SPECIAL Chapter 130: What does Fukurodani think of (y/n)?

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Shirofuku Yukie: Oh, (y/n)-san? She's absolutely incredible! I think (y/n)-san is not only an amazing coach for Karasuno but also a wonderful person. The way she handles the team and brings out the best in the boys is truly commendable. It's both impressive and heartwarming to witness. And you know what's amusing? Watching the boys react to (y/n)-san. It's like seeing a bunch of kids trying to impress their favorite teacher. (Y/n)-san has this unique way of connecting with each player, and the team's response is always entertaining. It adds a delightful touch to our practices and matches. We also have so much fun hanging out together. I genuinely enjoy our time, and those sleepovers are a blast! (y/n)'s company is just so refreshing, and I'm already looking forward to the next one. She's not just a great coach but also an amazing friend. I feel fortunate to have (y/n) as a part of our volleyball family."

Suzumeda Kaori: "Oh, (y/n)-san? She's absolutely fantastic! I've seen the incredible work (y/n)-san does with the Karasuno team, and it's truly impressive. The way she connects with the players and brings out their best is something to be admired. (Y/n)-san is not just a coach; she's a motivator and a source of inspiration for the team. It's amusing to observe how the boys respond to her. You can tell there's a special bond there. I appreciate the positive energy (y/n)-san brings to the team, making practices and matches more enjoyable for everyone. I've had the chance to spend some time with (y/n) too, and she's a joy to be around. We've had some great moments together, and I really want another sleepover with the girls. (Y/n) is not only a skilled coach but also a wonderful person, and I'm glad to have her as part of our volleyball community."

Bokuto Kōtarō: "Oh, (y/n)-san! She's the best coach ever! Seriously, have you seen how much she praises me? It's awesome! I can't get enough of it. (Y/n)-san knows how to bring out the best in all of us. Her coaching is top-notch, and I love the way she motivates the team. She's not just a coach; she's like our volleyball superhero. And you know what? The progress we've made thanks to (y/n)-san is incredible. Karasuno has also become so much stronger under her guidance. I feel like I've improved a lot, too! (Y/n)-san has this way of pushing us to our limits while making it fun. It's like magic. I always look forward to her praise and feedback. It's like a boost of energy. I want to make her proud and keep getting better. (Y/n)-san is not just an amazing coach but also an awesome person. Karasuno is lucky to have her, and so am I!"

Akaashi Keiji: "Ah, (y/n)-san? She's truly remarkable. I've found her coaching style to be quite impressive. (Y/n)-san has a unique ability to understand each player and bring out their strengths. The progress that Karasuno has made under her guidance is commendable. I appreciate (y/n)-san's friendship a lot. She brings a positive atmosphere to the team and has a way of connecting with everyone. There are times when she can be rather adorable, especially in her interactions with the players. It adds a light-hearted touch to our practices. Beyond her coaching abilities, (y/n)-san is someone I value as a friend. Her insights and presence contribute significantly to the team's dynamics. Karasuno is fortunate to have her as a coach, and I feel grateful for the friendship we share."

Konoha Akinori: "Ah, (y/n)-san? She's an amazing coach, no doubt. The way she handles the team and helps us improve is impressive. I've learned a lot from her. (Y/n)-san has this knack for bringing out the best in each player, and Karasuno has made great strides under her guidance. But you know, there's another side to (y/n)-san that you might not expect. When she gets angry, it's like a whole different person. It's somewhat scary, to be honest. You wouldn't think someone who looks so cute could be that intimidating. It's kind of impressive, really. Despite the occasional scary moments, I genuinely appreciate (y/n)-san as a coach and friend. She knows how to balance being tough and supportive. It's a unique quality that keeps us on our toes. Karasuno is lucky to have her leading them, even if she does have that scary side."

!! If you notice anyone missing in this list, please tell me in the comments!

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