned for her insatiable appetite, took the lead, determined to make not just one, but three different types of pizzas to satisfy her cravings.

With skillful hands, they spread the pizza dough, carefully arranging their chosen toppings, and placing the creations into the preheated oven. The tantalizing aroma of melting cheese, fresh vegetables, and savory meats filled the kitchen, teasing their taste buds and heightening their anticipation.

"Let's go prepare our room now!" Yachi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Our room?" (y/n) questioned, intrigued by the blonde's enthusiasm.

"Yes! We've planned something special to make this sleepover even more memorable," Kiyoko chimed in, her smile radiating warmth.

"Trust us, you're going to love it," Miyanoshita added, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

The group made their way to the room they had been sharing throughout the training camp. Usually, they slept on separate mats with sleeping bags, but tonight was going to be different—a night of creativity and coziness.

As (y/n) entered the room, she was met with a delightful sight—a large pile of pillows, blankets, plushies, and two tents.

"What's all this?" (y/n) asked, her curiosity piqued as she surveyed the assortment of items.

"We're going to transform our space into an indoor sleeping camp!" Yachi exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm as she grabbed (y/n)'s hand and led her toward the pile.

With excitement and laughter filling the room, (y/n) and the girls set to work, creating their unique sleeping camp experience. They carefully set up the two tents in a large circle, arranging them so that their entrances faced each other. It was decided that Kiyoko, Yachi, and (y/n) would share one tent, while the other tent would be occupied by the remaining girls.

As they arranged their mats and sleeping bags inside the tents, a sense of anticipation filled the air. (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a warm sense of togetherness as they worked together, transforming the room into their cozy sanctuary.

Once the tents were set up, the girls focused their attention on the inner circle. They created a comfortable gathering space using an array of pillows and blankets. The room was adorned with soft cushions and fluffy throws, creating a haven of relaxation and comfort.

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