Chapter 105: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The Third And Final Set

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Even though they had lost the second set, Karasuno's spirit remained high. They knew that the third set was the decider, the final showdown between two fierce rivals.

Asahi was up first to serve. Kyoutani managed to receive it with a powerful pass, and Iwaizumi wasted no time in spiking it down. Aoba Johsai scored the first point. It was Oikawa's turn to serve. Asahi managed to get the ball in the air, but it sailed over the net, and Kyoutani hammered it down. Second point for Seijoh. Oikawa's second serve was received by Daichi, and Karasuno finally got a chance to attack. Tanaka got the honor of attacking and scored a point by using Kyoutani's block to make the ball go out. A clear rivalry was starting to form between the two fiery second years. Kyoutani retaliated by scoring the next point in the same manner, using Tanaka's block to his advantage.

Both team's continued to score points, the difference between the points not changing much. Eventually, Oikawa got to serve again, but this time he hit the net and Karasuno got to attack. Tuskishima got to attack and he aimed for Oikawa so he couldn't set the ball. Kyoutani got to attack and it was clear he was going to hit it at Tanaka's block again. So Tsukishima suggested to switch places and he slammed the ball down, earning Karasuno another point.

The rivalry between Tanaka and Kyoutani was becoming a positive factor for Karasuno. Tanaka was thriving in this heated competition, but for Kyoutani, it was starting to become a problem. His focus on Tanaka allowed Karasuno to take the lead, and Aoba Johsai was forced to call a time-out.

After the time-out, it was clear that Kyoutani hadn't calmed down and he was swapped out for Kunimi. (Y/n) observed Kyoutani closely as he went to the sideline. He still appeared visibly angry, but Yahaba decided to talk to him. (Y/n) couldn't hear their conversation, but it seemed intense. Yahaba even grabbed Kyoutani's collar and pinned him against the wall. However, whatever was said worked. Kyoutani calmed down and was ready to return to the court.

Back on the court, Kyoutani seemed like a different player, as if he had a newfound determination to be a part of the team. Whatever had changed him had worked. He scored a point for Aoba Johsai, making the score 11-12, they were catching up.

The set continued with both teams giving it their all. Once the score reached 12-13, after an incredible spike from Asahi, it was time to switch sides of the court.

After a few more points were scored, the score became 15-15, and Oikawa stepped up to serve. The tension was palpable. Daichi managed to dig the ball, but it went over the net, allowing Aoba Johsai to attack. Kindaichi executed an impressive slide attack and scored a point for Seijoh, taking the lead.

After a while, Hinata got his chance to attack, but he jumped too close to the net. Luckily, Kageyama knew what to do. He set the ball just as close to the net, calling out to Hinata to smack the ball straight down, and that he did. A point for Karasuno, and it was 17-16.

The final set continued with both teams scoring points in quick succession.

Once the score reached 18-18, Kindaichi was sent in to serve. However, the coaches swapped him out for Yahaba as a potential pinch server.

Asahi received Yahaba's serve, and Tanaka prepared to attack. Oikawa, determined to stop Tanaka, managed to receive it. Yahaba set the ball for Kyoutani, who had to switch his hitting hand due to the short set and scored a point by hitting the ball with his left hand. The score was now 18-19.

Yahaba got ready to serve again, and Nishinoya received it. Hinata seized the opportunity and scored with a feint. The score was tied at 19-19.

After another long rally, Iwaizumi scored a point, making it 19-20. Seijoh reached the 20-point mark first.

But Tanaka, showing his resilience, scored with an impressive back attack, leveling the score once again.

Hinata prepared to serve but was substituted for Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi served the ball straight at Kyoutani. Kyoutani, who initially thought the ball would go out but remembered Yamaguchi's previous serves, decided to receive it anyway. However, this time the ball went deeper, and after brushing Kyoutani's fingertips, it started heading out. Iwaizumi reacted quickly, jumping in to barely keep it in play.

Free ball for Karasuno, they went for a synchro attack, Asahi got to spike the ball down but Iwaizumi digged it again, allowing Hanamaki to attack and score a point for Seijoh.

Yamaguchi didn't get to serve again so he was swapped back out, he clearly looked frustrated and annoyed. He was no longer the scaredy cat from Interhigh, that much was clear.

The score reached 22-23 for Seijoh and it was Oikawa's turn to serve again, the match could be over now...

His first serve was another powerful one and he easily scored a point. 22-24, match point for Seijoh. The tension reached a new high as Oikawa got ready to serve again, Keishin called for a time-out, hoping to break Oikawa's momentum.

"Just get that ball up." (y/n) started "That's all you've got to do, someone will be there to cover it. Just get that ball up."

"This will not be out last game." Sugawara stated as he smacked both Daichi and Asahi on the back.

The game continued, Oikawa served again with much power but Daichi got it up in the air. Asahi got to attack and he slammed the ball down. Point for Karasuno, 23-24.

It was now Tuskishima's time to serve, so Nishinoya went off the court, the pressure was high and Keishin decided to swap Tsukishima for Sugawara. Time for the final battle.

Sugawara served, Iwaizumi received it, Oikawa set the ball up. Hinata and Kageyama got ready to block, Kindaichi seemed ready to attack but from behind him Kyoutani came up. Hinata jumped up, slamming into Kageyama as they blocked Kyoutani's attack. Point for Karasuno, 24-24, deuce time.

Sugaware served again, making Iwaizumi receive it again, Oikawa set the ball and Hanamake spiked. Kageyama failed to block it, but Sugawara dived to keep the ball in play. Karasuno got ready for a synchro attack, but Kagayema decided to do a setter dump, scoring another point for Karasuno, 25-24, match point.

Aoba Johsai was forced to call their second time-out and the players looked visibly frustrated over Kageyama's play.

After the time-out, Sugawara served again, making Iwaizumi receive it. Kyoutani attacked but Tanaka managed to keep the ball in play. Sugawara and Kageyama swited again, Karasuno got ready for a synchro attack with Sugawara as the setter. Asahi did a powerful back attack but Hanamake got the ball up. Oikawa set it all the way to the other side of the court for Iwaizumi, who was ready for it, he slammed the ball down, Daichi tried to dig it but the ball went flying. Just as everyone thought Seijoh got the point, Tanaka dived after the ball and kept it in play. It seemed like it would be a free ball for Seijoh, but Asahi jumped up and slammed the ball. Watari dived for it, but the ball hit the net. As the ball dropped down, Kyoutani hit it up again. The ball went over the net and Kageyama jumped to smack it down. Kindaichi was ready to block it, but Sugawara managed to barely keep it in play. Kageyama set the ball for Hinata who was calling out to him. Seijoh was expecting it and had 3 blockers ready. Hinata saw where he needed to hit the ball, right at Kyoutani's fingers. Oikawa was ready to save the ball but he failed, the ball went out.


Karasuno won the match.

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