Chapter 52: Accident

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As they left the convenience store, laughter still lingering in the air, the group of friends began their journey back to the school. Yamamoto and Tanaka, caught up in their own excitement, dashed ahead with Kenta, who seemed to be on a mission of his own, oblivious to the trail he was following. Left alone with the energetic libero, (y/n) couldn't help but notice Nishinoya's increasing restlessness as they walked side by side.

"Are you okay, Nishinoya-senpai?" (y/n) inquired, genuine concern lacing her voice as she observed the uncharacteristic daze that had taken hold of him.

Nishinoya snapped out of his reverie, a forced smile stretching across his face. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I just got a chill, that's all! Yeah." His response lacked conviction, and (y/n) couldn't help but sense that something was amiss. A nagging thought tugged at the corners of her mind, urging her to delve deeper into Nishinoya's true emotions. But for now, she decided to let the matter slide, opting to give him the space he seemed to need.

As they continued walking side by side, their hands occasionally brushed against each other, igniting a spark of electricity that sent shivers down their spines. Each accidental touch seemed to intensify the palpable tension between them, causing a rush of warmth to flood their veins. Nishinoya, desperately trying to maintain his composure, found it increasingly challenging with every fleeting connection. His heart pounded in his chest, betraying the calm facade he attempted to project.

Suddenly, as if the universe conspired to heighten the drama, the street lights above began to flicker. Their once steady glow diminished, leaving the entire street shrouded in an eerie darkness that sent a chill down their spines. Shadows danced and twisted, morphing innocent objects into sinister silhouettes, while the world around them transformed into an unpredictable stage.

"Well, this looks like the beginning of a dumb horror movie," (y/n) grumbled, her annoyance evident.

In that moment, Nishinoya's resolve surged to the forefront. His eyes, burning with determination, met (y/n)'s gaze, and he vowed to protect them no matter the cost, "Don't worry, (y/n)-san!" Nishinoya exclaimed, determination gleaming in his eyes. "As your senpai, I will protect you, no matter what!" A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins as he took swift action, seizing (y/n)'s hand and pulling her closer to his side. His arm instinctively slid around her waist, creating a shield of warmth and safety in the midst of uncertainty. The touch sent a jolt of electricity through them both, heightening their awareness of each other's presence.

Blushing at the close proximity, (y/n) struggled to steady her racing heartbeat, hoping that Nishinoya wouldn't notice the subtle tremor in her hand. The darkness seemed to amplify their connection, intensifying the weight of their shared moment.

As they continued walking through the pitch-black streets, Nishinoya's subconscious actions continued to manifest. His hand would occasionally graze against (y/n)'s side, a gentle and comforting gesture that sent a thrill through her. Each accidental touch left an indelible mark on her, deepening the blush that crept across her face. (Y/n) reasoned that it was merely Nishinoya's protective nature at work, his instincts guiding him to ensure her safety. But in the depths of her heart, she couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to these fleeting connections.

The banter and laughter between them flowed effortlessly, their camaraderie growing stronger with each passing moment. As they walked hand in hand, there was an undeniable aura of a couple on a clandestine date, their connection both comforting and exhilarating. The darkness that enveloped them seemed to heighten their senses, creating an intimate bubble where they could freely be themselves.

"I swear, if some weirdo jumps out, I'm going to punch them in the face," (y/n) declared, determination lacing her voice.

Nishinoya's eyes sparkled with mischief as he responded, "Dibs on kicking them if that happens. And don't worry, (y/n)-san, I've got your back. No one's going to mess with you on my watch. Besides, I hope Ryuu and Tora are okay. Ryuu is probably freaking out since we got separated."

Their conversation was interrupted by the familiar howls of the wing spikers, Yamamoto and Tanaka, echoing through the darkness.

"Speak of the devil," (y/n) chuckled, her voice tinged with amusement. "Ten bucks says they froze on the spot or lost my dog."

Nishinoya's grin widened, the playful glint in his eyes matching her own. "I'm going with Kenta running off. You know how mischievous he can be."

Giggling, (y/n) finally separated from Nishinoya's protective embrace, a hint of reluctance lingering as the warmth dissipated. However, their happy moment was short-lived as the group finally gathered together again, Yamamoto and Tanaka wearing expressions of genuine concern.

"We weren't sure how far ahead we had gotten," Yamamoto explained, his voice filled with concern. "So when the lights went out, we picked up Kenta and started backtracking."

"But we realized there were lots of little side streets," Tanaka added. "So we figured we should just start calling out your names. Why didn't we bring our phones again?"

"Because we wanted an adventure, Ryuu!" Nishinoya defended their choice. "Adventures don't include cell phones!"

(Y/n) couldn't help but internally agree with Nishinoya's statement, although a lingering thought nagged at her, hinting that they may have been slightly foolish. Determined to find her way back, (y/n) took charge, suggesting they cross the lights up ahead where the streetlights seemed to be back on.

The trio of second-years nodded in agreement, following (y/n)'s lead as they made their way towards the street. Laughter and playful antics filled the air once again as they waited for the crosswalk light to turn green. Finally, the light illuminated, giving them the signal to cross.

Just as they reached the middle of the street, the piercing sound of Kenta's frantic barking shattered the peaceful night. Startled, (y/n) turned her head towards the source of the commotion, her eyes widening in horror as she beheld the sight before her. Bright headlights cut through the darkness, illuminating the street in a blinding glare, and a surge of panic surged through her veins as she realized a vehicle was hurtling towards them, disregarding the red light.

Instinct took over as (y/n) let out a piercing shriek, her heart pounding in her chest. Without a second thought, she propelled herself forward, pushing her body to the limits in a desperate attempt to escape the oncoming danger. Time seemed to slow down, every moment stretching into an eternity as she propelled herself through the air, her limbs flailing in a frantic ballet.

A cacophony of screeching tires and the thunderous impact filled the air, the deafening noise overwhelming her senses. In an instant, her world turned upside down as her body collided with the unforgiving pavement, a searing pain radiating through her entire being. The world spun around her, a whirlwind of fear and confusion enveloping her consciousness.

The concerned voices of her friends merged with Kenta's whimpering and howling, creating a symphony of worry and distress. It took a moment for the chaos to settle, for the haze of shock to dissipate and for the boys to comprehend the extent of (y/n)'s injuries. As she lay sprawled on the ground, the realization of her battered state seeped into their awareness.

Agony pulsed through her ankle, a sickly shade of purple already forming, signaling a potentially severe injury. Every movement sent waves of torment up her leg, making it clear that walking would be a daunting task for the foreseeable future. Her knee bore the brunt of the impact, a raw and scraped mess from the unyielding asphalt, a stark reminder of the violence of the collision. But it was the gash on her head that worried the second years the most, a crimson mark staining her skin, an unwelcome omen of potential complications.

Lying there, the stillness that enveloped her body began to unnerve them. Panic surged anew as they struggled to assess the damage, their breath catching in their throat. Was it just the shock of the accident that rendered her immobile, or was there something more sinister lurking beneath the surface?

As the world around them swayed in a haze of pain and confusion, they started to realize the magnitude of the situation. 

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