Chapter 149: Karsuno VS Inarizaki - The Second Set

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The Karasuno boys approached the bench, their expressions a mix of pride and determination after clinching the first set. (Y/n) offered her congratulations as they prepared to switch sides on the court. As they took their positions, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation for the next set.

The second set commenced, and it was evident from the start that Inarizaki had seized the momentum. They surged ahead, capitalizing on every opportunity to score, leaving Karasuno scrambling to keep up.

Within minutes, the scoreboard read 14-07 in favor of Inarizaki, and it was Atsumu's turn to serve once more. His eyes locked onto Nishinoya, confirming (y/n)'s suspicions from the outset of the set. They were targeting Karasuno's libero relentlessly.

Watching from the sidelines, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for Nishinoya. This was the first time a team had deliberately singled him out, a stark departure from the norm where opponents sought to avoid his impeccable defense.

As the relentless assault from Inarizaki continued, Keishin signaled for a timeout, the tension palpable among the players. Sensing Nishinoya's mounting frustration, (y/n) swiftly made her way over to him, her heart heavy with concern for her teammate.

"Nishinoya-senpai, you okay?" she asked softly, her voice laced with genuine worry as she knelt beside him.

Nishinoya's expression was a mix of determination and frustration, his usual fiery spirit dimmed by the onslaught of Atsumu's serves. "Yeah, just a bit rattled," he admitted, flexing his fingers gingerly. "These serves are really getting to me."

(Y/n) nodded sympathetically, her gaze lingering on his taped-up hands. "You've got this, Nishinoya-senpai," she encouraged, her tone firm and reassuring. "You're the best libero out there. Just stay focused, and we'll get through this together."

A flicker of gratitude flashed in Nishinoya's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of her support. "Thanks, (y/n)-san," he replied, a determined glint returning to his gaze. "I won't let them get the best of me."

With renewed determination, (y/n) set to work, carefully taping up Nishinoya's fingers with practiced precision. As she worked, their conversation ebbed and flowed, a mix of lighthearted banter and words of encouragement intermingling in the air.

"You know," Nishinoya remarked with a wry grin, "I never thought I'd be grateful for a timeout. But right now, I could use all the help I can get."

(Y/n) chuckled softly, her fingers deftly maneuvering the tape. "Well, consider me your personal assistant," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes. "Just don't forget to return the favor when I need it."

The brief moment of levity eased the tension between them, a reminder of the bond that united them as teammates. With the tape finally in place, (y/n) stepped back, offering Nishinoya an encouraging smile.

"There," she declared, her voice filled with quiet confidence. "Good as new. Now go out there and show them what you're made of, Nishinoya-san."

Nishinoya's grin widened, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. "You got it, (y/n)-san," he declared, rising to his feet with renewed resolve. "Thanks for the assist. I owe you one."

As he returned to the court, (y/n) watched him go, her heart swelling with pride for her teammate. Together, they would weather this storm, their bond as strong as ever in the face of adversity.

Despite Nishinoya's determination, Atsumu's serves continued to test him. A jump floater whizzed past, leaving Nishinoya unable to make a clean reception. Another point for Inarizaki.

As the score climbed to 16-07, Nishinoya resorted to his signature finger push-ups, a self-imposed penance for errors during practice. (Y/n) admired his resilience, knowing he was giving his all to stay focused amidst the mounting pressure.

The next serve came fast and furious, but Nishinoya managed to get it in the air. Yet, Inarizaki found a way to capitalize once more. Atsumu's relentless assault from the service line showed no signs of abating.

Desperate to shift the momentum, Karasuno substituted Tsukishima for Sugawara in a strategic move. However, Inarizaki remained unfazed, continuing to widen the point gap.

Kageyama seized an opportunity to serve, unleashing two consecutive aces that momentarily halted Inarizaki's advance. But their resilience prevailed, as they managed to salvage the third serve and clinch the point.

Osamu followed up with a serve of his own, but it sailed out of bounds. The score now stood at 21-14 in favor of Inarizaki, leaving Karasuno with an uphill battle to mount a comeback.

In a pivotal moment, Inarizaki made a substitution, bringing in Kita Shinsuke, their official captain who had yet to see action. (Y/n) observed him intently as he entered the court, sensing an air of confidence and authority that belied his calm demeanor.

Kita's presence seemed to command respect from his teammates, who straightened up as he addressed them. Despite the roaring cheers from the stands, (y/n) strained to catch his words, intrigued by the enigmatic figure before her.

Yamaguchi stepped up as a pinch server once more, but Kita effortlessly received his serve, setting up yet another point for Inarizaki. With the scoreboard reading 24-16, they stood on the brink of claiming the set.

Suna, displaying his trademark agility, delivered the final blow, securing the set for Inarizaki.

As the teams regrouped for the third set, (y/n) couldn't shake the feeling of impending difficulty looming over Karasuno. With Inarizaki's strength on full display, the battle ahead promised to be their toughest yet.

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